The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 28, 1922, Image 7
RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF K Jt$Q f Suinenrtera nntl Cnrtera Suipendera nntl Cnrtera RoM if.l iiu.iiiiilel tij trailing ileal Millions rnribcm. nnrnntirr. ioit codiikU ami rnsj Mrcicn irom rm- rhor HronnSprlnirn. !' urin f-'i nnrTimi .,... t . . AI'OKI'T NOHUIHTITDTHSI Mil W & nftinniMi tmrkl.4 hftfm mm. Rlvinit (toiler nui ii Iip h,n I thrm .... , ri-iw smcii svspindir w . via Iwtit. U-UI2 Adrian, Mich. im in ifi m i W ft. Hc7 X I mm m .1 itnn jii 1 1 . V )' iiai M AIM ! .'JlKlUiMIIII I fiSMmiw 'a7.)ii rd Swwhv.raM . If thf victims were clmosora, police iniixlstriiti's would lio iiiimi (if few words mid short Kcntuncw. Ton miinv men vnto time urjjtiliiR nlioiit the religion tliey linvon't trot. Sure Relief FOR SUGGESTION T7S$Tffi&ttM l flSWam INDIGESTJOWI 3ISC& 6 Bell-ans L-WAd-' Ht water ELL-AS 25$AND 75i PACKAGES EVERYWHERE Cuttcura for Pimply Faces. To remove pimples nnd blnckhcndf smrur tliein with Cutlcurn Ointment. Wnsh oft In flvo minutes with Cutl curn Sonp nnd hot ynter. Onco clenr keep jour skin elenr by using them for dully toilet purposes. Don't fnll to In clude Cutlcurn 'Bilcum. Advertisement. Every One Heard. Sl&-yoiir-uhl Helen's father wns a fleshy mull nnd, for comfort, wore his clothing iitiltu loose, lie took Helen one night to u circus which wns show lug In the town. When the huge elephants were brought Into the ring for their stunts, hhu was uneasy nnd doubtful. But when the last big elephant passed her seat In making his exit, during a lull In the applause, she exclaimed In n very audible voice, "Oh, papa, his pants tit him Just like yours do you." Snowy linens nro the pride of every housewife. Keep them In that condi tion by using Bed Cross Ball Blue In your laundry. At all grocers. Adver tisement. Sisters to Men. Any young mini is made better by a sister's love. It isn't always neces sary, though, that it should he his own sister. Life. Though thi; world may owe every man a living, only the persistent col lector f,ets It. CBSIM izxm pgljIB J&jraWftt Contents 15 PluidjKotaB " ..H'" a n ffc-u.i.. i r '' ' r ' ' ' '- ,;:,) ut 5S' t -X ' i r . ml CMTORIA m K' C w- l-i-.." . Eff Cv.Z ' ISftS. UiMK LfittS'L' t: i?h? . . Znr -n OTO RENT in l .1 .l.tlVnnnrfiTionlar.lS'. j t iYCKW "uiuw; i U-) , . fi t j. . I ! lirtll,f.;irtm.'fri:BIWlllWK,si )mmM$. " - nicrclyPoUn-vDiJcstlon. r,i.vHriiftfecnTinit3Uuuu- . neither Optem.Morphtaenfl ilincraLNoTNAUGOi tmmsimimv. hcMUSiZl 4 ims. m 1 A-! 0 J&Urmtitfiinr -..r..tDmrrtvfbr m nnrrrlstincss ana XossofSmsep racSlmilcSinatareot jtosCnrrwiiiCoHP 7JVW 7CCm For Infants and Children. iotliers Know That Oesiuine Oastoria Always Bears the Signature of f v W tv ' In Use For Over Thirty Years Rsnct Cony of Wranncr. RKissismssKFRna CASTORIA THE CtHTAUW COMPOWT. WtW TDHK CITT. VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles are most dangerous because of their insidious attacks. Heed tho first warning they give' that they need attention by taking LATHROP'S J HAARLEM OIL 9U The world's standard remedy for these disorders, will often ward off these dis eases and strengthen the body against furtherattacks. Threcsizesilldruggists. Look for tlio nam Gold Medal on ovary box and accept no Imitation KwSAfcS Pai' a PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM neinoTrtDanaralt-Kinptllalrralltot Rettorea Color and Beauty to Cray and Faded Hair wc. ana i uoai ururriiit ntmyii Ctirm. Wka. I'atthoKu.rt.T HINDERCORNS rot. tv. cu- lonwa. tut., atnpa all ala, rnauria comfort to tbo frrt. nakra alklnir ttr. Ho. by mall or at Unit ClJta. XilcoxCliemlclVork,l'aU:lioruo,H. T. Papa's Golf StocKlnos. 1'athei', brlllhi;it In striped golf stockings, was oft for a day with the family at the Van Cortlanilt links. lie was complacently self-conscious. Iilght-year-old Ethel was fretful and nerv ous. Suveral people In the subway car were emlllug. Suddenly Kthel piped, "Mammii, can't I have .some new tstockin's like papa. I wanna look like n zebra, too." One Must Be Careful. I think the most embarrassing mo ment for me was one day when I wns going to lunch with two girls. Wu had gone a short distance when we saw two other girls coming. One I knew. I said: "Oh. this ono makes mo tired." They said: "Which ono?" I said: "The one on the Inside. She thinks she Is soswell, and she Is only a switchboard operator." I then remembered one of tho girls I was with was a switchboard opera tor, and all she did was look at me, and 1 know I got red, but It was a hot day and the sun was shining, so maybe she thounht I wns sunburned, but I don't think sbo did, for she has has not talked to mo since. Detroit Free Press. FREEDOM FROM LAXATIVES How Link Measure. Stranger Beg pardon, sir. far is It to the North station? Oolf Bug I should say about a full drive, threo brassies and a putt. Bos ton livening Transcript. f lipid Is a celebrated nialchiiinker, hut somehow he Isn't In a hurry to marry. imm rNidht ..".Morning'" d Your Eves Cloan - Clear Hoalthy Writ for free fA Car MyyVM hr iee LjTtWA Discovery by Scientists Has Replaced Them. Bills und suits give temporary re lief from constipation only ut the ex pense of permanent injury, says an eminent medical authority. Science bus found a newer, better way u menus us slniplo as N.ituro Itself. In perfect health a natural lubricant keeps the food waste soft and moving. But when constipation exists this nat ural lubricant is not sutllclcnt. Medi cal authorities have found that the gentle lubricating action of Nujol most, closely resembles that of Nature's own lubricant. As Nujol Is not a Inzntlve It cannot gripe. It is In no sense a medicine. And like pure water It Is harmless nnd pleasant. Nujol Is prescribed by physicians; used in leading hospitals. Get a bottle from your druggist today. Advertise ment. Pofnt of View. He was a child of tho rich nnd he was talking to a child of tho poor In Lincoln park, Chicago "Say," said tin- child of tho poor, "1 know a slick bike rldo to take." "Do you?" said the child of tho rich. "Tell me where, so I can sic one of the chauffeurs on to It." iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniu Indian Lodge Tales By Ford C. Frick And Each a Day's Work. Young Housekeeper And these eggs, are they real country eggs? Grocer Yes'm, genulno hen-made. Dissembler. A mnn may grumble and kick about it a good deal, but tho fact remains that deep In Ills heart he's mighty proud of tho wife in tho new gown sho's Insisted on huvlng. Detroit Free Press. Shut Off. Mrs. Ext Sbo Is really the' worst gossip In tho neighborhood, Why, heard this morning that she Exe Come, now, my denr, don't try to beat her at her own guma HAD GOOD REASON TO WAIL niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiinmin? THE UTE LEGEND OF CREATION TN THE beginning of time there wero. no mountains, no streams, no hunt ing grounds und no forests. In thoso days there were no red men ronmlng the plains, no bison, no antelope and no living things. Even wns there no earth, but only the blue Bky nnd the clouds and the sunshine nnd the rain. The Manltou, who dwelt In tho cen ter of the sky, lived all alone. There were no smuller gods In Heaven nnd ho wns the ruler of the sky and the bun and the rnln; and the lightning nnd the thunder were at his command, nnd the sun shone nnd the rain fell nt his desire. But by nnd by the Manltou grew tired nnd lonely nnd wished for new things to see and new work to do. So ho took n stone nnd whirled It round and round until he bored a hole through the floor of Heaven, which Is the sky. And the hole he made larger nnd larger until he could look through nt the nothingness beyond. And ho was much pleased. When he had made n big hole In the sky and was able to look throuch, then he took the snow and the rain, and this h poured through the hole In the sky also. With It he poured, too, the stones nnd the dirt from the lloor of Heaven. And the snow and th rain and the dirt and the stones fell from Heaven Into the great nothing ness, and the Manltou was pleased with his work. By and by, when he had poured for days, he looked down and saw below him it great moutnaln which had been bullded by the rain and the snow, thb dirt and the rocks. And far below tho mountain be could see n great plain which stretched away and away as far as he could see for great was the quantity of dirt and rock which ho had poured. Seeing tho mountain, the Manltou wns curious to know what lay beyond nnd what wonder the dirt nnd tho rock had worked. So be mnde tho hole bigger, until ho wns nble to crawl through and then ho stepped down from the lloor of the sky to the sum mit' of tho great mountain which no had formed. When ho had como down ho found that the earth and the stones hnd spread out and had formed the world, which wns large and vast. But It was n world of bare rock and dirt, nnd the Manltou wished for something to make It morn beautiful. He stooped and touched the earth with his lingers, nnd wherever ho touched there trees sprang forth nnd forests were mnde, nnd the plains wero mnde green with tho trees nnd tho shrubs. The sunsblno which camo through the bole In the sky which the Manltou bad made wnrmed the nlr nnd melted the snow, nnd great lakes of water were made; and the water ran down the side of the mountain nnd made the streams. And on the level lnnd of the plains great lakes wero formed nnd rivers llowed nnd sens grew, and grass sprang up nnd flowers nnd the world beenmo very beauti ful. So wns the world crented, nnd It was n world of sunshine nnd warmth u pleasant world where tho rain fell on tho afternoon of every day and trees grew, nnd flowers nnd shrubs. And the Manltou, seeing It, was very pleased. Every day he camo down from his home In the sky to roam In the fields nnd to rest by tho sldo of tho streams or In the shade of tho forests and tho world becamo his plnyground where, he rested when Ills' work In tho Heaven wns done. But nt that time there wero no liv ing crentures, no birds und no beasts, no bear and no wolves, nnd no llslies, and no red men nothing but trees nnd grass and wnter. By nnd by tho Manltou became lone ly nnd wished for some ono to Inhabit these lands which he had mude so beautiful, some ono with whom ho could talk and play. So he created the liv ing creatures and put them on the earth but that Is another story. Note The Utes, nlwnys a mountain tribe, have nlwnys been Influenced In their legends nnd their folk-lore by tho majesty and mystery of the mountains, which have been u part of their en vironment. It Is only to be expected, therefore, thnt their very first legend tho legend of creation should be centered ubout ono of tho great peaks which they knew and loved. Traveler Surely Wno In a Predicament That Afforded Cause for Mournfulness. The conductor on the California Limited between Chicago and Los An geles noticed that one of the passen gers sat In his section hour nfter hour and sobbed. The first night out of Chlcngo the conductor was tempted to ask what the trouble was, but having learned from previous experiences that one Is better off minding one's own business he did not do so. On the second day, as the passenger contin ued to weep and wall, bo was even more strongly tempted to go to the man's nld, but still he refrained. On the third day, however, the sobs of the traveler were so great that ho could not resist. uny longer and he approached him politely with the ques tion: "Plenso tell me what Is the trou ble?" "01, ol, ol," sobbed the pnssenger. "I've been on the wrong train for threo days." Exchange. STRANGER IN THEIR MIDST Gap Johnson's Progeny Naturally Re sented the Presence of Inter loper In the Family. "A short distance up the road," snid a tourist who had halted his car In front of the residence of flap John son of Itumpus Bldge, "I met a small boy legging It for Ills life, with n howling mob of children of assorted sizes pursuing him nnd fairly raining stones, clubs and blistering epithets around him." "Eh-ynh 1" replied Mr. Johnson. "The party of the first part was Gabe Gig gery's boy, nnd the mob was composed of some of my children, chasing him home. Yoit see, their maw washed 'em nil up a spell ago, and when they looked each other over they found that kid of Gabe's had been nniongst 'em for nobody knows how long, eating, drinking nnd making merry, as It were. Whurupon they gave n united yell of fury and started to swarm all over him, und he let off u screech of terror nnd defunct out of yur as the crow flies!" Kansas City Star. Chopping Him Off. "Sir," whined the measly mendicant. "I nin In great distress. The wolf Is howling ut my door. What shall I do?" "Go out nnd let him ent you I" snarled J. Kuller Gloom. Kansas City Star. SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS Thcro Is only ono mcdWno that really stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for curable ailments of tho kidneys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot stands the highest for tho reason that it has proven to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thousands of distressing cases. bwamp-Koot makes friends quickly be cause its mild and immediate effect is soon realized in most cases. It is a gcn tie, healine vegetable compound. Start treatment at once. Sold at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium und large. However,, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents, to Dr, Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement. PESSIMIST LIFTS HIS VOICE World Surely Is In a Bad Way, or This Writer's Liver Is Out of Order. Strike nnd the world strikes with you, work and you work alone; our souls arc ablaze with the apathy craze, the wildest that ever was known. Groan and there'll he u chorus. Smile nnd you make no hit, for we've grown long hnlr und wo preach des pair and show you n dally fit. Spend nnd tho gang will cheer you, save nnd you hnve no friend, for we throw our bucks to birds and ducks and borrow from all who'll lend. Knock nnd you'll be a winner. Boost und you'll bo n frost; for the old sane ways of the pre-war days nro now from, the progrnm lost. Strike and the world strikes with you, work nnd you work nlone, for we'd rather yell nnd rnlso blue h 1 thnn strive for nn honest bone. Roy K. Moulton in tho New York Eve ning Mail. The housewife smiles with satisfac tion as she looks at the basket of clear, white clothes and thanks Bed Cross Ball Blue. At all grocers. Ad vertisement. 1 Police to Check Highway Defects. On the theory that an ounce of pre vention Is worth n pound of euro the District of Columblu has selected n given road territory on which patrol men hnve been placed, whose duty It is to locate highway defects and report the same Immediately. Just as soon ns reported, tho dam age Is repaired. Whllo the patrolmen in the District wf Columbia nru not specifically called upon to furnish Information to drivers, yet tills service naturally follows in tho performance of their duties. Moro Potent. "Influence Is what counts In poli tics." "Yes, but not nearly so much so us affluence." Kansas City bear. "V MaaJsEKaf amXlMalaaMaWlglilWjyy 1 CJally S .TM Luscious- Made With Raisins and already baked for you SAVE tlic trouble ami tltc time of baking pics nt liomc, yet give your men folks pics that arc exactly to their taste. Master bakers and neigh borhood bake shops in your city arc making lur-cious raisin pic fresh every day. Your grocer or these bake shops can supply tlicm. Taste tlicm and you'll know why there's no longer need to bake at home. Crust tbat's ligbt and flaky tender, thin-skinned, juicy fruit, the juice forming a delicious sauce I There's nothing left to be desired in a pic. Made with finest seeded Sun Maid Raisins. 1560 calories of energizing nu triment per pound In practically predigeslcd form. Kich in food Iron, also -good food for the blood. Make cakes, puddings and other good foods with them. You may be offered other brands that you know less well than Sun-Maids, but the kind you want is the kind ynu know is good. Insist, therefore, on Sun-Maid brand. They cost no more than ordinary rani in. Mail coupon now for free book of tested Sun-Maid recipes. ' SUN-MAID RAISINS The Supreme Pie Raisin Your retailer should sell you Sun Maid Raisins for not more than tho following rrices: Seeded (in IS 01. the fit-) 20o Secilleaa-(ifl IS ot. rtJfltt.) 18c Seeded or Seediest (11 otj lSo Blue Package CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT Sun-Maid Raitin Growers Dcpt. N-553-13, Fresno, California. Fleasc send me copy of your free hook, "Recipes with Raisins." Name..- Street City. ...StaVe.. A Matter of Form. Oeorge Cobiin wns talking at the Lambs club ubout a very popular song-bird of revue. "Is she good?" n poet asked. "Well," said Mr. Cobiin, "I have known more assiduous church--oers." "Oh, you Know what 1 mean. Is she good? Hns she got a good voice?" persisted the poet. "Her voice Is Insured," said Mr. Cohan, "for .?2.r0. Her figure Is In sured for ?aoo,ooo." Taking No Chances. "Now between you und mi; and the griiphophone " "Naw, the grnphophono might talk." WL.DOUGLAS 5.67&8 SHOES ftUi! W. U. DourIim uiiM-a nro actually flo- niandrxl year after year by more people than any other shoe In the world BECAUSE -.fcS?2te Shave. Bathe and Shampoo with one Soap. Cuticura Catleura Soap lltliefiTorlt.fornafntyr.torehi? leg. ASSUREASDAWilBRlNOSANEVQaY KSSM& Vlfe WH CASCMj QUININE' "OMw- H'iftBrcakTficrtCbrdand ; Make You FitTonwmrr. &Sr, orrnoiT. (tB' HOTS SHOKS t.UUJIl MA.CO In aurpaaalnsly stood alioea for forty-six jraara. Thla ex parlance of nearly half a cen tury In malting alioea aul table for Han and Woman in all wallta of life should mean onMthinff to you whan you need ahoea and are looking: for the baet shoe value, for your money. WL.DOUGLAS quality, material and work manahlp are better than ever before: only by examining them can you appreciate their uperior qualities. Ko Blatter Where You Ut ahoa dealer can aupply yon with W. V. Douelaa ahoea. If not convenient to call at one of our 110 atorea in the Urea dtlea, aak your ahoe dealer for W. U Douelaa ahoea. Pro tection aainat unreasonable proflta la guaranteed by the nam. and price .tamped on & rJiS SET .Klr,!" k ". i tu D. t.u to!.. .Wt m CrUNf. tWIW NUVWtUfc l.VV axe the aaroe everywhere. T. laTTaa.wei ilfno dialer in tour tn handle W, U Frini If Doutlft ttoWMntf today (or WJC-.VtugtiullhfCa, gmtak uliUa, tint fr-or Uru. H. L. IKmolai nam i ami portrait it flu titit Mnovn that tradt Mark ta Me vorht. Itttandijor IhihiQhut itandard of Qualxty at tht too ut pv4it&U eojt. nt narnt and priet u f'lmnly llamptii on lit toft. lOUvark airtti Jlroofcf en. Mm, ltworiled, 00-Yr., Ark. .2'i-Aer Oil Leiutee 12J.7fl. Intense Drilling Territory. Nn rnntalH. Portune'.oppor. J. Humphry, Hot Spring, Ark. leoutolfaanloni la uiiDfcmary for you can liitve abundant halr Hkude by uttng- Q-IUn Hair Color nratorrr.-Bala a water try It. At all Rood ilru.Tgtt,7J ccnti, or direct from HEUIG-ELLU. CVmmU. MaU, Tiaa. Gray Hair Nebraska Directory fti-'1 S. S. SHEAN -- OPTiOMN 1123 O Street t: Lincoln, Neb Creamery and Cream Station Supplies Milk BoUles and Dairy Supplies; Egg Cases and Chicken Coops; BOILERS KENNEDY & PARSONS CO. 1 309 Jonaa St. 11 W. Thlra St. OMAHA SIOUX CITY Wabash Pad Curo Collar Sora while you work the. norse. Atkyour aaaier. or send us$i nu for tsmpla, postpaid. HARPHAM BROS. CO. Mir., Lincoln, Nebr. atflH-BIFr 52r rSSr i vrvEt?yT5y W. N. U LINCOLN, NO. 51-1922. WIN! INCOLN'S Rooms for $1.59 EADING HOTEL THE LINCOLN -Lunch Room la) Ceaaeetl Nebraska Wesleyan University UNIVERSITY PLACE College of Liberal Arts with many professional courses. College of Fine Arts with Schools of Music, Art, Expression. Teachers' College with Secondary and Elementary Training Schools. Thoro Equipment. Dcautlful Campui. Large, Efficient Faculty, Sympathetic Instruction. College Sporu Encouraged. "''" - - - r Fit Literature upon Application, I. B. Schreckengast, Chancellor 10 Cents BRIGHTENS, REFRESHES, ADDS HEW DELIGHT TO OLD DRAPERIES PUTNAM FADELESS DYES-dyes or tints as you wish s : J