The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 28, 1922, Image 5
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i h h ' ry:s 'A- i. r .... r.ft . M AS TOLD TO US K Mr. Jacob Peterson was a ms scnger tj Ilrstings Saturday on train 4. Lynn Du h spent Thursday in Mc Cook icturjing home on II Friday morning'. S. I. Parker was a passenger to Central City, Satin c'ay m Tiling: on Uivn 'i. Miss Anna Stuniponlio st w s a pas senger to Bladen Saturday morning on train 4. Miss Margaret Miner i home fiom Falls City, to spend Christmas w'th home folks. Italph Whitney was a passenger to Lss Angeles, California, Monday evening on train 17. Miss Hthel Hilton went to Hardy Saturday morning ,vi train 10 alter a short visit here with friends. Roy HoUnson arrived hcie l'ruh.y morning to spend a few days visit ing with lelalivci and fr'cnds. Miss Minnie Christian and VJ giniu Tale were passengers to Superior Wednesday mo ning on train 10. C. M. Funk relumed to his home at Superior Tuesday morning after a couple of ('ays hcio visiting with rclnthcs. Donald Funk returned to his work at Hastings Monday evening after a short vis't here with hi-, aunt, Mrs. Hummcll. Miss Zella Taylor of Chicago is hcie visiting for a few days' at the homo of her sister, Mrs. C. M. Sher wood, and with friends . Mrs. E. F. Bennett and baby went TJtefc to Friend Saturday morning where VfSjw $y v'' spend the Chri tmas holi iVjy' with her parc.its. ,Mis. Chas. Turner returned home Friday from Illinois where she has been spending the past couple of weeks visiting with relatives. Harry Thompson left Fiiday even ing en train 17 for Bellefontaine, Ohio, wlieie he will .spend a few days visiting his son, Wiliam. Mr. and Mrs. John Amcll went to Orleins Monday mu-n'ng on train 15 to spend Christmas with his parents, returning on 14 Tuesday morning. Mrs. Georgia Wnl'.er went to Lin coln Saturday morning to spend a week visiting with her daughter.!, Mrs. Chas. Sherer and Miss Moy. Mr. and Mr Harvey Rickors n and children spent Christmas in Orleans. Mr. Ricke on returned home Tucs day morning, the latter remain'ng fo." i. few moi e days. Raymond Turnure ' arrived here f.-om Mitchell, Sundiv morning on train 16 fu a few days visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Tur nure, and other relative. Attorney and Mrs. Howard Fo and baby returned home Tuesday ova ling an train 11 froni Lincoln where they had bec-i for the past few days visiting with his mother and brother, Glen. THE folks who make use of our cleaning and, prosslug ud dyeing .faqllltiejs are be ,gtVMtt,t ,we. wl)tl Mis Weotl. miaX,?- WfllclUkcnaeW!1 extreme' ,WAlafJ?tellk'lt.iit)fl in anil U'r. w Umf-limt WVfcK i rlgbt t" ?"' upiF ! e n sV ! W$k w tOt'WU V.ta WHV WAY PH61EBSSSEttttlNEl93M l ".""h; ih Mr. and Mr . Chester Roberts pent Cluistmns with his naxmtsat l irbury. Walter T. Graves ipent Christina with his wife and iclafves at Km sas City. Mr. Mid Mrs. Howaid Fee 'were passengers to Hastings Tliur day moining oi train 4. Mr. ;.nd Mra. Al Goodwin ar rived i:i the city Tuesday evening to visit her patent , Mr. and Mrs. Win. Walters. Mi, and Mrs. Iloy Oatnian went tj Onu'ha Tuesday morning ou train 4 to spend a few days; visiting with friends. W. A. Komjuc went to Krdicott Thursday morning on train 10 to spend the day attending to bu iness matters. Olias. Conard went to Hastings Thursday morning after spending the p.'ist few days here attending to busmc s mattes. R y Hasshgcr and his mother we e passenger' to Hastings Friday morning where they will spend a .'cv diys visiting with relatives. Mis, Kr'.ith Ileezley ar.ived hero Tliur day evening on train 11 for a couple f weeks visit with her par ents, Mr. ! d Mrs. She man Dcczley. M s Theltna McBridc is heit' fom Manhattan, K- n-as, visiting tiuough' the holidays with her pat ents, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. McH:iX Mr-s. Lcc Johnson and son went to Beatrice Friday niornng on tr.v'n 10 whore they will spend the Chri. I mas holidays visiting with relatives. Carl Allan and Cecil Harris ie turned home Sunday eve ling fr m Goring and Srottsbluff where they had been working in the sugar beet . dories. Fred Kuehn, who is world tg in the 0. B. & Q. round house at Lin coin spent Christmas heio with his wife and her patents, Mr. and Mr . Ed Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Out.. Huflfer end her mother, Mis. McDowell and daugh ter rpcnl Christmas with the'r drughtcr and sister, Mrs. Ernest Davis and family at A:;tcll. Ficd Gordon arrived hcie Thurs day morning f'.om Chillicothc, Mis s jri, where lie is attending sclio 1 to sj'end the holiday. visiting with his parents and with friends. Hibart Blackledge, who is at tending the stjte university at Lin o In, is spending the holidays heic with his father Judge Blackledge and .ister, Mrs. Floyd Turnure and family. Lewis Ciwler left for Live Oak, California, Wednesday evening rn train 17 wheie he will spend a couple of weeks vil iting with his son a id attending to some business matters. Miss Wilma Payac arrived here from Omaha Wednesday evoniijg to pend tho Ohristnu's holidays with her grandma, Mrs J. Wisccarver and at the home of, her aunt, M s. Geo. Kuiley. Mgr. Bill Linn of the Auditorium is to be complimented for showing "The Old Nest" on Sifiduy and Monday. It wns one of the best picture's that has ever been shown ii this city and the people would be pleased to see more special features. Mrs. Chas. Brubalser, so it is re ported, wou somewhat lacerated about the face, from glass from tho widshield, on Christmas night, when she and her husbabd were out riding und their car lights went wrong. The misfortune occured while they were endeavoring to reach home, but were bumped into by another autoist however. Commercial Advertircr. Wiliam Montgomery, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Montgomery, while playing about the homopf tiis grandparents, Mr. and Mra. yf, A. Kent, on Sunday, coma iri contact with a barb wire fence, with the re sult that it required a. few,, stitches to close the lacerations sustained "ibiwi mNpffcfi 1 9i&m?. i V 'X .Firm Loams -"" " w w j wm M -api uv loT&tttitfflced rate of In for. I hd best option. Loans closed iriarftedl. uau and see me ir jroa waut ra ttl - ately.wlth no delay or eipeBse'forex1 .ulmtlnn. I '"'' V ftMlaatlon. J. a. 9UIM The Kins of the Hill t By Christopher G. Hazard 1(0, lit'.".', Woatrrn NfWimir Union, ) npiIK long bill glistened In the win- ter moonlight like a frosted cake. The road that rnn down It like a silvered ribbon, reaching across the railroad track ntnl on through the val ley, lost Itself In n shimmering haze of snowy whiteness. The wind, as If afraid of awakening the sleeping town, had hushed Itself Into stillness, waiting along the way and under thu shadows of tho quiet trees for the sig nal of dawn. The scone was an Invita tion to a sport now largely displaced by rushing motor cars, but then one of the chief delights of the Christinas season. The bobsled of those days and nights was the pride of owners nnd the prize winner of competitions. The annals of the Slater Hill race course registered triumphs as real und momentous as those of any race track. The moon had watched with an ex pectant io until ten of the clock and was about to retire under a passing cloud I iv disappointment, when the clamor and shouting of an approach ing crowd renewed Its spirit. From a side street they came, merry lads and lasses, with those of Inter years who had not forgotten how to be young. Soon the head of the hill was crowded with competitors and the air rang with the hustling preparations for the first race. The sleds of that time were no or dinary iiffnlis'. I.:irge enough to hold from four to six pasencers, they ro Jolced in Mgnltloant titles mid all the beaut) and comfort that their maker's art could put into shape, paint and upholster. Vhcn loaded nnd on a Competing Sleds Dashed Away. steep and ley road they were swift enough to distance the wind, ami, un controlled by hit and bridle, they could not be stopped before reaching the foot of the Incline. There was thus enough of adventure In their trips M furnish the tingling excitement that kept out the winter cold. The good natured" rivalry, too, gave Interest to the sport. This year there was a special reason for the gathering, for Tom Atkins, having ioeclvd a Christmas present of a sled of the latest style and named "'I'lwi l.'lmr .if tu. lllll" li.i.l Imnn . ..- ..i(i . ... ...... ...... III".... boasting that the title was a just one and arousing all the determination that the others hud to prove liim wrong. The "Dart," the "Bacer," the "Dauntless," the "Peerless," und others as glorious were eager to lieat the untried ami vaunting newcomer. The race was Inconclusive, fur Atkins got a false start and tipped his load over into a snow bank. The sec ond and the third races gave the lau rels to the "Dart" and the "Peerless," respect holy, and left Atkins' heart In ids hoots; hut the fourth attempt end ed with "The King of the III il" a rod ahead and with its owner's chin pro tuberant ami uplifted. Then tlmu went' by with arylng fortunes until the eoncliidliiK ami deciding eimtcst. It was agreed that the winner of this llnal should he crowned the khu; of the hill Indeed, with none to dKpute lilright. Amid the hiihhub of these Inst ar raiigeiueuts no one had heard the dis tant whistle of "Thu Fljer," as the night expioss for Boston was called, and the competing sleds dashed away down the long descent without a thought of diuiKcr, nor, until half way down, did any danger appear, but then the locomotive's headlight' Hashed around the curve and upon the cross ing, now but a short Ilntauce away with a baleful and threatening glarK The other sleds, somewhat In the rear, were steered Into thu roadside snow or left to take care of them selves as their riders rolled off, but "The King of the Hill" kept on, In seeming Ignorance of the Imminent collision. Not until the warning blasts of the engine whistle seemed to startle him Into action dlil Atkins move to sure himself and his load. Then, with, a wrench of his steering gear and u sturdy leg-sweep, 1)6 brought his sled about, throwing it over upon Its -side and upon its fright ened load as the train swept by, al most brushing theut on Its way. It was what tho barber called, "a tdofla shave; and what Atkint callcJ ,i'oi good- Mile! but Hue boj called ItiRvlctoty aad.-roUa AttjMtf faosne on "Tho Kktg af tho H1U" with their full lnlnnMnB i. Hi, tltl. m.m. .14 kill fo .till .K-! .... 7' m.wv vtu-uiii. iuii Kilmer! jet- i. Cbristaaa meoaligbU.DiiVt" and girl jfcolMetf1 tta av grwa oitte.ttar geaeratfaR hai aetr toy, aai t gtorloui rwk f .ukolvaHturHiHrtiVtAui nmotr.Ac, - a - - - , mmn niw yi uiogii, a B( i. E DMlft UMMfcftAPt'lB It tkW vreglter -tho. .night jw.,Ta AUfau i.gvt a, dottUft,f co Ut; kftttag tkf racer. a ana i,W "Ktog .f.v un.nw.';p i., - Garfield Community Church Now Yen is Dny services will bn he'd at tho (Sni Held Chtnvh next Sundiiy, The order of servii'H will tie: U):X' a. in Sunday School. II :00 n. in Soiinun: "The TlihiKH 'o Mh)1 Leavo Behind " 7:00 p. in. New Years Service. 7:15 p m. Suiinoii: "Is tho World (Setting Bottei'.'" Attheeloso of the Sundii? Solum bessinii, tho school will elect olllcers for tho year lli'J.'l and the Adult and Young Peoples (Masses will elect touch, era. The New Vein's seivlco at 7 p in. will consist of Minus Story of Hymns, New Years Ntiggots and Xqw Yeais Talks. Mis Kverott Coon will also givti seveinl New-Yoais reading'. We believe tlnit jon will Hud all the Sunday services m Interesting that you will not want to mi nny oftlieiu, I). C. Henderson and Ike Job ison sjient Chri linus in Hastings Isadoie Johnson went to OmiJia Monday night to attend to some business matters. The Sunny Side Sunday Scho 1 held their Christmas cxcclscs at the school house Sunday evening. Tho children who look-prut in the piogiam diil splendid after which Tom Hawkins ofliciatcd as S.i ila ''laus and distr.buted treat- to tb children A. B. Peirco.- win is Su- pc intendent of the Sundcy Sclioel deerve. much for the un tiring woik lie lias given in bu Ming up tlii school and also for gelliiur up the program. Tho scho.l house was not large enough to accommo date all those who desired to attend the program. Miss I'carl Newhouss, who has been rttending 'ehool at Peru, is lice spending the Christmas holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 13. II. Ncwhnu.c and with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Duller entor taiincd the "cllowing iclativcs at their home Sunday" and Monday: Hurry Dates and wife of Obcilin, Ka, O. J. Miller and wife of Clay ton, Ka., Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Jennings, Kas., and Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Dutler of Hastings. WOLF HUNT Monday, January 1, 1923 n mi. i i "' ' . ii Roimdup will be in the Robertson pas ture at the Glover farm 4 Yz miles north east of Red Cloud. North line will be the Federal highway running east to Cowles. West line will form on the Federal road running north di Red Cloud. East line will form on the Pleasant Hill school house Ircmd. South line will be the Golden Rod high way. Corners will start at 10 a. m., and the i ' )ll,i u i sides at 10:20. ,feRifles or Dogs Alloweil Osed Evrv iriftn whaJcills a wolf will be entitled to. vrv man whaJulls a wolf will ,vt Invw? 1 .n Un. ,i iy u 4swmr rp- ,wwi .fn J.r.nxi; ,,. Oi J Icot ibcw, "Wf tfflilrtm i wolves a? there are plenty in this territory . r GROCERIES Cheerful acceptance of orders over the phone or in person and Prompt Delivery are two of the reasons that our store has such a big clientele. Another is that our Groceries are always fresh, pure and wholesome and our prices most reas onable. May wc have the pleasure of a visit or call from you to-day? P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware lllMUSTOJMira 31 PHONE YOUR 8mTnTW ' ' - ORDER TO FARMERS' Bell Phone 29 D H We Wish You All it' J, ::iitM-Stiiml 01m 1 WT?lylBfc"MIWf .. t 1A.I1 i wt1. r, Mq my v4f Svxn ,m ndhi:ff$m . HNMHI Ud ELEVATOR Ind. Phone 12 M Hi a Happy New Year MllVlit '1 "He JlH Olii IK Kill tn .n a '. ilvirfi.'- firty..' HomnH nnhimfh. r .inr bio IP V i5il 1 4, s V i ft