The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 28, 1922, Image 4
yrt,' ' W -t 'I i 4 -: 0) RED ' CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF .' : . tt THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Sled Cloud, Nobrnaktx PUBLISHED EVERY THUIISDAY Eaterod In the I'ofitotllrc nt Hcd ( loud, Nob ai Hccond Clasi Matter' A.B.MoARTHUK, Editor nod Ownor Advertising Rates Foreign, per column Inch 15c Local, " " " 10 & 12$ CONDITION AND ACREAGE LOWEST ON RECORD A reduction of 830,000 acres in winter wheat rown this autumn, &nd ono of the lowest conditions on record nits announced in the December report ofbfio Division of Crop and Live Stock "Estimates and the Nebraska Dcp&rt- ment of Agriculture. Rye acreage is also reduced. Fam labor wag03 aver age about the same as the previous year. It is climated that 3,310,00 acres were rown this fall, or 80 7o of last year's planted acreage. According to rcvLcd estimates, a total of 4,149,000 acres were sown a year ago of which 3,942,000 acres wore left for harvest. The acreage sown last autumn as well Uic acreage harvested this year arc the highest on record. The prcrcnt marked reduction in accroage was due to the exceedingly dry, unfavorable autumn. Tlio present crp is 830, 000 acres below that planted a year ago, and 235,000 'acres below the five year average of harvested acicagc. The condition of winter wheat is 63 as compared to 80 percent a year ago, and the ten year average of 89. Fields that were pbwed early enough to ab orb some of the July and August rainfall arc in fairly good . condition but the later plowing which comprises the great bulk of the crop is very favorable. With few excep tions there was insufficient moisture to start the wheat on late plowed fields until November! in the eastern half of the state and the general rain over the entire state did not como un til tho middle of November. A a re sult the crop has made very little growth and some of it isn't above the ground yet. It is extremely d'fllcult to predict with any degree of certainty the outcome of the present crop, due to the exceptional condition. The reduction in acreage of rye is -also estimated at 80 and the condi tion, 70. As in the case of wheat, the dry unfavorable autumn is respon- 9 siblo for the marked comparison to the usual. 1 It is estimated that 24 of thi k apple crop will bo shipped out of the county of production. Tractically 18 4 of the apple crop has moved to ,. date, nearly all of which was shipped 4j .from the commercial apple counties in southeastern Nebraska. Yields of straw were light this year. They are as follows: wheat straw, .9 tons; oats strow, .8 tons; rye straw, 1 ton; barley straw, .8 tons. Kurm labor wages during the past year were practically the ramc as those of the previous ycr. Wage com paxisns, this year (first figure) and the last year fallow: wages per month with board, ?35 and $35; without board, ?49 and $50; harvest labor per day with board, 33.15 and $3.15; rt, without board, $3.85; wrges per day other, than harvost with board, $2.15 and $2.15; without board $2.85 and $2.80. 4 To .Samur.l Smllh, non-rcsWcnt ilt. fcndnnti Nottoo Is hereby Riven Unit pursuant to an order,, of nttitchmnt IsMieii by Ii. W. 8lovnrfd justluo of thu pence or Webster county, brnskn, in nn aotlon pending beforo 1T5W justice -wherein Ray Mountford riiulfrGlon Mount'ord, partnois doing business under the name and style of Mount ford Brothers was plaintiffs and Snnv ael Smith defendant to rocover the , sum of $31.45, a writ of attachment whs IksuoiI und levied upon tho follow ing described property: Money on de- ' -poBit in Peoples nnnlc of Red Cloud and thnt hhUI oiBe whs, on the return day of the summons issued therein continued for trial to the ISth clay of January, 1023 at 0 A. M. Ray Mountford, Glen Mountford Plintlff. .- Enelish Lutheran Church Regular services every first and third Saaday In the month In the AdrenMst w.-ehvrch at41 .-. Coaling Sunday the aonaal 'meeting will be held. ' jQr He!n2f Pastor.. ' rrWttatChwefc. . JsBWSWyjfc,. r-..J -rfMiWH io'i?H tlW tll-f Moralofr sermon: New Habit tlM New Yer". BuaAwLtommti'UtmmJramJb Id year." " WrW co-fpHmeet- S( WcifnTadajiTanlof HTM. Cordial iqvjltftop gotH not worhipf jMWBere. 1'HE WEBSTER COUNTY FARM IJUREAU NOTES The annual meeting of the Wcb- rtcr County Furm Bureau was held Monday as per schedule. Old of ficers were ro elected for Uic com ing year. John Jlyan, president; Alex Buschow,, Fred Householder, secretary; Ralph Mc Calum, treasurer; C. G. Pitney and I. W. Crowcll, directors. Cbunty Extension Agent's report was given given by County Agent II." R. Fauach. Same was publi hcd in the locul papers later. Girls' Club work report was given by Mrs. Mizer. She told of the re quirements of a standard club and what club work meant to the girls, Women's club work was repotted by Mrs. W. II. Thomas, president of tho Women's organizations of the county. This report showed the women have been actively en gaged during the pat year. Walter Sandquinl of Walthill talked on lcg'slation. Henry Kccney guvo an able and appreciative talk on Fanners' organ izations and their accomplishments. Mr. Kcency's talk was good and wo would li!;e to print all the good things he nid if space would per mit. C. it. Stewart gave the closing talk on accomplishments of Ameri can Farm Bureau Federation. Mr. Stewart had just returned frm the annual mco'ing at Chicago Ho made a plea for the co operation of farm orga lissnticn for tho futuie welfare "t agriculture. Swine breeder.-' meeting Thursday, December 2Sth r.t 3 p. m. in the Faim Bureau office The Duroc and Po land Associations will elect officers. Arrangement? for spring sales will be made. All swine brccr'cra invit ed. HENRY FAUSCH LOCAL ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO Friday. Dee 30, 1S12.) Married nt the home of the bride's parents in Irmvalu nn Clirt-ttims day. Deo 2."), 1892, at 11 a. in, Mr. W R. Mean and MNs I M. Mleliaols, Itciv. G. W. UuminuU ollleluting. After the happy event wo sat down to an exovll ent dinner, coiihiMlngof tlio luxuries of life. Tlie bride, whh the recipient of some handsnne present tioin her friends. Tlio brlil is n daughter of (5. II. Michaels, and a well respected young lady of her community. The Kruom 1m a sou of Rev. liioiu and Is a highly lu-pee'ed young man. T!ie happy couple led on tlio evening tr.iin for a vlsu to On-,-, (.'., Null. .May their life be long and happy, and their joy fur exceed tho'huppinexs of the court ing season. Thu Pope boys nre home on a vaca tion from Lincoln. Walt Sherwood is one of tho most delighted gentlemen in the city, and all day Monday would put down the (Inures "12" in tho columns of hi?, books In the bank, instead of the bank's business' Oil invesliijatioii, it was learned that on Sun-luy previous, his wifb presented him with a "12" pound boy, and he was to delighted with the Christians proietit that he continually kept .lntting It down. Father is dning well. Ciyars. John Tul leys is certainly a young man, vhtmi liidustiioiiN habits ate worthy, of emulating He teaches school llvo miles noitli-west of Red Cloud He walks out there In the morning from tho oily, builds the lire, sweeps out the school home, teaches the school, and wullts batik at ulRht, walking f.O miles a weelt, teaching the Rehool and dolhg the j.mltor work for the fiuiall sum of $8 7." per week. His school term will be three mouths ami If he continues to walk each day hoi will have wallced 000 miles. G. A. Miller Is tho night watch now. n Charley MuMlllau Is going to work x Geneva, hw Josie Igou depHrted this oven, lug for a few weeks' visit in tho east Mils Matilda Coolc has accepted a position in E. MoFarland's grocery store. I. L. Fianie has moved to Red Cloud, nml on January 1st, wilt as. sume control of the Valley House. Jim has lots of friends who will pat ronlzo him. L. P. Albright was iu Lincoln this week. T. C. Sw&rtE has been in Kansas A City for tha past favr dayft attendintr I to business matters. ri . : jK and Mrs. Bert "lindley we 4flXTA. from IUverton Sunday flvonlng ITov; "", gRJT: wfcajf' Kaat have SmiU prop. ettyln thtf-eaert-part-of-tovTO, . Ua1 Pttrpjqarnsr to spend theory TWUrJt 'iiVfi Qhwdi kMMtr" Married at Superior At Supi rlor, Ohilstiuiis day, at. th home of the Drhlo's parents, Mr. and Mr.s. Harry Waller, occurred tho mat tr iage of their daughter, Miss Ethel, to Mr. Edward T Whiting of .Juniata, Nebraska. The wedding ceremony took place at high noon beneath a largo white bell suspended from a lattloo work of white crepe paper at tho foot of the stairway. Rev. Bowers, of Superior, officiated. The bride was diessed in gray Span ish silk luce over pink satin and oar rled a tioucitiot of roses and swuetpeas The bridesmaid woie a dress of blue crepedcchiiin. Miss IluUlo Moses of Superior was bridcHinaid and Earl L. Whiting, a hi other of thu groom, was groomsman. After the ceietnony a three course dinner whs served, tho dining room be ing decorated In io l and green The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. (leorgu N. Whiting of Juniata mid lie is Principal of the Cowles school while his wife Is a graduate of the Cow la school and for the pust two years has taught ttio Primary gcade iu tli it suhool. They left Tuesday tor a vi'M at Omaha nud Lincoln after which th) will make their home at Cowles und finish thu school year Only the immediate relative- of the couple were present. Those from on. of town weie: Mr. and Mrs. do. X Whiting and son, Earl. Mi. and Mrs. I J. Itoultou and mil, Harrv, Mr and Mis. T. G. Whiting and Mr. Francis Hot iiiMon of Juniata; ). H. liiiiley and family of Red Cloud and (lat-ii: Waller of Omaha. LEGISLATIVE There rec mine ulations a.e the Wi,rk of u joint committee appointed 1 tlie Farmers' Union and tho Farm Bureau. They arc, in a ms&.u c. instructions to help our Reprcsenta tlvc a.d Senator to be cnrr'cd out'y them at Lincoln as f. r as p rs'blc. These recommendations will bo placed upon at the quarterly meeting o' Farmer.' Union held in Guide Ro-l du ing the first week in Jnnuaiy , Moved, seconded and carried tli I ,we recommend to the legislative that the sheriff's office bo placed back up on a fee basis instead of a salary. Movad, .econded and carried that we lccommend to the legislative that all County office: s be placed upon the pre-war bxsis of salaries. Moved, seconded and carried that we recommend to tlie legislative that the Smith-Mortgage law be repealed Moved, seconded a id carried tlr.t wc recommend to the legislative a progre sive state income tax- law. Moved, -conded aiid carried th I we demand the further reduction of freight rrtcs until same shall hi brought within tlio piopor working c'r'.'on to the purchas-nir power farm cro ,s. Moved and carried that wc favor the lcpeal of the law ccat'njr the office of h'ghwr.y commis ioncr Wc arc opporcd to the qualifica tions m set by the state supcrinto . dent that tocxhers have to teach tv.o year in country schools and 112 ho jr college study befo-e bejiiK quilifie' to teach in accredited citv chool-. Tlict the examination of teat hers be returned to tho Countv saprin tondents. . That the administration of tho school he returned to tho count. superintende it and local hoards. .cho 1 That tho $108 ho -educed. high school turn That the dollar malchitur schem with the government be abolished ii all departments of our fcdcrul rov ernment. Moved that prccco 'ing of this committee meeting .c submitted for publication. Motion carried. A. L. Stone:', Geo. Amuck, E. A. Tcrrill, N V. Anderson, C. B Steward and W. E. Patterson. Committee. COUNTY Moved, seconded and carried thnt the c-mnty commlrioners publish by township the personal taxes l'sted for assessment by ench tax iiaycr. Moved, seconded and carried that wo recommend to the county commis sioners that the sheriff's ofilco be audited by a public accountant from the time it was changed from a feo office to a salaried. That the county agent be made a majority office. That the office of the county as sesror ba abolished. That ths truant officer be- trans Iferred to the authorities of tW local school boards, 7vi - A.'L. Stony Gee, AWdr. A? Twt Ht .VvAnderon, dj &,$& - ... r rri-- ana w. is. tuerson, l?t ijn 9m ajgyditney, i f't ". I ri'.'i Grac Church Nitmm --- 9.1H-iX.Aftit. Ohrltt J1W M$ Hunilay School at 10 a. a rltfMiommuklgn at It a. at i p.'' fHif sWlo'e"at 7-30 p. .. UootewMid werjblp Oarlit Ui u arm auiff, CBTbH THE ANNUAL ROMANCE . J By Mary Graham Bonner L wi ! a ((!, 122,' Wvitern Newipaper Union.) "D OSALIND was engaged to be mar- rled. She was to be married the day after Christmas. She couldn't very well be married before then as her fiance was so especially, miusual ly busy at Christmas time, nml It would have been cruel, too, not to have waited. For Bill, her beloved, took the pnrt of n Santa Clans every Christmas for ono of the big city stores. Ho was an ideal Santa Clans, lie too tall, ho was not too short; ho w Jl-nther Inclined to a stoekincss of build, and extra clothes made him look an Ideal round Santa. Ho hud a ruddy face and snapping blue eyes and dressed In n Santa Clans costume he was per fect. How the children did adore him I And how he loved them! Tl.ey v.hls pered their secrets to him and their eyes danced with rare happiness when ho waved u good byes to them nud called them: "Sweethearts," nud "My dears," and "Children dears," and other affection uto terms. Rosalind had been thrilled' when she had heard him first, In his deep beautiful voice uttering such beautiful words! For Rosalind had met him first when he had been a Santa 'laus and she hud been an extra sales girl taken on for tho OiirlsttnuH rush. It had been her first meeting with him. But she had been kept at the store ul'ter the Christinas ruh was over, ami Bill had worked for the stoic for seven yeiiri now. Every De cember he was Santa Clnus. Tho oth er cven mouths ho spent In selling kitchen utensils In the basement. They bad fallen In love with each oth er, though, at this time when he had been Santa Clans. And ninny u time when he hud said: "Good-by dearie," to a child, he had been thinking of the pretty girl who was at thnt very mo ment selling dolls and giving her smiles, her beautiful smiles to a moth' er or to children. And now a second Christinas wns coming around, and once more Rill was Santa Clans, and us soon as ho was through being Santa Clans they would be married. "I've always hud lots of romance In my nature," she said to blm one eve ning. "I've always thought It would bo awful to be like some folks some I know and sonic I've heard talk. One lady who came to the store with a friend was telling how she and her husband got along perfectly. They each had other friends, and sometimes they met and embarrassed others when they told that they were married. For one time the husband had been Imvliii: dinner with a friend, and the friend had been looking illrtatlously at hi" wife who wns'nlso in tho restaurant. "The friend had been much embar rassed when hi d'svovcrcd he had heci Took the Part of Santa Claus. lllrtluc with the husband's wife. And hlic was tt'lliiii; this as a Kood Johe. "1 wouldn't want that Kind whuie one gin'.s one way nud tho other the other wiiy. And I wouldn't want to ho known us u wife hecuusu I was nuurrt'llui; ulth my hushuud. "You know hov you hear folks say Well, you could toll they were mar ried, nil rlKht.' I don't want Unit kind." "And yuu won't hnve It, little Blrl," Iilll said. "I'm for your kind of ro mance every time. I'm for the kind of n married life where folks won't think we're married we'll bo so happy! I had a friend mice llko that. Why, a cop called hhn down hecauso ho was mak ing love to his wlt'o and wouldn't be lieve they wert married 'cause she called him Marling.' They found It awkward, but they had the right Idea." Am! iih Itosullud listened to her Suuta Clans, as .she counted the days boforu the wedding, she said to her self: "It will ho an annual romance to see Kill as Santa Claus, for U whs as Santa Claus that I,, too, fell In love with hliu as well us the children, and every year our happy, merry, memories wH he revived for urn We; believe In reaienc'4im) romance .believes In ue, ferlt, tat, la rotor tdpUy fts-parr." Atul vtiuteon who :kntw -them both Mll'i!l,.".'-'V'l . .' ( , , ,v i vt "Jt wnalda't'ilie a aa Idia If. even smi cia '' aa at waa durlur his ij. .i , ui v.r-it immnmity uja- ir w rihiiiii mi riy''jltpt',i .,, -.ti' t jo J j tiM t ex. .t.f 1 1 .. U ', " HU'rAkrMfftiTIy. ii imn tBM7 rlghtt liavlic tilt irtttMuH tolMw aired 'aa tdyf tfea diMa a 'mOrA'fhorough TsVecplnnjnd -.JilWB- 'U iltfae ufterradk. 'it. the 'HiWe. U'itel the 'ulflit' before a light tot nmut bt tartwn' evtr It. -i.'.VXe ' . h en m)m rife , 1. I yj ily yl i $- .' Phone Ind. 3 on 90, Bell 174. i Mrs. Ed Amack UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB I. T. AMACK - PHONE IND. 32M i i .VV....SA."."."n-", -WW. I Place Your Coal Orders Mow L I ! The Malone-Gellatly Co. i j ; 4-wt.ArtiarKtiMiMwa.rAHidVNl . tmn BtmnnsKJtxmvrv jKMjaarra jmaaoarj ' ANNOUNCEMENT M-ifiixntMrantr 'ii miwii iiwi m ii m wiihiiiwiiiiiiiiiiwiiimii en iin , ART NELSON, who has been in the employ of E. W. Stevens, for the past four years, has resigned his position, and knowing him personally as. being a man well qualified for Plumbing, Keating and ElectricalWork have decided to give him floor-room in my store where the trade will rccctve courteous treatment and his piices will be reasonable. GEORGE TRINE, HARDWARE Our Printing is Attractively Done Clean cut and snappy. We know just how to handle type to get the most attractive display and the best results. Need stationery - - bill heads - - Book lets - hand bills of any kind? Phone us. Doubl e quick service - No job too large us to print. fSEs The Red Cloud Chief How About Harness! r Ijwlll tncet'nny cataloRue price on Hnythlnp In (he harness line Don't let someone tell you that yon con save money by sending away come in and loolc my stock over. I can save you some modey. Bring in your old ones and get them fixed up and oiled before Spring- LEE R. WALKER Harness and Saddlery Dr.W.H.McBride DKNTIBT OVER STATE BANE ReCCu4 ;ii '- Dr.R. V. Nlchlsi '.'.uX vt'r . y "0 if 0. . f!& l)U liti i it .mi iDENTISTx oi. . so ' r.fqv J"ud 4K' ,i ;W tiin ylj. MGl V 1 It -Mi 4 v MCf NrtfMlk Residence, Bell 241 VVi h".S-,"A"JV,U-A. d c m m n 1 At TVt.-uJMrT.ra rnnaoau : m vnrniO'tt.'MKi A No. I quality, or too small for The Margin of Safety Is represented by the amount of insurance you carry. i Doa'tlull yonrstlf Into 'a fancied I security. ff Becau4 Ore has eertr toacnaa you k .'. i . . ii . . it doaaat follow thaf faille Immune lMJ.?9r.3Sl,'rl tore er merchandise. f -L4THR MAY BB TOO fcATB- TomxtPX sn9;tplf t foa bre 1 tjtr-wd I rf,W tlernd I tlwj-1 com to thB4oflloe .and.. we'll write K uralture, I mnmBSSSk ra.nce Rtiew your SuUcriptiti i ' l