The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 21, 1922, Image 8
f: -' - vr'fimiyf.T , Mum- ; itir i-fffftf'liiffHf I, - m' ' 'i-n.i i ' '. M I ( r r xmzjmmMmrm utm - I v.-.-.-..- wmwKMmw&&wjKtMimmmwmLwm . - t - - lir'T- ,- - - - , - Eflk - . " 1 i . I .,.- .' .M w . 5i5SSiiafrc-aj 5 Trip- Minister Ann Is . jm. V E , Je ig j i 'Vamn' l" ' itaSSBMmkiSlk' J-. I S5 (f&f PPt tttlrt tit ? ArAv.WAv.v.v.v.VaV.v.v:i jg iMIT v6. H Trill I N a Vl0l'44'4H "V W . I0U2. Wwtem Union.) Sfflf , &9W$$ WV 1. Pi J' S $2 v !l T-rnW Mm mtnlofm. miiiii- mill ttVl B$fl!&-WiW-rl ': I fV .Vk. J3F s AMv MOW 1 J JhJI -,.. ;'i - enthusiastic find cacr. lie IovimI cj'I ' F&VkT Y.vW?J: L '' ra 5lal , ift . " t? 1-8 ill! 'lis work, he loved. the parlsli He lovct ''V-fewSfs I &- .AfX. I I frHk 88 S IP -MM A !hl ..copk.. Tl.oy wore a bl too S3 KSf? I'lSflif JilLJd Jnk 1 W? k v.Tira,Air .r ! iTvyattw'vJcA'.tp-ikTU. sa ; 5ft 1 Earl) xrf ' PM iG TRUST that your Christmas preparations have it been satisfactory, that your gifts will produce a high degree or pleasure in recompense lor the lovfc and consideration which prompt them, and that you will spend the holiday suffused with the feci ings of peace and joy which come from work well done and a knowledge that you have made others happier. If the bestowal of Christmas remembrances were merely the following of a custom, and not inspired by a higher pur pose, we believe that it would soon dieout; forcustoms change. The fact that it increase from year to year shows that the spirit of good will, the desire to give pleasure to the unfor tunate and the impressing upon friends that they have an important existence in one's heart are deeply rooted, flour ishing" sentiments. Such are attributes of the soul and point to that soul-growth which is the best augury for the future of mankind. Our greeting to you is of cheer and confident hope. Our feeling toward you is of deep appreciation for the encourage ment and patronage you have given us, and an optimism thatif we continue to co-operate we shall be able to make this com munity more prosperous and better in everyway. Our wish is that this may be the merriest Christmas you have ever spent. THE PUBLISHERS. (Copyrkht, 1922) ! Commissioners Proceedings Congregational Church Notes Fo1hy '. Mnrsh rjvin Kichnrclcn W. 1. William' Chnrlos Jlotz Krncr.t Hoffman 1.00 IIo fm 'ii Charles r.h.; os Hcnn.ui Iloulthousc Dcla;- AsTif .rd Albert Clifford O. D." Hedge Edrtio Taylor Joe Ellifion 3Tnttie Konznck (trace 15akcr . Carmel Gates T.-nnk Huffer Vcbstcr County Treasurer , BRIDGE FUND Jaa. Alclntosh 3 10 (J Hi 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 '.', 10 1 30 1 30 3 30 2 10 3 80 2 10 . "- " " 3 io Bringing the Homeless Child 35 To the Childless Home 10 on' , -IO i.V , tpi.,.. !. ,!.., ,.,., ..I ,1... VlIibLn Tint is IIMllnV ""llll'll '0 II III A C31ii-i-w ? i. r- u'riiiti ill lid i! viji tlMrilllH i ll'll'l III - lln'.'l till) plllnli' i' ('.H ill ll 'HlVllVll 'I '. flldlll Will ll( l'irlii''i n I ilu Wn'i s ' Imi tiiiiir to d nm M.i .'Ciu iilini - Tin tli, Clii il iii 'ii" Tin' Hi- il. K of Clny On t r. Ni-lw , li'is l' n i'i I'd w thi im 1 1 rtlf mmiI ill li-i:iii Ji.s work lierr mi .1 ui 71,1). lH2't lie will neenpy the S ti'ivr Iiohsii on till uvcniio Co. -.. IL S. Proudfit Lbr. II. Karrtings "Win. Blobaum W.' E. Toap W. Jones ......... ....... Mnlone & Gcllatly Co. II. 'IKoViifM MitwseftarebOo: .- John Huinmelberg R. B.W.IcIlle'ce Jufi .' Ellvey 1 iflt-TOOl. PAltM FUND Standard Oil Co . Johnson- Griham Mi.iE. J Emerton .. .. ... W. jfjfor'B iro Dr. T, A. Pace - - E. J.cEmcrton Thut is tin; i n sit of t li - IC E0 Chililt en's llfituu SK-lety what tlm siieU'ty litis liuon doiiij; in 208 25 Nebraska for twu-nty nine yi'iir1 In ..-300 89 Hint time It Iihk emeil for !i,0()0 i 1C9 9Q ilrcn; for 1,010 in tliu jenr cnilTtiK G6 70' Mny 1., l'.'Jiulono 18 00 Hum roils of Hk cliild-wnr Is linve 9 CO Krown up, nmler tlifgiililunce iin.l in G2 40 Hpiiution of fost'o.r-pnrents, until today 15 00 llll'v '"' I'l'spi-cti'd adult uitii'.'iiih of 8 44 tbclr coiuimimtles 2120 But now tlm soeMj's work lias ex- tj ,, p inded beyond its unpuuity It noids 17 00 a ''"UK". H'l-'i'ivltiu sttition win' ft' its witrus iiiii v up rnipn mr tint injr Mio wot'ks hut mny el. ipse between tliu timn of ilu-ir ii'i'i'ptiun and tlm llnd lnu of Ii mius for them. Tills Iiiiiiik is mi to hi" mi orpjiiinnije; it is strictly and siilcly a temponirv rof i(" llete- - entluiBliistle mid oilier. lie loved his work, he loved, the parish lie hived tlm people. They were a foil too tnl.: alive nt times. They did enjoy telling him JiiHt how he .should preach and act mid think and do. Hut It wiih alt so well meaning that It failed to uimoy lif in. Sometimes when he inl;:ht l.:iu t ueen aiino.vcii ne iieunme iimuri'ii r. jf St vii ni(iiir,f ii ii m t-miiu iiiii net ii i.- "J4 cad. It was mi inueh the better way. j to iwij Iftlp The minister was extremely nttrno ffij jfc Ol JM.G1.1--- ve. Bvcry woman In the lmrlsh lun-.v Kft mam Watches, tlv that. Kvcry man udmlred the mln li ter, too. His was n most I'lif-'nliu; perHonnllty. But thliiKS beentne u trllle awkwnrd when It nppenred ns though the min ister could not talk to nny one of the opposite Hex for more thnn ten minutes without arousing observations. And how weary he did get of bolus told he mustn't take the Inst piece of enke In a dish. It was no tiresome a bit of so-cnlled witticism. He rcnlkcd that It might be dldlcutt for a minister to be permitted to choose a wife for himself. He some how had a new admiration for minis ters who appeared to have done their own matrimonial choosing. He feared that one might even take almost anyone to dodge the coustnnt comments and chatter on matrimony which an unmarried man seemed to encounter. And then the minister fell In love! Oh, mildly and rupturously In love, And with a girl from out-of-town whom people said was not the typo for a minister's wife, at all, nt all. And the minister had said he hadn't looked for a type, he had picked nut the one he had cared for. i,jj lie even heard peoiile whlstierlng I (v. "A nnip who had i ijOj t ! s5- m -w Chains, Fobs, Rings, Kum-A-Part Buttons, Shaving Sets For Women wrist Watches, Rings, ig w Parisian Ivory, Cut Glass n i For the Home- h Phonograph, Player Piano, Piano, if Silver Table Ware, Decorated Glassware m -- - w Kodaks, Kodak Albums, Kodak Self Timers, S Tripods, Negative Albums Ji-j For Kodak Service son Dk firsf mid Save Yourself the bother Gifts'- Tli at Last the word "vaiiip." ..-"-- l-) iiywuriwirii8 mrmxrmuwM iirtuw mm: ".r. WSSffl S-. 3 J:C. mFrtMMit fa 10 Gl 4 80 11) 00 2 00 ii uu torore, eiiildren have been hour Nil in LI 00 iil'iv.ttn li.imi'H iluilni' 11mm 1ml . jy iT ,...-..,, ... NbWrthcr foil, mess zipreanng the the munhpr has reauhud a point win-re BoHruuljourhcd sine die. , thin Is not tin adcipiate atrmgem in. B. F. PEU11Y, County Clerk Thut is why I ho soeloty is nsiilng the I' .. . Ip'opln nt" Xi'liniska in .lantmry for fiJ'TL- I i C". i $'.ll,Wii, with uhioh to hiuld the re. P LlgUt Eitemal .cuivmir utitlmi. Ln-. lmvu ulremly r Well Received ' ' 0J" ,,i",n,t.'oii iiiit-m.i ixinii-vimi, " 'J2J Oniiilirt, iiiar the Old L'eoplo'ii Home. On.Sumlnv iilht tliu Communltv ' t" M' ,,,t bullillinr i- eieeted, the su Chon'is presented that foi-nntifu: e t" will tlnimu.. It-umimmI operntliin tJl.rihtmas CiiiitiiU, "The I.tht liter b-Irlv..te. enntiibiitloi.s, u it h:i, in iml.'at the Hes-e niidltorluui to u ' imt. without jvifolln iippeiil. Jfu'wiuid iinnreelutlvo umllenee. Miss i Tl,l! worl of thohouiety lsBtiite.wiile. I,UU.,lii.w. .,ai. ,vli., ltic rllni.lnr nf . I l ilill tllltl'll Mfi4l,ir)lltV )' !. "I'll v-' w m 'm F Is f 7.3 Li Sj v ZH 12(1 ill h tiPt; -Am Mil M l,.JJ ; -,. tsl ids 4 nw ail 7 tfc ssssssseisi MMmmm Mir a V. ' r.,t-:.:' ' .... hoini-lo ehildien I'nim county unit bus fntu.d tho eltbrtis. Hlimved nnirlcod ability in i-liMiwt cvei v tier line. honi-s In eveiy county suvh mvun TliJi.'soiiKS told of tlieChrlstmas Ottcu the child is plueud. the society nosi;?iei in 'fiimint. worilh and swot ! wutchub over it until it foei-om.'S 3i u sf tl' Each number was well ren defed'knd rcetdvdd ivell merjited up. ?'.nnst Mrs, II. d, lie, 9Compun et, p.'rforned her tnk In a very pleasing and'credltube munnor. MrV'lllackleriKc ma(lu a short but pleasant tulle, urlPK the audience to nhow ,elr nppreoliition ty ".suyltiR It with money," and a free will clTuriiiR was tnlcnn by s yount; ladies which .nbtttfd $10.00. It had been stutod jttht jiTBVliiiiH.tliat tlru expense in produu ng tlid cantntn, not iuuliullnt,' rent of auditorium, wiih fSO.,00 beside hcvernl fttfoerlnordentn'.s We, ule liiueeil sin prl-ed that tliu of Sjrlut,' was no larger. With such u ipleptlid cutcrtaimiiuiit put mi by tic twenty-one, t;mrlliitf against nhuso or noleu'.. The treiisurer i?. Fred V, ThomiiH, vice president, Fiist National U.iiik, Omiiha. Nub. Mall your eontrl. butlons to him, l O. Uox IODj, Omaha. A sppel'il rate of only 32 a yenr tor the Lincoln DttHy Joinnivl or M a year Including Sunday is now buliitf made in Nebraska and adjoining states, if order Is sent In during December. The fcKislvtlvo Mission and the battle for U wer taxes the coming year will make The Journal desired by evry NobriibKa Irtinily. The .lonrual Is delivered on in. ht rural routes on the dn.v prlntud, IXmimuulty Choi us and the large nurc-' nouily u day ahead of mo-it other the i IT n i g pipi-i's. Try Th .Inuri.iil the eoniing vu exc'ieiltd over $200 IX) Mr yf people piesi-nt louuld da Baptist Church Sunday hjhoul (lt 10 a. m, Morning KMiniiii: A Chilstunis Her soon. Erunlm;: Clunuus eXiTclso-sby the 'STble School. 'Jt ' General pruyer nud confirencouiuet' int.' Wcduohday evebliig at TtfO, Cordial luvltutiou to all not worship Ine elsewhere. : ' .vN - ,,. j-..M-.J" " 1.-J.. ?IV;Ed6oVr-Actrng,Pa8tor. Ararat thin liargaln Unto. Yes Garber's Is The Place! ,IW" t To Buy Wall Paper, Paintp. And Electrical Supplies. The', best place for PJctTure Fraaflin.'', Ho Cane I tj the Ci-npcl and Told of H a Cngaoamcnt. ensniued l.n' ," Miiueniie Mild. He In qulri'ii wie -...rluus dellnitlons of tue word ",:i;i"," He aliiioat failed to lit nnui.-'ii; l.. I- ,u m u angry. And this wis the .!.. it. Clulstmas sen. u when Ie nud ,..od will aliouhl Jiu.o In en In the heiut-i i,' his people 1 .V r.i, n told lihii : "vamp" was it dan eroiir. dell,;lu. A vwainn fold h':n :i "vamp" win n woi.iiiii Vithout in.insple. . A jmr.c boy told luiu a "vntnp" v is u mlMitiilei'xMo.l. itnuu'i tit lady wiih hi'UHe i n up h to .t;i.ech.te that "men" of sexciiiein vin tot children. An oculist told him ihnt a "vamp" m.i.. nn ndipt nt the piisnifole uses if :! - ( nnisel'f. An old man udd a "vtiiup" wu.s a '.' it iittlo ill. And a mother told him ti "viinip" v- us a dnnj'eroiis ejenturo from whom ei'.y mother sh uld keep u son as fr. i.i a ilo'ully iiuImiu, A youiig sli'l told him hhe cnvleil n "mnp" and wished she could be called one. And a father told h!m that a "viimp" wes one from whom It is best to keep invay the son, but whose society It was nil right for an older mini to en Joy. ; He sought the dictionary's version and found "Vnnip" described ns-dealing with such things us feet, short hose, partS'Of boots and shoes, nuMc, and various other thing?., - They were making the Christ inns i lit. nk fit it. i tin tin 1 1 1 it nil ti will itliim tlui I-,.viiitiiw-r- nn iiiv . ti tit vtl nnii iii iulnlter eii'pe Into the chapel ami !'! 1 then all of his engagement.. L "The wedding Is to ho on Chrlsti.nn eve," he said. i:eryone slopped winding grnttvl pine and looked They n .t; tend congratulations, and then ( future wife appealed and woiked wn i them. And then'thny all begin to feel . tor. For while they had been jzo-.n ! lug and iiuarrellng iieltlly as they I., d worked, the future wife of the minis ter brought with her the spirit nf the Christinas season. Perhaps she n "'t a typical wife for a minister tnty c- u eluded, but she wna an Ideal wife for a minister. For fcho lived and breathed Kood will and cheer and her gaiety fi'i'sh enet the very Ptipphrn- of the plajv and g.te theut i.ew Incentive. The minister 'callfd her his "vaiul" Ills definition .of me was: . r'-A Merrv f'hrlstiniiu tn l-nnt llf" - -' -V. "Ah.'' jl u P-JQ wai J. jjj.,vj j That LQftnii25 jTt. iy 1 1 T-T - . ores yccRDt 1 iep WII15N CHRISTMAS TIME COMES WE AR15 WONDERING WHAT TO GIVE AND WHAT IT WILL COST. BELOW IS A PARTIAL LIST OF THE USEFUL GIFTS AND PRICED TO MEET THE DEMAND OF LOWER PRICES FOR GOOD MERCHANDISE. WOOL AND SILK HOSE GLOVES AND MITTENS OUTING GOWNS HANDKERCHIEFS IiAUY BLANKETS SILK PETTICOATS FANCY TOWELS HUNGALOW APUONS, SCAKF AND CAP SETS In white, in the fancy colors. or dark goods you prefer which ever) BABY JACKETS HANDBAGS SILKS FOR DRESSES Arc always useful and a sure welcome gift. BED SPREADS SWEATERS FURS DOLLS CHILDREN'S DISHES WAIST5 Vf"! TABLE LINEN Arc still scarce and hard to get, have an all linen 71-in. width nt $2.00. Also a few numbers iu tabic cloth all ready to hem 8x4 at $2.25. Ui . ttAffiBARift BliAnEt PflfclBWMKI lYvl FtA' j!. nil Vs' && H SblyQ&i msmfmmmssm sss&&ssrs. asiMt? ?;.; vi Qlesa the Child. A little g'rl who had recovered rrotn t4l. ,i . -ip" '. ..'iii.-r'. il t'i"t b was glad she didn't die of It, ho'-ami "Ond would not like little consilium itngois." Itiwton Tninscrlpt. Strango Thlnu. One of the" strangest tilings in this world Is why a' womjni will tell tljn, neighbors huiUiiifsliter can sing when theli curs uro perfectly obvious. Dal- lUNcwa.v , -. Sl'.v,yri-i . VC, llleeii Fiy, Uowiird FrMdo and ability of the applicant to slug and I 's Zelinu Wond.rly, of Ho I Cloud No- hnow'uclgc of niublo. Miss Won' y ill Hhku. urf popular htudeiils nt Ne Is third vlo-picMci:t of the Order f btfibkii WVbleyan this year. Mr Fry .tlm Ooldrn Chain, a mooIhI orgnrbt is beoretitry .of bo Oxford club, mi ! tlou at Wesluynn. She is also a n)eiu- . I I- .1... A l A.. ...! 1.I..I. orgittiizitllon tor the dents utteiidliig linlveibity. Mr. Frlsblo js a momber of the Wesloynn Glee Club, member. hip to which Is determined by the b ,w i' i.''H i. ,-v?- .. ..rfV.H ri.i. :s . . A " 'j T' "i' 1 1 1 U '. mlnlhterhil stu four of the Agassi?. Association, wH'ch Ni'brnsU.i Wesloyan Is compofod of'ineinber.s elected .from the Nuture Study class who uro inter c'gted'in' suebfyork aud who also miilu- tulu certain scholastic standing. s . A f ..' V. ."l . .'.., - ''.' , " ,z,rr. ,-:). f'tf.'Ji ; rrsr.-'Mti'Mi' ' S"fTV,','Hi-" T''':'rVM-T '" ii'- feeWko.Y '- jrfflrtesa' .. -t vxc-rW'