The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 21, 1922, Image 5

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J.W" OgI0.'" B,1l J" KdHRle Wero
folLSillitf. tfedmUdYy afternoon.
r - yt tfn'r?:tymmr't
i'VSfimmrpnvnnyxt yvjh.
fhe Degree oTTIonor will moot next
'iibUy evdiihtgfiberawJII be Ifii'tfn'
Ari s.wi
tet uii Mmtt iai'r u - " iaa7 ZJ.
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M.ra. Herb Ludlc-w returned homo
Thursday evening from Lincoln where
she went the first of the week for n
short visit with friends.
By Christopher G.Haiard
, .Thc.Red Cloud ychools close Friday
,ftfternj)ojifor,jshc holiday vacation.
Mrs. J. W. Hauck went to Hastings
Friday morning to Bpend tho day.
D. 122, WHttra Newiptp Unio.)
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Mrs. Frank Peterson went to Hast
ings Friday morning to spend the day.
Miss Anna Stumpenhor.-t vs a
passenger to Hastings Friday morn
ing. Mr. N. IJ. Bush went to Hastings
Friday morning on train 4 to spend
the day.
Mr. F. E. Crawford was a passen
ger to Blue Hill Thursday morning
m train 4.
Mrs. Ohas. Brubaker went to Hast
ings Tuesday morning on train 4 to
spend the day.
Miss Hnllie Summers went to Hast
ings Friday morning to spend the day
'visiting with friends.
Mrs. Julia Warren went to Fairfield
Iowa, Monday morning where she will
vi it a few weeks with i datives.
Mrs. Dave Kalev went to Lincoln
Monday morning where She will
visit for a few days with friend .
County Atorr.ey H. S. Foa w.i.i at
tending to some legal business at
Burlington, Colorado, the last of the
Mrs. Earl Hall returned home Mon
day evening on train 11 fom Hastings
where she had spent the day with
Ohas. Conrad of Hastings went to
Superior Tue:day morning on train 16
to spend the day attending to business
Mrs. E. A. Creighton and Mrs. W. A.
Sherwood returned home Monday even
ing on train 11 after spending the day
in Hastings
The Red Cloud American Legion
vl'Jost will meet Wednesday evening for
the purpose of electing officers for the
ensuing year. - ,
' Vivw; RdV.' -J.. M. Bates returned home
- Monday evening from Grand Island,
, where he had been spending the past
couple or days.
' Mrs. Andrew Saladcn arrived hero
from her home in Alma Wednesday
morning for a few days vi'it with rel
atives and friends.
Mr. Breault, manager of the United
Grocery Store went, to Hastings Fri
day morning to spend the day attend
ing to business matters.
Earl 'Patten, who recently under
went an operation for appendicitis at
Kearney, is visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Patten.
Friday evening Rev. and Mrs. I. W.
Edson entertained the printing frater
nity of the city at a six o'clxk dinner
in honor of their son, Russell, who
together with It y Herbergor have
leased the Kene aw Progress from L."
H. Schultz, they taking possesion
Saturday. The dinner wasu sumptous
affair and the evening was spent in
listening to music and singing.
TUG folks ,1110 make use of
our oleanlng and pressing
and dyeing faoilltles are be
ginning to gree( with this sent!.
mat,'0o . Jtlfif ch extreme
tira 'of tarmentao intrusted us and
'bu'P nVethodsVarY'wjj strictly sani.
VaryVwe feel thai wVuafro a right
to invit'e your eiistom
1JH0NE:193M Mary McClelland and Edith
Ziess wont to Hastings Saturday
morning to spend the day returning
home on No. 11 that evening.
Miss Eb'ja Gregcrsen returned to
her home in Minden Monday morning
on train 4 after spending the past few
days here visiting with friends.
Tho taxpayer.i of this county arc
holding a meeting at the cpurt house
this afternoon and a complete writeup
of the same will be in this paper next
Mr. Dan Gather returned home
Thursday morning on trnin 11 from
Lincoln where he has been for the
past few days attending to bushlcs-i
Gene Bush returned to Oberlin, Kin
rrs Monday morning after a short
visit here. lie is working in one of the
ding stores in thr.t city during the
holiday season.
Mr. S. K. IOgan" of Blue Hill pur
chased a ticket at the local ticket
oflire Wednesday morning for Tuscon
Arizona, whee he will spend the win
ter months, with relatives.
A. II. Carpenter returned home Fr-
day morning from Scldon Kluns?s,
wheic he has been for the past few
daS'ji looking after his real estate
holdings in that vicinity.
M. L. Weiser who has been here for
the past month working in place of
Mr. Bush, went to Denver Saturday
evening on No. 17. Mr. Bush resumed
his duties Saturday morning.
Mr. and Mrs W. A. Brown arrived
here from Keller, Minnesota, the latler
part of lest week" for an extended
visit with his father, Wm. Brown.
They drove through from Keller.
Joe Ciow arived here on No 1G Sat
urday morning to spend the day at
tending to business matters and visit
ing with relatives. He returned to h!s
home at Republican that evening.
, One carload of hogs and one car
load of cattle were shipped, from hero
to the South Omaha market Tue day
morning. J. H. Ellinger went to
Omahujn charge, of the shipment,
AMtyand'Mrs. E W. Stevens returned
home Thursday .from Rochester, Min-
ncs:ta to which place they, went about
ten days t'go to get ndvhp from Mayo.
Bros, about her physical condition,.
Mrs. Ida Richardson intends driving
to Hastings this evening to meet her
daughter, Miss Fay, who is coming
home to spend the holidays with hec
mother. She is attending school in
Mrs. Roy Rqbinson arrived here
Wednesday morning on train 16 from
Cheyenne Wyoming, to spend a couple
oVthrc weeks visiting with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Jcrnberg
uul with friends.
Miss Clara Deezley returned to her
schrol work at Rivet ton Monday noin
ing on train 15 after spendine; the pa it
couple of days here visiting with her
parent.', Mr. and Mrs. Sherman
Rcezley and with friends.
Two carloads of cattle were shipped
from here Sunday to the Omaha mnr
ket. A total of fifteen cars were
ordered but owing to the general
shortage of cars along the line tho
shippers were forced to hold most of
their stock over.
Mr. William Schenk and Gcitrude
Wolfe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Wolfe, autoed to Alma Saturday
where they were married by the
county judge. They , departed from
that place for Los Afikeles, California
whoro they will nhnrjj their future
home. .
Mrs. Ireno Weisz went to Lincoln
Monday morning for a few days 'visit
with her sister, Mrs. Gund, before
returning to her home in Chicago. 'Sim
has been here for the past ccuplebf
weeks visitincr with her 'sisters. 'MrsY
E. A. Creighton nndfrni. W.'A.'SheVi
wood. Tho two Hitter went as far ni
Uastings with her.
i ?. n
; ; '
Farm Loans
Call nnd see me if you want a fiirm
lban'.flfTrO(lueod rate of lntcrit aid
best option. Loans ulnsod iminei I
atcly with no delay or expense for x
.1. II. BAILEY.'
unriKLh ui a
said the
etory, Uncle Peter,"
children, aa they
climbed over thetr kindly relative one
Chrlstmns eve. "A story 1" repeated
Uncle Peter, affecting surprise, but
willing to draw upon Ids Inexhaustible
stock; "well, have you ever heard of
Uncle Samta Claus?" "Oh, you mean
Uncle Santa Claus 1" exclaimed Jack.
"No, I don't," said Uncle 1'etcr; "I
mean the old man with the plug lmt,
the blue swallowtail coat, the striped
breeches; the old man with eyes like
stars and n smile that never comes off
excepting when somebody Is treading
on somebody else; the old man with
the striped flag, whose headquarters
is up In Alaska; the biggest Santa
Claus there Is." "All right, then,"
nnswered the children, "tell us about
"Well," said Uncle Peter, "he has
his hands full Just now and Is doing
all he can to (111 the hands of others.
The air Is so noisy with wireless cries
and clamors, there are so many hands
reaching out over the seas, that he Is
almost distracted. Kver since he got
back from the groat war he has
been repairing Its damage and renew
ing the prosperity that It spoiled. And
long before that he was In the Christ
ians business, lie surprised China bj
refusing to accept tho great sum of
the Hoxor Indemnity. He let the Cu
bans have Cuba when ho had made
them free, and many thought that he
bad a right to take that fair Island
for himself, lie Is working hard at
his task of making America truly
American, a sober, Industrious, en
lightened, prosperous, hnppy, Christ
masy nation."
"I'm glad I'm one of his American
children," snld Agnes, when Uncle
Peter had concluded; with which sen
timent all the rest agreed.
A little cloud of doubt had arisen
on the Chrlstmns sky, however, as
ii liv I I 'lillltl'l 1
"I'm Glad I'm On
e," Said Agnea.
Peief. had. spoken of 'uUncle.
itlmta's iaJtlsliiiesH In far countries,
vdlcW It when tftr wtmeed to
know If It would be of any use for
them to expect anything that .Christ
nius, whether or not they were to bans
up their stockings. "You'll put your
foot In It If yod do," snld George. "No."
she won't," said Uncle Teter; "Ijhave
hnd a special delivery letter from
Uncle Samta, saying that he has had
his eye on this house for the Iiim
twelvemonth, and that this will be one
of his stopping places because from It
so much of service for others has been
going out. He says that oti are his
gardeners, and that you have planted
so many seeds of kindness that a lot
of beautiful things w 111 be. Mire to
come up. That Is always the way, he
says; In fail, It. Is the way In which
he got rich himself.".
This was a very pleasant assurance
for the children. It made them think
of a happy mistake that one of them
had made when they were having war
gardens all over the town: A certain
Mr. Rose had been appointed by the
mayor as Inspector of gardens for the
whole place, and one day Hetty point
ed him out to a friend with whom she
was walking. "There goes Mr. Rose,"
she said; "lie's an cxpecter of gar
dens !"
When the children had been re
minded of Mr. Rose they nlso remem
bered what Hetty had done at their
last Christ nins party"; stalking heavily
and pompously. down the room, she
had said: "I'm Mr. Atlas, who holds
up the world.',' So one of them stood
on tiptoe, threw back her hind and
threw out her arms and said:' "I'm
Uncle Samta Vnm, who holds up the
world." "Well done!" cried Uncle
I'eter; "that's Just It!"
There wasn't any disappointment In
the house the next iiinrnlnr. "Hid you
get all that you wanted?" asked
Uncle I'eter. "s," hi41 Mary.
"Were you ,at all disappointed?
"No," said. Mary. When Mary said
"Goodness," . her mother said. "You
hiiouuin i Hnyvgnmiup,- awry.- .
clous 1" said 'Mary. Hut Mary Was ho
excited to hare a care for her ex
presMons. In dencrlblnu the nltuHtlou"
afterwards she said: "I was In a per
'fect'utupor of excitement."
Under I'eter hnd a prf,ent, r
.After all e ,rest had been,,
liappy gnea.brouxht, out'a'pai
and whi'n Uncle. jVter opened It ther
jere ,too bit liooks that told over
ijpin On; storp 'of' alt ..that tmerlcti
mid stoou nir ami accomplished, ims
made him very glad Indeed, and he
ashed them to write hs name on the
My leaf and tn-Mi.Mliut It was frqi
his Young Aliiurlcuik, -Then tlie
Christmas patty iidecj with a verse
of our national anthem, heartily sung
nnd followed by nil Jlie other verses,
.with a hurrah for Uncle Sain instead
mJSKJUhwu't'' sffiTfi
"Choti' Shculqy went to Grand Island
Tuesday to visit his mother and at
tend to some business nmttere.
Mth, I), It, Farmer, hotter htiowii as
Nwunle Wright to, ninny lir 'this com.
nninity, pasted away at her home
near Claronco, Missouri, last Thursday
after 'undergoing dn oporntlon Mr.
ami At i p. W. J. UoltuoH departed Frl
duv mnrntng for ChironcJ to attend
the funeral. She In survived by a
hustmnd, her mother, Mrs. Kmiiy
Wittwor, two slhlerp, Mrs. V. J
Holmes mid Mrs Art Robinson, und
wo brotheis, Albert and Sum.
Garfield Community Church
Next Suiubty will be a hnppy duy
for the uhlldreu as well as for the
ohler folks at the Uiirtlold Community
church. All tho services will take on
tho Christmas spirit. The Sunnny
School lesson will tie on the lliitli of
Clirist mid also fiotn Lulto l'J. The
nnrtilng sermon will tic on ''The
Preparation of tho World for Christ'
At 7:o() p. m a piogram of Song
Kxerulso-, Recitations, KoiitHtig.s will
bo given. The miisle will be furnished
by the Chorus, Sunday School Cliisse
Ttieie will al-o be a solo, duet and a
The ei vice and ilecor.itions will be
planned after the "White (3ifl" CIniM
in us bleu. This idea will be explained
at i he program.
On the afti-nioons of Dec SO, S7 aid
t!8, ftotn I.:i0 to -1:00 a Mlblu Institute
will be held at tho ohtirob. iho Sfi
moti on tho Mount and the cHily cbup
t-rs of Acts will be studied and some
problems of Religious Education and
Christiun Life will be considered. AH
are roquesled to be present at these
sessions. We especially desire high
8!hool students tost'end.
Wo hope to see you Sunday morn
ing and evening at Garfield, t
Grace Church Notes
On Friday evening. Dee. 22nd, at. 8 p.
m., the ChristniHS true and program
will be held in the church, all soIioIhi-s
of tho Sunday School, their parents,
friends and communicants of the
church are invited there.
On Sunday, Dec 21th, servics
follows: .
Uiiriflut ill lfl n rtl I. t
0a.m.; fl '
t Ha. mg,
7tf(i p. W '
....... i.uj ..... ...... ...
'Moriiliifc Service at
Evening Seivice nt
At tho Morning Service, vGunrity
Longu lA.1F. ,A. M. are ,ejtfcWtlng to
" On Monday, Christmas I Jaw, there
fvfH be serried of Holy CommWirion at
2&im' -:; '
S sli?L I
'J'ty day life following Holiday Festivities.. Nothing
nw zvsr.z
would be of
Come in and
ing list of articles-some suitable ar'
mas presen1
m&Ri Shirts
jafV Hous
1JK "-'- l .
I' Zi
:iffT T''4
J' a ' . ' jj
h. f
vis ."-.wu
Wo now have on hand a full
ypSatin finish fancy boxes in ' lp. to 5,-lb .'
Made Fresh As You Want It
So Place Your Order Early
Mb - . -
5-lbs., per pound
1 0-lbs., or over, per pound -
Come In And
Fine Pastry
We Cater To Special Orders
Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska
Bell Phone 29 -:- Ind. Phone 12
Nice Things
HE CRYING need this season
Men and Boys' is something
Something that they can use in
more service than something to wear.
let us help you select f
'...v: tern- -
H I ' ' rllli ''
BBbV fc I vl
and complete line of 'A
Look Our
Line Over
K .$&
25c sj I
v I
for Gifts
.for gifts for
of service.
their every- liIS
VNft."i .at
"W" U , fig
W.r- rtv, t
of an ama.
lpptWMXayf M