The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 21, 1922, Image 4
1i ii "V1 " V w'm 5jAj. .f't3nw';iiAwwi:w wiKWK&.v cteAt?. vwVrt am a j)lrjt. rif nrwfwwrtwte I -JWT .. , ymwwwi.T4 Myy-mir3flfMiilMa. ''$ I S t w hi I2r m i '-;ii v BW fct Place Your Co&l Orders Now i $r The Malone tfWUWWWWVVWUUArnAVA r Our Printing is Attractively Done Clean cut and snappy. We know just how to handle type to get the most nttraptfve display and the best results, Need stationery - - bill heads - - Book lets - - hand bills of any kirid? Phone us. Double quick service - - A No. I quality, No job too large or too- small for us to print, I J i . The Red Of Course iss&Sgjpw ANNOUNCEMENT ART NELSON, who has been in the employ of E..W. Stevens, for the past four years, has resigned his position, and knowing him persdnally as being a man well qualified for Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Work jiave decided to give him floor-room in my store where the trade will recetve courteous treatment and , his prices will be reasonable. GEORGE TRINE, HARDWARE 1 T?1 - Gellatly Co. 1 Cloud Chief YOU ARE PLANNING TO GET AWAY PROM BUSINESS AND HOUSEHOLD RESPONSIBILITIES FOR A TIME THIS WINTER AND VISIT FLORIDA, THE SOUTH ATLANTIC OR GULF COAST STATES, OR TEXAS! REDUCED RATE TICKETS COVERING WINTER TOURS ARE NOW ON SALE. YOU CAN TOUR THAT GREAT LAND OF" HISTORY AND ROMANCE GO ONE WAY, RETURN VIA A DIFFERENT, YET EQUALLY FAMOUS, ROUTE AND STOP OVER TO SIGHT-SEE HERE AND THERE, AS YOU PLEASE. YOU'LL BE SURPRISED WHEN YOU COMPARE THE COST OF GOING WITH THE COST OF REMAINING AT HOME. BESIDES, THINK WHAT SUCfH A TRIP WILL MEAN TO YOU! YOU'LL ENJOY THE BURLINGTON'S COURTEOUS AND THOUGHTFUL SER VICES. IT MAKES THE GOING AS DE LIGHTFUL AS THE GETTING THERE. DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. COME IN NOW AND LET ME HELP YOU PLAN YOUR TRIP AND 'jIAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS. THEN THE DETAILS WILL BE ARRANGED WHEN YOU ARE READY TO START. N. B. BUSH Ticket Agcttt iHE RED CLOUb CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. JUUL.ISHED EVERY THURSDAY r 3ntered In the i'oatofflce at Hcct Cloud, Neb - m Second CImm Matter . .i - . r A. B. MO ARTHUR, Editor and. Owner , Advertsing Rates Foreign, per column Inch . 15c Local, 10 A 2 No Melons Here In 11)20 thorn went in this United States, 0,4 18,313 farms. The depart moiit of agriculture estimates ttie value of tills venr'8 farm crops at 37,r)72,8il0.()()0. That menus an aver. ago gross income of about $1,200 per farm, out of which taxes, interest, tools und work animals must bo pnid before anything goes to the support of the farmer and his family. In 1020 the mortgage dobt of tie farms of tho countrv amounted t $1,00.3,707,182. At 0 per cent Interei t n it far from the average rate, tit interest bill of the farm amounts this ye ir to about $240,000,000. The vhIuo of all the farms and their Improve, ments in U)20 wns JOO,310,002,C!)2. Al'ow the land omikim t per cent on their iuvcbtmont, one. third loss than aonguss hetsjis a fair return for the railroads, and this claims 3,u.VoiO, 101 or the farmer's beven uml u half blllloUb, How much of Ids $1,200 the a vet age fit mer paid for hired help and mn chiuery and other operating expeube we cannot guess. Even without these items, allowing only the 4 per cent on his investment, his $1,200 shrinks to about S800. This for the labors of the firmer and his family for one year. Tue report takes no account, of course, of farm products consumed by t' c family This factor would some. what improve the showing. '- ', It is clear that there will Le no melon cuttings on the furais till? year no siock aivKientis, no cr m'nal e,vB' slons of Mr. Melon's income saner taxes. Monday's Llucoln State Jout. nal, Local items of thirty years ago : fci I Friday, Dee. 10, 1802 Arthur Wohjott. wasmongJie vis itort. fpoui ItmvulOiln the comity seal Monday. ' , J. P. Winters pf Vllncoln udu uiouii xucsiihv,, ior a visit wnn (Menus auu incidentally to look fitter 8 imp business Jiatters. ,'.1 ' n A deal was mailu last -week Kvliereby C. M. Smith "and AlberVBcrlyner'be. camu proprietors of the F. N,, Richard, son livery, feed and mile. barn. They assumed cbargo of the barn last Mon day. Mr. Richardson has not as et decided as to his plans in tbevfnture, The entire state"kU covered with snow, the depth ranging trom two to oight inches. In this immediate local ity abuut'six inches of the pearly white covers old mothereartb. Thehoaviest poitlon of It fell Sunday night. Sleigh lug is splendid and many aie taking advantage of it. Ed Fry relinquished churgu of the Hollaud House to Mrs. J. W. Runchey Monday marutug. J. A. McArtuur attended a meeting of the State Sherifl's association at Lincoln, Tuesday. Oeurgo Ovri(ig made a business trip to Oxford, Saturday night, in the in terest of tho Red Cloud Monuuientul Works. (Items of Twenty Years Ago.) Do not forget the Christmas delight at the M. E. church Saturday night. O. V. Liudsey, will tale charge of his old meat marltot on the 1 0th of January. Mr. Llndsuy Uh veteran in the butcher business and his many friends will be glad to see him behind the block aualn'i Geo. .1. Warien was in Llucoln this weelt O C, Bell acted as J M. while he was absent. Miss Klltt Rcmsburg one of Lin. colu's bchool teachers, is home on a visit to her parents during vacatiou. Henry C. Cutter the affable stock buyer and real pstato dealer, along with his wife, has gone to Wisconsin on a vidlt. The lied Cloud Por Company are again putting up the wire for the elec trio lights. Tliey will be strung on poles in the alleys instead of on poles upon the street U. R. Chaney is borne from Colorado. Dr. I. W. Tulloys has re-arrangtd the interior of hisofllcc, Geo. Hutchinson, tin) barber was laid up last week aud part ot this vr lb. sickness. He is again able to be ' on onty and is performing his "tonsorial foatt." with regularity; Morris Stern who recently wont. n Philadelphia where he was married, ban returned with his bride. At piOMMit they are stopping at the Pnlinl, but on the llrbt they will occupy tho A..S. Marsh residence. M bs Carrie Brown, one of tho Lin. c In mjIiooI teacheis is home to sfiend the holidays. T " ' - lVk I'lONEEKS TO HOLD 1 ' THEIR ANNUAL REUNION b Tho Nebraska Territorial Pioneers' Association will hold its annual to- ainion Tuesday, January 9, 1928 In the parlors of tho Grand Hotel, 12th oV "Q" Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska. Tho sesion will convene at 4O o'clock a. m. and continue throughout the en tire day with luncheon and socal hour at moon. At two oc'clockithe annual address will bo given by Hon. Edgar Howard Columbus, Nebraska, ahd following Hon. I. O. Dunn of Omaha will give a talk oiT early days. A round table will be conducted by M se t P. O'Brien of Omaha and each Pioneer is invited to be ready to respond to the call fc a five minutes talk. With each succeeding year the pioneers feel more keenly the value of these meetings. They help to preserve tho personal and homo life of the earliest days of our State and it is upon the preservation of tho 0 features of development tliat tho fu turo hirtorian must depend when a comprehensive study of the State is to be made. Attend the meeting and contribute your experience that the real history of the Slate may be recorded. Any one who has lived in the State thirty- five years as eligible to membership and if you cannot attend the reunion fiend your name to the secrelary tt ensure; for registration. L. A. Simmon , ptesiucnt. Minnie P. Knotts, sccy.-treas. .Moses P. O'BriQii W. J. Ulystone R. S. Coolcy Executive Committee WEBSTER COUNTY FARM BUREAU NOTES By H. R. Fausch, County Agent BUTCHERING DEMONSTRATIONS The two butchering demonstrations were held as per, schedule Tuesday at the farm of Eddie . Ohmatpdn soutttwe J ofCiuJcloRock and Wednes day at the faiiin of Henry Stumpen- horst SDuthwest of Blue Hill. latBpite of zero weather good crowdswurncd uHt and, much interest was shown. M. B. Posson, specialist in animal husbandry demonstrated' inert cutting which was witnes ed by tho men and women. Following this Mifs Attwood demonstrated to the women meat can ning and soap, tanking while Mr. Pos.ion butcheredariottier hoc. EXTRACTS FROM. ANNUAL RE bumary ot hog cholera by towns'ups 1922: ' " "' ' ' Inavalo, 12- farms, 505 head, 1837 ccf serum; Walnut Creek, 2 farms, 48 ncau, i'uuucc,',''serum, vatneixon i farms, 150 head, 7975cc serum; Glen wood 23 farms, 592 head, 73650cc ser um; Batin 1 farm, 19 head, 800cc ser um; Red Cloud 17 farms, 490 head 31135cc, serum; Line 15 farms, 737 head 35075cc perum; Garfield 11 farms, 566 head, 35250ce? solum; Pleasant Hill 10 farms, -350 head 12 350cc; Elm Creek 2 farms, 122 head, 7000cc, serum; Potsdam 9 farms 269 head, 16950cc serum; Oak Creek 4 farmu, 187 head, 8500cc: Beaver Creek 15 farms, 469 head, 81670cc, scrum; Guide Rock 45 farms, 3491 head, 120200cc, sorum; total 190 farms 9079 head, 445,395cc serum. Notice to Creditors in the County Court of .Webster Coun ty. Nebraska . In the Matter of the Instate of John 0. Wilson Deceused. Creditors of S,Ud Kstatc will take Notice, that the time limited for pres entation and tiling of claimb against said estate Is Match 21st, 102.1, and for the payment of debts Is November 21, 1023, that I will sit at the county court room in said county on the 23d day of December, 1922, to examine, hear and allow all claims duly tiled which are a first or second lien upon said estate, and on the 24th day of March, 1923 to examine, hear, allow aud adjust all claims and objections of general credit ors duly tiled. Dated this 28th day of November, 1922. (Heal) A. D. RANNEY, A true copy. County Judgo, U StBiiel SBlth. Mi-resMcHt dc Te-MlMti Notice is hereby glven.that pursuant to an order of attachment issued by B. W. Stewart, a justice of the peace of Webster county, Nebraska, in an action pending before said justice wherein Ray Mouritford and .Olen Mount'ord, partners ' doing business under the tjarae and1 style of Mount, ford lirobers Was plaintiffs and 'Sam uel Smith defendant to recover the sum of $31.45, a writ of attachment! was Issued and levied upon the follow- Ing described property: Money on du- posit In Peoples Hank of Red Cloud and that said case was, on, tho return day of tho summons Issued therein continued for trial to tho 1.1th day of January, 1US3 nt tt A. M. Uuy Mountfard, lpittitifr8. Ulen Mountford fl i ' '. ' , li,n 1 ,' I'uli i , , , - . .. . Ml . - fv'i 1 Ft . -V UV. 1 PMlfligtf 3fiJwnH 1 A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year is our greeting to you.., " May your Joys be , unbounded. Cowden-Kaley eiiriMiffiiniiiun GROCER Cheerful acceptance of orders over the phone or, in person and Prompt Delivery are two of the reasons that our store has such a big clientele. Anothers that our Groceries are always fresh, pure and wholesome and our prices most reas onable. May we have the pleasure of a visit or call from you to-day? P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware I VrUMO 1 lVl0 We have some r t m ransian ivory oooas that we are offering at attractive discount consisting of Toilet Sets, Brushes, PS Also MANICJURE SETS and DOLLS-Also a ffne stock k ofBCiOKS. FOUNTAIN PENS and EVER ft" SHARP PENCIES JS Whitman's Candies Finest in the land It will be to your interest to CHAS. L. C0TTING, The Drnist How About Harness! I will meet any catalogue price on anything In the harness line Dou't let someone tell you that you can save money by sending away come In and look my stock over. I can save you soine'taioney. Bring in your old ones and get them fixed up and oiled before Spring lee r: walker: rwaw a&ymm mw&s Dr.WHMcBride OENTIBT . OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud Ncbrasti ' it,i v Dr.R. V. Nicholson ,'nA DENTISTf j Red Cloud t Nebrask Clothing Co. rf&Olr. lNlNUUiNH.VlHPJ 1 HJ fine pieces in the fS r i Mirrors, and Novelties see our stock before buying. wavMwiwr n i?,." The Margin ot Safety Is represented by tl)B amount of insurance you carry, Don't lii'll yourself" into a fancied security. i Because fire has never touched yon It doesn't follow that you're immuna Tomorrow rscaqday.j if you have rWmfirnd, jog, bet And time come to the office' aud we'll write ,P Ijotfcy on your house, furniture, store or merchandise. LATER MAY BE TOO LATE- &i C.vTEEL JRLeileCble Insuratnce Renew, your Subscription V I ' i .r I