The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 21, 1922, Image 3

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ALL tho world loves sweet six
teen in her party frock. There Is
nothing is Important as having "roes
in rose-tline." That is why mothers
love to see little (liuiglittr nullant In
Joyous chiffons and Huffy rallies. A
mother puts I lie lust libhon in place,
subdues a fractious curl, and views
with nrhle this vision of Imellness. the
ecstasy of youth returns Into her own
heavt. and she knows not In vain are
thoftt-exquisite lines. "I'.ackwanl, turn
sapphires, eineraldi, auieth.sts, pearls
anil rlilnesloncs. Jewels, ns lint dee.
oration, Is the very latest from I'arK
To add to the elegance of millinery
fur Is abundantly used on hats, largft
or small. Notice In the center hat to the.
left of sliver cloth nnd late that tho
Inevitable touch of fur Is present In
a bow at the 'dtlc.
Fantastic tains are popular expo
nents of the small hut, ami he It hero
said that the little smig-llttlng hat
- 1 1 ITTWTinrw I Willi II) 1 1 !! JIM iMU .
IRain Water and vlPlNl
Pure Soap f($M A
Girls who pride themselves A A o Ih' sk
on their appearance know vj. XfVy st jdiP$
the value of a smooth and l Sy ;&$&$
fragrant skin. . . Three gen- n.-?- ' 14
crations of lovely women fi ftPy
havcsctanexamplein using 7 I Jy yffif
the pure cleansing lather of ' m0px $w
Oqj Cashmere Bouquet Soap WqWI'
Vj Luxurious Lasting Ucfincd r 4 Sfffl
Jo $ffij& "Yo"r SUn 'J So Fragrant Jf fy?
m ym$? ? imtrcsizc a5c ftofi
M y MeJittm Si;e 10c .nj) Gl r'fl
S ' tVn fVAA.M'
f V (hm ikP 1
V. Ii. Douglas hIioch arc nctually do
niandcil yrmr uf tor year by more pcoplo
than amy oilier shoe In the world
BECAUSE w. u nouk.
" "1 hat been mnk-
Inir surpassingly Rood shoes
for forty -six years. This ex
perience of ncntly half a ten
turyln niaklncnhocH suiuiblo
fir Men and Wcmen In nil
walks jC Ufa ahouM mean
Something to you when you
need hoi nd aro looking
for tha l-cot Bhoe values for
your money.
quality, material and work
maniOiip uo better than ecr
before; only hy txatnlnlng
them can you appreciate their
luperior qualities.
No Matter Where You Live
shoe itoilcrs run supply jou
with W. U Douglas nhoos. If
lot convenient to call at one
f our 110 store in tho largo
dticn, ask your ehoe dealer
for VY. L. DourIjui shoes. Pro
tection against unreasonable
proflta is guaranteed by the
'name nnd Drico stamped on
'. U IXmvUu name
and poiltmt ii the
but tnovn ihoe
Trade A'jrt in the
world. It item Jl J or
the htohest ttnndard
of quality utthe low-
in poiitoie comip ine
nitine and pnee u
plainly itamptd on
the Bole.
the sole or every' pair beioro t ,,, , k fmi&ltt,
the shoes lv the factory. tl, i ,jti)M.
Refuse substitutes. 1'ricos - t. . . -;.ro
the some ocryvvhere. C2Ura&,
in tiliiir t'lfn handUi It. A. Prnldnnt If
ouglat ihoei,wrtte todavor IF.i.oioIaAoC.
erelultrmghtl to handle this lOHpark Strict
cuiet srllinc, auiel tum-tttr line, Itrotkton, Jlm4t,
in New York City alone from kid
ney trouble last year. Don't allow
yourself to become a victim
by neglecting pains and aches.
Guard against trouble by taking
' m-im-m iMa
The world's standard remedy for kidney;
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles.
Holland's national remedy since 1096.
All druggists, three sizes. Guaranteed.
Look for the name Cold Medal on every
box and Accept no Imitation
Guticura Soap
Are Healthy
Soap 25c. Ontment 25 and 50c, TaIcm2Sc.
Potato salad that has fallen from
grace can be as excruciating as an
oyster that has.
It is much easier to keep up than to
catch up.
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
are usually due to straining
when constipated.
Nujol being a lubricant
keeps the food waste soft
and therefore prevents
straining. Doctors prescribe
Nujol because it not only
soothes the Buffering of
piles but relieved the irrita
tion, brings comfort and
helps to remove them.
Nujol is a
lubricant not
a medicine or
laxative so
cannot (trine.
Try it today.
Millions of Miles of Wire.
A conipllntlon of Information ns to
tlio iiumhur of mill's of tolcpliono wire
In tlio world shows n total of ns.GGO.
000. Of this total tlio United States
has 01 per cent and all tlio countries
.if ICurope together US per cent, the
remaining 11 per cent being divided
among the other countries of tho
For many years druggists have wntched
with much intercut tho remarkable record
maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver and bladder medi
cine. It is a physician's prescription.
Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi
cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad
der do the work natutc intended they
should do.
Swamp-Root has stood the test of years.
It is sold by all druggists on its merit and
it should help you. No other kidney medi
cine has so many friends.
Be sure to get Swanip-Root and start
treatment at once.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, Nt Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper. Advertisement.
Good Opinion of Himself.
A neighbor was quite Interested In
tlio two brothers next door. She was
particularly fond of Bobbs, she whb
talkative 11ml unusually bright.
One day she asked him: "How much
older than you is your brother?"
"Oh," promptly Hushed Bobby, "he's
n year older, but I'm u year smnrter."
Bach package of "Diamond Dyes" con
tains directions so simple any woman can
dye or tint her old, worn, faded things
new. Even if she has never dyed before,
she can put a new, rich color into shabby
skirts, dresses, waists, coats, stockings,
sweaters, coverings, draperies, hangings,
everything. Buy Diamond Dyes no other
kind then perfect home dyeing is gutr
nntecd. Just tell your druggist whether
the material you wish to dyo is wool or
silk, or whether it is linen, cotton, or
mixed goods. Diamond Dyes never streak,
spot, fade- or run. Advertisement.
Simple Home Remedy.
, For matrimonial heartache: A lump
of pride dissolved in u glass of com
1111111 sense. .Swallow Immediately nnd
I M-ttlc with a kiss. Add a dose of
wholesomo compliments. Repent us
often as needed. From Life.
j Important to Mothers
1 Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA. that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, nnd see that It
Tlonra thn
Signature of Qut&ffi&Zi!u
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Husband Ah, when I think of the
old days 1 Then I could have goose at
Wife But, Fritz, you havo me!
Lustlge Blaetter, Berlin.
Baby's little dresses will Just simply
dnzzlo if Red Cross Ball Blue Is used
In the laundry. Try It and see for your
self. At all good grocers. Advertise
ment. Native.
"Nlgguh, whah Is yuh from?"
"Ah ain't from, niggah. Ah lives
hyah." Life.
From the Corcoran Coal Co., Buffalo, Wyo,
Lump Coal at the Mine, $4.00.
Farmers get busy and be your own dealer by
huylni? In car Iota, biiyIuk retallem profit.
Cheaper tbnn wood. Wire your order to the
mine or to II. I). OATHKIt. 221 N. 23th Street.
Lincoln, Neb., (Phone 1X533). Thti it Iht only
mint in the let it SELLING DIRECT to the consumer.
-WW. ... i..fu ..., .,
I A mT To restore tray or
MM n n W n faded bitlr to oris
H Mr9 lnl color, don't ut
M MM I Mm dye ll dancer-
"r oua Oeiaboltliof
Q-Bau llalr Color Restorer Safe aa water
apply It and watch result. Jit all food tlruintsts.
" . 1 r?tSiK n & n
Be-Ruffled and
backward, O Time, In your flight;
make me u child again, just for to
Bight." If we believe in the psychology of
Iress, and most of us do, then pnrty
dresses are very essential to the whole
Bomo happy development of youth.
Itoscvcolored georgette, be-ruflled and
bo-ribboned, as shown In the portrait,
ihould be given due consideration In
the assembling of the young girl's
wnrdrobe. It Is tho cleverness of fab
ric treatment which features this frock.
The combination of line plaiting and
milling Is effective. The myriads of
rullles at each side supply the fash-
! m'ZtttUr33iivr r sr'v ttmSmmttl -w-w .
it m:: y.a a. cr j w. 1 vAr.A-.ia. ;-;. .a t-tt KTaaKr.,iamdrfii u...,vv....')A
3.wMa mi' "ti 3 rc
8? fcV Mfcm a i.
. fc ABri wt..-. .. a, w rcfi x& KlIK A; H VB
?- & i
Group of Gorgeous Evening Hajs
IcmaWe bouffant effect, Ribbon Is
choRnlngly bowed nllko nt back and
front .
Clxvrigeahlo taffeta frocks for the
Junior miss are very popular for holi
day parties.
If wenrlng gold, silver and Jeweled
crowlli, signifies royalty, then most
of til nro queens nnd princesses
this season. Literally nnd not figura
tively, we, nro crowned In diadems of
gold and silver (metal cloth) set with
has outrivaled Its competitor, the
broad brim. It took the combined
beauty of big velvet flat flowers, lots'
of gold cord, applique gold lace motifs
and fur talis to produce the winsome
tain shown In the accompanying cob
Tho soft little cuff hat, with n top
knot formed of a colorful velvet pop
py, also has an lntcrstltchery of gold.
Gold metal cloth shading to rose
Is used for the charming Rhnpe which
shows a slashed brim nnd a fitted
caplike round crown. It, too, Is
ornato with colorful velvet flowers
appllqued In connection with chenille
and fancy gold-thread embroidery.
Nacre, ombre and changeable are!
three ways of expressing the now
color effects, such as tho gray shading;
to lavender and rose ostrich displays
on tho silver cloth poke pictured lq
the group.
?F!!?!fLn IV wu owoH
Why Bake At Home
when you can buy bread like it.
ready baked?
COUNT the raisins at
least ciRht big, plump,
tender fruit-meats to the
Taste it sec how the rai
sin flavor permeates the
No need to bake at home
when we've arranged with
bakers in almost every town
nnd city to bake this full
fruited raisin bread.
Just 'phone and they'll de
liver it all ready to sur
prise the family tonight.
It comes from master bak-
The Supreme Bread Raisin
Your retailer should sell you Sun
Maid Raisins for not more than tho
following prices:
I BlutPackafi
Wesleyan University
College of Liberal Arts with many professional
courses. College of Fine Arts with Schools of
Music, Art, Expression. Teachers' College with
Secondary and Elementary Training Schools.
Thoro Equipment. Deautlful Campus. Large, Efficient Faculty.
Sympathetic Instruction. College Sports Encouraged.
Fit LUrratur upon
Vast stretches of undeveloped fertile agricultural land of
the highest productiveness await the settler in Western
Canada. The land possesses the same character of soil as
that which has produced the high quality ot cereals that
hare carried off the world's premier honors to many tunes
in the past ten years.
Native Grasses are
Rich and Abundant
Cattle fatten upon them without any grain being fed.
Limited capital on high-priced lands is
can tne tenant burdened vim nign
ine piaco to overcome meae is in
Vf nere tana a cmap wnere a nome
coat, ana wnere aatrytng, mixta
ratting givs an atsurtd profit.
Land may be purchased from the Railway Companies
or from responsible land companies or from private
owners. Prea homestead of 180 acraa each are to
be baa in the more remote districts.
For Illustrated (Iterators, msps. descrip
tion of farm opportunities in Usnltobi,
BsjkttclMwsn, Alberts and British Co-
lamtiis.rsdoc! railway ratti.etc. .writs
I frWl IJ 'ill
100 Peter's Trust Building
Omaha, Neb,
Gives New Life to Old Stockings
Putnam Fadeless Dyes dyes or tints as you wish
Murrlage, llko salad, Is u failure
when the dressing Is poor. t
The.Cuticura Toilet Trio.
Having cleared your skin keep It clenr
by making Cutlcura your every-day
toilet preparations. Tho Soap to cleanse
and purify, the Ointment to soothe nnd
heal, tho Talcum to powder and per
fume. No toilet table is complete
without them. Advertisement.
Every bhndow In llfo Is evidence of
n sun somewhere.
Refreshes Mary Eyes
When Your Eyes feel Dull
nd Heavy, uie Murine. Ic In.
Makes them Clear, Dilitht and
Sparkling. lUtmlcu. Sold and
Kccommcnded by All Druggliis.
4 AslfeoJEVES
crs'g modern ovens in your
city. And it's made with
Sun-Maid Raisins.
That's another reason for Its
superiority. A rare combination
of nutritious cereal and fruit
both good and good for you, so
you should serve it at least twico
a week.
Use San-Maid Raisins also in
puddings, cakes and cookies. You
may be offered other brands that
you know less well than Sun
Maids, but the kindyou want is
the kind you know is good. In
sist, therefore, on Sun-Maid
brand. They cost no more than
ordinary raisins.
Mail coupon for free book o
tested Sun-Maid recipes.
Seeded (in J 01. rif.)suo
Seedless tin IS o. ui pit.) 18o
Seeded or Seedless (11 ot.)lSa
Sun-Maid Raisin Growers,
Dept. N-5S1-12, Fresno, Califom.a.
Please send me copy of your free book,
IIR.i-iniit with TtilUlnS."
"Recipes with Raisins.1
Street '
j Cmr State I I
I. B. Schreckengast, Chancellor
not a success, neither
rents none to succeea.
western s-anaua
may oe maae at tow
jarmutg ana uoac
Ateni, Dept. ef Immi
and cefoniaatwn,
01 vsnsaa.
Ladles' I'u re bilk million (iurtrr I'acksd
Individually In linlly box for Xiims. IJ per
dozen, prepaid; you sell tuo each. Sumpln 30a.
S repaid. Money back If wanted. Kabrla
pnclnltles Co. ilhi Delor St., St, Louis, Met.
40.p.ii;e booklet "How to AIrIio Money1
tell you how. Send 60 cents Immediately.
MACKKY. 3201 Central, DullUQtJH, IOWA.
Iteeorded, U0-Yr., Ark. U-Aerr Oil I.tusea
sn'3,13. intenas milling Territory. No rentals,
Furtune'soppor. J, llumpliry, Hot Hprlntt, Ark.
Irade Secret Tliut (ieta die Motu-j No tool
required. 60a utta tills thoroughly explained.
Kdwln Krevman, 614 t)i Ave., Clinton, In.
B V.M. ll-t-CO.,OgTllOITr,PJ
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 601824,
e,w ureei uvai MiMWi-cuu, lean