wmfttv .,RED OLQUD, NEBRASKA,, CHIEF, " ..' I''-! H h Peace Use p 1 1 mim ii" ' i 111 1 1 1 wumi h ' hip I si III the Btm shop of the Washington nnvy yard they nro making letter boxes dlscnrded shell cases and other ordnnnce material. Biggest X-Ray Apparatus in World Garfield hospital, Washington, D. C, has Installed the largest X-Ray ap paratus In the world for the treatment of cancer. This machine Is so designed that It Is unnecessary for tho patient, attendants and operator to he protected. A Jacket of lead, one-half Inch thick, lines the cylinder, effectually preventing the escape of the rays. A slx-luch aperture In the hottom permits the rays to play upon the parts of tho body selected for treatment. The equipment de livers 200,000 volts, which Is 100 per cent greater than has been produced lu America by nny other such apparatus. Lots of Oil Wells w 1 WSvj. :LzxB&i2t .&' ": TA ? vxn ' Jil mi .u-m. r " h im iwib. - Anv m imjimmmmsm This Is Durum, but where arc the "elephants u-pllin' teak" and tho "neater, sweeter maiden"? It Is n view of the Durmese oil fields, where the wells nro so close together that the workmen Interfere with one another. According to John Park, a former Dayton (O.) man, who Is manager for the Dritlsh oil com pany controlling these wells, the number of wells to the acre on this Held is from 76 to 100. Costly Strawberry S 9&agA'Wmask)a B " SS Frank K. Beatty, president of the It. M. Kellogg company, fruit growers, and tho Itockhlll ftrnwlerry plant, for which ho has Just puld $50,000, gaining tho exclusive right to propagate tho berry. The plant was orlglnuted by Har low Itockhlll of Iown and Is almost us largo as a bushel basket. for the Instruments in Burmese Field Plant and Buyer WLmKEtf&r b of Warfare for the Post Office department out of MAKES RIOTERS WEE? Beforoyou start a riot, examlno tho above photograph. . Capt. L. M. Mc Bride Is showing the new tear ebb gun with which Washington pollco will bo equipped for riot squad duty. The gun has two cylinders and n noz zle. Compressed air In one cylinder draws tear gas from tho other and throws a stream through the nozzle. The stream breaks up into a lino mist, and If It ever ranches you, you nro going to cry and cry hnrd, no matter how stony your heart may be. Tho gun weighs seven pounds. POLES HONOR PERSHING Oen. John J. Pershing being doc orated with tho Polish "Vlrtutl mill tarl" and "Polonla restltuta," awarded him by tho Polish government for services during tho World war. Tho presentations wero mado by Dr. Wro hlewski, tho new minister to this coun try from Poland. Trailing Aurora. Incidental to his voyage of discovery In tho Arctic, Captain Itoald Amund sen plans to make movie pictures of tho aurora boroalls that wonderful phenomenon, now known to be olectrl cat lu Its nature, which manifests it self In tho form of light-streamers that ascend Into the sky all 'around tho Arctic circle. Occasionally In our latitudes wo get a glimpse of It, but only n glimpse; and it seems to us. as If tho stren 11113 sprang from the surface level of tho earth. But they do not. They sturt from 40 to 50 miles up. It Is tho sun that makes the aurora, which varies In size and Intensity with solar activity. Onco In a while, when It reaches a maximum, Its streamers may bo seen stretching clear across our night sky, and thero Is so much electricity let looso that all our tele- J graph Instruments go on strike'. VflHHVjWHtiy'ilcAHVHVHnl NEWS OF NEBRASKA IN CONDENSED FORM Recent Happenings in Nebraska Given in Brief Items For Busy Readers. There are live applicants for tho position o postmaster i.t Wymore. John Peter Oloson of Omaha cele brated his tOOth birthday last week. The Stale .Manufacturers associa tion will hold Its sessions at Omaha December H. A loss of nearly $10,000 was caused by a lire which destroyed the Catholic church at Agnew. Lake Doris, near Sargent, has been stocked with 1,000 black bass from tho hatcheries at Gretna. The city of Harvard is advertising for bids on the paving work which It plans to start next spring. Harold Smith of Plattsmouth was killed when the auto In which ho was riding ran Into a heavy truck. HON. JOHN H. MOREHEAD. Former governor of Nebraska, chosen by the democrats at the recent elec tion to represent the Flret district In congress. A. L. Cuvluess, for sometime presi dent of Peru State Normal, has tender ed his resignation, which was accepted and will become effective August 1, ID'JU. By a vote of nlnety-llve to eight the membership of the greater Norfolk association decided to change the name to the Norfolk chamber of com merce. The State Grand Chapter, Itoyal Arch Masons, will meet at Omaha December 13. Tho Grnnd Council, It. S. M will also be In session at the same time- By defeating the Laurel American Legion team 0 to 0, tho Ilartington American Legion soccer football team claims the championship of North eastern Nebraska. Farmers around Central City are being asked for subscriptions to a fund to buy a lire truck equipped with chemical tanks and ladders for uso In protecting tho rural district. State expenditures lu November ex ceeded receipts by .$178,000 and the stuto general fund Is $74i.000 over drawn, according to the monthly re port of State Treasurer Dan Cropsey. After he was jarred out of tho auto mobile his mother was driving on a rough road near Petersburg, the three-year-old son of Mrs. Otto Ituinstlck fell under the wheels of the car and was Instantly killed. Col. J. II. Presson, who has served at the state house at Lincoln as record clerk under Governors Aldrlch, More head, Neville and McKelvIo, will re main In charge of that department under Governor-elect Bryan. Attorneys have Hied a petition containing- 170 sheets In county court re questing a recount of the entire Doug las county vote for sheriff. "The peti tion does not allege fraud or corrup tion," say the attorneys. "We only charge Irregularities and errors in counting the vote." . Beginning January 1 the agricul tural college of the state university will conduct n wintor course In automobile-tractor mechanics. Tho In struction will consist of lectures and shop work covering tho care, repair and operation of all kinds of motors used by tho farmers. The question of whether Nebraska should adopt tho Kansas industrial court will be fought out this year In the state high school debating league, according to announcement made by Professor M. M. Fogg, president of the association. Jonas Lucht, a farmer near Wol bach, plowed up the skeletons of several Indians, togother with a lot of relics and treasures of the tribe, all In a good stato of preservation. Belles of various kinds have been picked up in this neighborhood, but tills Is the first tlmo skeletons of In dians have been unearthed, Representatives of farmorh' union locals meeting at Nelson, unanimously passed a resolution opposing the ship subsidy, copies of which wero sent to Nebraska members of congress. Mare than 10,000 football enthus iasts witnessed tho Thanksgiving giuuu at Lincoln between tho Uni versity and Notro Dame tho fonuer winning by a score of 1-1 to 0. Fifteen Nebraska candidates wero admitted to tho bar on recommenda tion of tho stato bar commission, fol lowing a bar examination at tho state house. Not a candldato "flunked," the commission announced. THE ANTI-PICKETINQ LAW. Final and Complete Returns on Ref. erendum as Voted on at Elec tion November 7. The total vote for and against this law equals &0 per cent of the total vole cast In the election showing that a very large percentage of voteia expressed thoniM'lvos thereon. The law received a majority In all hut 14 counties In a total or P.'l. In six of these 11 counties It lost by less than 100 votes. Approved by l.'i.flSU majority; Votes In favor, 1S0.101; Votes against, l-10,ll. The law carried in most of the larger cities Including Omaha, Lincoln, Grand Island, Hastings, Beatrice, Fremont, Kearney, Falls City, Fair bury, Scottsbluff, York and Nebraska City. Counties with large rural populations returned especially "large majorities in favor of the" law. Those counties returning more than fiOO majority were: Adams, Buffalo, Burt, Butler, Cass, Cedar, Cherry, Clay, Colfax, Dixon, Dodge, Douglas, Fillmore, Franklin, Gage, Hamilton, Lancaster, Nance, Neuialm, Otoe, Pawnee, Polk, Itlchardson, Saline, Saunders, Scottsbluff, Seward, Sheri dan, Thayer, Thurston, Washington, Wayne and York. Mlna It. Tweed has been nominated by the president as postmistress at Basset. A steam cooker exploded in the home of Lieutenant-Governor Barrows at Lincoln, causing several broken windows. Mrs. Barrows escaped in Jury. A creamery company of Grnnd Is land, has shipped to England the past season, eighteen carloads of eggs, making a total of L',700,000 of that product. Fremont Sunday schools have organ ized a basketball league. Games are to he played Saturday nights nnd a gold medal Is to be given the league champions. The Agricultural College of the State University Is offering an un usually attractive list of winter short courses for the benefit of buy farm ers and their sons. According to records In the olllre of the Oinalfa police department, l!V!li was tho "wettest" year in the city's history, -l.SOli persons arrested for in toxication in the 11 months. W. F. Thlehoff, for the-past several years general manager of the Burling ton's western lines, with headquarters In Oiualin, has been promoted to general manager of the eastern lines. Mrs. Maggie Pahen, OH, a resident of Otoe county since 1S0U, Is dead at the home of her .son, near Talmage, after several months' Illness. She is survived by six sons, thirty-three grandchildren and twenty great grand children. Unanimous sentiment at the con vention of Nebraska county commis sioners, supervisors and highway com missioners held in Omaha last week, was declared to ho that Nebraska's road building program should not be curtailed. Many carloads of Nebraska potatoes have been sold In Omaha as the re sult of' the local activities in the "Buy Potatoes Now" campaign which Is be ing carried on by thd agricultural commltteo of the 0;naha Chamber of Commerce. Prof. William Francis Dann, chair man of the department of art, history and criticism at the state university, Is dead at his iime in Lincoln, of heart disease. Prof. Dann entered the university as an instructor lu 1801 and became head of his department in 1001. The Annual Corn Show of the Ne braska Crop Growers Association will he held January .'I and , as part of the Organized Agriculture meetings at the Agricultural College at Lincoln, January 2 to (i. A feature of the Show this year will be a special department for the hoys and girls. It Is estimated that fiO.OOO persons visited the annual show of tho Omaha Poultry Association Thanksgiving week. More than 2,000 birds were on dlsplny. Twelve silver cups and cah prizes amounting to SU.fiOO wero dis tributed to winners. Tho show Is ono of the largest th the country and Is the only free show of its kind. Visi tors from other states who had at tended the National and other meet ings In tho east said the exhibit far excelled that held at Albany, N. Y. The show Is an annual affair held each Thanksgiving week, nnd competi tion Is open to the world. Governor McKolvio in a proclama tion Just Issued, has endorsed Presi dent Harding's request that the period December .'J to 0, be observed as" American education week. In the Hose Comb Ancoua exhibit at tho Omaha Poultry show Thanks giving week, Boss It. Beams of Lin coln took first, second, third and fourth on cocks j first, third and fifth on hens; fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh on cockerels; 'fourth, fifth, sixth and soyenth on pullets, and second on old pen; besides having best display in class, and ho Is feel ing pretty proud in consequence. Nebraska Is being represented nt the International Live Stock Kxposl tlon nt Chicago by thlrty-slx entries In tho Hereford cattlo division alone. Howard Cross, a disabled war veteran, Is In a Lincoln sanitarium with a bullet In his shoulder, which he received when ho was shot and slugged, and robbed of $lf, his rain coat and sweater. The now half million dollar high school at Norfolk will bo ready for use January 1. Tho board has bought a complete printing plant and this trade will bo taught, pupils turning out all school supplies. IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL' SundaySchool T Lesson T ' (By UEV. I. B. FITZWATEH, D. D., Teacher of English Klblo In tho Moody Blblo ItiHtltute of Chicago.) Copyright, 1922, Western Newspaper Union. LESSON h'OR DECEMBER 17 JESUS AMONG FRIENDS AND FOES LESSON TEXT-Luko 10:SS-t2; W.U-M. GOLDEN TJ3XT-Yo nro my friends, If yo do whntBorcr I cotnmnnd you. John 1G:14. UEFEUENCE MATEltlALLuko 2:34, PP'MAIW TOPIC-Jesus In tho Home of l-r ndn. JUNIOR TOPIC Jesus Among Friends nnd Foes. . ft INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC Friends and Enomli'B of Jesus. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC -Christ's Methods of Deullne With Peo ple. 1. Jesus In tho Home of Friends (Luke 10:;iS-12). There Is no place where true charac ter Is so clenrly revealed as at home. 1. Ills lteceptlon (v. .13). Martha was the head of the home, therefore she received him. It would be a fine thing If nil homos were open to re ceive Jesus. 2. Mary Sitting at Jesus' Feet (v. 39). She, of fine spiritual discern ment, knew that sitting nt the Lord's feet and hearing His Word was that which would please him most. ' 3. Martha Cumbered About Much Serving (v. 40). Both sisters loved the Lord. It would be Impossible to say which loved the more; but Martha was bent on providing a fine meal for Him. She was trying to do so many things that she was on the verge of distraction. This had so completely got on her nerves that she found fault with Jesus for permitting Mary to leave the kitchen to listen to Ills .teaching. Not only did she crltlclzo her sister and Jesus, but she assumed the authority to command Him to send Mary back to the kitchen to help. 1. Jesus Answer (vv. -11, 42. (1) Rebuked Martha (v. 41). lie did this tenderly, for He knew that she loved Him slnceruly. ('!) Defends Mnry (v. 42). He declared that but ono thing was needful, and that Mary had chosen that good part which could not be taken away from her. II. Jesus Among Foes (11:14-23; 29 32; 37-51). . - ' 3. Charged With Being In Lengue Wlth the Devil (v. 14-23). Being un willing to rccolve Him as the Son of God, and yet unable to account for His mighty works, they declared He was casting .out demons through Beel zebub, the chief of demons. Jesus exposed the fallacy of their reasoning by showing that In that case Satan would be arrayed against himself, nnd therefore woutd destroy his own king dom. 2. Itefuscd to Believe Ills Miracles (vv. 29-32). They asked for n sign, to which Ho replied that they would have a sign fiom heaven In His death und resurrection. He reminded them, however, that their request showed unbelief surpassing that of the heath en queen of the South, and the wicked people of Nlnaveh. 3. Wickedness Denounced (vv. 37 51). He pronounced six woes upon those who were opposing Him und seeking His destruction. (1) The Pharisees (vv. 37-41). Theso He denounced for (a) punctil iously observing some minute rites and at the same time breaking the Ten Commandments. They carefully tithed tho smnll heibs of tho garden whllo practicing injustice to their fellow men and withholding love from God. I He pointed out to them the folly of attending to these external acts while, the heart wan filled wjth wickedness. (b) Desiring public recognition (v. 43). This Is a common sin today. (c) For feigning humility (v. 44). He compares their hypocrisy to graves which nro on a level with the' ground and may be stepped upon unconscious ly by someone, and thus defiled. Wo can avoid those who make their van- i lty known by boasting, but some are filled with thin same wickedness who do not thus make it known. (2) Tho Lawyers (vv. 45-54). Jesus' strictures on the hypocritical Phari sees aroused tho lawyers, ono of whom Indignantly declared: "You aro Insult ing us also." In replying to this Christ pronounced three woes upon them; (a) for placing burdensome re quirements upon the people to which they themselves would not sumblt (v. 40). (b) For the murder of God'a prophets (vv. 47-51). Ho showed thnt their attitude toward Him was the same that was fihown to tho prophets by their fathers, (c) For keeping back the knowladgo of God by false Interpretation of the Scrip tures (vv. 52-51). There Is no wickedness perhaps so great ns that of supposed teachers of God's Word who keep Its precious truths from the people by perverting Its meaning, Seek Yc. But seek ye first his kingdom, nnd his rlghtenuMiess; nnd all theso things shall be added unto you. -Matthew 0:33. . . Rettping Iniquity. Yo have plowed wickedness, yo hnvo reaped Iniquity; yo have eaten the fruit of lies. Ilosea 10:13. Final Permanence. Character attains final permanence, nnd rinnl permanence can come but once. Joseph Cook. ' A4