&!? ?. " r n?K'' '"WWVSrSfWIIWjHIfc,! mjSMaBLaatiL&tiL-. MKUp$Mgr JwnttM'i ' 'mKitWi&sSmmZm?T?'.Z, r- tt r , tW(H(MM.Vl tWWtt,'-aitWI.1rtlMW,iMi,w,t, ,v ,,,,.,., "-ti'v i r V lit T It Comes To Buying t' .. Christmas Presents k For your Husband, your Brother or your Boy remember you have a real Man's store in your midst. t fc MMriMHiMMMiMMM-M " Mfwi.u..' ;i Kv ' if? 9MKVfKwlBvveK4EKtfU'JBfle-)flB JBJt, , T" - -s I 1 .&& When S Thai jj ft I A ll We have spent many weeks preparing for this great event and have never shown such a splendid assortment of useful Christmas presents tor men folks as we have this season. 1 Men's and Young Mens' Suits and Overcoats Kuppenheimer, Cloth-Craft and Bloch's World Famous Clothes 18.00 18.50 20.00 22.50 25.00 27.50 30.00 35.oo 37.50 Special Showing for the Holidays Of Young Mens' Sport Suits 18.00 to 35.0 0 O-othchait Itlr 0 1 A Wonderful Display of Fine Handk'fs 10c 15c 20c 25c Pure Linen at 35c 3 for $1.00 Silk Mufflers and the New Scotch Wool Mufflers Bath Robes $5.50 to $10.00 . Special Holiday Showing ' of Men's Dress Shirts In Percales, Woven Madreas, Broad'(j)lothsr Poplins in plain and fancy patterns, among them Wilson Bros., famous dress shirts with reversable cuffs $1.25, 1.50, 1.75. 2.00, 2.50. up to 5.50. New Hats--New Caps-Underwear -Shoes Hose-Soft and Stiff Collars SPECIAL Big new line Holiday hand luggage. All leather bags and suit cases at greatly reduced prices. We are ready for you. Come early and get the big selections. i Cowden-Kaley Clo. Co, u t! Always Reliable :ii; i tie : a ufi iqu;fv . ifct:ir Do Your Christmas Shopping At our store for your men and boys' pres ents. We are entitled to your patronage as we have the right merchandise and priced as low as any store in America. Give the home-folks a chance and you will make a Merry Christmas for us all. Christmas Box Combination Of Ties, Garters. Arm Bands, Suspenders, at 50c 75c $1.00 to $1.50 t Talk About Neckwear There' never has been such a display. Wonderful silks, beautiful patterns, all shapes silks and knit silks. ' 50c 65c 75c $1.00 1.25 $1.50 Special range at 65c Kellogg's Coin Rakes touch-the-spot any hour of day or night ". ttk hi '" "Bobble dog, guett it mafc.i you hungry, too, to tee me eat a great big bowl of Kellogg's for brtahlatt every morning! But I can't spare any today, Bobbie; honttt I can't!" .: cijjYou can't resist the appeal of Kellogg's Corn Flakes Pitfacut a bowl brim full of Kellogg's big, joyously browtfjsjjrisp and crunchy! Was there ever such an appetitCTEbat! And, such a flavor! A breakfast or lunch1 or supper THsill for big folks as well as little ones. Get KELLOOTSSfk Corn Flakes for sure because Kellogg's are the original Corn Flakes and so dcliciously , .goobTand'sb superior iff'efi&w way that your delight will 'J-, be boundless. . Please uri3eT5tond that Kellogg's are never tougn or iejwqfi;or nara to cat they're, always crispy I1. ' - i Kellogg's are sold only tjpjthe RED and GREEN package bcarlnLthe sig- nature'of WK. K. Kellogg, originator of Toasted Corn Flakes! NONERE GENUINE WITHOUT IT! Have Kellogg's for breakfast tomorrow h t. CHE RED CLOUD. CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. 'UULISHED EVERY THURSDAY tnterrd In tho I'uHlorlke at lied Cloud. Nob m Hocond ClaM Matter . A. B MoARTHUIt, Editor and Owner Advertsing Rates Foreign, per column inch 15c Local, ' " " 10 & 121A LOCAL ITEMS'OF THIRTY YEARS AGO Fiiday, Doe. , 18U2 Geo, Mobnrt oes to Lincoln on tho flrht to attend school. W. S. Garner wtib in Lincoln this weclc. D to J. .tones litis hold A. MoArthur. his uu-Ht market - oAL,.V :- ,r-r jMiyti TOASTED CORN I h ' - -M - M . I . tLmVSfeanW 4J k r its t HsH mwLmwLwF mDt Wr i. i w ta . i iiiB liiaw. s. l-i', i wrr - - Biaaaak r- 1 CORNFLAKES rr-!-;iXf i yhiMifciilVf Wl T iTR f I T .KZiJ-.lA&'mfati&OtG'S KRUMBLES .h-J KELLOGG'S BRAN, cook.J .nd knkU4' v -arK Dr.W.QM qmtleJtorib jiiiMifyjiiffirwTr . V. Nicholson DENTIGT DENTIST If Representative (nrber hnrp too intiuh on reducing tcuchers (.nhules ami not nioro for the removal of needless county olllcers und htate inspectors, and more for a just divis ion of auto tax money, and also for a i eduction of salaries of state and county olllcials, he will come home from Lincoln next spring a miuhty unpopular representative. Our schools aro costing us too much money as well as everything els; we lnivn for which he ptibliu has to fool the hill, hut there aro other onuses for high taxes more lUgrnntly offensive to the average tax payer than what he pays to main, tain our put.l c choolt. Guldt Rock Signal. "If" nproftnUtive Oarbtr has been ''harping" on anything offensive to the tay payers they evidently overlooked It. Ho clearly expressed his position on many occasions during the cam paign, in a logically presented argu ment, which the lax payers of Webster county endorsed by r record majority. The poople of this community are not awHie that Representative Garber is given to either "harping" or grand standing for popular favor. Such is nnt cojisNtejU wj(h, bU genrl COD. duk 'Locally' 'lJG lias a Mcord iot sta'nding for principle, and maintain Ing this position with energy and ability That the excessively high taxetTwhlch nurtured extravagance In lone department of government are less offensive to the tax payer than ' any other department, .remains as yet to be discovered." What's the big idea? Vyiio can imagine Representative Gar bcr sidetracked on schoolteacher's wages'.1 Guide Rock must wish to alasslfy old Dan with her statesman. OVER tjTATK HANK t J?crf Cloud Nebraska HS -V Red CIjuJ, & Kcbrusk' The Lsilies Cornet band will give their supper in K. I', hall on the 'J.'id. H, D. Kl.er has jupt completed Mnc Fulton's residencd in Walnut ore it township. Mr. Fred Rogers of Wymore, an old friend of Mr. Frank Cowdeu'o, spent Sunday with him. On the 2d instant the Red Cloud volunteer Hie department was five vears old. Out. of 70 members who went into the company five years, ago only seven wet u left who come in for exemptions under tho state law, by serving continuously lor unit period. 'I'hou warn iir fnllmv&- .Inlin 'I'limlin. son, chief, .1. O. liutler, L. M. Vunco, Harry Bowter, E .1. PuUipltur, T W. UutllHld and .). C Can-. On that date, Mrs. Tomlinson extended an in. vitation to the veterans to meet at the residence,, The boys talked over the rll i ml vlnlnRlt.nrloR Inntilent tn ft fireman's life, ator which they sat down to a. table loaded with food things, just suon as Airs r. Knows how to prepare. (Items of Twenty Years Ago.) Adair Qalusha spent Sunday with Superior friends. Jesse Baker and )ady of Guide Rock were in Red Cloud Wednesday. There arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Cummings, Tuesday, n baby girl. At the regular maetlng.of the A. O. U. W., last Tuesday evening the follow, imr oftlcers wore elected; IQ fcmJ. lOw, U. W.; 6llver Hedge, Foreman; Prank Buffer, Overseer; Paul Storey Fluauoler; Chas. Relglo,, Receiver;, C. B. Orone, Recorder; Win, McKim mey, Guide. t , ' Mark Parkes was visiting relatives here the llrst or ine weeic. of iqcUook is Red Olond this i) V, E. Harris went to Hustings Saturday morning to spend' the day lelurnlng home oh the pusrenger that evening. Jamss,, Moranvllle vlsitini? relatives in week. Chas Fort visited with his parents, Mr. aud.Mrs. L H. Fort, the Urst of te week. JVlf red Qudell went to McCook Thura dajr'evening Mr. and Mrs. Dnbblus oj Mankatot Kansus,. at rived In Red Cloud Tuesday evening for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Grlffeth. 8 CHRISTMAS ANNOUNCEMENT We have some fine pieces in the S Parisian ivory Goods h that we arc offering at attractive discount consisting of k sj. Toilet Sets, Brushes. Mirrors, and Novelties 8? k1M mm 5 Also MANICURE SETS and DOLLS-Also a ffne stock & klk rnrtftTrn . t-,Ttt . T, , . MP am ol Duuivo, 'ruuiMAiiN rnJiNtj and UVBK W CMAWD m?MPTi?c . Whitman's Candies ai Finest in the land $& It will be to your interest to see our stock before buying. 1 CHAS. L COTTING. TheD"8t I rT..M, How About Harness! I will meet any catalogue price on anything in the harness line. Don't let someono toll you that you .can save money by sending away come iu and look my istock over. I can save you seme money. Bring iu your old ones and got them fixed up and oiled before SprUg LEE R. WALKER .,, harness una Madttlmry ANNOUNCEMENT ART NELSON, who has. been in , ihc -; employ pf E. W. Stevens, (or the past (our syears, has resigned ' his position, and knowing Info persbnallyasbethgl a . man well qualified for ' ,,v' t (f jj PJumbing, Heating arid Electrical Work haveldecided to give him floor-room in my store where the trade wijj receive, cburteous treatment and his piices will be reasonable. , . GEORGE TRINE, HARDWARE