ftD OLOTTD. 'NFRKAflKA. CHtF.F ft .-; 4, C wl' v ... I, n i, I,, I, ,1 I,, I,, SHOW PEASANT INSPIRATION; LATEST BLOUSE INNOVATION WHO would hnvo thought, when It conies to iip-to-tlie-nihnttc style, that Miss Aimu-lcii, Junior, would bor row Inn- Ideas from iuulnt llttlo pons ant girls Iti tho fur-olt Ihilkiui inouii tuliifl, In Ittisslu, Czuchoslovahla, Kn mania and othor Central Kurnpc coun tries? No doubt, "If I bo I, as I sup pose I bo," Is somewhat the sentiment of our beloved llttlo Mapper as the wears theM' now so fashionable bright Ukrainian embroideries. However, these youthful modes nro not too foreign looking, after nil. Just enough of the gay gypsy colorings are used, so as to tone up the dark velvets uud serges which belong to the grow Peasant Sleeves and Yoke Ing girl period. Tho accompanying picture tells the story of peasant sleeves and yoke. Tho body of the dress Is blnclc velvet. Ono of the advantageous features of this llttlo frock, which recommends itself to practical mothers, Is that It Is made separate from the waist and can be worn over various types of smocks or n washable blouse. Notice two distinctive style-touches in tills model, namely, the braided The Jacquette roleo glrdlo (cable-corded) of self mu terlal, and the uneven hem-line. Velvet dresses nro a delight to the young girl, becauso with them they can wear such lovely laco berthas, which Is the popular Idea Just now. In fnct, with a gown styled ns above, for party wear, one can omit sleeves en tirely, nttaehlng a deep cape-IIko lace collar so that It will fall quite low over 'tho arms. ' Sometimes a voguo comes In with such Intensity it tnkes tho whole fushlon world by storm. Such Is the I . V Has eaa iTaasasTr TOQlt- IDibV Vy S r A Ni I B SBBBBBBBBBBBBBass'PBBBr BBBBBHSMBSBessBafcK.flSb Jaccpiette. It seemed to happen all of n sudden. In Its nllurlng presence we have all but forgotten there ever was In existence the faithful shirtwaist and even the slipover blouse has lt luster dimmed In the light of the new Jacket-blouse. The Jactpiette, or Jackct-bloue ni you prefer to call It, meets w In stant favor because It In Just what most of us have been longing for a blouse that does not tuck In at the waistline, nor yet does It have the careless appearance of the loose ovor blouse. While the Jacquetto Is thoroughly practical It adds tone to the tailored suit, for no mntter how simply mndo it hns a dress-up appearance. Handnnn silks with gaudy pensnnt colorings told In figures large nnd small have a gypsyllko charm which savors of central Europe Inspiration. Another fuvorlto Bilk, also velvet, has the batik tic-dye coloring which convoys Its nrtlstle mood to the super, stylish jacquette. Matelasse (from the French, mean lug pad or mattress) Is perhaps tin or Jacket-Blouse ruling power among blouso fabrics. The quilted sntln or silk is stitched In dcllonto tracery on colorful back grounds. If you nro clover with tho brush you can paint bold patterns of your own designing on colld whlto crepo or black satin for your new Jacquette. J-4C&V &fl?n, iCOmiGMT W VUTUUt WWAKI UNION, Daddy's 96 Eveiii& Fairy Tale yyARY GRAHAM BONNER CCII'Ch! II lltllN MV1HMIIINOW t FIRST SLEIGH RIDE Little Kugeue wanted a Christmas treat more than anything tKt "I would rather take a sleigh ride than anything else," he said. Now, as you can Imagine, little Eu gene had never lived In the country, for to take a sleigh ride Is lots of fun but not Just the very most special treat that most bojs would ask for. FIrot of all thero was the chance thnt there might not be snow, but snow came In plenty of time. And It was with joy that little Eugene looked nt tho snow-covered hills and tho snow on the ground, which was be coming smooth and nice. "It will seem more like Christmas than anything else," he said. And the first time ho heard sleigh bells ho went almost wild with de light. "I hear them," he cried. "I hear them." Now little Eugene wnn visiting In the country, but tho people whom he was visiting did not own n horse and sleigh. They were going to do their best to seo that be had a sleigh ride though. And on tho afternoon before Christ mas Eugene was given his first sleigh ride. Such n ride ns It wns, too! The trees were covered with snow for the most part, though the hemlocks bud very little upon them. Vov when the snow had been falling the hemlocks had been shaking about in their usual graceful fashion and the vnow bad not been able to cling to them. Tho sun made the snow sparkle un til a little Inter bright colors came In tho sky and the sun went to bed dresseil In his holiday suit of red. Eugene wns sure he had put It on for the holidays and so he had, though Sir. Sun was also In the habit of wear ing that red suit of his when he gave a birthday party which he did very often. At either side of the sl.'Igh there were bells attached and how they did Jingle. And coining down the road behind tiiem, all along the road, was nnothcr sleigh which mndo n sleigh bell duet of Jingles! Sometimes where the snow had drifted brown patches of grass could bo seen, but mostly everything was covered with snow. In tho brooks and streams they passed there were "So Nice and Winter-Like. lco and snow. Everj thing looked so nlco and winter-like and so different from the city. Eugene loved It nil. It certainly was a treat. And Dolly, the horse, wns very anxious to show Eugene thnt sho would make It as much of a treat us sho could. Sho had heard him say that there would be sugar at the end of the ride nnd there Ipul been sugnr at the start of, the ride. Oh yes, Dolly had some sugar. So Dolly shied nt an automobile which, of course, she never did as n rule. But she thought It would bo fun to do this for the little city boy. Llt tlo city boys did think such funny things sometimes. Dolly hud heard some of the questions they nsked when they .enmo to the farm. And Dolly even pretended to1 bo a little frightened at the trnln when It hurried by The sleigh was called a cutter nnd what fun It was to ride so closo to the ground nnd what a crisp, pleasant sound it mnde when It hurried along, pulled by Dolly, the horse. They passed by a well which wns used by everyone In one smnli village. A community well it was called and llttlo Eugene was surprised to henr that it didn't freeze. He hnd heard that plumbers were always busy In tho country fixing pipes which hnd frozen. Rut It was explained to him that It wns so deep in the earth It couldnt freeze and thnt tho water drained bnck after It had been pumped. Oh no, that well never froze. Hut little Eugene almost did. And oh, how glad ho was to get back to the tiro agnln. He hnd had u perfect Chrlstmns treat, though, nnd ho left n noto for Rnntn Clans by the chimney that night, for ho know Santu would like to hear of the treat of his first sleigh ride -his great Christmas treat I Not Homesick. "Don't you over get homesick?" "No," replied Senator Sorghum. "After being heckled a few times by my constituents I'm perfectly satisfied to reside In Washington, D. a" Washington Star. r?R rvtJB mm Aspirin Say "Bayer" and Insistl Unless you see tho name "Dnyer" on packngo or on tablets you arc not get ting tho genuine ihiyer product pre uerlbed by physicians over twenty-two years nnd proved snfc by millions for Colds Hcndacho Toothacho Lumbago Earache IMicumntlsm Neuralgia Pain, I'nln Accept "Bnycr Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package contains proper directions. IJnndy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists also sell bottles of 21 and 100. Asperln Is the trade mnrk of Unyer Manufacture of Mononcetlcncldcster of Snllcyllcncld. Advertisement MANY PROBLEMS IN TARIFF Knotty Points Concerning Rates of Duty That Have to Bo Dealt With Judicially. Cakes, folding pocket scissors, mnr bio statuary, oriental rugs, pineapples In brine, and bibulous paper, alias "blotters" are a fow of the articles with which tho court of Customs Appeals will have to ctrugglu this winter, ac cording to tho calendar of cases It has Issued. The tariff glv rise to many highly technical questhns that are cal culated to make the most Judicial mind dizzy, nnd which have u real slgnlll ounce In dollars and cents to sonio one. An example Is the pending ques tion whether whent screenings nro dutiable at 10 per cent as n nonenu merated nuinufnctured article or are freo ns wheat. What will happen when shipments of 'J.'J.000 pounds of gouts' beards, reported as passing through the Panama canal, reaches the customs there Is no telling. Only those who go down to the sen In ships and make land at the customs house have an adequate Idea of tho oddities of International trade and tho prob lems they present. The Nntlon's Iluslncss. If You Need a Medicine You Should Have the Best Have you ever stopped to reason why it is that bo many products that are ex tensively advertiBcd, nil at once drop out of sight and are soon forgotten? The reason ia plain the article did not fulfill the promises of the manufacturer. This applies more particularly to a medicine. A medicinal preparation that has real curativo value almost sells itself, as like nn endless chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have been benefited to those who arc in jiecd of it. A prominent druggist says.P'Tako for cxamplo Dr. Kilmer's Swanip-Root, a preparation I have sold for many years and never hesitato to recommend, for in almost every caso it shows excellent re- sults, as many of my customers testify. No other kidney remedy hns so large a sale." According to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who hnvo used tho preparation, the success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Kootl is due to tho fact, so many people claim, that it tumlls al most every wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments, corrects uri nary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Root by parcel post. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co,, liinghamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents; also mention this paper. Large and medium size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Advertisement. Business as Usual. A subscriber to a Philadelphia pn per three-quarters of n century ago In dignantly accosted Its editor with tho angry announcement: "I hnvo stopped your pnper, sir I havo stopped your paper 1" "Indeed," the editor cnlmly replied ; 'come with me nnd let us seo about that." When tho two hnd reached tho news paper ofllco nnd found everything going on ns usual, tho editor nssumed tho role of tho lndlgnnnt ono: "My paper stopped, sir I How could you utter such a falsehood?" Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, nnd see thnt It Rears tho nt? stir ' Signature of &73& In Uso for Over !t0 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Domestic Amenltlea. Hub There, confound It I I've gone and sat down on thut chair I var nished only this morning. Wife Well, for onco you've stuck to your work. lloston Transcript. " - Cat Ate the Canary. "Our canury died a nntural death the other dny." "So?" "Yes, the cat ate It." Michigan Gargoyle. 10 Cents Contractor Has Gained. 30 Lbs. on Tanlac "Tnnlnc fixed me up so I gained thirty pounds. I have never seen or heard of such a wonderful medicine in all the sixty-six years of my life," declared William Magee, well-known retired contractor, JSSlO Lafayette Ave., St. Louis, Mo. "About two years ago I had a severe bladder trouble that left me In an awfully run-down condition. My up petlte went back on mo nnd my stoni nelr got so weak I could not eat and digest enough to give me uny strength. I nlso had tho worst sort of pains across the small of my back, and could not sleep. "I began picking up soon nfter I stnrted taking Tanlac, and now I have u fine appetite, Bleep like n log nnd that tired, worn-out feeling hns nil left me. I could not do otherwlso than recommend Tanlac." Tanlac Is sold by nil good druggists. Advertisement. HAD PICKED IT UP QUICKLY Film Magnate Astonished by Austra lians' Knowledge of the Eng lish Language. Tho predominance of tho foreign element In New York is the subject of many Jrtkcs. At n motion picture luncheon to tho press the other day, ns Tommy Grny, ono of tho city's wits, arose to speak, ho looked about. "As this luncheon Is to the press," ho began, "nnd not to the motion pic ture trade, I will make my remarks In English." Somewhnt nlong this snmc lino Is a Jol;e that Is being told n ono of the most prominent of the Illm magnates, who Is shrewd but Illiterate. Two tVustrnllnns. stranded In New York, In search of Jobs, rminnged to get an au dience with him. "So," ho said, "you're from Aus tralia? When mil you come over?" Only n month ago," they answered "My," ho exclaimed, "but you learned our language quick." Vigorous Rodent War Urged. Dnmago by smaller rodents on stock ranges, while not so spectucular us that by wolves, mountain lions and cojotes, In sonio cases more than equals that of the predatory animals, according to Dr. A. K. Fisher of the United States biological survey. There should bo closer co-operation, particu larly In the matter of appropriations, between tho federal nnd state govern ments, so thnt tho largest amount available from both sources may be obtained, ho snys. It is decinred that if the prnlrlo dog nlone were exterminated 4,000,000 more cattle nnd 4,000,000 more sheep could be raised because of the increaso In the amount of forage. JUBt say to your grocer Red Cross Ball Uluu when buying bluing. You will be moro than repaid by tho re sults. Onco tried always uscdL Ad vertisement. It is never too early to mend one's ways. Most "good fellows" hnvo n lot of bad habits. SICK HEADACHE 1 1 BsTeTUT C rvi I UIC" ldnc -u ILAKIlLK) the, organs to III ILJrZ I UHU u,c causc3 oi it pass away. IVER I THEY REGULATE THE BOWELS and PILLS I " eaassaal aaTsmBaV I nsMnln L..m tflHjERSMITtfs V (hillionic SOLD SO YEARS A FINE GENERAL TONIC U Ml mU tr rwr Onmlrt. writ wlatanaiUi CUalctl Co., LtwUtUU, Hi. Nebraska Wesleyati University UNIVERSITY PLACE College of Liberal Arts with many professional courses. College of Fine Arts with Schools of Music, Art, Expression. Teachers' College with Secondary and Elementary Training Schools. Thoro Equipment. Beautiful Campm. Large, Efficient Faculty. Sympathetic Initructlon. College Sports EncouraucJ. Frt llltrahirt upon Application. Gives Charming New Color Tone to Old Sweaters PUTNAM FADELESS DYES-dyes or tints as you wish Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION ftm-M INDIGESTION), Bell-ams Hot water Sure Relief L.L-ANS 23 and 75t PACKAGES EVERYWHERE1 Recommended "Vaseline" Petroleum Jelly bene fits all humps, sores, bruises, sun burn, blisters, cuts and chafed sLin. Never be without a bottle of it in the house. It's safe, always effec tive and costs but . tnlle. CIIFSEDROUCII MANHFAinURINO CC line Street ttoiuoiusiMi Ntw yotk Vaseline Ritf. U.S. Pat. Off. Petroleum Jelly Facial blemishes Sallotr, maddr. roathenrd off blotchnl complexions ai nu Mr du to constipation. When yon an comtlpatrd. not nough ot Nature's lubricating Uqnid Is produced In Ui bowel to krep tho food wart soft and motlng-. Doctors praseriba Nujol became It acts Ilk this natural lubricant and thus re places It. Nujol la a lobri cant not medicine or lax nitre can not crip. Tit tSffi It today. A LUBRICANT-NOT A LAXATIVE No Soap Better For Your Skin Than Cuticura Soap 25c, Oiatmtnt 25 and 50c,TaIctua 25c. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM nmoYnrJiaruB-moiJUlrKJllntj Restores Color end Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair! ntuffox Cncm. W ks. l'ntclint u , W. T sue. ana si neat irrunnits. HINDERCORNS Remorse Corn. Cat.' Ioums. etc., atnns ail psln, tniures comfort to til fret, xaVt walklnir u 1B. br rasil or at Lrus Cists. Ultcoa Cbeioicsl Works, i'atclucue,KX W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 49-1922. mtm DEE SPOHN'S DISTEMPER COMPOUND I Indispensable In treating; ' Influenza, D'istemper, Coughs and Colds so prevalent among horses and mulrs at thin urason of the year. For nearly thirty yenrs "HroiIN'H" lias been Klven to prevent theso discuses, us well as to relieve and euro thorn. An occa sional doss "conditions" your horsn and keep disease away. Aa a remedy for ensen actually suffering;, "hl'OIIN'S" Is quick and certain. Sold In two nlzes at all drug ntorrs, Kl'OIIN MEDICAL COMl'ANY (lOSlIKN, INDIANA Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills eV ah eV a f e . o a? . ?.. - la si. te. o lor a icw nignts aiter. xncy restore their proper functions and Ueadacke PREVENT CONSTIPATION signsture- yuuviC Saudi Pill ; Small Dote ; Small Price 1 t-lill'J-ll W1WessjeeW,f"BMsje,f4 I. B. Schrcckengast, Chancellor ""JES." it m - -":-MMMWgfctVW.rtl5V"V'm'-r . -mi wr f iVufWin H)H Hi.R.f I'JMflCisBiTgftSa