RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. CHIEF r f V vJ "1 ' tm-ViLtA JPfQ.1' r-2tSrlirlJ,.-sJt&i ttSrft - i SiZ' ''''' T rJOV . AU.VA. wvv?.vxxxsxx' oidutfft MbW b dufctmas By aBOOTH W4flzZ3 J'-'- sn"s .. s&gzw IOHT 8V HM 0B0, XigH)SV' "QUEER7" HYNOI'SIS Newcomer In a small town, n young nutfrfphppr man, who tells tho story, Ih timniod by tlio iirmrcountnble ncttons of a man who, from tho window of it flno Iioiikc, nppnrcntly lion converse with Invisible personages, particu larly mentioning ono "Slmp'o ilorln." Next morning ho discov ers hln strange neighbor Is tho Hon. David RcaMey, prominent pol itician, and universally respected. II Continued, 2 "One twcnfy-llve," I answered, and felt my ours growing rod with mortlfl cation. Too Into, I remembered thnl the new-comer In it community should guard his tongue among tho natives until lie has unraveled the skein of their relationships, alliances, feuds nnd private wnrs n precept not un like the classic Injunction: Yes, my darling daughter; , Hang your clotlicu on tho hickory limb, Dut don't go near tho water. However, In my confusion I wnnnly regretted my failure to follow It, and resolved not to hlunder ngaln. Mr. Dowden thanked mo for the In formation for which he had no real desire, and, the elderly ladles again taking up (with all too evident relief) thefr various mild debntes, he Inquired If I played bridge. "Hut I forget," he mlded. "Of course you'll he nt the Despatch office In the evenings, nnd can't he here." After which ho Im mediately begun to question me nhout my work, making his determination to plvc me no opportunity again to men tion the Honorable David Heasloy un necessarily conspicuous, ns I thought. I could onlj conclude thnt some un plonsanttiess hntl arisen between him Belf and Heasloy, probably of political origin, since they were both In poli tics, and of personal (nnd consequent ly bitter) development ; nnd that Mr. Dowden found the mention of Dens ley not only unpleasant to himself but n possible embarrassment to the ladles (who, I supposed, were nwnro of the quarrel) on his nccount. After lunch, not having to report nt the olllcc Immediately, I took unto my self tho solace of a cigar, which kept mo company during a stroll about Mrs. Apperthwalte'H capacious yard. In the rear I found nn old-fnshloned rose garden the bushes long since bloom less nnd now brown with nutumn and I paced Its graveled paths up and down, at the same time favoring Mr. llensley's house with a covert study that would have done credit to a )orch-cllmber, for the sting of my blunder nt the tnble was quiescent, or nt least neutralized, under the Itch of curlo-lty far from satisfied concerning the Interesting premises next door The gentleman In the dressing-gown, I was sure, could have been nn other thnn tho Honornhlo David Hensley himself. He came not In eyeshot now neither he nor any other; there was no sign of life about the place. That portion of his yard which lny behind the house was not within my vision. It Is true, his property being here sepa rated from Mrs. Appcrthwnlte's by n board fence higher thnn a tall man could reach: but there was no sound from tho other side of this pnrtltlon. save that caused by tho quiet move ' tnent of rusty leaves In tho hreezc. My cigar wns at half-length when the green lattice door of Mrs. Apper thwalte's bnck porch was opened nnd Miss Apperthwnlte, bearing a saucer of milk, Issued therefrom, followed linstlly, by n very white, fat cat, with r pink ribbon round Its neck, a vibrant nose, and fixed, voracious eyes up lifted to tho saucer. Tho lady and hoi cat offered to view n group ns pretty ns a popular pnlntlng; It wns even 1m proved when, stooping, Miss Apper thwnlte set tho -saucer upon the ground, nnd. continuing In thnt pos ture, stroked tho cat. To bend so far Is a test of n woman's grace, I have observed. She turned Iter faco toward mo nnd smiled. "I'm nlmost nt the age, you sec." "Whnt ngo?" I asked, stupldlj enough. ' "When wo tnlso to cuts," she said rising. " 'Splnsterhood' we like to call It. 'Single-blessedness 1' " "That Is your kind heart. You do cllne to make ono or us happy to the despair or all the rest." She laughed at this, though with no very genuine mirth, I mnrkod, nnd let my 18110 attempt at gallantry pass without retort. "You seemed Interested In the old place yonder." She Indicated Mr Bensley's house with n nod. "Oh. I understood my blunder." I aid, quickly, "I wMi I bad i-mm-i " 7 VV ".-' K 1,.J,..SS. 'wvxwy vtfvtfT sUf JARK'NQTon ZZzC&'J&g?&P tho subject wns embarrassing or un pleasant to Mr. Dowden." "Whnt made you think that?" "Surely," I snld, "you saw how pointedly ho cut me off." "Yes," she returned thoughtfully. "He rather did, It's true. At least, I see how you got that Impression." She seemed to muso upon this, lotting her eyes fall; then, raising them, allowed her far-away gaze to rest upon tho house beyond tho fence, nnd snld, "It Is an Interesting old plnce." "And Mr. Keasley himself" I be gan. "Oh,'' she said, "ho Isn't Interesting. That's his trouble 1" "You mean his trouble not to" She Interrupted me, speaking with sudden, surprising energy, "1 mean bo's n mnn of no Imagination." "No Imagination I" I exclaimed. "None In tho world I Not one ounce of Imagination I Not ono grain'." "Then who." I cried "or whnt Is Slmpledorln?" "Simple whnt?" she said, plainly mystified. "Slmpledorln." "Slmpledorln?" she repeated, and laughed. "What In the world Is that?" "Vou never heard of It before?" "Never In my life." "You've liveif next door to Mr. Boas ley a long time, haven't you?" "All my life." "And 1 suppose you must know him pretty well." "Whnt net?" she snld, smiling. "You said he lived there all alono," I went on. tentatively. "Except for an old colored couple, his servants." "Cnn yon tell mo " I hesitated. '!Iliis bo ever been thought well, 'queer?' " "Never!" she answered, emphat ically. "Never anything so exciting t Merely deadly and hopelessly common place" She picked up the snucer. now exceedingly empty, nnd set It upon She Touched Me Lightly but Peremp torily on tho Arm In Warning, and I Stopped. u shelf by tho lattice door. "Whnt was It about what was that name? 'Slmpledorln?'" "I will tell you," I said. And I re lated In detail tho singular perform ance of which I had been a witness In the Into moonlight before that morn ing's dawn. As I talked, wo half un consciously moved ncross the lawn to gether, tlnnlly sealing ourselves upon a bench beyond the rosubeds nnd near the high fence. Tho Interest my com panion exhibited In the narration might have surprised me had my noc turnal experience Itself been less sur prising. Sho Interrupted mo now and then with little," half-checked ejacula tions of acute wonder, but snt for the most part with her elbow on her knee and her chin In her hand, her face turned eagerly to mine nnd her lips pnrtcd In half-breathless attention. There was nothing "far awny" about her eyes now; they wero widely and Intently nlert. When I finished, sho shook her bend slowly, ns If quite dumfounded, nnd altered her position, leaning against the back of the bench and gazing straight before her without speaking. It was plain that her neighbor's ex trnordlnnry behnvlor had revealed a pints of bis character novel enough n tin startling. SsS-- vtyzywi 'JMmaFMXiM znyf-jo - "g-" -SW St Jymk "Ono explanation might bo Just' barely possible," I snld. "If It Is, It Is the most remarkable case of somnam bulism on record. Did you ever henr of Mr. Ilensley's walking In his" She touched mo lightly but peremp torily on the arm In warning, nnd I stopped. On tho other side of tho board fence n door opened creaklly, and there sounded n loud nnd cheerful voice thnt of tho gentleman In tho dressing-gown. "Here wo cornel" It snld; "mo nnd big Itlll Hnmmersley. I want to show Hill I cnn Jump unywnys three times ns fnr ns ho cnn I Como on, HIU." "Is thnt Mr. Bensley's voice?" I nsked, under my breath. Miss Apperthwnlto nodded In nfTlr mntlon. "Could he novo heard mc?" "No," sho whispered. "He's Just como out of tho house." And-then to herself, "Who under heaven Is Hill Hnmmersley? I never hoard of him 1" "Of course, Hill," said tho voice be yond tho fence, "If you're afraid I'll beat you too badly, you've still got time to back out. I did understand you to kind of hint thnt you were con slderablo of n Juniper, but If Whnt? WhtttM you say, Hill?" There ensued a moment's complete silence. "Oh. nil right," the voice then continued. "You sny you're In this to win, do you? Well, so'in I, Hill nnmmersloy: so'm I. Who'll go first? Mo? All right from the edge of tho walk here. Now then I One two three I Hn 1" A sound enme to otir ears of some ono landing heavily nnd nt full length, It seemed on the turf, fol lowed by n slight, rusty gronn In tho sumo voice. "Ugh! Don't you laugh, Bill Ilammersleyl I hnven't lumped ns much ns I ought to, these Inst twenty years; I reckon I've kind of lost the hang of It. Aha 1" There wero Indications that Mr. Heasley wns pick ing himself up, nnd brushing his trou sers with his hands. "Now, It's your turn. Hill. What say?" Silence ngaln, followed by, "Yes, I'll mnke Simple-' dorln get out of tho wny. Come b-ro. Slmpledorln. Now, Hill, put your . "la" together on the edge of tho walk. That's right. All ready? Now then! One for the mnnoy-Mwo for the show three to make ready nnd four for to GO!" Another silenced "By Jingo, Hill Ilnmmersloy, you've bent me! Ha, ha! That was a Jump! What say?" Silence once more. "You sny you cnn do oven better thnn thnt? Now, Bill, don't brng. Oht you sny Hint was up In Scotlnnd, where you had a spring-board? Oho! All right; let's see how fnr you cnn Jump when you renlly try. There! Heels on tho wnlk ngaln. That's right; swing your nrms. One two three! There yon1 go!" Another silence. "Zing! Well, sir. I'll be c-tnrnnlly snitched to Hin ders If you didn't do It thnt time, Hill Hnmmersley! I see I never renlly snw nny Jumping before In nil my born days. It's eleven feet If It's nn Inch. What? You say you" I heard no more, for Miss Apper thwnlte, her face flushed and her eyes shining, bcckoivcd mo Impersonnlly to follow her, nnd depnrted so hurriedly that It might bo said sho ran. "I don't know," snld I, keeping nt iior elbow, "whether It's more like 'Alice' or tho Interlocutor's conversa tion at n minstrel show." "Hush I" she wnrned me, though wo, wero already at n safe distance, and. did not speak ngaln until we had renched the front walk. There she paused, nnd I noted tlfnt she wns1 trembling and, no doubt correctly, Judged her emotion to be thnt of con sternation. "There wns no ono there I" she ex clnlmcd. "He wns-nil by himself ! It wns Just tho sumo as whnt you saw last night!" "Evidently." "Did It wound to you" there wns a little nwed tremor In her voice thnt I found very nppenling "did It sound to you like n person who'd lost his mind?" "I don't know," I snld. "I don't know nt nil whnt to mnke of it." "Ho couldn't have boon" her eyes grow very wide "Intcxlcnted!" "No. I'm sure It wasn't that." "Then I don't know whnt to mnko of It, either. All that wild talk about 'Hill Hainmersloy' nnd 'Slmpledorln' nnd spring-boards In Scotland and " "And nn eleven-foot Jump," I sug- gested. "Why, there's no more n 'Hill Ham-' mersley,' " sho cried, with n gesture of excited emphasis, "than there Ih a 'Slmpledorln' I" "So It appears," I agreed. "He's lived there nil alone," sho snld, solemnly, "In thnt big house, so long, Just sitting there evening ufter evening, nil by himself, never going out, never reading nnythlng, not even, thinking; but Just sitting nnd sitting nnd sitting Well," she broke off, suddenly, shook tho frown from her forehead, nnd made mo the offer of a dazzling smile, "there's no uso both ering one's own head nbout It." "I'm glnd to have n fellow-wltness,"( I said. "It's so eerie I might have, concluded there was something the matter with me." "You're going to your work?" she asked, as I turned toward the gatc.i "I'm very glad I don't hnve to go to mine." "Yours?" I Inquired, rather blnnkly. "I teach algebra and piano geometry at tho High school,"' said this surpris ing young woman. "Thank Heaven, It's Saturday! I'm reading 'Los Mis crables' for tho seventh time, nnd I'm going to have u real orgy over Ger valsc and the barricade this after noon 1" "Because the said he was a man of no imagination.' (TO UK CONTINUED.) AMMffiN LEGION (Copyrlh'ht, 19S1, Amorlcan t'rens I.eneu.) tho Atnrrlcnn l.eKlon Nowh Service?) TRIBUTE TO THE LEGION MEN New Orlenno Tlmcs-Plcayuno Praises Conduct of Visitors During tho National Convention. Now Orleans Is proud nnd glnd to have had the opportunity to entertain the American I,oglon national conven tion nnd heartily congratulates San Francisco upon Its capture of the honor for ll)l!.'i, according to nn edi torial In the Tlmcs-ricnyunc, n lend ing New Orlenns newspupcr, printed several days after tho departure of the Legionnaires. "Tho Legionnaires as n body earned tho good opinions even of those few Orlennlans who because of rumors of misdoings nt Kansas City were slight ly prejudiced against the gathering,", the editorial states. "Throughout American Legion week good humor and good order prevailed. The rare Instances of minor rowdyism or rufllanl8m served only ns exceptions going to prove tho general rule of splendid behavior and of these ex ceptions some, perhups the majority, were chargeable to local hoodlums who took advantage of the Legion fes tivities to mlshe' ave In the hope that their offenses woi.ld be charged to the visitors nccount. In so Inrge an as sembly some Impostors, crooks and evil-doers are tlmost Invariably found but the cnrofi.l work of the Legion officials nnd the local police simply restricted tho activities of these un desirables. "Of harmless 'high Jinks' there was, of course, a Joyous abundance. New Orleans, with Its carnival traditions, shared in tho fun of It nil and rejoiced In the hilarity which testllled that tho lads of the Legion wero having n good time. Of wanton offense and of ma llclotis mischief, American Legion week wns remarkably free. The wish expressed by the Tlnies-I'lcnyun-.' last Saturday morning that tho Legion naires would carry to their Tomes 'recollections of the convention ns pleasant us those they leave with us' came straight from the heart." In a previous editorial the Times Picayune stated: "The American Legion convention closed yesterday afternoon will bo long nnd pleasantly remembered by Now Orleans. Accustomed ns this city Is to groat conventions and Im pressive parades, tho Legion nssjm lily nnd the Inspiring review staged Inst Wednesday made n distinctive ap peal, an Impression of sturdy Ameri canism nnd militant patriotism not soon to be effaced, and wholly favor able." And another editorial In the immo newspaper reads: "Their visit to us will lead, os wo hope, to the return of ninny of theso stnlwnrt young Americans, to live nnd grow with us." HEAD OF LEGION AUXILIARY 5r. Kate Waller Barrett, Vlrglnlj Woman, Originator of Idea for World Peace Body. Dr. Knto Wnller Barrett, newly elected president of tho American Le- glon nuxlllnry, wns ono of ilvo women sent from tho United States to the signing of the Treaty of Ver sailles. While she was In Paris, Dr. Bar rett developed tho Idea of nn Intcr uational organiza tion of women relatives of ex service men to Dr. Kate Barrett w)rk for worl(1 peace. The outgrowth of this concep tion Is n proposal t form an auxiliary to the Interallied V sterans' association, which was received enthusiastically by association delegates at their recent meeting In Now Orleans. The Inter national auxiliary Is expected to bo formed nt the some time ns the next Legion nnd auxiliary convention. Doctor Barret: lives In Alecandrln, Vu and has served as president of tho auxiliary -In thnt stnte. Her nnces tors enmo to Virginia with Cnpt. John Smith. Doctor Barrett Is serving her fourth term ns state regent of tho Daughters of tho American Revolution nnd wns president of tho first club or ganized in Virginia whoso members wero tho mothers and wlve3 of soldiers. This club later beenmo tho auxiliary unit of tho Alexandria Le gion post. MnJ. Charles Barrett, U. S. M. C, her son, was chief of staff to General Neville at Coblentz and was after wards sent to make n survey and re lief map of Chateau Thierry and Bel lean Woods. This map, which Is pro pounced to he one of tho.llnost works of Its kind in existence, Is a permanent exhibit In tho rotunda of tho National museum In Washington. Helium In the Air. Helium, the non-explosive gas used In tho new United States airships, ex ists. In tho air you breathe in the pro portion of ono purt by volume In 185.000. ALL PROUD OF HER SUCCESS Mrs. Joseph PFischer Directed Social Activities of Recent Auxiliary National Meeting. For excellent services rendered as chnlrmnn of tho American Legion Aux iliary's recent nn tlonnl convention In .Vow Orleilns, Mrs. Joseph L. Fischer w us nsked to accept a high office In Hint or ganization but re fused because sho felt that tho suc cess of tho con vention was am ple reward for her endeavors. Mrs. Fischer di rected the actlvV "Mssg Mrs. Jos. Fischer, ties of scores of New Orchitis so ciety lenders who put their shoulders to the wheel to entertain the thousands of women visitors to thcnatlonal gath ering. A daughter of tho Into Judge Fred erick Hooker of Minneapolis, Mrs. Fischer spent tho early part of her life In that city. Sho was educated In n private school nt Washington nnd In tho University of Minnesota. Fol lowing her marriage she wont to New Orleans where she became a leader In women's clubs nnd social activities. Sho was elected vice president of the Louisiana League of Women Voters. During the war Mrs. Fischer raised a largo sum of money In Louisiana for the American Bed Cross. Her only son with tho American forces In Italy. Mrs. Fischer Is n lineal descendant of Fighting Joe Hooker, tho famous Civil war hero. MADE BIG MEET A SUCCESS T. Semmes Walmsley, New Orleans, Served as General Chairman of the Convention Committee. To T. Semmes Walmsley of New Or leans goes the credit for the success i of tho American Legion's fourth niinual national convention. Mr. W n 1 in s I e y was general chairman : of tho convention ''(, cuiiiiumce. Mr. Walmsley was educated In the public schools of New Orleans nnd Spring HIU college nt Mobile, Ala., nnd was graduated from tho law school at Tulnno university. Ho played on 14 'varsity teams, was captain of tho football and track teams and hung up a record as South ern Athletic association quarter-nille runner. Commissioned n captain nt tho Leon Springs officers' training camp at Leon, ip. t- ,-..1 i- . , .. j.r. .ui. nuiNi.ia'.v remained mere ns Instructor until December 29, 1017, I when ho was detailed to take chargo of tho llrst training battalion nt Kelley field, Snn Antonio, Tex. In April, 1018, he was placed in command of tho Forty-sixth nerlnl squadron and sent to Ellington field ut Houston, Tex., for bombing instruction. From Ellington field he took his squndron to MIneoln, L. L, and built the first hangars on President Iloosovelt field. Ho has been state hospitalization officer since his term of office expired as national committeeman. Nominated for the office of national commander, Mr. Walmsley withdrew his name on tho convention floor because ho felt that New Orleans hnd already been honored sutllc'ently In being tho host city to the convention. PLANNED THE OLYMPIC MEET James Murphy, Iowa, Legion's Na tional Athletic Commission Chair man, Arranged Big Program. As chairman of the American Le gion's nntlcnal athletic commission, Jnmes It. Murphy of Iown planned the recent Olym pic meet at New Orleans, In which i, . u" m ex-service atnietea C4 ; JJ f from all parts of v; .v the country com peted In track and field events, nmn tcur hoxItiK and wrestling, aquatic sports, golf and tennis tourna ments and marks manship contest. James Ilanford MncNldcr, past national commander of tho Legion, appointed Mr. Murphy chairman of the commis sion last June when tho national ex ecutive committee authorized tho for mation of the athletic body. Mr. Murphy was a distinguished all round nthlete during the years 11)11 lOl.'l, while attending tho University of Iowa. Ho was captain of Iowa's football team. After leaving colleges he continued athletic activities until tho beginning of the World war, when .ho was mndo n captain In the Fourth division and served overseas with that organization. Tho Legion's attention was first drawn to athletics when Provost Mar shal Crowdcr's report on tho physical condition of tho men who wero drufted for the service wns inudo public. Tliu report Indicated that less than one third of tho men drafted wero nctubfiy Ut for military service. y'A '"' ft i ...'-nOTi!J- T. s. Walmsley. (' 'i Murphy, DOCTOR ORDERED WOMAN OBEYED Took Lydia ILPinkham's Veg etablc Compound and" is Now Well Chfcaffo. Illinois. "You surolv iravo Women ono good medicino when you put I iin'iniiiiiiii I Lydia E. Pinichnm'a VcBctablo Com pound on tho mar ket. After I had my baby I was all run down and so nervous it kept mo from gain ing. My doctor did ovcrything he could to build ;no up, then hoordorcd me to tako Lydia E. Pinkham's Vccotablo Com- , nound with his med icine nnd I am now n now woman.! have had thrco children and they nro all Lydia E. Pinkham babic3. I have rec ommended your medicino to several friend3 nnd they speak highly of it. You nro certainly doing good work in thi3 world." Mrs.ADMTiiToMSiincK,10557 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Illinois. There i3 nothing very strange about tho doctor directing Mr3. Tomshock to tako Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgetablo Compound. There are many physicians who do recommend it and highly apprcci l.o its value. Women who are nervous, run down, and suffering from women's nilmenta should givo this well-known root and herb medicine a trial. Mrs. Tomshock'a experience should guide you tovard3 bealth. WATCH THE BIG 4 Stomach-Kidneys-Hcart-Liver Keep the vital organs healthy by regularly taking the world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles LATHROP'S Mto It V KS.'STr" w "& HAARLEM OIL ' The National Remedy of Holland for centuries. At all druggists in three sizc3. Guaranteed as represented. Look for tho namo Gold Medal on TCiy bot and accept no Imitation ,CURL501D5"24H0URS. womoSy fUNIRAIKVU rimrt; irir.rjinncm-sriAvi u DETROIT. W.H-HILL. CO. MICItlOAICl Your Hair need not be thin oratrcaknl wltb star O-BAN YlAIlt COLOR UKbTOREll wilt quickly rcTlre It a I'd brlup back nil Its original color anil luxuriance. Alall good (InnfeUtn.'-x-, or aireci irom iiuuu-uxis, UuaMs, MUU-HU, ILflN. Indication of Guilt. "Did you et any evidence on thnt soft drink dealer?" "1 did as you told me." snld the dry agent. "I asked him for ginger ale and winked my left eye." "And then?" "He hit me over tho head with an empty pop bottle." "Tint's pretty strong evidence thnt he bad something on his conscience, hut I'm afraid It wouldn't bo accepted In u court of law." Illruilnghum Age Herald. DYED HER SKIRT, DRESS, SWEATER AND DRAPERIES WITH "DIAMOND DYES Each package of "Diamond Dyes" con tains directions fo siinplu nny woman can dye or tint her worn, vhaliby dresses, skirts, waists, coats, Blockings, sweaters, coverings, draperies, hangings, everything, even if nho lias never dyed before. Uuy "Diamond Dyes" no -other kind then perfect home dyeing is sure because Dia mond Dyes are guaranteed not to spot, fade, ctrcalc, or run. Tell your druggist whether the matcrinl you wicli to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods? Advertisement. Proving the Proverb. " 'Distance lends enchantment to thd view,' some poet suyq." "That's right. At any rnte, It's easier to admire a girl when she's well off." Uoston Kvenlng Transcript. Freshen a Heavy Skin With tho antiseptic, fascinating Cutl euro Talcum Powder, an exquisitely scented, economical fuce, skin, baby and 'dusting powder and perfume. Headers other perfumes superfluous. One of tho Cutleurn Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum). Advertisement. Not That Kind of a Suit. Hardy Upton (trying on a new salt) Ah, Isaacs, this suit looks very credit able very creditable Indeed. Isaacs, the tailor "(excitedly) Pot suit neffer leafs der shop except for veady money 1 , For true blue, uso lied Cross Ball lMue. Snowy-whlto clothes will be euro to result. Try It and you will al ways uso It. All good grocers have It. Advertisement. An old la u man who has never met the one woman ho couldn't livo without. WnilOIMP Nlijht nnd Morutni!. ilWtUS1 Have Strong. Healthy fl Sv Eye,. If theyTire, Itch, Tab rirWfii Smart or Burn, if Sore, VL rCrC Irritated, Inflamed ot YOUR El L3 Granulated, use Murine often. Soothes. Refreshes. Safe foi Infant or Adult, At all Druggists. Write foj Free Eye Book. Hub Ey JUbus't Cs., Chlcif I JA I I fmM'jV G&&mA 1 A 1 i 1