The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 07, 1922, Image 6

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Recent Happenings in Nebraska
Given in Brief Items For
Busy Readers.
Syracuse Is making extensive propn
rations for a big exhibit of Otoe nulli
ty corn lleceinher (J mill 7.
Ono hundred imd fifty people nt
tondod tlio father anil son lunch
banquet at (illilioii Inst week.
Two liiintlrt'd candidates took the
higher degrees at the Scottish Kite
ltc-union hold In Oinulia lust week.
Fire of an unknown origin did
$12,000 damage to the Thomas Laham
general merchandising establishment
at Norfolk.
The vIllnKo hoard at Snrgent has
,.isued nn order that there shall he
no sling shots or ulr rllles used within
thn city limits.
The annual exhibition of the I fo
nt rice Poultry association will lie held
December 11-15. A. D. Modlln has
been selected as judge.
George Staats of Fremont, who has
been elected to the legislature for a
third term, has announced his candi
dacy for speaker of the house.
Myron Gates, IB, Is the youngest
telephone olllelal in the state, lie Is
assistant manager of the local olllce
and olllelal electrician at Gordon.
County Commlcaloncrs, 3upcrvl3or
and Clorkn from. Over the Qtate
Will Meet at Omaha
Noxt Week.
County coiiunlssloiieis Supervlsois
mill clerks icpreionllng the ninety
three counties of Nobiuska will hold
their annual convention in Omaha
December ! to 7. 1'hll .1. Kennedy,
York, president for the past llfteen
years of the Nebraska Association
County Commissioners, Supervisors
nnd Clerks ami Highway Commission
ers, in an advance announcement,
declares the convention this year will
be of unusual Interest because of tho
many new faces In the association
and the exhibit of road making' ma
chinery which will he on display.
Jtoad making, which Is the grentest
activity of the countl;s now, will he
thoroughly discussed during the con
vention by road experts of national
reputation. $12,000,000 are spent an
nually In Nebraska for good roads
and the men at the convention havu
the funds in charge.
A. V. Stryker and W. 11. Cheek,
representing livestock interests of
Omaha as well as the Joint Good
Roads Committee, will teJl of the
great number of cattle, hogs and
sheep, received annually at the stock
yards from Nebraska fanners who
bring stock to Omaha by auto truck.
Aside from the technical talks thero
will be addresses by Governor S. It.
McKelvIe, Mayor Jim Dnhlman, Wal
ter W. Head, A. F. Stryker, W. 15.
Cheek, William II. Osborne, and
Among -the topics to bo discussed
are: Amendments to the state hall
Insurance law; things pertaining to
making up n tax list; laws governing
county clerks and register of deeds;
road laws and their problems; chattel
mortgages and their abstracts; reve
nue laws and election laws.
Navy Men and Kids Racing Their Pigeons
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Navy men from the naval air station on North Islnnd, California, and school children of San Diego recently com
bined forces nnd hold a big carrier pigeon race In which scores of birds were relensed by the youngsters to race bnck
to their lofts at the air station. The photograph ifliows Ensign Charles G. Shone starting one of the races. Eacb
youngster is holding a bird.
Chicken Farm Is Up in the Air
Well known newspaper man, booster
for Nebraska, and for thlrty-flve
years publisher of the Gcrlng
Twenty-four states are represented
among students at the University of
Nebraska, according to the student
directory published recently.
The Krnest l- Gray Jewelry store
at Kearney was burglarized last week,
rings, watches and diamonds aggre
gating a valuation of $.r,000 being
Arthur IJ. Cole, state purchasing
agent for the deimrtmcnt of finance,
has contracted with u St. Louis linn
for liS.'l,700 palr,8 of automobile plate
Grain from Nebraska Is moving ap
proximately M) per cent faster this
year than last year, according to re
ports llled with the state railway com
mission by the various railroads of
the state.
Fire, supposedly caused by sparks
from a passing train, totally destroyed
the Hord elevator at Wood River,
together with six thousand bushels of
wheat, two thousand bushels of oats,
and live hundred bushels of corn.
The committee in charge of general
arrangements for the annual meetings
of Organized Agriculture at Lincoln
next month, has secured from the rail
roads their agreement to a round-trip
rate of- fare and one-half to Lincoln
from any point in Nebraska.
Tho llrst luncheon of a series to be
given through the winter by the Be
atrice Chamber of Commerce, was at
tended by over fifty business men.
Interesting talks wore given by 10. M.
Sutherland, Held man for the Federa
tion of Nebraska retailers, and K. W.
Nelson, n retail credit mnn of Lincoln.
The llrst burglary In Nebraska City
In several months occurred when some
person took out n pane of glass fr6m
tho back window of the Shlnn and
Bruce Millinery store and entered the
building. They went to the cash regis
ter, which was enipty, nnd theh rilled
some druwurs In the place but got
nothing of value.
Farmers In tho western part of Ne
braska are not receiving more iluin
20 centu a bushel for their potatoes,
Recording to a report made to tho
agricultural committee of the Omaha
Chamber of Commerce.
Tli Beatrice Woman's Club 1b using
flf , Comier); rooms
lay and Saturday nights
for the preparation for their play,
"Tho Cjmrm School." The second
uroductloh of tho dramatic department
of the women's, organization Is to be
H ulvcj: Deeombo."Tt -an
The annual meeting of the Ncbras
lea Veterinarians' association will bo
held at Lincoln December VJ. ami l.'l.
A V2 foot vein of oil bearing sand
has been encountered at a depth of
(J70 feet In the neighborhood of Blair
by a syndicate who are putting In it
Married fifty years and never a
(piarrel Is tho record of Mr. and Mrs.
Bernard Stolle, who celebrated their
golden wedding at Battle Creek last
Hon. A. C. Shalleiiberger of Alma,
won high honors nt the big Boyal
Stock show at Kansas City, his Short
horn bull, "Supremacy," capturing, tho
medal on senior and grand champion.
A collection was recently tnken at
the Methodist Sunday school at Fair-
bury which resulted In raising SUIIO
to be used toward building and eipilp
lug a gymnasium and a community
house for that place.
Omaha Boy Scouts have opened n
toy repair shop, and are nsklng for
books, toys and other things suitable
for Christmas that' have outgrown
their usefulness In the home, that they
may be put Into proper shape as
presents for the poor of, the city.
Stato Compensation Commissioner
Frank Kennedy Is kept busy looking
after on an average of 1,000 accidents
under the employers' liability law that
are reported to bis olllce every year.
Corn 1n Dodge county is making
from thirty-live to seventy bushels an
acre and the local market price Is 05
cents. Seventy-bushel corn therefore
Is giving a gross return of $15 an acre.
Hog cholera is breaking out around
Randolph In severe proportions. Loss
es varying from several porkers to
whole herds of as many as KM) head
are being wiped out by the plague.
and hog raisers are viewing the epi
demic with alarm.
Mahlon Llndiptlst, a clerk In an
Omiiha department store, Is a "And"
recently made by one of the big film
corporations in California, who are
urging him to. permit the develop
ment of a possible latent talent. Ho
is twenty-two years old, but has never
done any work In that Hue.
Those who aro planning on entering
corn or other grains at the Annual
Corn Show of the Nebraska Crop
Growers Association, to be held at
Lincoln January ;i aml'l, "Will b in.
(erected to l;now that the entry fea
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Charles W. Boggs, Jr., of Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma, showing his back,
which was adjudged tho most nearly
perfect of any among 40,000 contest
ants In tho recent contest held by tho
National Association for the Preven
tion of Spinal Curvnture. Play did It
healthful, happy, outdoor play.
n f j k MK SbbbbV
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In the heart of tho Baltimore business district, on the roof of tho five
story Franklin building, A. C. Frankenfeld has started a chicken farm. Ho
and his wife have lived In n small cottage on the roof for five years, and
have laid out a little garden, with n dog, pigeons and the usunl country
features to complete their lofty farm home.
Put in Asylum to Block Elopement
TJi jjeiuneo
,thc Chamber
,.- w.',(jr Wcdnosdi
Congressman Julius Kahn of Call
fnniln loft home for the pstrn session
which lias always neen ciiargeu m , of C0l,RrcM Wth ti,0 expressed Inten
j i . - .y r - y
given Deeombh'"Il -and will probably
Uhiw oven larger jipusesjtliatiUe first
cue tilul
Bob CpmAtocklRGiNebraslm city was
no badly Injured when a quantity of
hot Hme'i-plaslied Into his face that
t he may'lofto life slght'Vi'f onft of his
eyes. ,
John jT. Wayland, director of the
Tenth federal reserve district, gov
ernment mving organization, has sent
m out u warning 10 an iiuiuem n juio
R war Kiivlnifs ($n stamp), cortillcates
not to tnirt with them for jinstablu
lnvesiuents,.or or less cash lhau they
ure worth. The Btamps may now bo
: exr-hangedtoc t.he 10211 issuo of -I per
) ent "Treasnry- Savings Certificates."
TJiey ronture January!, 1028
the past has been removed. This has
been dono'because It was felt that the
fee tended to keep many from exhibit
ing who otherwise would.
The Nebraska Farmers, Co-operative
Grain and Wvo Stock Slate as
sociation, nt its serious In Omaha,
passed resolutions Indorsing the pro
posed supplemental water Mipply
winter lrrlgutlon project for counties
adjacent to the Pintle river. I
Chief Adjuster L. G. Brian of the
state hnll Insurance division has J
deceived Information from county '
treasurers which., causes him to believe
his estimate of available funds for
payment of hall losses was too low.
lie Is'cbntldent' 03' per cent of each
adjusted claim for .less can be paid.
Ills' 'original estimate was 1)0 per cent.
Ww. T,C. ilfUtyiU it Ulalr pioneer
business woman, has conducted n
millinery shop In that place for lift,
Hvi yetirk- She lfris been located oil
tlon of introducing legislation to liber
alize the Volstead act. Here he Is seen
talking about prohibition.
' Lesson f
(By UUV. P. B. F1TXWATKK, D. D.,
Tcni-hpr of Kngllnh Bllito In the Moody
Hlhlo Instlluto of ClilcnRo.)
Copyright, 1922, Western Newtipajicr Union.
It Would Ruin Them.
Roberts and Walker had discussed
tho question of life after death for
more than two hours. Roberts held
that tho gravo was merely a gnte into
n greater and eternal life. Walker
could not he convinced of tho exist
enco of tho hereafter.
"Say what you will," Walker In
sisted, "I cannot help but hellevo thnt
death ends nil." ,
"I don't soo how you, a lawyer, can
say that," Hoberts retorted. "Why, If
death ended everything 'ost ot J'(,u
Inwyers would starve!" Kansus City
Dorothy Gordon, heiress to $-100,000, Is seeking her release from nn Insnno
asylum nt Waverley, Mass., and her guardian, William V. Jardlne, has admitted
lso placed her In tho Institution to prevent her elopement with Wlllard B.
Newell, a student. The superintendent of tho hospital says ho believes sho
roully Is Insane. Miss Gordon and Newell are shown In the Illustration.
Iowa's Senator-Elect Real Farmer
a S3 H
Romance and Mush.
Tho Womnn has a friend whoso lit
tle bdy Is a devotee of tho movies. But
tho saiuo streot'.where she established ' not lohg ago ho camo homo rnther
bored. The movie had been about ro
ller shop since 1876,
J. F. Hanson of Fremont, who knewd
the agricultural possibilities of Ne
braska In every particular, delivered
a talk bofore tho Fremont Commercial
club recently, that has been repro
duced In u neat little folder which Js
being sent out by that body. It Is an
interesting booklet, and contains much
vital Information of value to every
resident of the state.
inance, he said, at least, that was Its
title. So curiously did ho pronounce
the word that his mother felt confi
dent ymt he didn't know whnt tho
word menns.
"Son," she nsked him, "do you know
tvhat romnnco menns?"
"Sure," ho said, and thon ndded dis
gustedly, "It means mush." Chicago
s K uHm -Fw4wjbv v-" nr t
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This shows Smith W, Brookhart, Bepubllcan senator-elect of Iowa, and
his son Joe Inspecting prospective bacon on his farm near Des Moines. Tho
farmers were chiefly responsible for Senator Brookhart's nomination und elec
tlon ovtlr Clyde L. Herring, Democrat.
LESSON TEXT-I,uko 10::.".
QOI.OEN TEXT Ttiou sliaU love thy
nolKlibor as thyself. Lev. 19:IS.
1'ItlMAUY TOPIC Showlnt; Kindness
to u Stranger.
JUNIOR TOPIC-Tho Story at the Good
BelnB a Good Neighbor.
Who fa My Neighbor!
1. How to Inherit Eternal Life (vv.
1. The Lnwycr's Question (v. 20).
"Lawyer"' here menns ono, versed in
religious law the Scriptures. This
does not mean lawyer In our modern
sense of that term. It would more
nearly correspond to n theological
professor. The lawyer's object was
to trap Jesus to Induce I Urn to take,
such a stand as would weaken Ills In
fluence as a teacher. He. expected
Jesus to set forth some new cere
monies which would conflict with or
disparage the law.
2. Jesus' Question (v. 20). Though
Jesus knew the motive of the lawyer
He did not evade his question. Ho
6ent him to tho law the Held which
was familiar to him. Ho thus was
robbed of his own weapon.
3. The Lnwycr's Beply (v. !27). lie
made an Intelligent answer declaring
that tho entire content of the law
was embraced In love to God and man.
This expresses tha whole of human
4. Jesus Beply (v. 2S.) This
straightforward answer went to tho
henrt of the lawyer. Perfect love to
God and man Is truly the way of life.
No man has yet had or can hava such
love. His sinful condition precludes
Its possibility. Man's failure to meas
ure up to this requirement Is his con
demnation. The lawyer keenly felt
this thrust. He was defeated on his
own grounds and convicted of
II. Who Is My Neighbor (vv. 20
37). 1. The Lawyer's Question (v. 20).
This question reveals the Insincerity
of the lawyer. Christ's answer lind
reached his conscience and now ho
seeks to escape the dltllciilty by ask
ing u captious question. Lawyer-like
ho sought to get off by raising a ques
tion ns to the meaning of words.
2. Jesus' Answer (vv. 3037). Christ's
reply more than answered tho law
yer's question. In the parable of tho
Good Samaritan Ho mnkes cQear who
Is a neighbor, and also what it means
to be a neighbor, or what loving a
neighbor means. Christ's aumver had
a double meaning. He not only made
clear who Is my neighbor, btt made
it clear that the lawyer was not play
ing the neighbor. He thus was con
victed of not hnvlng been a neigh
bor. (1) Who Is my neighbor? Tills des
titute and wounded man left on tho
highway by the robbers Is tho man
who needs n neighbor. My neighbor,
therefore, Is the ono who needs my
help, whether ho lives next door or
on the outside of tho world. Those
who have tho Spirit of Christ can see
their neighbors on every hand.
(2) What being n neighbor means.
Our supreme concern should not bo
"Who is my neighbor?" but "Whoso
neighbor am I?" To bo n neighbor is
(a) to see those about us who need
help (v. 33). Lovo Is kef-n to discern
need. We should be on tho lookout
for those In need of our help.
(b) Have compassion on tho needy
(v. 83). Christ's compassion was
arouBPd as He came Into contact with
those who were suffering and In need.
All thoso who have Ilia nature will
bo llkwlse moved, (c) Give to those
In need (v. 34). Many are willing to
give money to help tho poor and needy,
but are unwilling to personally minis
ter to them. Mnny times the personal
touch is more Important thnn the ma
terial aid. We, should glvo ourselves
ns well as our money, (d) Bind up
wounds (v. 34). (e) Set tho helpless
ones on our bensts while wo wnllc
(v. 34). This Is proof that lovo Is
genuine. Christians will deny them
selves In order to have something to
give to those who have need. Tills
kind of sympnthy Is greatly needed
todny. (f) Bring to tho Inn nnd tnko
care of tho unforlunnto (v. 34). Gen
ulno lovo does not leave Its service In
complete. Much Christian service Is
spasmodic, helps and then leaves a
man to take care of himself, (g) Glvo
money (v? 35). It coMi n good denl
to be n neighbor. Lovo Is the most
expensive thing In tho world. It cost
God Ills only Son. It ec-it Christ Ills
life. May we go nnd do likewise!
When the Last Trump Sounds.
Tho Lord himself shall descend
from Iipaxrn with a shout, with tho
voice of the archangel, arid with tho
trump of God; and the dead In Christ
shnll riso first. I Thessalnnlnns 4:10,
Such at I Love.
Such as I lovo, I rebuko and chas
tise. Be zealous, therefore, and do
penance. Apocalypse 3 '.10.
Dolno Nothing.
Doing nothing with a deal of skill..
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