RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, OHIEP w a Ik. i s jftafewttpl flnntantt 15riuiil frachm ;W1 1 raaw' JW?l i fsn 1 "" I . JK7Jwilft.(. WJv'Eh UMtll-Sft' UJ-St Win "JTrZniim.-'l PER CENT. AAntMiiMYr-nnralionfiffAs-, similiillnUieFoodulvij I UntflAcStMnMasanauqjvv; ThcretytooDSl nctthcrOplflin.Morphlncnor; TStitaidSSLama. Jo,ptin&f 'tSttmo. . JtAOSM AhelpfulRcmcdyC ti CBMtlpJoiMDtanJJ f fU A S For Infants and Children. Mothers Know Tltrt Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of fit a Mf mr T 4i Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CCnTMIN COMPANr. NEW YORK CJTT. CONSTIPATION Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills , then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. 1 hey cleanse your system of all waste matter and Regulate Your Bowels. Mild as easy to take as SUgar. Genuine bear ilgnalute ycnTcC Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. BARTERS IITTLE IVER PBU-S An Era of Publicity. "You don't liilnil having tlio nnme of four uutoinobllu painted In boxcar letters on u tire cover?" "No," said the motorist, "although It's true that I'm n rolling advertise ment for the manufaeturcr who made It, but I have to draw the line some where. If my tailor ever asks me to wear his label whero all who run may rend, I'm going to refuse." lllrmlng Lam Age-Herald. DYED HER DRAPERIES, SKIRT AND A SWEATER WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Eacli packago of "Diamond Dyes" con tains directions so simple that any woman can dye or tint faded, shabby skirts, dresses, waists, coats, sweaters, stock ings, hnngingn, draperies, everything liko new. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect home dyeing is guaran teed, even if yon have never dyed before. Tell your druggist whether the materiel you wish to-dye is wool or silk, or whether It is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. Dia mond Dyes never streak, spot, fade, or tun. So easy to use. Advertisement. Doing good la the only certain happy action of n man's life. Sir Philip Sidney. "0 Happy Day" sang the laundress as she hung the snowy wash on tho line. It was n "happy day" because rtie used Red Cross Bell Blue. Advcr tlsement. The quickest way to win a man's respect Is to let him know you think him n wonder. Confidential. Advices to lovers of udvanccd sea son corn-on-col) : The first hundred ears are tho hardest. Life. Important to All Women Readers of This Paper Thousands upon thousands of women have kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it. 'Women's complaints often prove to bo nothing else but kidney trouble, or tha result of kidney or bladder disease. If tho kidneys arc not in a healthy con dition, they may causo tLu other organs to become diseased. You may suffer pain in tho back, head ache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irri table and maybe despondent; it makes any one so. But hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health to tho kidneys, proved to bo just tha remedy needed to overcome such condi tions. Many send for a sample bottle to see what Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine, will do for them. By enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., you may receive sam plo size bottle by parcel post. You can purchase medium and large size bottles at all drug stores. Advertisement. Too Much. "Is It possible thnt nfter your father had deeded the old farm to you In return for your promlso of a good homo for tho rest of his life, you turned him out?" "Certainly I I told him I wasn't run ning an asylum for fools." Knnsua City Star. aaaklBW bbbsh W f0ftUk(L SPI Rl N SAY "BAYER", when you buy. Insistl Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are pot getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians over 23 years and proved safe by millions for wilbt Colds Toothache Neuritis Neuralgia Headache Rheumatism Lumbago Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" pacIcrtRO which contains proper directions. Handy "Dayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists. Aspirin ti Us Uado mirk of Jlajcr aOaateciar of ItonoaeeUcacldestor cf BllcxUcacl4. ENGINE TROUBLE 0 BY OIL OHO Incorrect Lubrication During Busy Season Blamed for Ills of Tractor and Truck. CAREFUL ATTENTION NEEDED To Accomplish Objects Sought for Lubricant Must Be Heavy Enough to Stand Heat Change Oil Every Five Hundred Miles. It Is claimed by tractor experts, who have given a great deal of study to the causes of tractor troubles, that one half of all engine troubles nre due to Incorrect lubrication. It Is Important, therefore, that the lubrication of the tractor and the truck bo given the most careful attention during the busy senson. Serves Two Purposes. The oil In the crank case of the mo tor serves two purposes, (1), to pro vide n thin film between all bearing surfaces to prevent friction, and (2), to provide a seal between tho cylinder walls and the piston rings In order to hold the gas in tho compression cham ber during the compression nnd expan sion. In order to accomplish these two objects the oil must be heavy enough to stand the heat to which It Is subjected during the operation of the motor. It Is well for each tractor (Iterator to use tho oil which the manufacturer recommends for this particular tractor. Lubricating oil, although chosen from the very best grades, will not last Indefinitely. The oil will break down when constantly subjected to heat and use. Considerable gasoline and kero sene will And Its way Into the crank case, which gradually thins the oil. Tho oil In the crunk case, therefore, should be changed every ."00 miles, In the automobile and the truck, and about every four or tlve days In the tractor. When the oil Is changed In the crank case of any motor It Is SANITARY CONDITION OF POULTRY HOUSES Dropping Board Must Be Cleaned Thoroughly Each Day. V-Shaped Trough Made by Nailing Two Boards Together Makes It Easy Matter to Scrape Up Litter and Dump It. In order to malntnln the poultry house In a sanitary condition, dally cleaning of the dropping board must be persisted In, but for a commuter this was an early-morning Job that was not anticipated with enthusiasm. A V-shaped trough was made by nailing two eight-Inch boards together .Ti"v '!' ' kmiiSEmmm jgaO 5Trrfn .IIHililll Lit' , f Poor Lubrication Is Cause of Much Tractor Trouble. sometimes advisable to wash It out with about a quart of clean oil and drain It out before tho new oil Is put in. Good for Killing Lice. The oil removed from the crank case contains a grent deal of dirt and particles of metal and therefore it should not bo used for lubricating other machinery. Some farmers use the old crnnk case oil for killing llco on hogs nnd it has proven very good for this purpose except on white hogs with tender skins. J. V. Sjogren, In Charge of Farm Mechunlcs, Colorado Agricultural college. VV V " vx Mrnav CTAunc nrx i I m nr; nnrvrnri nin o 8 oihhuo m i n lui ui uuumn pi no g Recommends Pe-m-na for Catarrh of the Stomach, Golds and Grip "I hnv Unl Pe-ru-na for nevcrnt venrn nnil can lionrtlly recommend for cntnrrh of tlio ntomach or entlra ayatem. I always K"t liennt from II for colds and (trip. It atnnris oft Iota of doctor bills nnd makes one feci like u. now person." It, li". nUTTI.ES, 21. V. D. No. 3, Uox CI, Wnyncibure, Kentucky. It Is wlso to keep a bottlo of I'o-ru-na In tho liousa for omoritenulcs. CourIih ami colds may usunily bo rellovotl by a fow doses of I'o-ru-na taker In tltno. Nannl catarrh, Indigestion, con stipation, diarrhoea, rncumutism or oilier troublt'H duo to a catarrhal condition of tho imicotin mom'jrancs all call for i'o-ru-na na tho successful treatment. Tho health build in?, BtreiiKth rcstorlnR qualities of this well known romedy aro especially marked nfter a protractod sickness, tho grip or Spanish Flu. Tir mi.NA la limtlv nroiiil of Ita record of fifty years as health protector for tho wliolo lamuy. TABLETS OR LIQUID SOLD EVERYWHERE f ioo30oooooooo ooeso Dally Cleaning of the Poultry-Houso Dropping Board Is Facilitated by a Sliding Trough Into Which the Drop pings Aro Scraped. nnd closing the ends. Also, a 0 by 14- Inch opening was cut In one end of tho I house, the center being In line with the front edge of the dropping board, i A piece of one-Inch pipe, long enough to extend the entire length of the drop- plug board and for about a foot more j than the length of the trough on tho outside, was supported at each end. so ' as to be directly under nnd parallel i with the edge of the' dropping board, I as shown. The V-shnpeil trough was suspended from the pipe underneath tho dropping board. With this ar rangement, It was an easy matter to scrape the droppings Into the trough and slldu It outside to be emptied. II. L. Tunlson, Wnkelleld, Mass., la Popular Mechanics Magazine. Wise Is Youth. A few evenings ago, a llttlo girl, three years old, was enjoying somo Mother Goos Jingles on her father's knee. Little Wo l'ccp wns being re hearsed and when tho placo was reached where, hi the rhyme, It says "bringing their tails behind them," tlio father purposely cNnngod It to read this way, "bringing their tails beforo them," nnd noticing tbc surprised look on her face said, "I made a becfBtnkc, didn't I?" She promptly answered, "So, It was a shcepstako," Cutlcura Soap for tho Complexion. Nothing better than Cutlcura Soap dally and Ointment now nnd then as needed to mako tho complexion clenr, scalp clean and hnnds soft and yvhlto. Add to this tho fnsclnntlng, fragrant Cutlcura Talcum, and you liovo tho Cutlcura Toilet Trio. Advertisement Risky Talk. "Air like wine" "Shut up. Do you want to get us arrested?" Louisville Courier-Journal. BETTER PRICE FOR REACTORS HORSERADISH GROWN IN FALL Makes Most Rapid Growth During Cool Months and Is One Crop Not Injured by Freezing. Cool weather In autumn Is the time that horseradish makes Its most rapid growth. It Is another one of the root crops that Is not Injured by freezing. Extreme hot wenther this summer did not seem to Injure horseradish plants that were given a goort start In the spring. The plants will stand both extremes of temperature. Whero stor age spneo Is limited they may bo left In tho ground until spring. Some dig them late la the fall, hut often old timers leave them In tho ground all winter. SWEET CLOVER FOR PASTURE Will Withstand Frost, Drought and Grasshoppers and Produce High-Class Food. For pasture, sweet clover is prob ably without nn equal. Its ability to withstand frost, drought and grass hoppers, and produce nn nbundunco of high-class feed throughout tho growing season places It In n clnss by Itself. Many farmers nro learning that this hardy legume will solve tho problem of food for their stock, and at small expense. BUTTERMILK HAS BIG VALUE More Breeders Are Beginning to Realize Worth of Feed for Hogo Animals Thrive. More and more breeders nro real izing that buttermilk him a value In tho feeding of hogs greater than Its food vnliio would Indicate. Anlmnls fed buttermilk seem to thrive excep tionally well und bo remarkubly freo from disease. Few Buyers Now Taking Advantage of Farmer Who lo Trying to Im prove His Herd. A check on the reacting cattle sold on tho Huffnlo market shows that tho packers and stockyards administration and the burcnu of animal Industry of tho United States Department of Agriculture have been securing better treatment for persons who havo cattlo of this class to sell, ltocords from Juno 1 to September 23 show thnt on a total of 542 Head of tuberculous cat tle the gross price paid per head wa $22.17, less expense of $3.8-1, milking n net price of $18.33 per head. In tha past, records had been kept on -1,500 head and the average price paid was only $14.50. Few buyers nre now tnk Ing advantage of the farmer who Is trying to clean up his herd. Many of them find that they can afford to pay as much for renctors thnt are not condemned ns unlit for food as they can pny for untested cattle of tho sumc kind and quality. Fresh, sweet, white, dnlnty clothes for baby, If you uso Red Cross Ball niup. Never strenks or Injures them. All good grocers sell It. Advertise ment. What Minute of tho Day Wllk "I'll bo ready In a minute, dear." Hubble "Would you mind saying what minute of the day that'll be?" DON' DESPAIR $b If you aro troubled with painspr aches; feci tired; havo headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful passage of urine, you will find relief by regularly taking LATHROP'S cJWME i HAARLEM OIL rraiiiwisM The world's standard remedy for Iddnajt llvr, bladder and uric add troubles ana National Romedy of Holland since 169& Three alias, alt druggists. Qua ran teed. Look for tho nam Gold Madal eat errotT bos and accept no Imitation YOU CAN atortr. Bare to tine aa water. Makes you look Joaaa .waln. At all eood tlrtiEelit. 75 cents, or ilrci tiom I1ESSIO-ELLIS. OlKtalal. Meinpbla. Ttaa. color yowr ftatv eaally, quickly nod aafaljr Jy ualnB Q-Ba flair Color VV. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 48-1922. Of two evils somu people choose both as samples. A conservative Is one who hns his. Good Enough for the Heathen. Mrs. Smith John, whatever inada you put that bad half-dollar In tha plate? Mr. Smith Oh, that was nil right, my dear. Tho collection wns for the henthen, and you don't think those chaps are going to tell tho difference between that and u good ono, do youl News. Visitor Gee, that's a lino library you have. Ncwlyrlcb Is it, really? SQUASHES IN WARM STORAGE Vegetables Must Be Handled With Care to Prevent Bruising Prod uct Must Be Kept Dry. Squashes, pumpkins and sweet po tatoes may bo kept In good condition nil winter If carefully placed in warm, dry storage, say horticulturists of tha Ohio experiment station, Tho proper conditions for their storage differ as to moisture and temperature from those found best for ordinary vegetables and fruits, such ns potatoes, roots and apples, which require cool, moist storage. The furnnce room or n warm, dry closet whero there Is no danger of freezing In extremely cold weather Is usually very satisfactory. These vegetables should bo handled with great care to avoid bruises or, In tho case of squashes and pumpkins, breaking off tho stems which would Inter furnish entrance for organisms of decny. Tho best temperaturoli from 50 to 5.T degrees Fnhrcnhelt. EXCELLENT FEEDS FOR HOGS Skim Milk and Buttermilk Are Es peclally Beneficial for Pigs if of High Quality. Skim milk nnd buttermilk are most excellent feeds for hogs, especially for yotajig pigs, as every farmer knows, but it Is dangerous to feed theso products when they como from cream erles unless they hnvo previously been pasteurized. Tho creamery gets milk from a largo territory and nil Is mixed together. Consequently It Is practical ly Impossible to get skim milk from a skimming station or buttermilk from a creamery that Is freo from germs of tuberculosis. Don't feed either of theso products unless they hnvo been pasteurized. Leave Plowed Land Rough. Fall plowed land should ho left rough In practically all cases. It Is not desirable to disk or harrow It down until spring becuuso this would tend to muko It pnek or run together too much. Preventing Spoiled Silage. Thero aro n number of causes of spoiled sllugo, but nofle that can not bo prevented or greatly lessened by precautionary measure Don't Be Penny Wise and Pound Foolish Don't think because you can get a big can of Baking Powder for little money that you are saving anything! There's Only One Way to Save on Bake-Day, Use CALUMET the Economy BAKING POWDER It costs only a frac tion of a cent for each baking. You use less be cause it contains more than the ordi nary leavening strength. The sales of Calumet arc over 150 greater than that of any other baking powder. (SflNOPOWWl 1 J"" YA t toMJ I V COMTlNTall' K HH EST BY TEST f mt V 9 . 9 $ THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER EsrawNM ,jrDK wneaiiiuiis c& :h .S 5P1 Canada is the world's crreatest nroducerof wheat second only to the united states yet omy odoui xzy 01 the tillable area hat been worked. Yields ol .40 buahe la of wheat per acre are not uncommon, oata nave siren aa mgii na iw , , bushels per acre, while 40 to SO bushels per acre are ordinary i yiems; oariey ana rye in imo proportion. w;uo am ik thrive on the natire grasses which grow abundantly ana corn and sunflower culture are highly successful. Stock Raising, Dairying and Mixed Farming secure for the Industrious settler ample returns for his energy. Clearing the cost of one's farm with a single year a crop has an appeal, ana nas oeen aone oy nunurcua m nn VT"""2 farmers. Taxesonlyupon lanmnot on improvements). Ferlect climate, attractive social conditions, good nelghbora, churches, u-hnnla. telenhones. excellent markets and shipping faciliUea make life haoDy as well as prosperous. For illustrated literature, maps, description of farm opportuni ties in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and Uritish Columbia, reduced railway rates, etc, write W. V. BENNETT 300 Peter's Trust Bldg. Omaua, Neb. Authoritsd Atant, Dtpt.of Immliratlon an Colonisation, Dominion ol Canada '"&?Jfj2: M tbo'rM aJSPlfKlJiib'l ?i'-iBffi-'dpi7rai&!M 'Mm 80c Saves Need Buying a New Skirt Putnam Fadeless Dyes dyes or tints as you with v t T..inTHfc'm...gAWHi:Ba.'M MBtfManmwiM i jwW(" i w,WitH(nwfwww'nn"W MiWiwi'fflNhiitmMV"''' ii Mwmmmmmwmm wsssg