The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 07, 1922, Image 2

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kJA i mi . a aa ii
:"S- By .".BOOTH
Tho ninplc-hordcrcd street wns ns
till ns n country Sunday; so quiet
tlint there seemed nn echo to my foot
nteps. It was four o'clock In the morn
Inp; clear October moonlight misted
tlirniiKh the thinning foliage to the
Bhndowy sidewalk nnd lay liken trnns
imrunt silver fog upon tho house of my
admiration, as I strodu nlong, return
ing from my first night's work on the
Wnlnwrlght Morning Despatch.
1 had already marked that house as
the llnest (to my taste) In Wnlnwrlght,
though hitherto, on my excursions to
this metropolis, the state capital, I wns
not without a certain nntlve Jealousy
that Spcncervllle, the county-seat
where- I lived, had nothing so good.
Now, however, I approached Its pur
lieus with a pleasure In It quite unnl
loyed, for I wns at Inst myself n resi
dent (nlhclt of only 0110 dny's stand
ing) of Wnlnwrlght, and the house
though I had not even an Iden who
lived then. pnrt of my possessions as
a citizen. Moreover, I might enjoy the
warmer pride of n next-door-neighbor,
for Mrs. Appcrthwnlto's, whero I hnd
taken n room, was Just beyond.
ThlR was the quietest part of Wain
Wright; business stopped short of It,
and the "fashionable residence see
, tlon" hnd overlenped this "forgotten
bnckwnter," lenvltig It undisturbed nnd
unchnnglng, with thnt look about It
which Is the quality of few urbnn
quarters, and eventually of none, as n
town grows to he n city the look of
still being n neighborhood. This friend
liness of nppenniuce was largely the
emanation of the homely nnd beauti
ful house which so greatly plensed my
It might be dHllcult to sny why I
thought It. the "finest" house In Wain
wrlght, for n simpler structure would
bo hnrd to Imagine; It wns merely n
big, old-fnshloned brick house, painted
brown nnd very plnln, set well nwny
from the street among some splendid
forest trees, with n fnlr spread of flat
lawn. Hut It gave back a great deal
for your glnnce, Just as some people
do. It was n Inrge house, as 1 sny, yet
It looked not like n mansion but like
a home; nnd mnde you wish thnt you
lived In It. Or. driving by. of nn eve
ning, you would have liked to stop
your car and go In ; it spoke so sure
ly of henrty, old-fashioned people liv
ing there, who would welcome you
It looked ltkc a house where there
were n grandfather and n grand
mother; where holidays were' warmly
kept; where there were boisterous
family reunions to which uncles nnd
aunts, who hnd been horn there, would
return from no matter what distances;
a house where big turkeys would bo
on the tnble often ; where one cnlled
"the hired mnn," (nnd nnmed either
Abncr or Ole) would crnck walnuts
upon n (latlron clutched between his
knees on tho bnck porch ; It looked
like a house where they played cha
rades; where there would he long
streamers of evergreen nnd dozens of
wrcnthi of holly at Christmas time;
whore there were tearful, happy wed
dings and great throwlngs of rice nfter
little brides, from the broad front
steps: In n word. It was the sort of a
bouse to make tho hearts of spinsters
nnd bachelors very lonely nnd wist
ful nnd that Is about as near ns I enn
come to my reason for thinking It the
finest house In Wnlnwrlght
The moon hung kindly nbnve Its
level door In tho silence of thnt Oc
tober morning, as I cheeked my gait
to loiter along tho picket fence; but
suddenly the house showed n light of
Its own. The spurt of a match took
my eye to one of tjie upper windows,
then n steadier glow of orange told
me thnt a lnmp was lighted. The win
dow was opened, nnd n man looked
out and whistled loudly.
I stopped, thinking he meant to at
tract my attention; thnt something
might he wrong; thnt perhaps some
one was needed to go for a doctor. My
mistake was Immediately evident, how
ever; X stood In tho shadow of the
trees bordering the sldewnlk, and the
man nt the window hnd not seen me.
"Hoy! .oyt" he cnlled. softly.
"Whore are you, Slmpledorln?"
He leaned from the window, looking
downward. "Why, thero you are!" he
exclaimed, and turned to address some
Invisible person within tho room. "lie's
right thero underneath the window.
I'll bring him up." Ho leaned
out again. "Wait there, Slmpledorlal"
be cnlled. "I'll bo down In n Jiffy and
let you In."
Puzzled, I stared nt the vacant Inwn
before me. The clenr moonlight re
yenlcd It brightly, nnd It was empty of
ny living presence; there were no
bushes nor shrubberies nor even
shadows that could have been mis
taken for a boy, If "Slmplfdnrlu" was
pir P.yf2fmffmm''
KT--V !.... . ...& 4 HBAa ii '
Mias : i r i f'
n boy. There wns no dog In sight;
there wns no cat; there was nothing
benenth the window except thick,
close-cropped grass.
A light shone In the hnllway behind
the brond front door; one of these wns
opened, nnd revealed In silhouette the
tnll, thin figure of a mnn In n long,
old-fnshloned dressing-gown.
"Slmpledorln," ho said, nddresslng
the night air with considerable sever
ity, "I don't know what to ninke of
you. You might have cnught your
death of cold, roving out at such nn
hour. Hut there," he continued, more
Indulgently; "wipe your feet on the
mat and come In. You're snfo nowl"
He closed the door, and I heard him
call to some one up-stalrs, as he ar
ranged the fastenings:
"Slmpledorln Is nil right only n
little chilled. I'll bring htm up to
your lire."
I went on my way In n condition of
n8tonlshment thnt engendered, almost,
a doubt of my eyes; for If my sight
was unimpaired and myself not 'sub
ject to optical or mental delusion, nei
ther boy nor dog nor bird nor cat, nor
any other object of this visible world,
hud entered thnt opened door. Wns
my "finest" house, then, a place of cnll
for wnnderlng ghosts, who' came home
to roost at four In the morning?
It was only a step to Mrs. Appor
thwnlte's; I let myself In with tho key
that good lady had given me, stolo up
to my room, went to my window, nnd
stnred across the yard nt tho house
next door. Tho front window In the
second story, I decided, neeessurlly
belonged to thnt room In which the
Mrs. Apperthwalte Was the Kind of
Woman Whom You Would Expect
to Have a Beautiful Daughter, and
Miss Apperthwalte More Than Ful
filled Her Mother's Promise.
lamp had been lighted; but all was
dark thero now. I went to bed, and
dreamed that I was out at sea In a
fog, having embarked on n transpar
ent vessel whose preposterous name,
Inscribed upon glass life-belts, depend
lug here and there from an Invisible
rail, was "Slmpledorln."
Mrs. Apperthwalte's was n commo
dious old house, the greater part of It
of about tho same nge, I Judged, as Its
neighbor; but tho lnte Mr. Apper
thwalte had caught the Mansard fever
of the late 'Seventies, and the building
disease, once fastened upon h'n, bad
neer known n, convalescence, but,
rather, a series of relnpses, the tokens
of which, In tho nature of a cupola and
a couple of frame turrets, were tcrrl-
fylngly apparent. These romantic mis
placements seemed to me not Inhar
monious with the library, n cheerful
nnd plensantly shabby npnrtment
down-stairs, where 1 found (over a
substratum of history, encyclopedia,
and family nihle) some worn old vol
umes of "Godey's I.ndy's Hook." nn
enrly edition of Cooper's works; Scott,'
Hulwer, Mncnulay, Iiyron, and Tenny
son, complete; some old volumes of
Victor Hugo, of tho elder Diimns, of
Klaubort, of Gautler, and of Ilalzac:
i "Clarissa," "I.nlla Itookh," "The Al-
hnmbra," "Heulah," "Uarda," "I.uelle,"
"Uncle Tom's Cabin," "Hen-llur."
"Trilby," "She," "I.lttle Lord ..'mint
leroy;" and of n later decade, there
were novels about thoHO delicately tan
gled emotions experienced by the su
preme few; ami stories of adventurous
royalty; tales of "clean-limbed young
American manhood;" and some thin
volumes of rather precious verse.
' 'Twits amid these romnntlc scenes
thnt I awaited the sound of the lunch
hell (which for me was the announce
ment of breakfast), when I arose from
my first night's slumbers under Mrs.
Appcrthwnlto's roof; nnd I wondered
If the books were n fair mirror of Miss
Apperthwalte's mind (I had been told
that Mrs. Apperthwnlte hnd a daugh
ter). Mrs. Apperthwnlte herself, In
her youth, might have snt to nn Illus
trator of Scott or Bulwer. Evon now
you could seo she hnd come as near
being romantically beautiful ns wns
consistently proper for such n timid,
gentle little gentlewoman as she wns.
Ilcduccd, by her husband's Insolvency
(coincident with his demise) to "keep
ing boarders," she did It gracefully, ns
If tho urgency thereto were only a
spirit of quiet hospitality. It should
be added In haste that she set nn ex
cellent tnble.
Moreover, the guests who gathered
nt her board were of n very attractive
description, ns I decided the lnstnnt
my eye fell upon the lndy who snt op
posite mo nt lunch. I knew nt once
thnt she wns Miss Apperthwnlte, she
"went so," ns they sny, with her
mother; nothing could hnvo been more
suitable. Mrs. Apperthwalte was the
kind of womnn whom you would ex
pect to have n beautiful daughter, and
Miss Apperthwnlte more thnn fulfilled
her mother's promise.
I guessed her to be more thnn Juliet
Capulet's age, Indeed, yet still be
tween that and the perfect age of
woman. She was of n lnrger, fuller,
more striking type thnn Mrs. Apper
thwnlte, n bolder type one might put
It though she might hnvo been a
grout deal bolder than Mrs. Apper
thwalte without being bold. Certainly
sho wns handsome enough to make It
cllHIcult for a young fellow to keep
from staring at her. Sho had nn
abundance of very soft, dork hair,
wont almost austerely, as If Its pro
fusion necessitated repression; and I
inn compelled to admit thut her fino
eyes expressed n distnnt contcmpln
tlon obviously of habit not of mood
so pronounced that one of her enemies
(If she hnd any) might have described
them as "dreamy."
Only one other of my own sex was
prcseiit nt the lunch table, n '.Mr. Dow
den, an elderly Inwycr and politician
of whom I had heard, and to whom
Mrs. Apperthwnlte, coming In nfter
the rest of us were scnted, Introduced
me. Sho mnde the presentntlon gen
eral ; and I hnd the experience of re
ceiving a nod nnd n slow glnnce, In
which there wns n sort of dusky, estl
mntlng brllllnnce, from tho benutlful
lady opposite me.
It might have been better mannered
for mo to nddress myself to Mr. Dow
den, or one of the very nice elderly
women, who were my fellow-guests,
thnn to open n conversntlon with Miss
Apperthwnlte; but I did not stop to
think of thnt.
"You have n splendid old house next
door to you here, Miss Apperthwnlte,"
I snld. "It's n privilege to find It In
view from my window."
There wns n fnlnt stir ns of Rome
coustcrnntlon In the little compuny.
The elderly Indies stopped talking nb
ruptly nnd exchnnged glnnces, though
this wns not of my observation nt the
moment. I think, hut recurred to my
consciousness Inter, when I hnd per
ceived my blunder.
"May I nsk who lives there?" I pur
sued. Miss Apperthwnlte nllowed her no
tlcenble lushes to cover her eyes for
nn lnstnnt, then looked up ngaln.
"A Mr. Bensley," she snld.
"Not the Honorable David Bensley I"
I exclaimed.
"Yes," she returned with n certnln
gravity which I nfterwnrd wished hnd
checked me. "Do you know him?"
"Not In person," I explained. "You
see, I've written a good deal about
him. I was with the Spcncervllle
Journal until n few dnys ngo, and
oven In the country we know who's
who In politics over tho stnte. Bens
ley's tho man that went to Congress
nnd never made a speech never mndo
even a motion to adjourn but got ev
erything his district wanted. There's
talk of him for governor."
"And so it's the Honorable David
Beasley who lives In thnt splendid
plnce. How curious thnt lsl"
"Why?" asked Miss Apperthwalte.
"It seems too big for one man," I
answered ; "and I've nlwnys had the
Impression Mr. Beasley was n bach
elor." "Yes," she said, rather slowly, "he
"But of course he doesn't live there
nil nlone," I supposed, nloud, "prob
ably he has "
"No. There's no one else except a
couple of colored servants."
"What a crime I" I exclnlmed. "If
there ever was a house meant for n
large family, that one Is. Can't you
almost hear It crying out for heaps
nnd heaps of romping children? I
should think"
I was Interrupted by n loud cough
from Mr. Dow-den, so abrupt and arti
ficial that his Intention to check tho
How of my Innocent prnttlc was em
barrassingly obvious even to me!
"Can you tell tne," he said, leaning
forward and following up the Inter
tuptlon ns hnstlly ns possible, "whnt
the farmers were getting for their
wheat when you loft Spencervlllo?"
"I mean he's a man of no
Imagination. None In the world.
Not one ounce of Imagination.
Not one grain I"
(to bb CO.NT1NUBD.)
Christopher G. Hazaid
Copyright 1922 ku
g. Western Newspaper Union
T WAS not a very cheerful
boy thut was looking out of
the window ut whut llttlu
dirty Ice the winter thaw
had left upon the hill In
front of the house. Through
the fine coasting days he
i.ail heurd the happy noise of the
sledding while the doctor had said
that he could not go out and Join In
it, nnd now, though he might soon be
out of doors ngaln, there was no surety
of as good a hill ngaln and small pros
pect of sport.
It wasn't u very cheerful house,
either. Mr. Bondage was a chalnmak
er, and when he came home from his
lion works he always seemed to bring
Ills business with him. The house of
liondngu wns big and strong, but It
was bard, and still, and dark, and too
orderly. From the outside It looked
like a fori, and Inside, the chairs stood
at attention, like soldiers. The par
lor was a solemn place, where the
stiff furniture was seldom prevented
from looking nt Itself in the gilded
mirror. The d nlng room didn't get
tho sun until towards evening, when
the motto, "Be (nod and You Will Be
Happy" couhl I as plainly seen ns
the one on the opposite wall, "Chil
dren Should Be i-ven but Not Heurd."
When the lm.v put on his hated 1)11)
there, it exhorted him with. "Don't Eat
Too Much."
Chained to the front porch was an
iron dog, whose fixed anil ferocious
Miarl was a standing Insult to all the
village dogs that could get through
the Iron fence to dispute with him.
Tlfere was some fun about the place;
It was when a surprised 'dog retired
from the nttack with a new respect for
the tough guardian of the Bondage in
terests. Even the Iron-clad knight In
the front hall seemed to laugh through
his visor then.
Besides all this, Ishmael had hnd no
Christmas. Mr. Bondage did not be
lieve In Christmas; to him Santa
Clans wns a foolish Imagination and
a hurtful superstition. He hnd Joined
"The Society for the Prevention of
Useless Giving," and wns glad to bo
called a Spug. On December 2uth he
had presented to his son a picture of
himself, standing In front of his ofllco
with the scowl upon his face that rep
resented his Idea of the expression of
greuiness, nut me oniy comrorc or tne
day for tho boy had been the sweet
contents of the small package that his
mother had smuggled Into his room
Just before daylight.
But Ishmael Bondnge had an Aunt
Sarah ! And Aunt Sarah had the
pleasantest home In the country. It
was a low, wide, rambling old house,
In the midst of the trees and hugged
by the climbing vines thut loved It.
There wasn't a plnce In It too good to
be used and In Its snowy whiteness It
seemed to shine out upon, the fenceless
grounds with nn Invltntlon to the hos.
pltnllty of Its gardens nnd the good
Aunt Sarah Carried Ishmael Off.
cheer of Its friendly owners. Thnt
was the bright spot for I.shinnel. When
he went out there his aunt would hung
his Kauntleroy suit up In the Closet
and give him n leather suit that could
not he torn and tell lilm to go It, He
could eat without a bib and there was
pot a motto In sight. By the time that
vacation was over he wns a ral boy.
The other hoys stopped calling him
"Sissy" und no longer asked him If
his niothtr knew ho was out. Indeed,
he up and thrashed n bullying boy who
had knocked over one of his compan
ions wIip was about hulf his size. Af
ter this thero wns nothtug thut ho
could itrt have among his crowd. So,
every retention sent a prim but Joyful
boy to Aunt Sarah and closed with a
more robust hut rather dejected one on
his wu? home.
But Aunt Snrah also had n mind of
her own, Sho hnd so much mind thnt
sho hnd concluded that winter to go
nnd give Benjamin Bondnge n pleco
og It. Sho considered Ishmnel's stnte
mil situation und resolved to give his
iiuher "u good talking to." When she
Green 1m
XV ill i.
wftity III tJ
appeared Mr. Bondage felt that hlo
time hnd probubly come. When she
hnd finished he knew It hnd. She told
lilm thnt he had forgotten thnt ho
wns ever n boy, If, Indeed, ho had ever
been one, thnt ho had made himself
Into nn Iron mnn, thut he wns blind
eyed nnd hard-hearted, thut he seemed
determined to fasten nil his chains up
on Ishmnel and make his son as stiff
und cold as an Icicle.
Mrs. Bondage, behind the door, ex
pected her husbnnd to object In loud
und nngry tones, but, to her astonish
ment, he wns silent. He seemed to
remember nn old motto, "Discretion
Is the Better Pnrt of Valor," profitably,
and did not Interfere, even when Aunt
Snrah, Hushed, but triumphant, carried
Ishmael off.
There was some winter play left and
to come at Sweetllcld, but Aunt Snrnh
wasn't satisfied as easily ns thnt, for
she hnd made up the rest of her mind
Into nn Idea thnt Ishmael should hnvo
tho Christmas thnt ho hadn't had, af
ter nil. It wasn't much of n Chrlstmns
day when the belated Chrlstmns tree
blossomed nnd bore fruit, but It wns n
fine tree. The snow nnd Ice hnd dis
appeared and n warm wind made tho
late winter seem like early spring, but
Aunt Sarah said that evergreen trees
kept Christmas all the year round, anil
that every day was their day. Cer-
"A Wonderful Pocketknlfe "
talnly It was the most Interesting tree
that Ishmael had ever seen, from tho
bundle ut the bottum, through all the
oninments, lights und gifts., to the mys
terious pneknge nt the top of It shone
with kind und thoughtful love and
sparkled with merry wishes and glad
promise. They and the children from
the neighborhood who had come to
share the Joy und the presents that
Aunt Sarah had prepared were won
dering whnt would bo found In thut
lust parcel ut the top, until It wns
tuken down, und then u part of the
party, at least, was surprised when the
wrapping was taken off and a wonder
ful pocketknlfe, beside a first-class
football, conveyed merry wishes from
Mr. Bondage to his, son. Aunt Sarah
said afterwards that nt this she near
ly "went off the handle."
When May came It boomed time for
Ishmael to go home, but he was not
very happy ut the prospect. Indeed,
he was rather unhappy about It. He
felt something like one on his way to
Jail, and even shed tears at the
thought of leaving Sweetlleld, so thut
a squirrel, seeing lilm wiping his eyes
under a tree, exclaimed "Oh, what n
rainy boy!" but the dny came and
Ishmael went.
Another surprise awaited lilm, how
ever, for, us he neared home and en
tered It, everything seemed changed.
The house looked sunny and pleasant
In Its new colors, the fence had disap
peared, the Iron dog hud been moved
to the barn, and the mailed knight had
gone down to the ironworks to be
turned Into plowshares.
When Mr. Bondage went out to
Sweetlleld to visit his sister und to
report upon Ishmucl's progress, Aunt
Sarah had her rewnud. "It Is all your
doing, Sarah," said he. "I needed
someone to show me up to myself."
"Well, brother," said Aunt Sarah, "A
Stitch In Time Saves Nine," as the
proverb has it, and you certainly will
bo proud of our boy yet, as proud of
him as I am of my big, new brother."
When December came blustering
around again ami brought Santa Clans
and nil his load of love and Jollity,
there was no place that more warmly
welcomed lilm than Mount Freedom,
as Mr. Bondage's home had come U
be called, nnd of till tho happy Christ,
mas parties of that year, none wnt
fuller of mirth and good cheer than
the one at Mount Freedom. They
danced about the tree and under tho
motto thnt hung from the top of it
with Its message of good will to every
body, the football was kicked all over
the iloor and they shouted In their
glee. The squeaking toys, the tooting
whistles, the happy songs, all made
the time as merry ns It ought nlwnys
to be, while tho gifts spoko messages
of love.
Ishmael had prospered enough In his
studies to make a picture of Sweet
lleld. It hung over the mantel shelf
In the living room und under It ho hnd
written, "Tho Homo of tho Green
Chrlstmiis." When nnyone asked him
nbout It ho would tell them how spring
onco enmo In a wintry time; he would
say that while Christmas comes but
once a year, It sometimes comes twice,
and that whenever It comes It bring!
good cheer; but V.o wns never nblo to
mako n picture of his Aunt Sarak that
Beemed to him good enough-
Llllf' V J H rTMlRM
Farmer' Wife Tells How Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
WadcHer a Well Woman
Carter's Creek, Tenn. " Thrco years
ngo I was almost nn invalid. I spent
half of my time In
bed. hoinc nfiliptflrf
with a trouble which
women of a certain
nge aro apt to have.
i wok L.ydia ta.
Compound Tablets
nnd used Lvdia E.
Pinkham's Sanativo
Wnsh. I nm n well
womnn no w nnd hnvn
been for two years.
I inn work na wnll ii
any one who is younger and as I am a
farmer's wife I havo plenty to do for I
cujtivato my own garden, raise many
chickens and do my own housework.
You may publish this letter ns I nm
ready to do anything to help other
women as I havo been so well nnd happy
since my troubles aro past." Mrs. E.T.
Galloway, Carter's Creek, Tenn.
Most women find plenty to do. If
they aro upset with aomefemnlo ailment
ana troubled with such symptoms ns
Mrs. Gnllowny had, tho smallest duty
Eeems a mountain.
If you find it hard to keep up, if you
aronervousand irritable, withoutnmbi
tion and out of sorts generally, give tho
Vegetable Compound a fair trial. Wo
behovo it will help you greatly, for it
bos helped otber3.
Bad Breath
Is Usually Due to
When you nre constipated,
not enough of Nature's
lubricating liquid is pro
duced in the bowel to keep
the food waste soft and
moving. Doctors prescribe
Nujol because it acts like
this natural lubricant and
tliua replaces it.
r u j o i is a
lubricant not
a medicine or
laxative so
cannot gripe.
Try it today.
Standard cold remedy world over. Demand
box bcarlnc Mr. Hill's portrait and signature.
1, At All Dru6tists3Q Cents
Let Us Hope.
"Tho old prejudice against being
photographed in a hat seems to bo dy
ing out," buys a fashion writer. It Is
hoped that this foreshadows nn end
of the modern reluctance to be photo
graphed In n dress. London I'unch.
She So you kissed thut painted
i creature.
Ho Yes. I saluted the colors.
Help That Bad Back!
ARK you tortured with constant back
ache tired, wenk, all uustnine
after the Icift exertion? Evening find
you worn out nnd discouraged? Then
look to your kidneys! -When the kid
neys weaken, poisons accumulate in the
system and cause nagging backache,
tabbing pains, hepdachea and dizziness.
You feel nervous, irritable nnd "blue,"
and likely suffer annoying bladder ir
regularities. Don't waft. Neglect may
lead to FPrious kidney sickness. Use
Doan's Kidney Pills. Doan's have
helped thousand and should help you.
Ask your neighbor!
A Nebraska Case
Frank Copen
hnven, P o n o a,
Neb., nays: "I
had lumbago nnd
I couldn't walk
HtrarlKht. Sharp
pulns cnuBht mo
through my kid
neys and my kid
neys acted fro
nuontly. Tho so
crotlons wore
highly colored. A
friend pavo mo a
box or Doan's
In tliroo dnys tho
Kidney Pills
lumnaKO was Kono nnd my hack was
BtronK. Tho euro linn lusted."
Cet Dcnn'i at Any Store, GOc Dos
DOAN'S "p'ssy
AtlhllrntATvn Tnn 0-44
Stoarns Rlectrlo Parte Co.,
Dear Slrn: Mr. Ilobert T. Donnell of
Auburntown, Tonn., came In our itore
tho other day and wanted somethlnr to
kill rata, eo I aold him a box Stearai
nat I'aato. And he put some pasta on
alx bltculti that night and the next mom.
lne he found llfty-four big rata. And the
aecond nlsht ho put out four more bla
cutta with paate on them, and the aecond
mornlne he found aeventcon more rata,
maklnic a total of seventy-ono rata In
two nlchti, and there were lota more
that he did not find.
Thl Is some big rat talej but, never
theless. It la ao. Juit thought would
write to let you know that your rat pasts
la good,
Beapectfully, KENNEDY BnOTHEnS.
Buy a 35c Box Today
Enough to Kill SO to 100 flats or Mica
Don't waate time trying to kill these pesta
preparations. lUfldy for Dae Ilrttrr Than
Trap. Drug and Oenera) stores sell
-; m$m
x xil
y ..MTU
f X