) ) VOLUME 50 fPICK-UPS J THAT ARE BARGAINS 5 27-inch colored Outings, lights and darks Jj per yard 2 1-2-lb. all feather Pillows, each S i Huck Towels 14x23, each Heavy Turkish Bath Towels, 24x28 fcfi Large heavy wool finish plaid Blankets s8 ' 72x82. each - ... rfinvir H.n7 fpnthnr nrnnr tiPKinrfs 'an- cy patterns, yd M 4 fl Comfort Cretonnes, 36 very pretty patterns, P J. WOULD USE THE KNIFE VERY INDISCRIMINATELY In preparation for the next mass meeting of taxpayers, the Committee of five appointed to form resolutions met in the county commis iono.s' For SThe R. t y t t 2$ i$ , lit m 1 A A 1 sr Watches, Chains, Fobs, Rings, Kum-A-Part Buttons, Shaving Sets For 'Women- 1 Wrist Watches, Rings, j Parisian Ivory, Cut Glass 1 For the Home- 1 Phonograph, Player Piano, Piano, . 1 Silver Table Ware, Decorated Glassware Kodaks, Kodak Albums, Kodak Self Timers, m Tripods, Negative Albums 1 For Kotluk Service Hee Us first mid Save Yourself the bother E. H. !- flturlo... HP,.t JLJLMJk JftJKJLALKJ 1 I 15c." V $1.00 H 12 l-2cB D 60c 13 . o. $5.oo ;; B, U - 50c J - inches wide, many ya - 25c Waaexifii Ct R IT WOlll VU. "J room at the court house, Saturday afternoon about 2 o'clock. OS the regular committee, J. It. ( Leavenworth, Kansas, Monday morn Scott, M. L. Boom and George Am ielcR on train 14 where they will spend were presen but A. L. Grossman ' & few days visiting with his sister was not there .via Mary Peterson aid mother who live in that city. mmwm&msmtki Gifts Thai Last NEWH0USE 1 flMuuu .., j... j . . .4irs . .. , --'U -.J.'T '..-."-,' "'t-J.a55.yrs 4 FUwsHKr That Htm The Newt Flftytw Wttks Etch Tear Far- tl.St RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 7. 1922 sent a good substitute in A. H. Hoff man. Many oubjects were brought before thiB committee and were dis cus cd, pro and con in a b-oad way. These resolutions r.re just to malte pcop'o think, ::nil come pre .ared to help decide by c instructive criticism or evie'ent approval, whether they must stand or fall. They may seem rad'eal, but it just voices a change wanted from always letting the far mer pay most of the taxes. The far mcr wishes to divide the bunion with othe.v. Some of these resolutions received quick re ponsc from the com mittcc, but most of them were do 1'beratod over before passirr;. Wo submit the following: 'l Ho it resolved that a majority of s gnaturcs of r.ll county voters nut Lo secured to co'i'.im c the county agent. 2 Tint the county oiliccrs hirin ' deputies must pay same out of the 1 own pocVcts 3 That .he county assets r bo abol iscd. 4 That the county engineer be a ! bolisuicd. 5 Tint the truant officer be abolish cd. I 6 That the county commissioners should adopt the Federal census of 1 1920 as a basis for fixing the salary of the county sheriff and the county attorney. ,. i 7 Resolved that the Domestic Sci ,enco,. Manual Training, Teachers Normnl Training and Business courses bo abolished from the accred- ' itcd courses of our public schools. t . . Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Bush went to XK PH Will Meet Monday Evening A meeting of Community Christmas tree committees will be held Moudny evening at 7:30 nt the Library. It is tlenlrous that h!1 committees be pro ent, hb well ae nny one else who may be Interested. Art Nelson Opens Up Plumbing Shop The nnuounuumqiit ud of Art Nulsun, who litis deuided to embark iu the plumbing, heating mid electrical biibi nutis for hini!t)lf, uppuurr oImjwIiuiu In thin paper. Mr. Nelson has had sever al years experlcneu in his chosen trade and no doubt will net his share of pat i ullage as he hetleves ill givinu his ens toniets tml time ululn work ini,' for idem at pru'c- Unit .nc ritflil, and al-( lii'i eiut- win I;, lie is loeau'd in tin l'lli.o llmihwiiv sioie. MR. AND MRS. C. F. GATHER V.'EDUED FIFTY YEARS On Tuesday, December 5th, Mr nd Mrs. Cfliarlca F. Gather of this city celebrated the fiftieth anniver sary of their wedding. Mr. and Mrs 0.ither were married in their old luine near Winchester, Virginia, in 1872. They were born and grew up in a country township in Frederick county, near Winchester. In 1883 M Cather followed his father, Will iam Cather, and his brother, George Cather t the west. The father and brother had moved to Nebraska some years before. In the spring of 188o Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cather came to Nebraska with their four small child rcn, Willa, Roscoe, Douglass and Jess ica. They lived for two years on Will iam Gather's homestead in Catherton townsliiy, Webster county. On his son's arrival, William Cather and his wife, Caroline, gave up the respon sibilities of the farm :.nd moved iit Kcd Cloud. After two years on tho farm, diaries Cather and his wife ulpo moved ino Red CI ud, in order lo privh'e tchooling for their grow ing family. Their three children, James, 1'ilsie and John wore born in Red Cloud, making in all a family of seven children. Mr. and Mrs. Cather brot.ght this large funv'ly of seven t.) m mhood and womanhood in Red Cloud, and the children wore all edu cated in the Red Cloud public sch ols Of these chilrpn only two now vsfMc in Red Cloud, Jessica, now Mrs. Will iam Auld, and El.io C".Micr, who i this winter teaching in the high : cho 1 in Lincoln. Every child of this widely scattered fmn'.ly, however, still calls Red Cloud "home", and to each of them it is tho home town. Roscoe Cather, tho oldest son, is in business in Casper, Wyoming Douglass Cather 13 in business in Los Angeles, Calfornia. Willa Cather the author, lives in New York City James Cather and family live in Holyokc, Colorado, and John Cather whom we all know as "Jack" lives in Smcthport, Pennsylvania. All of the Gather children but two came homo to Red Cloud for their (parents' Golden Wedding, and t glorious mild winter weather, tho brilliant sunlight and wonderful moon light of this week have given a .gulden atmosphere to this unusual celebration. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cather have never lor.t a child, and their family circle has never been broken by a death. Through a long stretch of years, their children have been healthy, active men and women. They have attested their loyalty to thcL' homo town by com'ng back to it .from distant sta'es and countries on every possible- occa. ion. Tho country nbut Red Cloud, our Republican river, our beautiful autumns and sunny winters and fertile fields, even some of our amu. ing "local" characters havo been made known to tho world through the novels in which Willa Gather lovingly describes tho country of her childhood, Commercial Advertiser. A special oomnmiiicutlon of Charity lodgo A. V. & A. M., in to Iiu" held Krl- ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that wo have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for tho use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you arc alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and we are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become a customer of this new department. H THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK irjiMMiiOTiroiiinra This Christmas Your Photograph the only gift that only you can make. Now is the time to 'phone Red 132 for an appointment. The ANNOUNCEMENT Having opened a shop in the TRINE HARDWARE slore, I am now ready to do your Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Work at reasonable prices-guaranteeing manship and courleous service. GIVE ME A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED ART NELSON At Trine's Hardware Harness aund Collars How about that new harness for Spring? Come ' in and look our stock over. I will meet any catalog price on the same goods. This is a good time to have your harness fixed up and oiled then they will be ready when you want them. LEE R. WALKER . Harness and Saddlery JkvwvAArwvv-Jv.v.v.v.vv.vwvvwww i i Phone Ind. 3 on 90, Bell 174. I Mrs'. Ed UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES zLic ir NUMBER 49. t, K" (V '$. Gl Studi eason 10 first-class work- Residence, Bell 241 Amack I RED CLOUD,. NEB.; m & i va "& m i L T. AMACK-PHONE IND. 32H 'jm. miy uveiiiiiR ml i;.w lor work in tho fijftflftfl&XJHtt r7awXmc.nt'0Kre" frX Visiting bretb. WWWUWVWUttMVVMMVWUUW T?:;7Jvr