RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHLfcir MCTirar&3iaut3krnrairatnavuUBM MHiwmwita t. wiPKva-wTOTvfVM tnvKAim.mi"u"mi3NVAvttt iummm.'uiunnrjmuiiiini "1 N If j ; ' K 3! a S K X s K V. J a; K ftS TOLD TO US K KSRSSiSa8SBS!SS Ja.x II ili tito cf 111 den ,o. in tlir city Satui''. afternoon ' D'stricl Court in session. IMIEMUmilHi CJhas L'ndley lolurnod homo the la t of the week from Denver. Rev. D. Fitzgerald was a pa sengcr to Lincoln Mondu" on train -1. I. 11. Wagoner wa-. a passenger to Chester Saturday morn'ng on t.ain 1G. Kllory Ilcoper went to Gowlcs Sat urday morning on tra'n 4 to rpendtrc day. I Mrs. R. V. Nicholson went to Hast ings Thursday morning to spend the day. Mrs. A. 0. Walker went to Hast ings Friday morning to ' spend the day. Mi'j. Bon MeFvaland went to Hast ings ' Friday morning on train 4 to spend the day. Mrs. C. II. Slarkc went to Superior Monthly, to spend the day visit ing with friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Martin were paaengen to Norton, Ktnsas, Satur day morning on train 15. Mrs. Howard Foe went to Hasfngs Thursday meriting to spend the day rctur.iing home on No. 11 that evening. Mis Kub'y Koon wc:.t to McCookl Friday morning on train 15 to spend a few days-there vis'ting with relatives. W. H. Dnnkcl arrived here Sunday morning on train 1G from Wray, Colo rado for a couple of days visit with friend1:. Mr. Wilson wont to Denver, Colo rado, Monday morning on train 15 for a v'sit at the home of her ron, Ford Wilson aid family. Perry Long arrived here fiom Los Angeles, California, Friday morning he ho'ng called here by the dcuth of his father, Jaco'j Long. Mrs. E. M. Gard went to Or nd Irlanrf Snturdry in rninjr on ( ruin 4 where the will visit frr a few days with iclrtives and friends. I will hold a fancy work .sale at 11. P. Weesncr'-" s'ore, Saturday Decem ber 2nd. I heve a large variety of articles. Mrs. Moll Hcrrick. Court Roportcr, Lee Johnson went to Alma Monday morning to spend the day attending to bus'nes matters in connection with his work. I'oiry Long was .. f'li(tci T 'il nv t. P".1'iMl'l'l' i .ii1, o . li.i'n 1. Tli r.e D.vis a patijengrr to Tuc day oven'njr on train 17. Mrs. Frank C:om relumed home Saturday evening after u short visit in Ha tings. Frank Peterson and Lee McArthur accompanied the stock shipment to St. Joe. Sunday. Ira Wines relumed to this city Tuesday evening on train 11 from to which place he went Sun day in chaige of a shipment of stock. Deputy Sta'c Sheriff 0. D. Hot'go Sheriff Iluffcr, W. G. Hamilton, Carl Oglcvie and .several othorct attendee: the Chas. Sutton trial at Manknto, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sanderson and children diovc down Sunday moining from their home in Grand Island to s; e id the dry here visit ing with friends. George Winlon returned to his homo pt Spri.'gficld, Missouri, Thurs day morning on tra'n 14, he being called hcic by (be death of his mint. Miss Jennie Wnton. Mr. r.:id Mis. Clifford Pope and baby returnc.1 to their lnme in iiift". JiViuhy after pending Sun day heic vi iting with his psicnt? and with other Mid i'r'cnds. Cou.'ty Attorney Howard S. Foe returned home Frivy morning on train 1G after ; pcnd'iu; the pa t few days in towns west of here attending to matters in oenncction with his wnrY. John Schmidt, special agent for the Burlington from Wymote, spent some time here Tuesday attending to mat ters in connection with his work, re turning to Wymcre on No. 1 i Wed ncsday. Mr. and Mr.-. Harold Moranville and children returned to their homo at Hcmingsford after spending the iast couple of wco'-.s here visiting with her parents and wi'fa other rcl -tives and friends. Mrs. Jcc Topham retu ncd home Fridiy evening on No. 11 from PhiK delplua, Pen lsylwmin, where sle went about three week ago as a dclega'e from th's county to the W. C T. U. convention which w?s held there. Earl Hall, Bruce Frame, J. 0. Hutler, Al. Slrby, Roy Rust,J. S. L. iTJiomai, Jay Qieok, M. B. Rrbcrtron J. N. Havel and A. B. McArthur were in Hastings! and oniph'nn Friday afternoon attending to fome business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McCartney and children arrived here from Mc C)ook Saturday morning on No 1G for a few days vis't with relative?. Mrs. Marion Bloom went to Fair bury Sunday morning whore she will vi.dt for a few days with her parents Mr. and Mr. Bisdiop and with friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Golwick and b-by went to Hardy Saturday morn ing on train 1G to spend : e"upb ci' day? vi itin't with rnl lt and frVnds. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mitchell re turned to their home in Akron, Colo rado Thursday evening on train 17 after Spending the .past few days hero visiting at the home cf Bound house Foiomnn, J. W. Hauck and with other friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Wccsncr and bit -y went to Lincoln Sunday moin ing via auto where they will spend u few ('ays visiting wi'h his ister, Mr Guy Zo'g'ei1 Mid family. Before r turning home Mr. Wee .nor will g- t 0"iah i to lii.lters. dttcn 1 to some bu i Bernard McNcny ielurne.l liome Wednesday ovonintr on train It from Lincoln where he has been spending the pu-,t few days attending to legal bu iness matters. Mrs. Stella Cnidwcli Pi'ss (1 iw,?y Monday Mrs -lit1. i M Cil.ti. ji-is-c 1 niMiv it! it 1' ill Kirliivilli! Mi'-siuiri, M.miiiiy i tiiliiir ufti)"1 in (li-rgoimj hii Opeiutlnli tor c.inci'l'. Slid liuil hcuii it lvd'U'iitof tlii-M-lty for the past, twenty yeuiS tind wk. fi8 vtvtm old. Sin-is sin i veil by one son hmiI four diunrbteiH, to liom the tiiiiny filcnds of the finally extend the tetiderrbt Hjiiipxtliy Tbu Mineral hprvlct's will lie held nt the liotne Filthy afternoon at '2 o'clock ATTENTION A committee of five was appointed to meei December 2nd, 1P22 at 1:00 p. m., at the c urt house. Cemmitlcc appointed: J. R. Scott, M. L. Boom. Geo. Amack, A. L. Grossman nncl Mary Peterson. This committee will entc: tain any taxpayer's re obtton t reduce t.ixe in our community. Oats For Sale A fei' liuii'lred ImisIii-K a-e bright mill cIhiiii, l'.e, N V. Ainh'i-oi, Covsles. Mi ChriRtino C .ldwell arrived hcie Tuesday evening from Kearney Jic hoi ig called by the death of her mother. Viva crlwls ofn .ttlo were shipped to the Kiur-ns City market Sunday morning and one' carload of, cattle to Omrha, from 1jph At a mcetiiiir cf the of Cmirio'ce r. eld Lst night the mom I ers e'ecided to keep their rooms f, en R-iiwInys as heretofore. A 1 .rge number ef the local 'mt ba'l fans will lc; vo today and in fie morning to attend the Not.c Dame v Ncbra ka foot bill game at Lincoln. Dr. Warrick, the specialist will meet eye, ear, n so and throat pat ients and tho o needing glasses at Dr. Damcreir. Tuesday December 12 Hour . 2 to G. J. M. Hewitt, Mrs Hotchkiss and Miss Golda Parker were pas cngc s t-o Grand Island Wednesday where they will spend Tha-ksgiving with relative . D'strict Judge L. H. Blacklty'ge left Wednosdcy for Lincoln to 'pftin' Tha.ikgjving w'th U non. Ilobert ai.d lake in tho '4g to X ball g.ime. Frem there he o G-ri .; to pre 'de over a sessi n of District Court for Judge Hobiirt, who 's ill. The Red Cloud Farmers Union L.-cal will hold a meeti ,g at the Odd Fellows Ciall, Friday evening at 7:30 Lot'.i have a rmsing meeting of tie Local. A musical program followe t by a talk on "School Program" by E. J. t)vcring, Jr. and others. A. B. PIERC1E, Pros FARM 151 BEAT ran KM (B ' Agont 11 il Fit'c') ' ' IT 'i 1 i'hW r I !)"(' o interested in air C'u wi rk ..i eugh our ooint . gent, M . .iKch, bo I selected a go d whit" fun'or Yearling Shorthoin liefer from tho l:trl of Johnson and Auld. I fed, cscicised and tr..ined her du ing the summer and won first at the Webster County Fair. Then wo went to tho Sl. to Fa'r where I w. n frst prize Calf Clin heifer and was prcsen'cd with a hand omc silver loving cup by the Nebraska Shorthorn Breeder's A soeiat on. In the Calf Showing co itcst there I also von first for which I roeo'vci' a gold modal. My eifet win first and grand champion at the Bed Chmd Fair. 1 was fortunate enough to be so lected a , a member of the calf demon stration team which represented Webster county at the State F. fr There we won first in cla s and champion over all teams. This entitled us to represent Nebr mka at the Inter State Fair at Sioux City, low.', wheio wc placed thiid in competition wiijii teams from, ten slates. Wo wcie asked to stop in Omnha n our 'way to Simr: Caty and give ur demonslrat'on before the Air Sa.' Ben which wo gladly did. I feel that I have, received a great deal of benefit from my year in 111"1 calf club, a.s I have learned more about livestock, ; nd at Sioir: City we met boys and g'rls from other stales and leceivcd some new ideas from them and last I have learned hov it feels to win and what it .seems like to loo e. This lias helped mo to strengthen my dele? initiation to go out into the the world, become a purebred breeder 5-d "Make the Best, Better." By f.jrimcr Edson, county and state champion in cclf club. o ' COMMITTEES CONTINUE PLANS FOB COMMUNITY THEE THE Cf ST tF DRY CLEANING CLOTHES is very slight in cotnpnriBon to the benoQt9 that acctuc. Many a dress or suit bis or hers that has been practically discarded cn bo aiudo to Korre uatUfctoiily If wc reno vate It .It .la fashionable nowadays to make your clothes to b6rveyou for nioru than ouo scnsoii, pronTfm?iTPi?i PHONE:BS : . PH0NE093M At a mooting of fiie Gomnuinity Chiis'mr.s committees held iMonday evening it was decided to hold the Christina program at the Auditor iujni, Saturday December 23, com mencing at G and the same to bo over at 7:15. The children will put on a Christmas play and scats will be giv en all the children. A hpecinl communication of Charity 1 nlgo A. F. .t A M. is to be held at four o'clock next Friday af lei noon for work in tho Follow Ct aft degree. A regular communication 'is to be held at 7:30 p. m. the same day. After the business meeting there in to be furthei work in the Follow Craft degree. Vis. iting brethren will be welcome W. I). Bdson, V. VI. Dave Bell received word from his wife Tuesday night stating that her father, Chas, Crago, pussod away at 7 o'clock that evening at his hoiuo in Freeport, 111. The decensod made his home here with Mr. mid Mrs Bell tho past seven years; while hero he made friends who sympathize withthu be reaved dnughtor and relatives. He was aged GO years und had been in poor health for some time. Farm Loans Call and see me if you want u faun nan ut a loilticoil rate of interest ai d best option. Loans ulosed iiiimci I ately witlpuo delay or expense for e. amlnat on. J. II. BAILI2Y. $$$$S5S$S$3$$$$$SSSS$$$SS5S5SSS Laurette Taylor Laurette Taylor, better known on the speaking stage, Is one of tho latoot additions to the "movie" star rank. J. Hartley Manners, her hiMbantf, Is the author o Jho first play In vvhtifc, tHo tar appears.''- ,..,.tl,",r," J -- Crlcljct. The earliest mention of the cm o! ciicket Is In tho writing of one John Derrick, who In lfiM wrote that "lis and his fellowes did runne and play at cricket." But In the Bodleian library at Oxford there Is an old pic ture of a monk bowling a lull to an other monk, who Is about to strike it, and tho date of that Is 200 years earlier. The chairmen of the various com mittees for the Community Christmas 'rco met at the Library, Monday, evening and discussed many thiigs pertaining to that great event. S mic could give full reports and some had to wait en tho reports of other bc foie they could give thuhs. Manager Li:in of t'e Audit irium lu.s decided that 'they can ta!-c their Lrhoiec between Sunday or Mondaj evening, lor tc prog. am, oincrwisi he has Lie splend'd picture "The 01 Nest" chedulcd for Saturday night and dc-es not v.i.-h to c.mccl U. 'flic thought that evca one hour on Sat urday evening, at any time, was bellei than '2 hours on any other night, after "11 the programs and Christmas tiees n the homes and churches were over, o they decided to have it early Sat urday evening, beginning promptly at 6:15 o'clock and being through by 7:30, in exact time for the first pic ture show not conflicting then with any of Mr. Linn's plans and showing their gratitude to him for the use of the Auditorium free of charge. The program committee reported that the dramatization of "The Elves und the Shoemaker" would be given as the principal feature of the pro gram. This little story carries the true spirit of Christmas. The finance committee was not rep resented, so the decorating and pur charing committees had to stay their revolts until hearing from thi im portant committee. Dr. Nich Ison s dd that the tice eoi mittce h."d not secured tho tr e as yet and ho seemed glad that the1 still had four weeks to obtain it. He reported that the street Christmas tice would not be as large sis the one of last year. The six ushers, under the direction of J. C. Mitchell fccm to know their work. They will also hand out the treats at the door as the people leave tho building. Some one huirtorously suggested locking tho rear exits so no one could come round again in lino. The publicity committee was urged to get busy and we announce the next meeting at tho snme place on December 12th. Every committee must bo able to make a full report at this meeting. TliereJs Ecouoimy f a Wearing Belter r Yo Clothe o O Good clothes not only make you look better and take yrcalcr pride in yourself. They save you money loo that's the kind of service wc offer you. A service that considers you first. Sec our Hart Schaff ner & Marx's suits and overcoats $30.00 to $40.00 Wonderful Line of all Wool Overcoats Just came in $22.50. SEE US FOR Sweaters, Underwear, Shoes and Caps. We Save You Money G. Hamilton Clotihing iCo Box Supper at Dist. 26 The tsscher and pupils of sohool district No, 20, will hold a box supper Ht their school bouse Friday evening, Dec. 1st, 8 o'clock. There will bo a program followsd by a basket sapper. A onke will be siren ths ropularlady Ererybodr bring baskets and come. Mrs. Polnicky, Teacher, Election of Officers Half City, Half Daaert Ji ilnj (lulf'of Aden Ik it spot of Imrrcn sniiil where u city sprlnics up every whiter and i.!tiost disappear In the summer. ThN flncc fi,,, 5o,.. Ih'Jii. . niiirUct Is in-Ill (here every winter and durl-s Muj height of trad ing It biM'dinns n cltv .r niilo huts und tents with a populnihii of ovjv la"), 900. During the miiiiiiiiw Hd place b JMirted. I At a meeting of the I, O, O. F., lodge hold Monday evening tho follow ing ollluers wore elected for tho ensn. ing term: Joo Huwltt, Noble Grnud; Will I'nttun, Vice Grand; U. W. Stow urt, Scortitnry; M. H. Coi ner, Treiisurrr; I'ortor Hale, Trustee, 3 year teim. Tho members decided to have a public installation ot officers. .Don't Lose Your Money! By giving it lo strangers for Magnziuc sub scriptions. Let us send for you and if. tiny thing is wrong you know wc will make it right. Come in and Get a Catalog CHAS. L. COTTING, Thc Druggist' ! a,, -"hi iim 'iiiisiHiiiiniiMtrinii'iH'iMiiiitwiiK lowmtttrnwiifinra nnraBiiin;iiraa,EiM?.,r1!;i!raii;ni jrami dBEESII<tBBMMWme iT !i jm 'srw r .i i B,RHfi P UIJB. U? iliS &A ttv'j n M i a3 ai X& i data LW Cheerful acceptance of orders over the phone or in person and Prompt Delivery are two of the reasons .that our store has such a big clientele. Another s that our Groceries are always fresh, pure and wholesome and our prices most reas onable. May we have the pleasure of a visit or call from you to-day? Pc A.0 Wullbran Groceries and Queenswarc fiH:;;!i;iFWFp"'?T7'?fSF rr ' ? Our Printing is Attractively Done Clean cut and snappy. Wc know just how to handle type ' to get the most attractive display and the best results. . Need stationery - - bill heads - - Book lets - - hand bills of any kind? Phone w.t Double quick service - - A No. I quality, ; ' No job too large or too small fort us to print. - ' -'gY't.S' ':J The Red Cloud Chief