The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 30, 1922, Image 3

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lr '
W-n lawnimnaiianawiim
Help You
Run the Ball
bring home the bacon, collar the blue vase,
carry the message to Garcia, etc
T ITTLE Raisins, full of energy and
JL yiron, will put the pep into you
that makes winning plays. Use vim
like it in your business, too.
pne hundred and forty-five cal
orics of energizing- nutriment in every
little five-tent red box that you sec.
Comes from fruit sugar in prao
tically predigested form levulosc, the'
scientists call it so it goes to work
almost immediately. Rich in food
iron also.
Try these little raisins when you're
hungry, lazy, tired or faint. See how
they pick you up and set you on your,
Little Sub-Maids
"Between - Meal19
5c Everywhere
Had Your
Iron Today?
It is reasonably safe to Judge a man
by the friends he hasn't.
1123 O Street s Lincoln, Neb
Wabash Pad
Curo Collar Soro whllo you
worKinenorse. ask your
dealer, or send us SI SS
lor sample, postpaid
Mtrt.. Lincoln. Nabr.
xWikX Ln J
Creamery and Cream
Station Supplies
Milk Dottles and Dairy Supplies; Hesr
Cases and Chicken Coops; BOILERS
1 309 Jones St. 1 1 W. Thira St
INCOLN'S Rooms for $1.50
Lunch Room In Connactlan
For your (laughter's sake, use Red
Cross Hall Uluo in the laundry. She
will then have that dainty, well-Broom
ed appearance that girls admire. Ad
Lot the sluggard attend a picnic and
tin1 ant will surely conic to him.
A Year's Wear
or a New Pair Free
That's oar guarantee of
norcDDer, rnoipcor uroaar.
and Uftlns stretch and
dbtbt nk AiwaTacomror
(Able. Huirndr,.70c;(
e-2o. AikVourlHUtr, una
haaa'tthem, nenddirretstvlnedral.
t-t nun. Vtck t ortvfttmau a tvir DI.
m. ki.wh Sirica smuii l.. nun.
MawDept. F-Hll Adrian, Mich.
Hasn't the Brains.
"Did lteggle ever work?"
"Work? Why, Heggle never even la
bored under a delusion."
It's a poor dog that can't make a
limn Iliad liy biting him.
"ISetter he ten minutes ahead than
ten M'conds behind.
She Wants to Know.
"Do you know that man's wife so
well?" "Never met her." "Then why
do you always say to him, 'How's
Trlx?' "
Saved Himself a Licking.
The Farmer What are you getting
up there in that apple tree?
Hoy The stomach ache, sir.
2 B0
""WX. "av 'G.TW a. MM
" yj run
lmjl -'
For a third of a century the name
Calumet has stood as the emblem of
the best baking powder. Its steady
growth of favor has reached such
proportions that today the sale of
is 214 times as much as that of any
other brand. '
This is the best proof of its superior
meritsof the wholesome foods
that it always produces of tho
economical and unfailing results
always obtained where it is used.
Calumet contains only such ingre
dlentsashavc bcenofficiallyapprov
ed by the United States Pure Food
authorities. Has mora than the
ordinary leavening strength, there
fore you use lcss.Themost depend
able of all lcaveners.
Lodge Tales
Ford C. Frick
Say "Bayer" and Insist!
wraJBlS iM
T.N TUB beginning of time, when tho
A world was new and hciuitiftil, nil
the animals dwelt together In one
place. There was no trouble between
them, and the weak Iny down with tho
strong and the strong protected the
weak nnd all was peace and quiet.
In those days the wolf was the most
beautiful of all animals, and had long
hair of glossy black covering his entlro
body, and was much favored by Muni
tou, who was the ruler of the whole
Often tho wolf nnd the Manltou
walked together and counseled to
gether, nnd they were friends unto
each other, and what the Manltou
would command, that would the wolf
Hut one day, as the wolf was going
through the forest searching for his
food, which In those days was herbs
and vines and fruit and corn, thero
passed n small rabbit, also searching
for food. And the rabbit, not seeing
the wolf, started to eat at a spot which
tho wolf had selected for his own meal.
The wolf became angry and com
manded that the rabbit go elsewhere,
for, he said, the fruit belonged to him
and the herbs also, and there was nono
who dared touch It.
Hut the rabbit was unafraid and he
turned to the groat wolf and said,
"Who are you to command me thus?
The Manltou, who Is your father, Is
also my father, and lie who placed
you here to roam also gave this spot
to the rabbit for his home and hero
wo are told to live In peace and happi
ness together."
Hut the wolf was very angry and
even as the rabbit spoke the wolf
Jumped upon him and seized him and,
with one snap of bis Jaws, killed him
and threw Ills body in the brush. And
then the wolf went back to his friends
and told no animal of what he had
done. Hut the Manltou, who dwelt In
the sky and was father of all tho ani
mals, saw the act and knew what had
happened; and he was very angry and
sent his servants down to bring tho
wolf before him where he lived in the
So the uervnnts seized tho wolf and
took him before the Manltou and the
Manltou, who was very angry, looked
at him und said:
"You are tho great wolf and you are
my son. Hut you have killed your
brother the rabbit, and you shall bo
punished, even though you bo my son
and of my family."
Then he called all the lesser gods
of heaven to pass Judgment and to tho
wolf he said:
"Heretofore you have been bravo
and fearless. From' this time on you
shall bo cowardly and afraid to run by
yourself. You nnd all your family
shall run together In packs, and your
hand shall be against all the annuals
and the hands of all the animals shall
be against you. No more shall you
eat In pence, but you shall quarrel
among yourselves, and the strong will
conquer tho weak, and to no other ani
mal shall you bo friend. Your glossy
black hair which this day has been
turned gray from fright shall ever re
main gray as n mnrk of my displeasure,
and all that sec It shall know that you
have disobeyed the Manltou. And now
.shall yen hunt In packs from fear of
hunting alone, nnd must you be on
guard always, else you will be killed
by your fellows for tho hand of all
animals will he against you from this
time forth, and the Ited Man who lias
loved you will come to hate you, and
slay you, and nowhere In all tho world
shall you find peace."
When the Manltou had said theso
words he caused the wolf to bo set
down again on enrth, but all ho said
was true. The wolf no longer walked
with tho other animals, but snenked
nlong through tho woods, and never
more could he associate with his
friends, but only witli tho other wolvts
who formed Into a pack and camo
forth only at night nnd killed nnd wero
killed, even as the Manltou hnd said.
So It is unto this day even as tho
Manltou commanded. If you believe It
not, go forth Into the quiet of tho
woods nnd watch tho wolf and seo his
habits. And be you nlwnys on guard,
for tho wolf which was good Is now
bad and bis hand is against you and
yours Is against him, and so shall It
bo always, for that is the command of
tho Manltou who Is tho father of us all.
Note This la a common legend
"among the Umntlllas and occurs in a
slightly different form among tho
Its Disadvantage.
Kindly Uncle I suppose you wish
that school didn't keep so many hours.
Schoolboy Yea; when a feller's
playing hookey It's hard to put In so
much time.
Unless you see the name "Hnyer" on
package or on tablets you are not get
ting the genuine Hayer product pre
scribed by physicians over twenty-two
years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache
Toothache Lumbago
Barache Rheumatism
Neuralgia I'iiIii, Pain
Accept "Hayer Tablets of Aspirin"
nly. Bach unbroken package contains
proper directions. Handy boxes of
twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug
gists also sell bottles of 'Jl and 100.
Asperln Is the trade mnrk of Hayer
Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldester of
Snlleyllcncld. Advertisement.
A perfect cynic It? unknown. Bvery
cynic Is sometimes thankful for something.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
OASTOltlA. that famous old remedy
tor inrants and children, nnd see that It
Hears tli
In Use for Over :i0 Years
Children Cry for Fletcher's Cnstoria
It's a rare treat when a miser In
vites you to Join him.
Chef Had Plenty
But He Could
Hardly Eat
Even nn expert chef for an up-to-date
restaurant, with everything heart
could wish In the eating Hue and the
skill to prepare It In the most nppetiZ'
lug manner, tluds life miserable and
work a burden with his appetite gone
and his health all broken tip on ac
count of stomach trouble.
According to his own statement,
such had been the ease for two years
with William Lackey, 805 North Wells
St., Chicago, 111., chef at a popular
North Clark St. re.itaurant, who says
he recently found relief by taking
Mr. Lackey now boasts of a "won
derful appetite and a stomach that
digests such tilings as ham and eggs,
corned beef and cabbage, and rich pas
tries, foods t hat would have almost
put me out of commission before I
took Tanlac."
"Hefore I ran across this medicine,"
said he, "I was having to lay off from
my work for n week at a time Just
on account of the numerous Ills I suf
fered from indigestion. Hut when I
tell you 1 have gained fifteen pounds,
eat and digest anything, and am on
the Job every day feeling line, you may
know how I appreciate Tanlac."
Tanlac Im sold by all good druggists.
A Warning.
"I don't want to grow as tall as Cap
tain (lubhlns, mummy 1"
"Why not, darling?"
"Cause he's growed right through
his hair!"
BlDf v'1iSllllllV
Mrs. Jessie Duckley
Dotrolt, Mich. "I can highly)
rccommond Dr. Plorco's Favorite
Proscription nnd also tho Goldon
Medical Discovery. I havo nlwaya
dopended on theso medicines when
weak and run-down or in a nervous
condition. I cBpoclally found them
eood to tnko after motherhood to
givo mo atrongth and build mo up.
After taking these modlclnca I al
ways feel llko a now woman."
Mrs. Jcsslo Huckloy, 1011 linker St.
You can nlwaya get Dr. l'lorco'a
family medicines at your neighbor
hood drug Btoro, In tablets or liquid.
Send 10c for trial pkg. or writo for
freo advico to Dr. l'lorco'a Invalids'
Hotol in Duffalo, N. Y.
Helng Ignorant is not so much 11
shame as being unwilling to learn.
Honjumln Brankliu.
Your horses couch-
Inn or runnlni! nt the
nose? If so, give them "SPOHN'S."
A valunblc remedy for Coufjhs,
Colds, Distemper, Influenza, Pink
Eye and Worms among horses and
mules. An occasional dose "tones"
them up. Sold at all drug stores.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 47-1922.
Tied Crop's Hall nine should bo used
In every home. It makes clothes white
ns snow and never Injures the fabric.
All good grocers. Advertisement.
A sensible woman seldom wastes her
time on a handsome man.
Disordered Stomach
Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills
then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after.
You will relish your meals without fear of trouble to
follow. Millions of all agea take them for Biliousness,
Dizzlncs9,Slck Headache, UpsctStomach nnd for Sallow,
Pimply, Blotchy Skin, they tnd the tnltcry of Conitlpation.
4 ypi i
S;nn.'tna8rcbltrSw: Smill Pill; Small Dote; Small Pric.
10 Cents
Gives Cheerful New Color Tone to Old Curtains
PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish
Lady's Apparent Suffering Merely the
Result of Her Hands Being
a Temporarily Occupied.
l'assers-by stopped and looked. The
lady's face was writhing as If ithe was
In terrible ngony. Her mouth worked
up and down und sho seemed to be
suppressing shrieks of pain. Then n
girl acquaintance approached hur
riedly and gazed at her face.
"Why," she exclaimed "what on
earth is the matter?"
The twltclilngs ceased and a sweet
smile took their place.
"With me?" inquired the sufferer.
"Why nothing."
"Hut you look III," said tho girl.
"Your face it looked as If you wero
In dreadful pain."
The lady held out her hands. In
one was a paper parcel In the other
tier umbrella.
"I was only trying," she explained,
"to work tho edge of my veil down
ver my chin, dear."
The crowd passed on.
Changed Victims.
"You're writing poetry, doctor?"
"Yes; to kill time."
"Haven't you any patients any
Whore Hch the difficulty of creating
that taste by which a truly original
poet is to ho relished? Is It In brenk-
ln tho bonds of custom. In overcom
ing tho prejudices of falso refinement,
nnd displacing the aversions of lnex
perlcnce? Wordsworth.
Love and hat1 havo good memories ;
only Indifference forgets.
Belgium's Dense Population.
It Is customary to think of China as
the most densely populated country In
the world. It Isn't. That distinction
belongs to Helglum. While China has
the largest population, -lUS.OOO.OOO, it
has also the largest area of the world's
political divisions, -iJTSJOO square
miles, and tho number of Its Inhab
itants to the square mile Is only 1)9.00.
Helglum hns 0(0.'22 Inhabitants to
the square mile. Japan Is much more
densely populated than China, JJ8.'l to
the square mile, hut her Inhabitants to
the square mile are not much more
than half as many as Hclglum's.
One Exception.
"This year," observed Professor
Jones, tho Instructor in chemistry, "I
have a stupid lot of students. Here's
one paper which shows plainly thnt the
hid who wrote It doesn't undorstund
that expansion and contraction are
contradictory terms."
"They nren't always," said Professor
Smith, tho Instructor in economics,
"Now In my classes 1 llnd it necessary
to stato. explicitly the fact that the
constant contraction of debs Is sure
to result in their expansion."
One trunk lusts a man u lifetime;
and, at that, It never goes anywhere
with him.
Virtue is Its own reward, whllo vice
getp all the publicity.
Youth's Grace Before Meal Certainly;
Savored Strongly of the Corre
spondence School.
Huberts is a correspondence special
ist. Ho writes letters for n largo
wholesale house elrjlit hours a day. A
few days ago lie was dining nt tho
homo of a friend. As they sat down
to the menl he was unexpectedly
called upon to sny grace. This wn
something Itoberts had never done
but he prided himself on never Buy
ing thnt he could not do a thing. So,
after a moment's hesitation, he
plunged Into the prayer:
"Wo acknowledge with thanks tho
receipt of your favors of this date,
O Lord," ho began. "Permit us to
express our gratitude at this uvldcnco
of thy good will. .May we merit tho
confidence thus shown In us, while at!
the snme time trusting to receive,
more favors In the future. Amen."
Knnsns City Star.
Few Women Inventors.
Only 1)7 of thu.'iri.KI'J Inventors who
last year applied to the patent otllco
for protection are women. The year
before the proportion was much tho
same. Olllclals do not remember a
single Instance of a striking Invention
by u woman.
Soft water softens wash day.
"T i9n't bo much a question of the number of hours
- you spend tn bed, as it is of the quality ot tho
sleep you cet. Is your sleep sound and restful, or is
it fitful and unrefreshing?
One common cause of wakefulness at night is over
stimulation from coffee drinking. For coffee contains
caffeine which irritates the nerves and frequently leads to
If you haye any idea that coffee keeps you awake at
night, or makes you nervous, make a change from coffee to
delicious Postum.
This pure cereal beverage contains nothing that can harm
health, and its flavor is much like coffee. In fact, many
people prefer Postum for its flavor alone.
Your grocer sells Postum in two forms: Instant Postum
(in tinn) prepared instantly in the cup by the addition of boil
ing water. Postum Cereal (in packages) for those who pre
fer to make the drink while the meal is being pre
pared; made by boiling fully 20 minutes.
Tta two forms of
Postum are equallyde
licious; and the cost is
only about YiO per cup.
"There's a Reason'
Made by Postum Cereal Company, Inc.
Uattlo Crook, Mich.
) '""rtrvs-f., IS