lv 'A 1 & w E tv t Ik. Km tMlU , 'iUi, ' &., .JX -' "$ :'-; -- ' laK"'" ' -a.-'. - .! -. - j.. ' . 4 Newspaper That Gives The liens Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For Sf.50 VOLUME 50 h.b a a s a a a i 62 c RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. NOVEMBER 2l 1122 NUMBER 47. TJwjjimjwuiu.ij.'.jii wo1, jiiuarcTOL'i'ijLiU -!- u,j;.',jnJJiiT7TTXii'i.xuwTrargigiirairwiieirefytorj S rtflffifl iVrnWcWaW Mass Meelinfi of Tax Payers Jennie Winton Laid to Rest ' in... , ii 1 .,.,.,,' .Il,l ,it Un.l Plniul.1 1 III' VMMHIIV lyfJIIUIllsni'JIK'l . IIIIU C,tn utuuiv iiiutvii nivii in v.i. v.w..i mltt('H of th l,':mni''t' Uii-i. unit tin; Nebraska November 10th, 1!)'2U The WE REDEEM THE D G, n PROCTOR & GAMBLE 0 &SPECM!. SOAP COUPONS WITH THE COUOPN HERE IS WHAT 25c WILL BUY &j 3 Cakes P. & G. White Naptha Soap "a 5" 1 Cake Ivory Soap " Jjj 1 pkg. Ivory Soap Flakes m " 1 pkg. Star Naptha washing powder " B iff There Should Be a Coupon Left at y Your Door Inside the City Limits Jo Bring Your Coupon and Take Adyan- B" " tage of This Offer. Kiiini Iturimu iiiMt ii i in Mivrn of c::act date of her birth U unlsnown, tliu Nfhunl HuhuIn ' i T'-.t ifis, of but from what information can be YVoi-iiT'Cmiuiv, i.ifn in i.i. nil nix obtained she was born at Oconomoc, pay inttrrs'iMi. mum-h. l' to Im Wisconsin October 2. 18G5 and at the held in in'Cniiii Km hi U i Ciouil, 'df te of her death was r7 years, 11 nt 1 i mi Sitiiriiu.v. Novoiiibor 23, months' and 17 days of age. She 1J--. Hi" P'-rpoM' nf in i'iihsiii(j leaves no living brothers or sisters taxe In ml Wt pliiis-. oi Schools. an,i no onc nearer lelatcd to her than County hi il Tnwiihlilp. with mo ob- jniecCs and nephew1!. She with her jcut nf fnrinuliitifi? ihlliilie ivc'tnuion parents, George Winton and wife, dntinns for tux reduction. came to Red Cloud in the early days, her parents at one time being the THE CITY COUNCIL TO ,, oprictors of the Valley House Hotel. PURCHASE FIRE TRUCK They ,ator m ,vcd onto the farm lhreo 'm'les north of Red Cloud whore Mayor Peter. on called the Council' JennH mother d'ed, leaving her N SI The R. P. Weesner Co i !"n flTurm & a. a o-teUfl..svl ii&ti.m,m7z?r,;n!; -.r;"n"'c)ais Ya '.11 ii I I (1)1 1 : 1 : I mi ;i .u orva-'. a'. 'cu.'vo2 yosjjve. - ii" . .C THE FLEISHER yAJWVS -fitr TiV HERE vjr- -k. IJr TleisherM p i? (M. fit!'! W .. i logeuner in special session, wcuncs dny morning1 with all members pres ent, for the purpose of considering the purchase of a truck chassis for; the Fire Department. Councilman Crabill introduced and and moved the adoption of the follow ing re.olution, which was seconded by Councilman Hoffman and carried I by all members voting favorable: Resolved: That the city make ar rangements for the purchase of a oluissis for the use of tihe Fire De partment, provided that the said de partment give assurance of the proper equipment and future care of the chassis, without further expense to the city. And provided further that an instrument bo signed by the offi- of the DT-rtment acknowl edging the right of the public in the property, heretofore purchased for the use of I he Fire Dcpaitmenl. I i the matter if the written appli cufon of John W. T.iocts for aid, tlu Council refcrod tbc mat'er to the Countv ( omniiwioiiers. On riiot'on tiuincil adjourned. CLARISSA M. MAYKAKD. City Clerk FARJiI IIURKAU NOTES w : w 111 I : IS ! ;d: : fli ..$ Li YOU" WILL LIKE THE UNIFORM SOFTNESS AND BEAUTI FUL, CLEAR COLORS OF THE FLEISHER YARNS. YOU ARE "EIITA1N TO FIND YOUR EAVORITE COLORS AMONG THEM ANI ALWAYS THE NEWEST SHADES. A GARMENT MADE OF THE FLEISHER YARNS 'WILL HOLD ITS SHAPE INDEFINITELY AN IMPORTANT FACT TO CONSIDER WHEN BUYING YOUR KNITTING YARNS. IN THE NEW FLEISHER BOOKS ON KNITTING AND CRO CHETING' YOU CAN LEARN HOW TO MAKE ANY NUMBER OF INTERESTING GARMENTS. WE SHALL BE GLAD TO SHOW YOU COPIES AND OUR NEW LINE OF THE FLEISH ER YARNS, FEATURING THE SEASON'S FASHIONABLE 'COLORS. I 8 l I ". ' AA. M to i; S t I E IBABRARA PHARES I RED CLOUD, NEBRAS1LV -.: Place Your Coal Orders Now (By II. R. Fatisch, 0unty Agent) HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK A meeting on Home Demonstration work will bo held Tuesday, November 28th, at 10 a. m. in the County Super intendent's office. Miss Stella Mather, Home Demon stration Leader, of Lincoln, will be here and the program of work for the coming year will be outlined. Women's organizations can have specialists from the Extension Service meet with them on the following lines of worfcDrcss Forms; Sewing Ma chine Attachments; Homo Millinery; Meat Ga ining and Soap Making; Monl Planning; Home Health and Homo Sanatation. All Women's Clubs are urged to be represented at thi-s meeting. Don't wait for a special invitation .All com munities that are not organized a wl would like this work in their com munity should he represented at thif. meeting. The famous Red Cloud Clothing team will give their demonstration at 1 P. M. STATE CHAMPION Webster County lands Stale Cham pion Calf Club boy. Lorimor Etlson of Guido Rock will ho given a free trip to the International Stock Show '.Jftt Chicago December 2nd fo 9th. l't j Webster County has had three State ; Champions in the four years that we i havo had Calf Club work. - In I'.H'J Logan Ohmstcdo of Guide Rock won State Champion, in 1020 Alfred Frin ger of Guido Rock won State Cham pion and la t year a ' boy f rm Hall County won. Eugene White of Guide Rock rank ed second in the State in Pig Club work. Grace Church Notes V ty I The Malone-Gellatly Co. Tweutyfonilh Sunday uftor Trinity Sunday School at 10 n. in. MornlnK Service nt 1 1 n. m. Evening Service Ht 7:30 p. in. If you are not worshipping elsewhere, come with us. , fa'iher and an invalid b.-other, George for whom Jennie kept house until the death ff her father. Th's left Jennie alone to manage the farm, keep house and also to support and cdi.e..le her nephew, George L. Win ton, who was a : a of Sceph Whiten by his first marr age and wt-o was without a home o'her than that pro vided by Jennie. The ...rcthcr George Wint.n was an invalid for several years, confirmed to his bed a large portion of the time and requiring a great amount of care and attention. His sister Jenuio rupplioi his every need, watched over him and at up with him during Ciis years of sickness and at the same time provuieu lor nuu educated her nephew, George L. V'n-. ton as well as doing the greatest part uf'X'c actual l rm work en the 1 GO .cres. The nephew George L. Whit n wan taken from hero when about 13 yaars of cie bv hi uncle, Fred Winton, and hns only Iwmi back Red ' '.oud n I j a few brief vVts since. Tho brother , George Winton finolly d'ctU leaving I j Jenn'.c with a great numuor of unpaid j j debts. Soon after the !eath of the1 frther, her brother, Seef, demanded liia . bare of the parents est ic and Jennie was forced I mort,ra"'' ih farm to pay him. After the death of her brother G3orgc, Jennie stayed on tho farm doing practically all tho work for a few years trying to pay the debt! am' clear the m rtgagc but, without making much progress. On iHlvisc of friends she then moved t town, and rented tho farm, she doing any and all Kinas oi wor anu uy hard woric and self denial, jniiil all her debts including tho mortgage on, tihe farm and in addition acquired a comfortable home in Red Cloud. Several months ago .Tenn'c execut ed her will and by the terms if which he gave to her nephew George L. Winton, her homo in Red Cloud to ge Qier with all her ..ousehcld go ds and personal effects. The balance of her estate :hc set as'do as a founda tion fund to 1o used for the crecti n of a public ho' pital at Red Cloud to be named the Jennie Winton Memor ial Hospital and to be operated for tho public wollfa'e and not for private ga'n. It fell to Jennie's lot to ob serve a grout (ic 1 of pain and suffer-; n injj during her l'fe and inadd'tion to this she herself during the last few years of her life was a pat'ent aiffor cr from an incurable d'seasc. These facta togctilior tilt her "naturally i sympathetic disposition deeply im- j p es ed upon her mind the great need i of Red Cloud fir a public hosp'tal j and let her make the disposition of, her property that she did. Jennie was liked and loved by cveryono wro know her and tho memorial hospital which she has made possible bocnuKC of her great lovo fr humanitv i nd her desire to relieve suffering and jlssist her follow creatures and which will bear her name will be an ever present reminder of tho rplondid traits of her,, character and to chcvlsh .her memory in the hearts of her friends. Her future is with God. Let us mortals follow and emulate the di vino injunction to spread the mantle of chnrlty about her and perpetuate and emulate the g-ood traits of her life. The funeral rervicea were held at HMMiiwmBMiinBimrnBiim ANNOUNCEMENT Webster County Bank WE WISH to announce that wo have opened up a sav ings department in our bank for the use of the child ren, adults and every one. Thrift and saving is something that has been neglected. We kindly invite you to take advantage of this sav ings idea and make this your banking home with your savings no matter how small, you are alwas welcome. A saver is a hustler and we are for both. Bank with us and you can bank on us. We welcome every child in the community to become n rnclnmpr rtP lliin now rLn.irimin 1 THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK 1 IMiniKlllfflillJinMHnM This Christmas Your Photograph the only gift that only youcan make. Now is the time to 'phone Red 1 32 for an 'appointment. 1 ,.??.. . The Gleason Sludio nwrftjnjr.,v'Bawjif'jryiTTjfgfcwniii".-iwripMi Special Low Price :on Men's and Young Men's IOVERCOATS $16.50 $17.00 $18 $18.50 $20 New Models, New Fabrics all dependable garments, backed by our well known guarantee. Young1 Men's Sport Suits New shipment for Thanksgiving wear. Al so NEW SHIRTS, HATS, CAPS and SHOES , ' SEE US FOR UNDERWEAR The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co, Always Reliable the Qongregatlonal church' Tuesday afternoon after which interment was made in tho city cemetery. Attend'the baskptbaH' game at. High School Friday evening. i 4 vs s .'' Wj t (