RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF OHHHHHHHMIHHHSiHHHHHHHHHHRSSH jZS&,ft1tirYru'Ai& VTifMyfffffr'iBvaygrjT t71p;sst''?-5igp;g3B- S& B Special Bargains For Armistice Day Celebration ? '1 Red Cloud, November 11th ! , m r yiv 1 dSk:- - i fc ' - i 3 Lv5 -S L. 1 -,vw murm'7ii " r H I M-tAV '.- r . -v inuR I tmMJ i I mm m v j-i i ffWHRJK -- CLOTHCRAFT Clothes 4th Mens and Boy's Macki naws, full lined, 20 per cent discount. Our regular prices on all merchandise lower than many so called Special Sales. We save you money the year 'round. See us,for your fall and winter purchase. It don't cost anything to look and it will pay you we are sure. Make our store your store. Let us co-operate for each ones benefit. Come in and make yourself at home on Armistice Day. COWDEN-KALEY CLOTHING COMPANY YqnwrnfcS'&"M i- wwtwwwwwg XJawgWMIIIMMMMWWMI.aWWIiMW"'."''' " IW lim.i,Mrtiw.wMiw If m. .ttmxuJAawCTpncmiiMTtnnrwTiMTrrirnnin-tvJLgctuiwvtM t i At.msaxvasarvxaitxsrMx-i F. I. HOOKER AUCTIONEER Guide Rock, -:- Nebr. Ten Years' Experience and Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 135 3-m Dr.W.H.McBride DENTIST OVER STATE BANK J?cd Cloud Ncbrnska Yes, Garber's Is The Place! To Buy Wall Paper, Paints, ". And Electrical Supplies. fkti-.Tho best nlace for Picture "t Lng. ---r THE HUGHES WRY Cleaners-Dyers-Tailors WE CLEAN HATS I The Margin of Safety, ' 1.. ...nncntlt-nrl t lYlfltritllril of .V.v. VHTUW -" paVtiliyourseH into a fanclrjil JLwreurlty. BcoattStj firo has noror touched you it doosn't follow that you're Immune Tomorrow -no today, if you have time and, you better llnd tlmo como to tho oflloe and we'll wrlio a policy on your houso, furniture, store or morchandlso. , LATER MAY BE TOO LATB- O. C. TEFL 'iiv . v.1- . t ! v ?Z". JeHol.pJnsutjricei tWWWIPMVi iy y-a-v Ft' . 75 i wimn'H phh'IJIH' "'iu I'wwiw rr,wiuip i W! HIS RED CLOUD CHIEF j Rod Cloud. Nobraokn. ULsLISIIEl) EVERY THURSDAY iniorcrt In the I'oHtofllcu nt Hcd Cloud, Nob as Second Class Mutter' A. B. MoARTHUR, Editor and Owner Advertising Rates Foreign, por column inch I5c Local. 10 & l2Vi LOCAL ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO (Friday, Nov 4, 181)2) Postmaster Warren was In Lincoln this week. Will YeUor had Ills foot quito badly bruised lust Sunday, by having a horse step on it. Chas Pnlmor formerly a resident of this place, but. now of Champion, Nebr., has moved to the city. On Wednesday the ground froze up for the lirst time this season. Mrs A. O. llosinur and daughter Ethol are visiting in .Missouri Halloween ws not so boisterous as usual. The small boy seemed to have lost his cunning. Dr. Denney, Mr. Wright and Geo. Llndspy are home from the mountains. Woaultnowledgo a lino steak of venl- son froin.somu vt tbe gnmvtliey hilled (Items of Twenty Years Ago.) Rosco Cat her 'fent Sunday at his hoinn iu this city. ' ' Sam Poster wont to Hastings Tues day for a visit witlufrlends Chas. Garber, of Esbon, Kansas, was in town,Toosmy to visit with relatives .Mtl'frlemR u Bushco and wife entertained a rminber of friends from GuldRock at dinner Sutulaji Cluifi. Fort visited ut Ills lidhle tho first of the week. Roy OAtman liAs Accepted a position yltli T. Ii. Penman. Born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs B. E, Fshelmeii, 'ivlugsouthwostof this city a boy of usual Nebraska weight. Mrs. E. A. Monmvllle, left Tuesday morning for McUook for an extendod visit with hor son. James and famllv. I rLou Kenneyva former Rcd'cioud boy, lk who lRtJpw, in tlio cmpW of the gowtr?nSa.jYftihingto?;n1 a, JHWt.4n,W -UHVMrok Tliitiue Look over this list and see what you need at the extremely low prices we are making for the BIG CELEBRATION. 1st A big special on Men's and Young Men's overcoats; new models 16.50 17.00 18.00 20.00 5th Special handkerchief sale. Red and blue handkerchiefs 5c and 10c. 'SESaSSSSJSSSLlSSS 'T'niT' , . ltl I,. M. Crnhll, Mondav, purchaser! tlu livery stable, lioist's, hmnos, buguifs. etc , comprising tho liv.iry stable busl nt)s' of J. W. MoGulro and sold the horses, harness and buggies to Horen Brothers. Mr. Crablll will use a part of the building for a street car barn and will conduct a feed barn iu the main part of the building Mrs. A. B. SellnrR went to Inavale, Wedneslay, tor a visit with rolatlves. Mrs. Robert McBride, of Kourney, arrived in the city, Weduesday. for a visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Ernest Welsh returned to her home in this oity, the first of the weelt, after an extended visit with relatives in Pennsylvania. October Weather Report Temperature: Mean 09 deg , maxi mum !5 deg. on t!3tli, minimum 12 rleg. on 17lh. Preclphatlon: Total 1 ii) inches. Number of davs Clear 25, partly cloudy '.', cloudy -1. Dates of frost killing II, IU and 12th. Thunderstorms 22, 29, HO urn! 31ht. Pr.-Vrtilimr wind N W IS days. Precipitation since Jan. 1, 15. I!i inches. , Uhas. B. Ludlow, Observer. Notice of Administration In the County Court of Webster County, Nebraska In the matter of tlio estate Of John C, Wlhou Jccert6r,d. To all Persons In toiestcd In said EstatU Notice is hereby given that Mary C, Wilson, lins this day filed a petition in the county court, praying that admin istratiou of said estate may bo granted to herself as administratrix, and that said petltioti will be heard before the court on tho 21th day of November, 1922. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M , at tlio county court room in tho oity o Red Cloud, iu said Vou.ty, wllCD. persons lutdresleil III salil matter nmy appear and show eauso wily the pruyci of petitioner should not bo granlod; and that notice of tho Ming of said petition, and tho hearing thereof", be given by publishing a copy of this order in the lied Cloud Chief, a legal weekly newspaper printed and of yon oral circulation in said county, for throe conseoutlvo weekB nrlor to said day of hearing Dated this 7th day" of Novemler, 1022. . i . (Ska.1.) )i A. D.iRANNEY, trut copy-j.iu -m nOammij Judg. 2nd Men's and Boy's wool sweaters button front and slip overs 20 per cent discount. &jdia&a2ii2sssnBssasI3 :Jlijiij eXIXSWU'1Tl?ZLTaiXZX3Sxm&.TMmcixaS3tttt KenancK Leads In Wyoming Cheyenne. Wyo. Returns from fifty nine prcr-incts of fie C59 In "Wyoming show thnt United States Senator John B. KiMidrScIc, democratic candldato for reelection, is leading his republican opponent, Frank W. Mondell, republi can lloor leader in tho houso of repre sentatives. LaFollctte Winning In Wisconsin Milwaukee. Senator Robert M. La Follctte, a five to one favorite, has been elected United States senator by a majority conservatively esti mated to exceed 200,000 over his op ponent, Mrs. J. B. .Hooper, who headed the shattered democratic in dependent ticket. Available returns from 202 out of 2,(533 precincts gave LaFollctte, 20,770; Hooper, 3,726. Great Sweep In New York New York. With 2.G30 out of 2,747 districts In Now York city heard from, Governor Smith had run up a plural ity of 442,804. This is the greatest margin e'er given n candidate. Democrats Lead In Maryland Baltimore With a Ilttlo more than half tho stato reported, William C. Bruce, domocrat, candidate for tho United States senate, was leading J. I. Franco, republican, by 4iG31 votes. All but sixty-four of these precincts nro in Baltimore. The total voto: Bruce, 7G.GS2: France. 72,051. LODGE HAVINGJJLOSE RACE Republican Senator Leading His Op ponent By a Very Close " Margin ' Boston. When returns from a Ilttlo more than half of tho election pre cincts in Massachusetts had been counted, Senator Lodge, republican, was loading Gaston, democrat. Tho voto of 922 precincts out or 1,047 In tho stato, Including 2S5 Boston pre cincts, waB: For senator, Gaston, dem ocrat, 238,017; Lodgo, republican, -JSS.4S8. Speakor, 'fillletl or tho national housrj of representatives, was re-elect-od In tho Second district. In tho Six teenth congressional district with moro than two-thirds of tho precincts counted, Gilford, republican, was lead ing Doran, democrat, by 2,381. Johnson Leading In California San Francisco Partial returns from 158 precincts scattered throughout Cal ifornia givo Tor governor: Richard Bon, 9.G11; Woolwlno, 4,165; Horr (so cialist), 1. For United States sona tor partial returns from 224 proolncta riy Johnson, 2,844; Parson, 1,331; Naedhka, 13; Sinclair. I. 3rd. Men's blue 2.20 denim overalls $1.25 a pair. 6th Men's and hats 20 per cent COAL I ORDER TO FARMERS' Bell Phone 29 - 3 r- Owa3ni!aiiiii GROCERIES Cheerful acceptance of orders over the phone or in person and Prompt Delivery are two of the reasons that our store has such a big clientele. Another is that our Groceries are always fresh, pure and wholesome and our prices most reas onable. May we have the pleasure of a visit or call from you to-day? P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Quecnsware Annual Red Cross Roll Call Noveni;ilth, taotfl'. - Boy's dress discount. ALWAYS RELIABLE ;oeK2iaKW ELEVATOR : - Ind. Phone 12 uo ;i:iii!IM!IM J 0 n iin i i' i