1 f. rfcd ti yj "Y Ui A KJr m i, -"CrttSi.p&ff ".&. 'V9H&J' Lmm .Myaff jL 4KZiflMMR -Jjy -i Sdr 3l rfrM mr l tE&J mmmmmmmmBiBBi ftd kflV"lAtfH3HV3''jlk k LHhiR HflVllMIKHPMP CjB3VE5HflEEZ VOLUME 50 Big Economy Event is Still on v. , . at W. G. Hamilton Clo., Co. We can save you money on anything in clothes for men or boy's. One special lot of young men's suits $16.50 to $18.00. SLEEPING GARMENTS: Pajamas, Pajunions, and Night GowL in the famous Brighton wear at big saving prices. Footwear-Oovershoes-Special, all rubber 4 buckle, $1.75; First grade rubberboots $3.50. Now is the Time to Buy Your Winter Underwear. W. G. Hamilton Clo., Co. Special For Armistice Celebration For Friday and Saturday, Nov. 10 and 1 1 , only, will put on sale all Coats, Ready-to-wear Dresses and Fur At 10; Discount This is a bargain you do not get a chance at often this early in the season. No old garments-these were all bought this fall. BARBARA PHARES Tf TMT TWy.TBC rurggTTTri sggigaTaijeaaaaagaiKigsriirjwzirrg Get Your Harness Fixed up and oiled before sping--then you won't have lo stop and fix them. Bring them in and have them fixed and oiled now, Prices are right and will do you a good job. LEE R. WALKER Harneaa and ""litis '"":?::-., 'OOij jiS'i'i5ajLJ - mfryT zxtjxrc t-vKrrrXTfrrrrWitTrtryaTrtim Saddlery 4 Newspaper That 6Wes The News Flttytwt Weeks Each Year Ftr SI.50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. NOVEMBER 9. 1922 Ernest Barrett Seriously Injured Sunday Afternoon l.ii. did tint l.ftfinn tiiot. 1 II play ers n iii1.Sntitluv ii(if u-xdi ui n tliev wenl nut to pruutlitf f-i the u mo with Korui -i, Kii8 tluti id priilH mi I star offoiuiiT I'igli niluiii 'Minn Kirnest Hhii.'U, nonld lie ttiUii) Injuiu'l tlmt iifteiiiiiiiii Wlnlo to iklnp a play li-i fell In auch a miuuier thut the buck f his nock truck iitfiiiii't Clifford Sulunrtt' side in such it uuy thut th cords in Ins neck werj frnotuii'd which citused liitn to be co nit- ptiiali.e(. He una tnkt'ii to Di. Stodunnn's Otllce whi'iu medical attention was giv en i ml then t alien home. Monday morning the doctois held a consulta tion and decided to take him to Omaha thut evening where 11 Hpfcinlisi could render assistance His parents and MrH Chas ISrubaker accompanied hltn. Wednesdny the relatives received word stuting that pneumonia had set tu and little hope was given for bis tecovcry. The relatives left that day to be at his bedside. Later: Cecil Barrett, brother of Er nie, received word this morning, Thurs day, thut his btother was much better and hopes of bis recovery wan Riven. This will indeed be glad news to bis many friends. COMMITTEES NAMED FOR COMMUNITY TREE The following have been appointed on the various committees for making preparations for the Community Christmas Festival: Finance I. Johnson, Miss Jcsdc Kellogg, Frank Cowden. To provide tiees and place them Dr. R. V. Nicholson, Grant Turner, Chas. Brubaker. Lighting E. W. Stevens, J. S. L Thomas, J. P. Cheek. Purchasing treats Miss Mary Peterson, Mrs. E. L. Morhart, Mrs. Wondcrly, Business Woman's Club. Provide sacks for treats Mrs. M. A. Albright, Mrs. E. L. Grimes, Mrs. C. H. Miner, Mrs. Branson Stewart. To distribute treats Ed. Piatt, J. C. Mitchell, E. L. Morhart. Decorating Dr. W. H. McBride, Mrs. W.aA. Maynard, Marion Bloom, Boy Scouts. Program Mrs. Ethel Kailey, Miss Josephine Mizer, Rev. Hardman. Ushers Marcella Stockman, Jessie Crabill, Kathryn McOall, Leona Breakey, Helen McNeiiy, Virginin Auld. Welfare Mrs. W. A. Sherwood, O. H. Piatt, Prof. A. B. Gelwick. Publicity H. C. Gellattly, W. D. Edson, W. B. Smith, A. B. McArthu Mrs. A. B. Gelwick. Please watch the papers for the oete of the next meeting. Another Land Mark Gone Saturday afternoon, the old boxelder tree which has stood in front of the Nowhouse store for tho past forty yours, fell to tho pavlug The disnp peorance of this tree is nlrca'dy notice able and for many years it furnished shode for the btoro windows in tho af ternoon. It was planted by F. New house in the spring of 1882. Annual RedMCross Roll Call Tho Annual Hod (jross Roll Call will bo observed Novembi-r 11 tli to .loth lleglii-, Ai miotic.' Day and closes ThnUsghiiifc Day. Von can pay your duo at any on of our thieo- bmtlcH. Your co opuiatinii is sulioltod Wubhter County Chnptoi Special Notice All iiioinhcis mid Mends of tho Chilbtliiu iiuil Dihciplos chinches ure hereby notllied of a meeting at Clulb. linn church Sunday morning, Nov. 12, at 11 a. tn. Everyone urged to be present as importaut business is to be transacted, "' By Order of Committee. COUNTY GIVES EVIDENCE i nu nviiuniinAV m a intiiTV Tho election in these parts, on yes- tcrday, passed off in a quiet manner, with probably better than n two-third vote being polled amid more cnthus iasum Ihnn has previously been dis played for some time. With tho ex ception of one office, the republicans walked off with everything, as far as county politics is concerned, while many of this faith were found voting for tho democratic governor and local democrats, in turn, voting for the republican United States Senator. According to latest reports R. B. Howell Is elected U. S. Senator, Chas Br) an, Governor and C. t) Robinson, Statu Treasurer. A. C. ShullenberKcr, Edgar Howard and John Morehead wero elected Congressman on the Democrat tiuket. The following is the unofficial count of the total vote polled in the county: U. S. SENATOR R. B. Howell Gilbert M. Hitchcock .... James L. Becbo . 2385 .1031 .218 GOVERNOR Charles H. Randall ... Chartyj W. Bryan ..... Harry C. Patenter 1601 2042 52 . LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Fred"lx. 'tfohnson, ., ; ..1887 P.- J.- Mullin ', 1231 T. J. Ellsberry x363 SECRETARY Crawford Kennedy Charles W. Pool .. L. A. Larson OF STATE .1579 ..1365 ...520 AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS George W. Marsh 1872 Grant L. Shumway , 1513 COMMISSIONER PUBLIC LANDS AND BUILDINGS Dan Swanson 192G M. C. Warrington 1147 Mary H. Axtell 270 STATE TREASURER Charles D. Robinson 2281 George E. Hall 1206 Edward Sughroue 103 ATTORNEY GENERAL O. S. Spillman .1847 Kenneth W. McDonald 1371 J. M. Paul 189 RAILWAY COMMISSIONER Charles A. Randall 2065 Fred C. Ayres 1207 Clyde J. Fcrnandes 149 CONGRESSMAN FIFTH DISTRICT W. E. Audrewa 1739 Ashton iQ. Shcllenberger 1456 S. J. Franklin 306 STATE SENATOR 27th DISTRICT M. F. Rickard 1699 Goorgo J. Spohn 1068 Chas. W. Cowley 666 STATE REPRESENTATIVE 71st DISTRICT Daniel Garber 1974 I. W. Edson 1043 C. H. Robinson 496 COUNTY Elmer Simons CLERK 1691 1913 B. F. Perry COUNTY TREASURER Hazel Powell 1969 Bert Ducker 1676 COUNTY SHERIFF Jack Waller 2030 Frank Huffc I 1595 COUNTY ATTORNEY Ilowaul S. Foe . ... I960 E. G. Caldwell ... ., 1(521 COUNTY COMMISSIONER 3rd DISTRICT C. A. Waldo .1760 W. n. Patterson . . 1521 COl'NTY COMMISSIONER 5 h DISTRICT E. J. Cox ..... v.. . . ....'! YtV STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF - PUBLIC INSTRUCTION John M. Matzcn , 1329 E. Ruth Pyrtlo 1914 COUNTY' SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Stella Ducker .2027 Minnie .Christian ., 1487 ifl1HflUMM1HnHl!1tlIWI I A Financial Rainbow SAVING ACCOUNT is a most welcome rainbow to the financial storms of your life. After the clouds have rolled by and you find your Savings still there, the future will look ever so much brighter and cheerful. And you will be glad that you started an account. Why not dct busy to-day? Take a few dollars and start an Account with this bank. And with a little added each .week A plus the interest wc contribute, you will soon have a sum to allay all fears of any financial storm in the future. ' If not already a depositor open an account today. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK Edward Floiance, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Flounce, Cashier Capital and Surplus $jjj,ooo.oo DtpotUt QuaranttHtbytht Dtpotltori Uuaranty Fund of the Slate of Xtbratka WISE PARENTS WILL HAVE THEIR CHILDREN'S EYES EXAMINED AND TESTED BEFORE SCHOOL BEGINS. BY SO DOING THEY KNOW THE CHILDREN BEGLN THE SCHOOL YEAR PRdPERLY PREPARED TO MAKE THE BEST USE OF THEIR SCHOOL HOURS. BRING THE CHILDREN IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS. WE MAKE NO CHARGE FOR EXAMINATION AND FIT NO GLASSES UNLESS NEEDED. FOUNTAIN PENS WITH CLIP $1.60 ' BLOTTERS FREE "RITE-RITE" MECHANICAL PENCILS 10c LEADS FOR AUTOPOINT, EVERSHARP AND OTHER PENCILS 10c PER DOZEN Pocket Ben Watches $1.50 Glo Ben Watches $2.50 Alarm Clocks $1.25 to $4.75 E. H. Newhouse KODAK DEALER Celebrate Armistice Day in Red Cloud Weesner's Dollar Day Specials for Saturday. November 11th. Fine grade unbleached mus lin, 36 inches wide, regular 15c quality 8 yards for $1.00 Daisy Brand bleached muslin, quality same as Hope muslin, Sspecial, 5 yards for $1.00 94 Heavy unbleached sheeting, regular COc quality Special 50c per yard, 2 yards for $1.00 22 inch Heavy Turkish towel ing, Regular 4 0c quality; 3 yards for $1.00 Also many other bargains throughout the store. It will pay you to visit Weesner's Armistice Day. The P. Weesnef Gompany. ?SEcxjj)FVi ajrsfriffjltw.. NUMBER 45. nmg!i!immmmiii!MMmninnmi!iiBaiTiwiiii IHHIHII1 11 - ASK FOR THEM - -.VrfT RED CLOUD NEBR. 6 Early June peas, good quality, regular price 15c per can Special 8 cans for $1.00 Half gal. can Mazola, regular price $1.40 Spec ial per can $1.00 Light House laundry soap at a give-away price, 50 bars for$1.00 3-lb. cans hominy, nice and white, .a 15c quality. Special, 9 cans for $1.00 r ,v r t&Mmnim , iMI I- f,iv,r.i