fl! BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. OHIKF r SAVE MONEY By subscribing some very low ror Jul Mn ja,;.os now. We have RED LETTER BARGAINS A saving of from 20 to ?VA per cutbut you must act quickly for these offers expire after Nov. 10th. Come in and look over the list. Don't give your subscriptions to a stranger but come here where you can have any complaint lemcdied. CHAS. L. C0TT1NG, ThgggL. (Political Advertising) (Pollticnl Advertising) COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT ESTKLLE E. DUCKF.R Candidate for Second Term TO THE VOTERS OF WEBSTER COUNTY! I am asking for a second term in the office of County Superintendent knowing that it is a time honored principle of American politics to ndorsc faithful and efficient service in public office by the giving of a second term. During my present term of office, realizing the present heavy burden of taxation. I have practiced the most rigid economy. Under the law I am allowed $600.00 for Institute work. Of this fund I have used only $150.00. thus saving the tax payers 5450.00. and in the buying of supplies I have saved some 5300.00, and now have on hand over 5250.00 to carry on institute work next year. Thus I have on these two items alone accomplished a saving of appropriation and have created a surplus on hand in spite of general high costs. I stand for the best of teachers at reasonable salaries. Poor teaching is a crime against the children. School boards are responsible for their wage contracts with'teachcrs. I have stood firmly and uniformly for an absolutely im partial, equitable and courteous administration of the affairs of my office. I have stood for what is highest and best in education, realizing that we must look to education for the solution of our present pressing problems. Let me say in conclusion that I was reared in Webster County. After graduating from the State University I spent many years teaching in the schools of this county, and am familiar with their history and development. I have frequently attended the University summer school sessions to keep abreast with progress in education. I know from experience in the o:u. term I have had that I can render belter si;rviee tn the county during a second term, and if elected 1 will give the ".a me undivided attention to my duties, and the fame careful consideration to the pub lic that it has been my plcasutiu ;o extend in the past. Wishing tle bist CiYe'lMrr County, I am. :'"m, IJ&TELLE E. WICKER. "" Cnmildate for Second Term. -'. ttWglfWTTWtfggB ORDINANCE NO. of AN OKDINANUB AUTHORIZING T11K ISSUANvfB OF $19,000.00 INTtiltSUCTION PAVING IIONIXS OK PAVING DISTRICT NO. 4 Ol THK CITY Ol' IlED (LOUD, NL BKASKA, AND PKE., IRIIHNU THE L'OND rOUM AND GTHEK DETAILS WITH UK T5CT TO THE ISSVANCE OF SAID liONDS AND PROVIDING FOR THE SALE AND DELIVERY OF SAID I50NDS. WHEREAS, the City of Red Cloud, in the County of Webster in the State of Nebraska, .a a city ol t..o scum. cla , duly organized i.ncl cxisiiiiK under and by virtue of the laws am. constitution of the Stuto tf Nebraska; ud - WHEREAS, the Abel Construction Companv completed the paving, grad ing, curbing und guttering and other wise iinnroving the portion of the .( roof fi nf Sllhl cltv of Red CI .U(l With- in paving District No. 1 cf said City, including the stiect and ulley inter sections and returns to property 1 ncs, within said paving dictrict, in nccoru nnffP with the terms and provis.ons of the certain written contract hereto fore tiuly entered into by anil Detwcen said Abel Construction Company and said City of Red Cloud; and WHEREAS, Grant & Fulton special engineers of said city, have made a report to the city council of said city, duly certifying that said work has been completed, that the ttal cost thereof, remaining unpaid is the sum of $23,000.00, of which the Fiim of $19,000.00 represents and is the cost of puving, grading, curbing and gut tering, drainage and otherwise im proving the street and alley intersec tions and returnB to .property lines within said Paving D.strict No. 4. including nil expenses incident there to, (there being n rcnl estate in said paving district owned by tho United .States or the State of Nebraska) ; and WHEREAS, tho said improvements ,n aid nnving district and the orlty of Ordinances and Resolutions f ti.o Cty Council of :uid City, duly passed, approved, adopted and pub ushed. AND IT IS HEREBY lil-VITED DE LARED AND CERTIFIED 'ilia all :ct , condili ns and tlr'ag.-? o i uiicd tc bo done and to ex st pr-'ec-cknt to ni.d in the issuing rf ths b m a ivo been piopcrly done and pcr.'orm e i t lid do e.'.it-t in regular and 'uf frm as ic:?. ircd vthe Constitutor and Las f tl e St te !' Noruska; and that the loUl indcb'.cdncs . oJ the sa d City, including this ifsuc cf bands, do? not exceed the statutory 1 mitrtlno IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The s..id City ol Red Ctcud, b" its Ilvoj and City Council, lus caused thh bond to be executed and signed by it' Mayor and attested by the City Clerk of sa d city, and the. soul of t:to sail, city to be affixed hereto, and the in tercst coupons hereto attached to be executed and signed by the fac. im le signatures of the s.iid Mayor ard City Clerk, th.s day of A. E 102. I WAV.' PI i is The ace Your Coal Mayor of the City of Red Cloud, in the County of Webster, in tho (State of Nebraska. Attest: City Clerk. No.- THE CITY OF RED CLOUD, in the Oountv of Webster, in the State of Nebraska, will pay to tho bearer, on the day of- A. D. 19, at the ofx'ice of the County Treasurer of Webster County, in the State of Nebraska in the Citv of Red Cloud, Nebraska Dollars, being ono-half of one year'w interest then due on its 1NTERSEC7TION PAVING BOND (Paving District No. 4) no. lor ?. , issued siii' report ana certificate of Mayor city ucrk STATE OF NEBRASKA, OFFICE OF AIiniTOK. nv PITRT.1P r.. said' COUNTS, rs. hjKcial cng.necn as to the completion i The with n Bond No. having r4 . ue'i work : ml the cost thcrcol, this day been presented for reg ?tra- hrve been duly accented and appro -,Uon mid bing satisfied nom daU. cd iv the cunc'l of said citv and Jn m- ifficc thai said bond h. s been ;.i':KEAS, l. a no o.mary that th'1 issiid accoinint wo b., 1, Gc go 11 Ua . iMri Cour il o said ct. issu" Marsh, Auditor tt Public Acccuin,. fi Intersection Paving Bends of sim , tnc State of Nebraska, upon t.. b.is -ny tor t o pajraent of the ccst of of sj-li data, hereby certify t.i. t said ji.iv ng and im; roving tnc street ami uonit lu.. licen legularlj and JegnU alley intersections ana returns to prep issues i.nu lias been duly registered in Orders Mow aSone-Gellatly Co. i WVVWVVWWWAV"AVAVb"AVJ,AVVNVJ,-AVVV,0 M crty lines within sm l win istr No". 1 cr said c"ty, including all ex penses incident theict . NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED I.Y THE MA OR AND COUNCIL OF THE C1T-' OF KED CLOUD. NEBRASKA: Section 1. That there t..c hcrcb" authorised and dirrcted to b issuod Nineteen (19) negotiable INTERSEC TION PAVING BONDS of Paving Distr'ct No. 4 of said City, numbered from One (1) to Nineteen (19); both numbers inclusive, to be in denomina tion cf One-Thousand Dollars ($L 000 00) each, dated October l;.il922, bearing interest from und after the date thereof until pa'd, at the rato of Five and one-half per cent (WiVr) per annum, pnyable Femi-annually, on the 1st (L ys of October nnd April of each year, such interest to be evidenc ed bv negotiable coupons attached to each b-nd: both principal and inter est myable in lawful money of the United States of America at the of fice cf the County Treasurer of Web ster CV unty, State of Nebraska. Said bonds shall 'liecome due and payable as follows: Bon . Number Dcnominati .n Maturity my olt.ee in accordance witn tiic p.c visions of the law in such case:, l.iai.e and provided. In Witness Whereof, I have hereun to et iii. . a. id . im atuxed my so.i ot off.ee taij day of A. I). 1922. Auditor of Public Accounts No. Vol. ,'--agc OF NEBRASKA ss. Registry iHE SI ATE CC;.NT OF WEBSTER. 1, ,the undersigned, Coun ty Clerk of Webster County, Nebras ka, do he.eby certify that the within bond has been registered in my office pursuant to the Statutes of the State of Nebraska. Witness my hand and the seal of said county this tlav of A. D. 192. 1 2 ii 4 ti (3 7 !! 10 11 12 lit n 10 17 18 19 at ;-iti- a t th'.ri cd t;1. uhbt in' $1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1 000 1000 1000 ;ooo 1300 moo i '100 00l) 100) 1000 1000 1000 1000 '0U Tu 1 '1 b a'l October 1, 197 Optobe; 1. 1937 October 1, 19.'!7 October 1, 19.17 October 1, 1937 October 1, 1937 October 1, 1937 October 1. 1937 October 1, 1937 October 1. '937 October 1, 1937 October 1. 1937 October October October October October C-t ber Of -ci- 1937 1937 1937 1937 .937 1937 19T7 t'i in 1 iiciu'rf li?rebj lufjM ami re-- I F.fcHOOKFR AUCTIONEER . Guide Rock, -:- Nebr. Ten Years' Experience and Satisfaction Guaranteed Ga ne 'v-s,junity Churck RS to Phone 135 m Dr.W.H.McBridc DENTIST M'Ntm U VICES y :umnv it'liiHt 1" ti. ui., LaUuu Wajt. ' oiiot siipt LfMon theme, "Johns the '.Gr.'iit Physiolull,, LuUu 5:17 20. j Sermon 11 h. m. Tliomu "Tltu Stow, iiulshlp of Truth ' Song Si muo nnd Otitltni ltllilo St udy :'P ui, I Sirinon 9 p. ui. Theme, "Fliht thin, a Fliht." The oiclii-stia is gutting tiiuler way 'n lino hlmpe. Any piion. in the o mnly who would like to join It, se a ue mi Insti anient. mtiUn a date for private lessons with Mr. Bets', mid get Basy. ' Atiuthur iiipetlngof llio Adult Bible OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud Nebraska Yes, Gar ber 's Is The Place! To J3uy "Wall Paper, Paints. And Electrical Supplies. The best place for Picture Framing. Cliiss will Im held next wetilc. Tho 'tluio mid pluce will bu unnouneed Sun 1 day. i Chorus prauliei! Fiiduy evening tit I h moot Mr. and .Mrs. Chester Druko. A Speoltil '1 htinUbglvlng Piograni to ,.be given in the evening is being plati. aei. K H. lisiiuimtin, ftistor. Tlie Larnect Butterfly. Tho largest known moth or butter fly Jn tl o wrld Is tho Great Athuc Moth of India. With wings out stretched It measures nearly a foot I across from tip to tip. rri:i state. oFyAii'-iCA. iVVi'E Ol' NKBRAS'X i'Y OF nED.fU)D4. iunty of WeVfo: I , i -Frrif' PAVING lONJ") i . , it": : Hct Se. 4) 'j y.f ALL MtoN wV. TU4 ..Ar-KTSi That aku .;:', tit. hHi .!-.' i,t tv. . f Nabn.I: . i.. Uh tet.. h id .cr wU'e i?cp'vec rr-.a M ; c to Hie bearer lWU- ,"ZT DcUurs, -n lawful evnev oY ieTTTJit od States of America, on t! e i'iit flay of October, 1937, with inttrlst there on i re i.t tho date hcieof r.t the rale f Flvo and one-half per centum, (5.r. ) per annum, payable' ?emi-an- nually en the first days i.i' nnd of each jear, on representation and surrender ot tne annexed interest coupons : .- they .sov callv become due, and for tho prompt payment of this Irnd at maturity, anil the interest installments as they becone due, the full ft ith, credit and resturces of tho Cftv ol ucil l louu aio lierebv irrevocably pledged. Botli j l ncipal " ami into est of this holitl -.re tii.'.ablc at ti.o off'ce of the Coun ty Treasurer of WHistcr i ount-. in the Stale of Ncbnvfca, in tne City of Red Cloud Nebn skrt. Thi bond is one of a series of nine teen bonds, of I'ke date and tenor which bonds are numbere-d from one (1) to Nineteen (19) both inclusivo amounting in tho aggregate to tho principal sum of Nineteen Tnusf"' ($19,000.00) Dollrrs, issued by the City of Red Cloud, Ncbraskn, for tho payment. of tho cost of paving, grad ing, curbing and guttering, drain'ng and otherwise improving street and alley inter ections nnd returns to nc " 1'"- n' all e'-ncns-'esijici-dont thereto, within Paving District No. 4 of s-v'd c'ty, i i'o ind by auth ority of ami in accordance with tho provisions cf tho 1tws of the State of Nebraska, tad under and by nuth- County Clerk Section 3. That the bond hereby authorized shall be signed by the May- r , v v.'itv ierk th t c. sal of tne uity atuxed. Tne interest cou pons thereto attached shall be execut ed by the fac-simile signatu.es n i.n. Mayor anil City Clerk. Saul bond after execution and registration rhall be delivered to the RrowiiiL rum mer Investment Company of Wiciut--, Kansas, ,ho have e nti acted to pur chase aid bands for the iar value trereol, j.ius accrued interest there on, which contract of sale is hoieb. ratified ;nd approved, and upon e ccipt of t.ie ).irch:se price therefor the City Treasurer shall g ve full aiu c mplete receipt for the bends. Section 4. Tliut ti.o monev pro cured Ir. i the sale of rud bond shall be lawfully usctl in payment of the cost cf paving, grading, curbing, and guttering, drn'ning and other wise improving the treet and alley uitcrsccti ns and rctu.ns to property l.ncs within iu d pa.ng district No. 4 of said cty, i.r.'l fcr no otl.er purprsi v.hdtevc". Scitio'i 6. The rull faith, credit .'nd all if t.ie resource of the C ty of fced Cloud are he n ;' lrrevceabl) Viodgcd i r V.c ., lvmpt p yin:nv m tho .tHn dascribed bois drd lnf.i fjt installments a. tie'y sevrrill .mature and 't, is hereby miulo tl, duty uf the ijroper e? ic ua u le a ;a uoon till ci tne ia .- rty irt raid cty .:j. ti .en -4- wjiiiw ana l'tera i w- ,n I -e i'i y. T'. t.vh'-i "l u I It- ui i- II tw t.ari ell- "i te. t r.asa, anp.ovoi .na ii.o- lication. -' ' - . '' c a. pruve. tjh.s CI d . . October, 1922. Attc.4: MARY PETERSON CLAUMSA MAYNARD Ma..o City Clerk. '"KAD j ' annual d c. II. ROBINSON FOR REPRESENTATIVE 71st D1ST Hardware Electrical Goods WHEN you want anything in the line of hardware, whether it be a small item or a bill for a new house we will be glad to serve you. ELECTRICAL GOODS We also carry a line of electrical goods, irons, grills, percolators, waffle irons, motors, etc. See us for lamps, sewing machine GEORGE TRINE "Who aid KtllottM Corn Ob, goody, Jnt, Flikts? bet were going !'0 in to btr KELLOCG'S tor our sup per.'Dta we won't dreuat" leave it to theldddies to pickKelloggs ComHaKes- they ewe never tough or leathery! Put a bowl of KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes and a bowl of imitations in front of any youngster I Then see KELLOGG'S disappear! Try the experiment yourself I It's great to know the difference in corn flakes the difference between the genuine and the "just-as-goods" ! Kellogg's have a wonderful flavor that would win your favor by itself but when you know that Kellogg all-the-time crispness! Well they just make you glad! Kellogg's are never tough or leathery or hard to eat! Kellogg's will snap-up kiddie appc-. titcs sometmng wonaenun Ana, our word for it let the littlest have their fill just like Daddy must have his! You'll Tiover know how delicious TA ACTED I corn flakes can be until you eat lwirmi- Tr-RT t nflfl'S I Vnti. will l-timv thn CORN I KELLOGG vackaec because it is RED CI AXES and GREEN! Look for it! d.4tifu99' - M m A A Af0Mmy CORN FLAKES Also maters of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLES and KELLOGG'S BRAN' cooked and krcinbled Bl '& uiMMMWrVM VU -n'i- fcL AICSIS yszc and Robes Mlp C. 11. Uobtnson, prcjrrcssive can-(lidr-.to for lopreseiitutivo 71st d'strict, '- a homo man 1k !r entitled to your consideration at tho polls Ncvcmboi 7th. lie is a man whoso character i above rep oach. Ho is kn vn for liii itorlinK chair.. tor, has always bcc.i indoiitifcif with all movements for tho betterment o" the enmmunity, county i'nd state, i.i active in church nnd Sunday School work and ut tho present time is teacher of the men's bible class of tho Methodist church gf iJludcn. ii. c'.ct-icd ut .c rcser.tntivo of this district he will stand firm for any and all movements thut will assist in bettering tho conditions for tho com mon people which takes us all in. Wheirwe have r. home man whom we know to bo a man in every sense, nf tho word, and capable, Jet us give him our undivided support. llladen Enterprise. Adv. IUV. Kt o-: 3ifcl i'hlfikS 0 , . '.. ;fi WiQiAi . LE5 WALKER". '. i -. .i AAttvAtW-l HH DIE PHONE YOUR BgzsMEsrwzmssi&ESfciEKSsgsF zsatusxxmEEizxr ORDER TO a FARMERS' ELEVATOR Bell Phone 29 H Ind. Phone 12 on Nov. 1 1 , Will be a Big Day I1 i i y i I irs: