RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA IN CONDENSED FORM Recent Happonings in Nebraska Given in Brief Items For Busy Readers. I.ylc Johnson, 2-.vonr-nlil son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Johnson, living nenr Kearney, foil Into a wntcr trough nml wns drowned before nNsNtiineo roncli I'd til in. Article;! of Inrorporllon luive been taken out for tbe now company to drill for oil on the Hamilton farm, nortli of Wyinoro, under the. nnnio of 'lie "IllueVnlley Oil nnd Ons com pnny." The Kearney Dramatic leuiie linn Hturted a Little Theater movement and already has part of a building fund avnlluhle. This money hits been vrlseil Holely through community p nyH. Hlshop Eniest Vincent Slinylcr, D. D., head of the Nebraska diocese of the Episcopal church, will celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of his ordination ub a prleHt, Friday, Oc tober 27. (iovernor McKelvIe has appointed Aio.Nnfider McFnrlnne, president of tbo Friend commercial club, n dele gate to the southern commercial con ference, to bo belli In Clilauro Novem ber 20-22. Sergeant A. I. Albright, member of tbo crew of the C-2, glrnt dlrglblo re arently wrecked at San Antonio, Tex. Is a Nebraska youth. Ills home Is at Hooper, Dodge county, where his relatives reside. Yeggmen forced their way Into the Imiik of Hallam In Lancaster county, knocked the combination off the safe, but, after blowing off the door with dynamite, were frightened away with out obtaining loot. Tli: I'resbyterlnn synod In session at York accepted the Kearney Presby tery Invitation to hold their r.Oth on nlvcymiry In that city In WZ and at the same time colobiato the fiOth anni versary of the Kearney Presbytery with the Kearney church. Laura Longacre of Eagle, seven yearH old, who won first prize at tbe state fair among children needle work ers, for n doll's sweater, won second prize at the Cass county fair at Weep ing Water with an embroidered buffet set. She competed with women for the award. Talk of a hog shortage Is not sub KtantiatPd by figures of receipts at the South Omaha matket for the first three wcekH of October, according to rec ords uvallublo at the Echanie. Over 8,000 more hoge arrived on the market this month to date than In the last six ycara The largest vote ever shown In a city election at CIny Center was cast In a special election to decide upon the Installation of a city sewerage and city well, 413 votes being enst. Under a referendum JKM votes were cast In favor of the sewerage project which, It Is expected, will cost if(MMKH). Tbo Scotts llluff County Cow Test ing association, first to bo organized In Nebraska, has finished Its first twelve months. Under the supervision of Carl M. Hydberg. tester for the association, recoids were kept of the milk and hutterfat production of every cow in the county belonging to the nidation and many unprofltoblo cows were weeded out. I M. Munk of University Place Is a descendant of the last soldier of the Itevoliitlonnry war. His great grand father was D.inlel Frederick lmkeman, a resident of Cattaraugus county, New York. He served during the last four years of the Involution under Captain Van Arnum and Colonel Wlllett In the Now York troops. Ily special act of congress bo was pensioned at the rate of .f.r00 a year on n certificate that was Issued on July 17, IS07. He was the last pensioned soldier of the war and died in 1809 at tbe age of 101). Agricultural workers, In carrying the results of research by the United States Department of Agriculture and the State agricultural colleges to tbe farmer, visited O.T0.O0O farms in 1021 and held 125.000 community and other meetings, with an attendance of 0,000 000. Over :IM),)00 farmers Introduced legumes, principally soy beans, cow pens, velvet beans, and alfalfa into their cropping system as a result of demonstrations In the use of legumes In soil Improvement given In 1021 by these agricultural extension workers. The Scottsbluff hiigar factory paid out $03,000 In cash to farmers In that region, as tbo payment for beets de livered In September, Explosion of a holler of n threshing nmchlno near Nebn.ska City Instantly killed Frank Delttmer, scalding anil throwing him .'10 feet In the all. John Solmldt, a workman, wan severely in jured Workmen nre tearliu: out tbo nld cornerstone of tho luesent stnio nmt. tol.. llio old cornerstone, which was j laid July 15, 1881, will be laid beside flip new cornerstone the strong fouuda-1 flntl flf wlllfll lu linltlir fntiol ...... I " - -... mini mm, More than fifteen hundred Indians of three tribes participated In the council, which was one of tin. features of tho Clinton fair and the first In dian council which hits' been held since the buttle of Wounded Knee. A petition linn been submitted to the Custer county board asking that the question of a change In the form of county government he submitted to a vote at the coming election. Nebruska City Is suffering from nni'oylng depredations of chicken tliltfvesi. Tho prowlers seem to con fine their work to the better class of poultry. The State railway commission lint begun a probe of the Hvo ntock situa tion In tin state. The. Omaha "Ad-Sell" Clti!) In tbo largest organization of Its kind In the world, Its niemheishlp totaling nearly 1.2(H). Four members of the family of Ituy tnond McOulor, farmer near Wymore, were poisoned presumably from eating canned peaches. Flro fed by fi.OOO tons of conl de stroyed 10,000 worth of coal and winlp nt of (ho Consumers Coal company at Oniahii. There Is n shortage of labor in Otot county and fanners arc endeavoring to get men to pick apples ami husk com, with but very little success. Ilaptlsts of Fremont are completing a new pressed brick church which will take place among the finest buildings of Ita kind In this part of the state. Miss Nona Ititnta, telephone opera or Is in a hospital at (Irand Island, painfully hut not seriously Injured as the result of an automobile accident Fall City's Chamber of Commorce membership wns Increased from 10." to 22.r) as a result of tbo big member ship drive which has Jus terminated. -Miss Agnes Itushcll, Pawnee county teacher, bus sailed for Hogota, Colom bia, South America, where she will take up her work In tho mission Held. Coal bus been found on tbo L. W. Powell farm, fifteen miles north of Mlnatare. Fine pebbles of the fuel have been brought to the mirfuco by ants. The gophe. peM is reported as causing much damage In the vicinity of Liberty, In spite of numerous drives and the payment of bounties by tho county. Threo loving cups perpo'uul prizes, will be awuidcd members of tbo Nebraska Press association for tin? first time at tho convention In Llncoli In February. All local mortality records were be lieved to liae been broken when no deaths were reported In Falls City for a two-mouth peilod ending Sun day, October 22. Postmaster (Jenerul Hubert Work nnd John H. Ihutlett, first assistant postmaster general, will he In Ouiahn No ember 13 for a conference with postal employes of the state. Tbe seventeenth annual meeting ot the Nebraska State Nurse's association will bo held at Oniiiha, October .'(KM Nurses from all parts of the state an expected to bo in attendance. Woylan Case, assistant postmaster at (Jordan, was stung by a bee. A few moments later Case's entire face ami body took on a dark purple color and blood-poisoning is feared. Professor llobort Thomson, pioneer educator of north Nebraska who gnv more than forty years of his life ti tho education of boys and girls, Is dead at his homo at Plalnvlew. Firemun of Ord have threatened a walkout If tho city council Insists In turning over to the public library board certnln rooms that bad boon previously assigned to the firemen. Several elevators In (Inge county have quit business temoorurilv bo- couso of a shortage of grain cars. .Most of tbo elevators are tilled to overflowing with wheat and corn. The buildings and supplies of th Fremont Manufacturing epmpuny, makers of refrigerators nnd incubat ors, Wore totally destroyed by firs with damngo estimated nt $ir0,000. Dr. F. M. Welch, government veter inarian at Columbus for the past year, will be transferred to Missouri No vember 1. He has completed tubercu losis eradication In Nebraska (enltory. Farmers In (be neighborhood of Anselnio complain that their "no hunt ing" signs have been dNiegnrdod by hunters who cut the fences nnd leav'o tho gates open without even attempt ing to ropnlr thu damages. Joe Wagner, the twelve-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wagner, liv ing near Wolbach, narrowly osciinoi! with bis life when the discharge front u shotgun tore nway his cap and part ly enteted the side of bis bead. Hecause of carelessness of hunters In leaving gates open and letting stock out of pastures, and In some cases shooting stock, many fanners in the section around Nebraska City are post ing signs on their places VorWddlng tresspassing or hunting. One or the largest laud deals of recent days was closed at Wyinoro last week, when M. L. Hawlings, Wy more Ice dealer, took over KM) acres one mile north of Uluo Springs, for merly owued by R. M. Jenkins, tho consideration being .:2,000. Under tbe direction of Lew T. Skin ner of the extension service of tho University of Nebraska agricultural college, plans aro being laid for tho holding of the winter meetings of organized agricultural associations i and societies of the state, to be held at tbo agricultural college campus at Lincoln during tbo first week In January. A bund of threo men. nrmed with revolvers, held up seven workers nt tbo ScoKsbuff sugar factory at different points as the men wero going to work on the midnight shift. The highway ....... .11.1.., .,. .. iiu - ii iiiiiii i Hi-i " ceil Over two thousand positions In nrniv posts of the seventh corps area aro now open, according to a statement recently issued by Hiigadler (Jeneral Duncan, commander of tbo area. There are vacancies In tbo inrantry, medical department, finance depart ment, tank platoons, cavalry troops, attendants' squads, guard detachments and motor repair sections, Six deacons and members of tho (Jerman Evangelical Lutheran church of Emerald wero fined $2.1 and costs for promulgating and enforcing a de cree that no services in English should be held In the church. Smashed in mv?. . $?&'& .'' f ', ' "' l Vy, r S A &&?&& lit.''. '.,s , r- : r is . 'W V ;S tA fc4 ,j ' fit V rw t A 1 '" " ." T.fM? v y. " X- v ";; k'!,T f-""7 w. f .- TTV U swfri ii-isw-;- ." jr"- fy K55e jiJ-wr-Xsrt vat'-, - i -," ,, 'M.Wti. rtWrt lAMwta . . V v . fi -t r ... r f . --Vh. 1a vWa 'ht 3 Fw a! I "5 A t fc ' rVr W$2Ai , . $ VWJS -dBBl AZ , -VA. BR fcV . - . rt ..j-mof, ifliHi .f m rv - . . yjMr mrw y..ZAi.i i mywlV TF. IMSi AMsWZ MfeJ?! v 5 Mi, KiMimmmBrmmr S'MC -" -ivu.y .7: .. Bt&KlW iiiVr.wMiv Ji' r. mF-Ms; t fmzzszzi - ,TTin..iiiu ... jjjv. rtfKrtiYj-&MvrffnT.t W KlfcWW iL MCiflct jffllJ i i T,,e1,V,B.1"u t,1Illa'r LJ'""in atewart drifting on the rocks off tbo Oohlen Gate at San Francisco ..rt..r .. llBlun with tho steamer Walter A. Luckenbach which tore a great hole In her bow. " U Statue of Edmund Burke Unveiled ; PsMBlieySSFffl& fill1! EBr mmBEMM 1 s tijBJfcltf " t "BF if SaiBlc 1 wifMMarar wWwzz 1Ll&...i;a:., y- y.ya h.rr,t,,,r, , y j In furthering the policy of fostering friendship between English-speaking peoples. Sir Charles Wakefield, fonner lord mayor of London, in behalf of the Sulgrave Institute of Great llrltaln, rrescntcd to tho United States a statue of Edmund Uurke, the famous British statesman who held out for a concilia tory attitude toward tho American colonies. Secretary of War Weeks nccented the statue on behalf of the United States. The photograph shows the unveil lng In Washington. Yankee Marksmen Aiueiican sharpshooters, who are contests at Milan, Italy, outside their Memory of J. H. 'HHLUflV mlL'iW' V" WVwSl , iR?9it "dBS(l T A wyMi M I' " ' MPVmTJ 'SliV , Tillll ' xaK -,liiSrl'5'i Wff SH v t m w II This Is tho monuincnt unveiled at Spring Place, Ga., a few iluys ago to John Howard Pajno, author of "Home. Sweet Home." Members of tho Old Guard of Atlanta, a historic organization composed of somo of the best known business men of the city, aro shown back of tho monument. Spring Ilaco was selected as the site of tho monument because It was tbero thai I uyno was arrested and held In prison for a while becauso of his sympatic with tho Cherokee Indians at the time that 14,000 of them were forclbh removed from their homes In Georgia. Collision and Drifting on a Reef -XfTvi, "? ''. ft, .'.. !. r j j TV.' .w . gfpmr $. j! ia a: ! tf &'' i: tv .' T" .l. v . , . . t.;xJssXsSssi .W.lsUAi. . . .. . Compete in Italy mm competing at the international shooting quarters. Payne Is Honored n - A evlkS ft :AV . - Avi : "4 - i v 1 1 ' 1 v te A s simx N a v nayemMiS' V.ay ttt . ft n. k w f m7WtSXrUUf ' i' t ,i V..' -v t-i t '- ' 's S? 53 iv- (JW"..iiv, A , -, - ki- 'MmmmMMEt'iGf?. ' 'c4 -" - . -h m s WSw'. a A . Art Af' S&M40r Wvj &&' 4 col- I magnate from japan Here Is HaJIme IloshI photographed, in his hotel In San Francisco, to which? city he has Just returned a rich nnd! powerful financier. A few vonrs iwd he was a penniless house servant In' hnn i-ranclsco; today he Is called tho "Wool worth of Japan," and Is presi dent of the Inrgest dnn: eoniiiMni- in! tho Orient, lie intends o vlhlt every! Important manufacturing center In tho United States and Europe. MUD BATHS FOR BEAUTY This Isn't really Venus rising from tho bath, but Miss Myrtle Miller, a California beauty, Just out of her daily; mud bath at the Pacbeteau springs,' Callstogn, Cal. She says tho black mud makes her skin finer and whiter. BRAVED DEATH VALLEY 9 h J f S P8 'ifnyillllllKv Ji :. fiVilllBiW Mrs. Edna llrush Perkins, Cleveland, oclety woman, author and world trav-j ler, who with a woman friend crossed tenth Valley, 280 feet below sen levelj .i tbo heart of the great Mnjtivo des- jrt of California. Mrs. Perkins Is thtf daughter of Charles Urusb, the Invent tor of the arc lamp, and tlie Ife of Dr. Hoger G. Perkins. LAUNDRY AND EWORK TOO Surprised to Find Her self Feeling So Well Taunton, Masa. 'I used to have paint In my,back and legs bo badly, with other irouoics mac women Bometimcshave.that my doctor ordered mo to fltnv In tvH a week in every month. It didn't do me much good, soone day after talking with a friend who took Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegeta ble ComnonnH for about the samo trou bles I had, I thought T tvmitil ft. 1 n . - - ".win vjr ii. aiou. i una mm i fan wont in tne laundry all through tho Ume and do my housework, too. Last Pionth I was so surprised at myself to b up and around and feeling eo good whfo before I used to feel com pletely HfoVjss. I have told somo of tho girls who vork with mo and have such troubles to try Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege table Compound, and I tell them how it ha3 help-id me. You can use my testi monial -or tho good of others.' r Mra. Blanche Silvia, 69 Grant St., Taunton, Mass. It's tho same story ono friend telling another of tho value of Lydia E. Pink ham'a Vcgetablo Compound. TOO Death only a matter of short time. Don't wait until pains and aches become incurable diseases. Avoid Gainful consequences by taking The world's standard remedy for kidney, Hvor, bladder and uric add troubles th National Remedy of Holland dnca 1690. Threo elzco, all druggists. Look for Uio nm Gold Medal on erery box and accent no Imitation .MMiintr?.,?PTV 1N.KVKRV nOX ''RltRMOLA' u a Diedlcated mow white eream utn.rnutll-patctiijs, plnjuln,iiczcnia,ntc. A wnndar ful fnen dlcnch. Mull II ii. HtKH IIOOKLBT . w. r,. umwi Ju.,ga wwicnigaa oinw, CHICaOO Comfort Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap And Fragrant Talcum Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50e,Talcna 25c S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 O Street :: Lincoln, Neb Truth needs no (lowers of speech. SHE DYED A SWEATER, SKIRT AND CHILD'S COAT WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Each rmcknRc of "Diamond Dyes" con tains directions bo pimple nny woman can dye or tint licr worn, shabby drcssef, Bldrtf, waints, coats, stockings, iwcatcrn, coverings, draperies, hangings, everything, even if flic has never dyed before. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect home dyeing is sure becauso Dia mond Dyes nre guaranteed not to spot, ffidc, streak, or run. Tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye ll wool or silk, or whether it in linen, cottoa or mixed goods. Advertisement. Merit was ever modest known. The prices of cotton nnd linen havfl been doubled by tho war. Lengthen their service by using Ited Cross Ball Bluo In the laundry. All grocers Ad vertisement. Yield not to too much temper. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS 25t and 75$ Packages. Everywhere If VnilD Uses "Cutter's" ll lUUIl Serun'indVicclneibef. " w w" doing hu bet fo conxrve your VETERINARIAN!!. The Cutter Ltborttory Th LshtrAirm iJit !' WORK lliiiiiimuimnii wim li 'I1' iim km OT.D MEDAL mifB --Pl- vTJL iSSjSBi Berkeley (U.S.Lkcok Y i - T P i. L Ctlirornla