The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 02, 1922, Image 3

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TT IS not enough to say Mint Mio
handsome suit, shown licro, Is
wiimrt ; Its class deserves it more com
lprclicnslve tonn ; the design Is original
;ind the linos so good Mint they merit
study mid one can hnrdly Imagine n
more becoming model. Instead of skirt
mid Ri'pnrato over-blouse, the skirt and
bodice, of two materlnls, are Joined In
11 one-piece dress, with unity given to
Jthe design by the decoration.
The dress, ns pictured, shown n
bodice of crepe de chluo Joined to n
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Bklrt of duvctlne, but any of the plain
'suitings might be used Instead. The
round neck is corded and finished with
n tie of narrow ribbon and the bodice
;cut In deep scallops at the bottom
where the skirt Is set on.' A decorative
.stitching, In festoons, over the entire
dress corresponds with these scallops.
Tho coat Is long, with straight lines
'nt the front and seml-llttcd back. It
,!ias the trlmness of tho tailored style,
without severity and Is enriched by
cnrnctil fur In a long shawl collar, In
lintids on the llnrlng sleeves and In a
border at tho hem line. This model la
well adapted to velvet, matelasse,
cloky and fnbrlcs of like character,
used In combination with crepe do
chine and In any case, is dignified and
rich looking.
Long lines prevnll In suits but they
nre snnppy, and although there are
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many long coats, the box has as strong
in following. It nppears In smart com
binations In which tho coat, of a plain
cloth, Is worn with striped skirt of
'tweed, tho colors In tho skirt nppcarlng
, in the coat on tho collar nnd pockets.
0 Thcro nre blouses and blouses In
,tho fall displays, somo of them fa
.miliar styles, that hold a secure ploco
In the regard of women, and somo of
.them showing radlcnl now depnrtures
,In the mutter of style. These new
aspirants for favor are chic nnd usu
ally simple, depending on novel de
signing and tho llnvor of new stylo In
spirations to carry them- to success.
The new crinkly good3 hnvc nd
vanced the cause of coatee and wnlst
coat overblouscs, although the latter
appear In crepe de chine as well.
This crepe malntnlns Its prestige as
the best material for blouses of what
ever charncter, but mntelasso and Mm
liar fabrics lend themselves to tho
contee style. Whoever knows how to
use black sntln In blouses or In frocks
Is sure of success, especially when
white or n color Is nrtfully combine.!
with It. The very smart overblouso
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pictured shows a charming combina
tion of blnclc nnd white, In which
black monkey fur plays an Important
part In fringe on the collar and bands!
that llnlsh the long sleeves. The blouse
Is gathered into a tight hip bnnd of
the satin Mils hip baud is a feature
of the new styles.
The waistcoat style Is another de
velopment of the overblouso. It has
a V-shaped neck opening, ending a
little below the normal waistline at
the front, which Is tilled In with a nar
row vestee, usually of plain crepe do
chine. The font Is cut away In points
below the waist and the blouse lies
smooth across the back and over the
hips, where the underarm fullness Is
disposed of by small plaits. Tw large,
fancy buttons, or ornaments, are
placed ut the base of the "V"-shnpeJ
Conteo blouses open down the front,
with shuwl collars, or lap over In sur
plice fashion. Knitted silk nnd tho
new broken-surfaced fabrics make
hundsomo conteo blouses, tho fnbrlcs
requiring nlmost no decoration. Knit
ted silk blouses nro often finished
with embroidered hip bnnds and nar
rower embroidery bands finish the
long sleeves.
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Some Dogs and
Some Folks
;: By C. B. WHITFORD 8
fi V
0. 11)22, Western NeURfnper Union.)
"There's something wrong with me,
Doc. I wish you would find out what
It is and put me right."
"You're not a bad looking dog, Max.
You mnke u good front and they sny
you're n pretty wise fellow, too. Why,
I honr you enn do more things Mian
any dog In the, neighborhood. What
nppears to be the trouble with you."
"My father, you know, was n pretty
good water spaniel. So I took a no
tion that my best graft would he In
the water line. I liked the water for
awhile and Just as I wns getting wise
to my work I tool; nn nwful dislike to
It. I wiih In trouble nil the time with
everybody. One of my grandfathers
was a pretty good greyhound. He wns
a great success In his line. I kept
thinking nbout him so much that I
Just bated to go Into the water and
finally gave It up altogether and tried
the greyhound graft. I liked the Job
for a while. Then they told me I was
too cunning to do greyhound's work
nnd wasn't fast enough. ISosldes every
once In a while the old love for the
water would come back and Mint In
bad business for a greyhound. They
told me that If I didn't know anything
else I uilsJU do the greyhound's work
very well. At any rate I was so smart
about so many other things I lost my
"I suppose now you'll try a ter
rier's Job and Just as you get going
nicely the old greyhound nnd water
spaniel blood will crop out and distract
you. .Some day when you ought to bo
nltcndlng to n terrier's work you'll
want to take a sprint Just to satisfy
the old feeling and show the rest of
the terriers what you ran do. Then
you'll want to go fooling around the
water when you ought to he looking
after the rats and the woodchueks.
You're Just like some folks I know
that ain't bred right. They flop from
one thing to the other and get a whole
lot of general knowledge that won't
get them anything. The fellow that
finds out what his best graft Is and
sticks to It Is the fellow that gets the
money. Of course he looks foolish
when he mixes up with a lot of folks
who know everything, but in his own
line ho hns them all heat. No, Mux,
tho nil-round wise folks won't do. It's
the fellow that knows one thing well
and knows enough to stick to It Mint
shines. He's a star. The rest have
got too many little lumps scattered so
they don't shed much light. This Is
the day of the big single star."
"Mnybo I nln't Just struck my right
graft. Doc. I'm wise enough to mnke n
hit If I .could only get In right."
"It nln't Mint. You ain't wise enough
to stick. You think you'll strike some
thing better when you can show off
your versatile talents. Hut all Jobs
are pretty much alike. They are what
the follow makes them. I know n man
Just like you, Max. He's bright, he's
Industrious and n good fellow. He
hns done nlmost nnythlng from ranking
Ice creum to running nn undertnkimj
establishment. Ills Ice crenm wns bnd.
The livery and his funeral service wns
not fit for tho dead,
"nut I'll tell you, Max, there Is a
J little hoiHi for you. I know a lot of
ioiks tnat nave iniieu nt everything
they hud undertaken nnd hnvlng noth
ing else to do they wont Into .politics
and made a great hit. If you can find
n job something like that you may bo
it winner. Otherwise you are lost.
''The really wise man who is n spe
cialist has no chance in politics. He
can shake hands but one way, and
he is all the time talking nnd saying
things people remember. He's got
opinions that are fatal to his success.
He can only carry one bucket on one
shoulder nnd If he don't like n bnd
thing, he enn't help saying so, nnd
offending n whole lot of voters that
look at these bad things through prac
tical eyes. Tho man In politics Mint
knows one line well knows enough to
know ho doesn't know everything. If
ho Is the big chief ho knows enough
to pick out his speclnllsts. Hut ho
don't often get the chance to be big
chief, for If he did he would kill tho
k rnmn If la rmn rf vmiti nl 1.ntn4
fellows Mint knows n little of every
thing and n great den! of nothing Mint
makes his mnrk In the political ring.
A fellow with Just your kind of mixed
bt ceding. A renl mongrel In the af
fairs of the world, who thinks he's an
all-round philosopher, able only to
make a front and play tight nnd loose
with any proposition the people hnnd
"I'm there with tho front nil right,
Doc, nnd I don't know enough nbout
nnythlng to hurt. Whnt mo nnd tho
political stars have got Is talent nil
right, nnd If I can fit my talent into
the tight plnce I ought to shine. Some
stur politician ought to appreciate mo
becnuso I cun sure go nil the gnlts."
Mastodon Finally Clothed,
After stundlng for half a century
In his bones In the Now York Stuto
museum, a mastodon of tho Ice age
has been clothed with skin, nnd now
bears n colorful resemblanco to tho
nnlmal who ranged the northern hemi
sphere In those remote times.
Tho skeleton was excavated nt Co
hoes In 1800. Dentul trouble In the
right Juw had arrested Its develop
ment; hence It became known as the
mastodon with the toothuche. After
more Minn a year's work a lifelike res
toration of the animal has been com
pleted by u stuff of naturalists, who
mndo enrcful researches. A photo
graph of tho reconstructed monster
shows that It Is a cross between a
bison aud an elephunt.
Say "Bayer" and Insist!
Unless you sco the name "BnYcr" on
package or on tablets you are not get
ting tho genulno ISayer product pre
scribed by physicians over twenty-two
years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Ilcadacbo
Toothache Lumbago
Earache IMicumuttsm
Neuralgia l'aln, Tain
Accept "Ilayer Tablets of Aspirin"
only. Each unbroken package contains
proper directions. Handy boxes of
twelvo tablets cost few cents. Drug
gists also sell bottles of 21 and 100.
Asperln Is the trndo mark of Hayer
Manufacture of Monoaeetlciicldeatcr of
Sallcyllcucld. Advertisement.
Never put off until tomorrow the
creditor who will wait until nexi
An Insignificant little pin in n wom
an's belt often disturbs a man's men
tnl poise.
Gtnnln twir
0 Oents
Modest worth usually fulls to at
tract attention.
Tho use of soft coal will mako laun
dry work henvler this winter. Red
Cross Ball Blue will help to rernovo
that Rrlray look. At all grocers Ad
vertisement. Always Hopeful.
"I tell you there is no oil here."
"Well, If we don't Btrlko oil maybe
wp'll strike ore."
Figuring Ahead.
Margaret Ellen had heen Invited out
lo Sundny dinner. The meal was be
ing served and tho host viewing tho
platter of chicken decided a "drum
stick" would ho a suitable pleco for
the four-ycnr-old miss. Margaret El
len heroically attacked her portion nnd
In due course of events calmly looked
tip nnd said, "Uncle, when I get
through with this bone I think I would
like somo meat."
His Limit.
"I can get along tollable well Tvlth
tho White- Caps down thls-n-wny," ad
mitted Gap Johnson of Rumpus Ridge.
"Somo feller taking u shot at mo from
the brush now and ag'ln don't pester
mo no great. I'm sorter used to feuds,
nnd so on. But If I lived up there In
Kay Seo amongst them there bnnk
bandits, highjackers and all such, I'll
b-hung If I wouldn't bo ufenred to go
out after dark to shut up the chick
ens." Kansas City Stnr.
MUal TL H iTfl f I " , l sa
Has Never Felt
Better in All
Her Life
Thousnnda of frail, nervous peoplo
and convalescents everywhere hnvo
testified to tho rcmnrkablo power of
Tnnlnc In bringing back their health,
strength, nnd working efficiency. It
seems to quickly Invigorate the con
stitution and Is n powerful foo of
wenkness. Mrs. Mary Choltlat, 1415
N. Uroadway, Los Angeles,'' Calif.,
says :
"Ueforo I took Tnnlac, I whfl bo
weak I had to bo helped from one
room to another. My nerves were
shattered nnd my digestion bo poor I
wns almost afraid to cat anything,
but now I mil In perfect hcnlth nnd
will nlwnys bo grateful to Tnnlnc."
There Is not a single portion of the
body that Is not benefited by the
helpful nctlon of Tnnlnc. It cnnbles
tho 8tomnch to turn tho food Into
healthy blood, bono und muscle, puri
fies tho system nnd helps you. back
to normal weight. Get a bottlo today
at any good druggist. Advertisement.
Pint or auart?
Customer "I'd like something for
my cough." Absent-Minded Drug
Clerk "What size, sir?"
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottlo of
GASTOKIA, Mint famous old remedy
for Infants and children, nnd see Mint It
Hears the
Slgnntureof UiLV&UL
In Use for Over !!0 Yenrs.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castorio
Every mnn nnd woman ought to be
it gardener.
Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills
then take 2 or 3 for a few nights alter.. They restore
the organs to their proper functiona'ond Headache
and the causes of it pass away.
s&i?&&cC Smll Pill ;Smll Dote sSn!lPriet
Insures Fresh Charm to Old Shawls
PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish
Truly, the Female of the Species Is
More Fortunate Than tho
Inferior Male.
Two cases In Judge Choscbro's court.
First, tho graceless mnlo arrested
for speeding nfter having Imbibed two
glnsses of claret, SU50 or 180 days, in
Second, tho graceful maiden who
drove her Cadillac Into n mnn, failed
to stop and render assistance, bumped
Into n yellow car and hit a Ford. And
all without a drip cf claret. Ten days
In Jail suspended.
Tho graceless male might hnvo dono
a lot of damage, of course, but actual
ly his guilt waB contlned to "reckless
Tho graceful femalo did do n lot of
danuige. But, of courso, slio never
meant to nnd she couldn't help It and
she was nervous and there were tears
In her eyes Insterd of clnret on her
breath, so there you are I
Votes for women. Tho Indies, bless
'em I Los Angeles Times.
Could Do Better Wholesale,
Film Star How much will
charge to get mo my divorce?
Lnwyer If you'll agree to let me
handlo nil your divorce suits for tho
next ten yenrs, I'll make you a special
price. Life.
Eloarts may agree though heads dif
fer. W
SLEEPLESS nights and daytime irritation, when
caused by coffee drinking, often require a call on tho
grocer to avoid a later call on the doctor.
Postum, instead of coffee, has brought restful nights
and brighter days for thousands of people together with
complete satisfaction to taste.
You will enjoy the full, rich flavor and aroma of
Postum, and nerves will be free from any possibility of
irritation from coffee's drug, caffeine. You can begin th
test today with an order to your grocer.
Postum comes in two forma: Instant Postum (in tins) prepared
instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum
Cereal (in packages, for those who prefer to make the drink
While the meal is being prepared)madeby boiling fully 20 minute,
Postum for Health
"There's a Reason"
Mad by Postum Caraal Co., Inc., Battl Craak, Mich,
Lit "TO
Mrs. Anna Kelm.
loin, KnnH. "I enn highly recoim
mend Dr. IMerco'fl mivllclnes. Somo
yenrs ago my health failed, I becntno
nil run down and hud n chronic cough
Mint annoyed mo considerably, but
nfter tnklng Dr. I'lerce'n Oolden Med
Icnl Discovery my health returned nnd
I becntno strong. Whnt this medicine
did for mo I feel It will do for oMicra
If they will but give It n trial." Mr
Anna Kelm, -118 South St.
Start noto on tho road to healUi by
obtaining tho Discovery In tablets or
liquid from your druggist. Wrlto Dr.
IMerco, President Invalids' , Hotel, la
lluffnlo, N. Y., for freo medical adrlc&
A safe, dependable and
effective remedy for
a.anl.. aI.1. lli,mMa l..4l...A
Heaves and Worms among horses and
mules. Absolutely harmless.and as safe
for colts as It is for stallions, mares or
celdlncs. Give "Snohn's" occasionally
as a preventive. Sold at all drug stores.
Ramon- PanarulT-Rtoptllilrrkllliid
Restore Color and
Beauty to Cray and Faded IlaU
niwnr Chrm. Wkn. l'iil-lioitiif , M. T.
HINDERCORNS non tvnu. caw!
Iodsm. clo.. atona all rain, imiurra comfort La thM
(nt, mitkM walking; rar. 18a. by Dial I or at UraSM
gtsta, UlfoozCtiamlcal Works, ratetw(
INQOLN'S Rooms for $
Lunch Room la Conn tlsa "
New friends nnd old enemies aro not
abovo suspicion.
To Have a Clear 8weet Skin
Touch pimples, redness, roughness
or itching, if any, with Cutlcura Olnt
ment, then bathe with Cutlcura Soap
and hot water. Rlnso, dry gently and
dust on a llttlo Cutlcura Talcum to
leave a fascinating fragrance on skin.
Everywhere 25c each. Advertisement;
Bill Wot d'yer think nbout this '
Frenchman, Bert, an' his auto-suggestion
Bert D'yer mean that bloke wot
says you'vo only got to keep on re
peating, "Every day I get better and
better," an' you do get better If ye'rt
Bill Yes, tbnt's tho bloke, Bert
Bert I believes In Mm, Bill. Why,
every day for tho last thrco months
I'vo bin sayln' to myself, "Some day
I'll get a summons for not pnylng my
rates," an' strike mo pink, yesterday It
landed. Pearson's Weekly.
Referred to the Anatomists.
New York Church Bulletin Tho La
dies' Aid society hns been the proverb
lal backbono of the church and ns audi
ts moro and more coming to the front
Boston Transcript.
The Little Dipper.
Tom (at bathing beach) "What
cnused that splash?" Joe "Oh, a
mere slip of a girl."
tst !
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