KED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHLKy wK.x.fnvw.w.jnmmmwiJd&VsJ3AumTBa V wi'iw vumiiui wjg wmiFBfrijjrwH7tfTTTMRiiyvuirtrrufnraaK3nj. I NUCKOLLS CO. BREEDERS ASSN 2nd Annual Sale of Boars and Gilts ON FAIR GROUNDS AT NELSON, NEB., ON Tuesday, Oct. 31, 1922 'At 1 O'clock, P. M. Consisting of the Following 66 Head of Hogs; 1 Polled Short Horn Bull 1 6 Duroc Jersey Boars; 12 Duroc Gilts; 15 Poland China Boars; 3 Poland Gilts; 6 Spotted Poland China Boars; 3 Hamp shire Boars; 2 Hampshire Gilts; 6 Chester White Boars; 3 Ches ter White Gills; I Good Shorthorn Polled Double Standard Bull, 1 4 months old, This offering is the choice from t,he different breeders of each breed of hogs and is a real high class olTerintf of the best and most to-date breeding of each breed. Many of thes pigs have been shown at our County Fair and also adjoining County Fairs and have carried away many ribbons. The sale will be held in comfortable quarters if the weather is bad so come rain or shine. Hogs have been practically all vaccinated for cholera. Write Manager for catalogue or further particulars. ,BIG FREE LUNCH AT NOON. NUCKOLLS COUNTY BREEDERS ASSN. LAWRENCE SMITH, Sale Manager, Superior. Ncbr Blankets and Robes Call and sec our line of new Robes and Blankets LEE WALKER Successor to J.0. llutler POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Senator hllumi itOilGOO He was born in Nebraska G3 years ago. He has published the Omaha World Herald for 87 years. r HiB influential position in the United States Senato makes move useful than ever to Nebraska. KAMI HUKI3AU NOTJSS (Hy County Acnt, Henry It Fauscli.) PUUK IIUHD SIKHS A short time u I heard a man of nutional icpute deliver un able talk jti "The low cost of 1 vinp. ' For the purl twenty-four months farmers have been doing more Hum their usual amount of thinking some good and smc no doubt not so good. There s evidence that the sane minded ones lave arrived at the conclusion that in the long run the Bucces&ful man works out Ids own salvation; and ho who can think clearest, work the hard est nnjl produce more or b2tter mater ials, or both is must successful. It ih also evident that most people now realize that the high prices or .war times are past and profits (if there arc any) must bo figured out on a new scale. Many lectures and proRrc?s of Uhrilt wcro delivered and practiced (luring the war. We don't need lec turing to practice economy now. It is forced upon us; nnd whether we like it or not we must take it and make the best of it. There arc still mnny wastes ujxm farms; and one of the moat glaring ones is that of feed and space given over to cattle that fail to pay b:ard when milked and to make profitable gains if fed for beef. Too many in ferior animals appear on our markets. Many calves that are kept to maturity should have been slaughtered for vac. It would indeed have to be an infcr'or Shorthorn bull whose first crop of oven twenty calves would not pay his I cost in their increased value on the market. In the face of a 5,000,000 cattle shortage and the difference in value between irood and common mar ket cattle it seems reasonable that now is a logical time for one to con sider an investment in quality. The easiest way to improve a market is to improve the quality of the commodity market. The logical way to improve the quality of mnrket cattle is through the use of a good pure bred bull and a few carefully selected 4.ure bred cows, for a foundation herd. The Sni-a-bar demonstration carr'.cd BBBSXiMtfirJt&4BBBBBBBBB.aSYiSBBBBBM mmmtSKtSmmmmtW trMtEnSBBBBBBa - ibsms?"'" - Candidate for Re-Elecflioi snles nnd one shipment for $G.0() to $U.(J0 ubovo bulk of sales for the day. I)ch quality pay? Think. Im prove your own market by improv ing the quality of your cattle. r'LOTHINti COMPANY FOXCISU TO UNLOAD OK QUIT W. G. Hamilton Uoth ng O mpany of Kcd Cloud Obliged to liaise Money. Must iyii.e $18,468.72 in Ten Days Most 'of the readers of th s paper are acquainted with the W. G. Hamilton Company, Red Cloud, Nebr.'r.kt:, and will be grcutly surprised to know that as the result of business degression, drop, in prices, etc., its affa'ro are now in such a condi tion that tVe r creditors demand a Ir.rgc sum of money immediately. The blow c:me rs a surprise to Mr. Hamilton h: had practically com plctcJ his fall purchases, and expect ed to be able to continue th:ou the fall and w'nter without interference. Business conditions generally, not having shown the improvement that was expected, he felt that he could wait no longer for his nrney, and h:is forced Mr. Hamilton to place his ent'.e stock on sale ''oginn'ng We'. lcsdny, No ember 2nd, 9 a. in , giving htm ten days from that time in whid t" "aisc the f 18,-108.72. This places at tVe mercy of the buying ,publ'c for ten days V c most complete stock of clothing and furnish ing goods that could be fouund west of the Mississippi river, fcatur'ng only the best shown lines of clothing sucTi as Hart Schafincr & Marx, May or Bros. Michaels-Stern & Co., under wear from the famous Munsingwear mills; sweaters manufactured by Brad ly Knitting Co.; Stetson & Mallory hats'; Crawford slioes; Lee Unionalls CUrr.CU . nnl n1m otitic ntwl ft Mint rt'ftll Vn un on a Sni-a-bar Farms, Grain Valley,1,. Missouri, presents manv valuable and nncs- .. . striking lessons. Perhaps one of the Mr- Hamilton's loss, ,s your gain :irr.t valuable is the improvement and while the mcch-twl so is comwcie worked by the matinir of pure bred ,,n.i m.-,r minnnnt rfCm-ml ? n iir. Shorthorn bulls with common cows. ... ..,' ... . t,... w. ...i, In 1911. four steers from common Krt"" , "" . , , , ' cows sired by common bulls sold for COTTlc caiy v'" uc ucsl servuii uim $2.2 clow top of the market. In 'ivo the greatest opportunity of se 1DK .0 steer.? fed the me as the lectins their want.- bofoic the stock corr n ones out ol oov s cf siniiliar .. : .. i..i..i liia , and breeding but sired by p.'rc '" " ,l,,J V,y, T f ,. bre- M-orthorn bulls topped the ma:- As " ar,,ei1 inducement, Mr. Ham- kct Fiom November !. 1914, to May illon has pln lined to give free ti the 11, '2t, fifteen different sales of f r.t fiftv customers entering his , first cross, and first and Rtcre Wedncsdav morning, November cross steers are reported from . . ., , ' ,, . .,, , b r. The two shipments of com onc art,c!c- Thc nmbc' will be bred steers sohl for f.O cnnCs passed out in scaled envelopes snd i..") below the top of the markej. ' there will be no strings attached in coir i sect Sni- mom and Tlin stee 5 cc first' 15 t fi'iipments of commonly br) any wnv Comc early and receive a Kr1l -Vii Tf nntiln lml Int. it. ' ' '": "r 5: "l Z gift free wlfch id secorid cross steers sold from ranging in valuo frdnl 10 cents Is to 13.40 above other toj) $1.00. will incluc'e articles to SAVE MONEY By subscribing for your Magazines now., We have some very low RED LETTER BARGAINS A saving of from 20 to 33 per cent but you must act quickly for these offers expire after Nov. 10th. Come in and look over the list. Don't give your subscriptions to a stranger but come here where you can have any complaint remedied. CHAS. L. C0TT1NG, The D"ist fw mm vcnumjnanarrnran) tmr nxxwnctft Webs ley County Swine un ug Wi PHONE YOUR COAL ORDER TO MRiftERS' ELEVATOR 'A Bell Phone 29 m Ind. Phone 12 Poland China Sreeders ASSOCIATION SALE Saturday, November 4, 1922 Auditorium Sales Barn, Red Cloud, Nebr. Dd 25 BOARS N -- 25 SOWS These are all good ones and the best of breeding. These hogs are consigned by the following breeders whose reputation for breeding good hogs is unques tioned. It's Our Greatest Offering; Your Greatest Opportunity All hogs guaranteed breeders and all arc vaccinated. Write for a catalog and come out to the sale and buy some of the bef t pigs of the season, Thc hogs will ber cared for until Monday after tho sale. Sale starts at one o'clock. , W. F. Lippincott W. F. Lambrecht Alex Bushow L. R. Mattock Carl Fauscli ! Henry Fausch J. H. Hamilton ;& Son Spencer Vance J. W. Hamilton, Sales Manager T. C. Jensen, Auctioneer State Bank, Clerk WW, Place Your Co VWi Orders Now The Malone-Gellatly Co. wvAVtfvwvur.Jv.AV.v.....vv-vvv Hardware s Electrical Goods TVHEN if 1 il. 1 l. m m t wnciner it oe a small uem or a bill lor a you want anything in the line of hardware, new house we wilj be glad to serve you. ELECTRICAL GOODS We also carry a line of electrical goods, irons, grills, percolators, waffle irons, motors, etc. See us for lamps, sewing machine GEORGE TRINE "Who tkti KiUotft Corn Flikesf Oh, goody, Jine, bet we'ra going to hv KELLOGCTS tor out tap pit,'atn wa won't dreaml" Leave it to theldddies to pickKelloggs Com Hakes- (hey are never tough or leathery! Put a bowl of KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes and a bowl tf imitatipns in front of any youngster! Then see KELLOGG'S disappear ! Try the experiment yourself I It's great to know the difference in corn flakes thc difference between the genuine and the "just-as-goods" ! KeJlogg's have a wonderful flavor that would win your favor by itself but when you know that Kellogg all-the-time crispness! Well they just make you glad! Kellogg's are never tough or leathery or hard to eat! Kellogg's will snap-up kiddie appe tites something wonderful! And, our word for it let the littlest have their fill just like Daddy must have his! You'll rtflvflr lrnnw Tinw 1ilirintic TOASTED corn flakes can be until you eat -. tc WT.T.nrcruei v. ,.;n i,nn... v, CORN KELLOGG uackaec because it is RED ElAKEb and GREEN! Look for it! " . -v" 'ZL4MJ&99' wolX llr3&) A A i "coWflakbs "Alio malteri of KELLOGG'S KRUJIELES and KELLOGG'S BRAH,coolel ar.d Iirumbled ' imi:i - ,m i m 'is 'iiu 1 1 1 Jan i mil1 M' .i ,t iT'Jiui' "ii'i iiuiM! rim aM mm'nwmim. wnammsem n Hereford Cattle aed Foiasid China Hogs AUCTION Wednesday j November 1, '22 Commencing at 12:30, at the Spring Creek Hereford Farm 5 miles north and 4 miles east of Smith Center, 4 miles north and 2 miles west of Bellaire ' ' 7 young bulls from 8 to 12 months old; 10 cows, 3 with calves at foot and rebred, 6 fresh soon, 1 fresh, a good milker; 10 open heifers. 1 herd boar; 6 spring boars; 8 tried sows; 20 spring gilts. S. D. SEEVER RttliM Come to Red Cloud, Nov. 11th 11 A ) I fy j J A ,