RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF .- . "WVAViVWAWV,W.V.V.VAVAWAVAW.V.V.V.W r;J? Jf) CLOUD CHIEF WMMwii,iwtiHiiiijiw. iiwH'.airywwwiiii)iiiujwi - .iA.fti JMT""flHJLLn;'u-' 5 Phonf Ind. 3 on 90, Btll 174. Residence, Bell 241 HetiClovirf. NebTatr-ka. Mrs. Ed Amack UNDERTAKING BOTH PHONES RED CLOUD, NEB L T. AMACK-PHONE IND. 32M 4 IWWWYWWWWWWWWV GROCERIES Cheerful acceptance of orders over the phone or in person and Prompt Delivery are two of the reasons that our store has such a big clientele. ' Another is that our Groceries are always fresh, pure and wholesome and our prices most reas onable. May we have the pleasure of a visit or call from you to-day? P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware TBi inrr kli tuurhda-. ".ntcirccl In the I'oMolTu'C' nt Hid ( louil,Neh ait Second Clasi Mnttor i A. B.MoARTHUR, Editor unci Ownor Advertising Rates Foreign, pdr column Inch I5c Local, 10 & 12K Democratic Ticket 0. M. Hitchcock U. S. Senator Cbas. W. Bryan C ornor Wm. J. MoNicbola Lt. Governor Chas. W. Pool Secretary of Stato George Hall State Treasurer Ornnt Shumway Auditor M, C. Warrington.. Com I'ublio Lands Kenneth W. McDonald.. Att'y General Fred U. Aycrs.. Railway Commissioner A. 0. Shallenbcrgcr Congressman (Jeorge Spohu Stato Senator I. W. Kdsoti Representative B.K.Perry County Clerk .A V. Duckor County Treasurer Frank HuflVr Sbcrlir, B ?. Caldwell County Attorney W. B. I'nttci Min- County Commissioner BRH5S SOME OF THE SEASONS SMART EST STYLES IN COATS If you are hunting a new Coat come in and let us show you our line of Brand New Coats and Styles Prices as low as Good Qual ity and Styles can be bought for, at Barbara Phares iqmaai l.v xrwajjuawnr tMr .aMvacanwaounan m have nothing with which to buy tin-SB' r. V. Simmo r of D"" Moires jroods lonijor. That dumps the grout roprcstnlin'-; the low :i No' r i -ka dii export surplus on tlio home murk t -. n of the S. Iwtim Arm'-, v.a n and runs the prices down In a ptnM.t " o-dtj jul held a i ior' imr vit'i the way. i Webster County Advwry Bean1. V e The farmer' troubles will not be Army is pluming it- f nancird VOTE FOR STELLA DUCKER CANDIDATE ON THE NON-PARTISAN TICKET FOR ELECTION TO A SECOND TERM A UNIVERSITY GRADUATE HOLDING A DEGREE The A till Saloon League, of whlsh l A. HIkIi is State buperlnti-nden, and Is eoiupokpd of gruimles and hen peek ed vlullms, has sent out uutiuthfnl oircultirs to the votet.s stating that J ended by little I'lire-all salves that may appeal, over the stole in ra'so fu ids Senator 0. M. IIileheock.eHiidiil.ile for be applied 1km e nnd tbeie over tlio ee f jts v.-ork fir iN coning ; c-r oiniinlis 1 lie leal euie mii-t T no;U(l (,,, 'ed f 1 1 1 1P c..npaign go(loAiilmithbiitor tho leal df ' ill0llj(l compicncCf T.esday, October .tup. S.-ii.itur llltuhcoulc is HUiulUccl;3It aml cml Tucsdnv, October 31. to have tho only plan along Mich broad I The momberhlp 'nchr'cs: line-. And it deserves to meet with 1)r w McBrWe president; C. M. iiiniuvuriimi. iiiiisc n.iu nave iiuiuu Sjienvood, treasurer; in in e.piaui il iiucuru in u. reelfiulon, and Cbas. W Bryan, candi date or liovuriHir, on the Democitit ticket, nru viiisut ihfnolory candidates for oillcc. We all know that Senator Hitchcock luis Issued a statement de claring that lie was uguiiibt tho tepeal of the Volstead act and also has voted for all enforcement law A.s for Mr Bryan he has utwuya been dry. The voters will not bo mislead by voting for these men. ' Election Nov. 7, 1922 Your Support Appreciated Senator Hitchcock's proposal for a Bank of Nations to dotsomctulug to rtt-cstablish the credit of Europe and make it again possible for tboso coun tries to become customers of the Amer ican farmer Is meeting with tho high (Items of Twenty Years Ago.) County Commissioner Richards was in tills city, Monday. Ralph I'ope left Wednesday for San Francisco to resume his duties in the U S. Navy. Mis-. Cora Tnlleys spoilt Sunday with friends in Guide Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pylo returned to their home in. Preston, Tuesday. Herbert Conover, and wife of McCook were visiting rilutlvjs in this city, this weelc. Mrs. M. W. Dlekerson. left Tuesdav favor that it deserves among the farm-1 mornini, for Lincoln for an extended ers of the state-who are the chiet ex . vli,u ilt tl,e ll0,nu of hur 80n nml & ter. porters to Europe. .. . i . , i i . 1 J Ross Snllars returned to his home In Tho chief thing that is the matter this city Sunday morning, after nu ex- with farm prices Is Hint millions of J8n',lHl,JflB.tri'Hh1omBe1of his slstu'"' in Scotts IIIulTs, Nebraska customero wo formerly bouglit our Howard Foe, secretary; E. G. Caldwell, A. B. Mc Artliur, F. J. Munday, Clias. Piatt, W. B. Smith, Fred Turnurc, I. T. Amack and F. W. Cowdcn. Formerly the Salvation Army sent out solicitors to cover f". c entire state ask'iifr for funds, but now tho work vf raising the money is concentrated in tho hands of local people. This is the only time during the year that you w'll to asked for anything for tho Salvation Army. "If you are asked at any other time do not respond." Mis. A. It. Reynolds, of Bladen, vis- ' nminatlou. farmers goods have gone bankrupt and lted friends in this city yesterday . Farm Loans Call nnrt see me if you want a farm loan at a reduced rate of interest and best option. Loans closed immedi. jately with no delay or e.pense for ex J. H. BAILEY. Mil (Political Advertising) (Political Advertising) (Political Advertising) MMM IlllliilflllllP r.-vi WHAT THE. RECORDS SHOW THE RECORDS SHOW THAT SINCE MAR.CH 4TH, 1921, THE TIME THAT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY WAS INTRUSTED WITH NATIONAL AFFAIRS PEACE HAS BEEN RE-ESTABLISHED WITH GERMANY AND AUSTRIA: THE NATIONAL DEBT HAS BEEN REDUCED MORE THAN TWO BILLION DOLLARS; THE ARMS CONFERENCE HAS NOT ONLY REDUCED THE SIZE OF NAVIES BUT HAS SETTLED THE OUT-STANDING DANGER OF WAR WITH TWO COUNTRIES; A BUDGET BUREAU HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED; LIBERTY BONDS RESTORED TO PAR AND TAXES REDUCED. W.E. ANDREWS For Congressman 5th Dist. Congressman W. E. Andrews' experience und training in national affairs has quali fied him exceptionally well for efficient ser vice as a member of congress. A new mem ber could not acquire the same degree of efficiency without many years of hard labor. Mr. Andrews h&s been light and has voted on all important legislation. VOTE FOR W. B. ANDREWS JACK WALLER For County Sheriff Jack is probably as wfll ktfpwn as any man in the county, having been born hcie Ho hni always been fair and square in all dealings with his fellow men and -has never before sought public office, liih homo is in Cowles and the people there aro all his friends'. Ifo is in favor of tho strict en forcement Of all laws anil pledges himself to do all in his power to appicliend the wrong doer. VOTE FOR JACK WALLER C.A.WALDO . For County Commissioner Mr. Waldo is a successful business man of Inavalc and hr.s served tho county faith fully and well and is deserving a re-election, lie has proven that lie has had tho interests of tho county at heart nd has carefully administered the affairs intrusted to his care with prudence and economy. He is the right man for the place. M. F. RICKARD For Senator 27th Dist. M. F. Richard of Guide Rock has served the people of Webster county with credit in the lower house and in tho senate and knows the modes and procedure ol parlc montary law. Mr. Ricknrd is closely allied with the farming intprets, being himself a farmer by inclination and choice. Caic ful and cautious he is the right man to safe guard the people's money. VOTE FOR M. F. RICKARD MRS. HAZEL POWELL For County Treasurer Mrs. Powell ht.s fully demonstrated her ability to handlo the affairs in the treas urer's 'office with speed and dispatch. At tho same time she lias been most obliging in all her dealings with tho public und alio should be treasurer in fact and name. There is no questioning her ability, her affability or her accuracy. VOTE FOR MRS. HAZEL POWELL DANIEL GARBER For Representative 71st Dist. Dan us cveryb dy knows him wns born in Webster county on a Webster county farm and after forty-seven years is still on the old home place. He was graduated from our high sJicol and from the Law depart ment of the State University. He Mb a man of wide reading and p careful student of governmental afffairs and is especially well qualified to represent Webster county in the Legislature this coming year. VOTE FOR DANIELI. GARBER ELME SIMONS For County Clerk Elmer Simons of Cowles lias been a suc cessful farmer all his life and is one of those fellows who is liked by everyone. He is a hale fellow well met wherever he gees and makes friends everywhere. Ho, has never before sought public recognition, how ever, lie is well qualified for the position and is a good man for tho office. VOTE FOR ELMER SIMONS VOTE FOR C i L a: WALDO r. THE STATE AND COUNTY CANDIDATES ON THE REPUBLICAN , TICKET THIS YEAR ARE ALL WORTHY AND EFFICIENT ANDfWE HAVE NO HESI TANCY IN ASKING YOU TO SUPPORT THE TICKET FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. r Respectfully Submitted, (one IL HOWARD S. FOE For County Attorney Howard S. Foe is a product of Webster county. After graduating from our public s hooks he completed the four year course of the Unhersity of Nebraska entirely upon his own re ources. He has j racticed law in this county for tho past seen jcin with the exception of Hie time h was in the army. During his present term as County Attorney lie has had a remarkable degree of success and has conducted the office in an efficient and economical munner. He is deserving of a second term and if elected the people may be assured the laws will be enforced. VOTE FOR HOWARD S. FOE GEO. H. OVERING For County Surveyor Geo. II. Ovcring in point of service is one of the oldest engineers in tho state. He is a shark for figures and accuracy is his stock in trade. As consulting engineer for the beard of county commissioners he has saved the taxpayers of the county thousands of dollnrs. VOTE FOR GEO. H. OVERING m inn ii COUNT V COMMHEE t f E. J. COX For County Commissioner Mr. Cox was selected by his homo folks in Guide Rock to represent them on tho county board and this is in itself sufficient reason to recommend hi in to tho voters of tho entire county. Ho has carried on largo farming operations successfully and is well fitted for this position. He will see that our county funds aro used to advantage and you will make no mistake in giving him your support. J VOTE FOR E J. COX, D.n G.b . V. G. Wi-rrcn and E If. Ne. (...i-j nd home tho la o th wc'k fii n L n.oln where ll. v had been atci'd-'ng tho I. 0. 0. F. Grand h!ge. Monday afternoon, Hen. R..H. IIov -ell, caiKiick.te for U. S. Senator on the rp.ublii-r.n thkjt, wi.s in the e ty and t'.e votc s n the i sue. " of the campaign. " Yodt and Robertson n'jppcd a car of cattle to Kansas City Sunday. Al s Dclaney Bros., one car of cattle antl one of hogs and A. B. Crabill three car.-, of hogs. Friday afternoon the Chester High School foot ball defeated tlhe local team by a score of 21 to G. Red Cloud made their first touch down in the first quarter. Mr. and Mrs. Will Kizcr of 'Lin coln spent 'i .e last of the week here with his fathe, S. B. Kizcr, ami her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Sim Robertson, and other iclat ves. Tiic Georgia Minstrels were on the v boards U the Auditorium Sun day and a very large audience was prose it. and they were all highly pleascduvith the show. Ford Walke. came down from Mc Cook Wednesday maming to take the job of firing on the switcli engine which Lester Yost, who had been fir ing it, went to McCook to work ouL of there. Robert Hoxsey, who for several months has been salesman for the Crown l'uit Co., has resigned this position and has taken a more lucra tive position with the Erst National .Bank of Hastings. ' Roy Teel arrived in the city last Thursday from California to visit his parents and also to accompany his wife and children home who had been visiting her folks in New Jersey 'but had stopped off here to visit his folks. , A. C. Hunter, of the Nebraska. Wesleyan University at University Place, states that Howard Frisbie, Elta Fry, Glen Fry, Rufa Hazel Fry, Gem White and Zelma Wbnderly of this city are attending th:s college this year. Daniel Garbcr, republican candidate for repre entative to tho coming leg islative, stands for economy in govern ment and reduction of publ'c expen ditu es. He is opposed to the con stantly growing centralization of gov ernment with its increased cost, anil s a fir'i (uUocitc of 1 cal holf gov cr imcnl in b th chil and educational affairs. Governoi S. R. MeKclvio was in the city Saturday morning and spoke irr behalf of his pet hobby the Code Bill' and also the Republican ticket. If the Code lalw is a good one we would think the Governor would not have to travel up antl down the state speak ing in its behalf. He had plenty of charts along with a lot of figures to make the people like it if possible:. WJ lie playng with the F. J. Mun day children at W e!r home Sunday afternoon Frank Morhart, son of Mr. and Mis. Bert Morhart, was rescued from an untimely death by Attorney Munday. The children were playing with a ropo and in some way this lad gut ) o rope tied in a noose around his jicck and had become unconscious when rescued. Doctors wore summon cd and aid given and he is able to bo about again. F. I. HOOKER AUCTIONEER Guide Rock, !- Nebr.. Ten Years' Experience and Satisfaction Guaranteed ) i M. '&- JV 7 " "- 'Phone 135 3-m. ..(aw Tt iDii g