MneolD ,, m. I i- -isisfSit;s!tctr fiUkmQt.. ,,... j-t-o." ?.?: jvttips.r .. t . i - -.- '- s'iBt.t zui.--i-t& etxnx a j9VEcbBII1Hl4Iuz 3 i i KHtPsfEfcav ' I r w Sw T xnpTTivKi HPMHHHaMaQHHaHflH6v9lt dHHiB A Newspaper That Gives The News FITty-twt Weeks Each Year Fer S1.50 VOLUME 50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 2G. 1922 NUMBER 43. Political Advertising Political Advertising FOR COUNTY CLERK , VOTE FOR ( X) B. F. PERRY , UNDERSTANDS THE WORK OF THF OFFICE AND HAS BEEN A CAREFUL, EFFICIENT AND ACCOMODATING OFFICIAL. .. Wh Change? VOTE FOR PERRY BUSINESS WOMEN'S CLUB ORGANISED LAST NIGHT 1 u Business Wur.c.i'b Club held an organization mooting last even ing in the I. 0. 0. P. Hall. All the old officers were re elected: Mary Peterson, president; Emma Bnrgman, sccrctr.:y; Lydia Traut, treasurer. Spveral committees wcic appointed and new members added to the list, which now numbcro fifty-five. The ret of tf'c evening, following the business session, spent in playing cards and having a general good time. They adjourned at a late hour, to meet again on Hallowe'en evening to enjoy another picnic. Advcitiscr. (Political Advertihing) (Political Advertising) county superir-.::ndf.nt LLLLLLLLLkk&9H" jma IT ESTELLE E. DUCKER Candid :le fov Second Term TO Til . ' TEHS OF WEBSTER COUNTY: I am ask fr a sitwiuI term in the office of County Superintenden inj that it is a time honored principle of American polu 'o endorse faithful and efficient service in public office byt. ' inu f :. jecond term. During my present term of ofilce, realizing the present heavy burden of taxation, I have practiced the most rigid economy. Under the law I am allowed S600.00 for Institute work. Of this fund I have uued only S150.00, thus saving the tax payers $450.00. and in the buying of supplies I have saved some 5300.00, and now have on hand over $250.00 to carry, on institute work next year. Thus I have on these two items alone accomplished a saving of appropriation and have created a surplus on hand in spite of general high costs. I stand for the best of teachers at reasonable salaries. Poor teaching is a crime against the children. School "boards are responsible for their wage contracts with teachers. I have stood firmly and uniformly for an absolutely im partial, equitable and courteous administration of the affairs of my office. I have stood for what is highest and best in education, realizing that we must look to education for the solution of our present pressing problems. Let me say in conclusion that I was reared in Webster County. After graduating from the State University I spent many years teaching in the schools of this county, and am familiar with their history and development. I have frequently attended the University summer school sessions to keep abreast with .progress in education. I know.from. experience in the one term I have had that I can render better service to the county during a second term, and if elected I will give the same undivided attention to my duties, and the same careful consideration to the pub lic that it has been my pleasure to extend in the past. Wishing the best for Webster County, I am, ESTELLE E. DUCKER, Candidate for Second Term. RED CLOUI) TO HAVE A COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE More About Armistice Day Thu different committees for tli cnMirnilnn held several meetings this weel; iiml everything i- running Bum itlily ThuuolHbrution will rj.ilU eoinmence Kridiiy evening ami l.iat until inUinite, Nov Utli Fiidny ufti'i'iiooii the Red Cloud Hik'H Fool I3,i 1 1 team ul.l play thu Hurdy team In the evening Hell'h Unit Acre the L'.'yiou'b curuivul will open its doors ut the ShIh Pavilion. This will consist of shows, country grocery htoie, games und u big dunce, for which Itetz's or chestra will furnlbh the music. Adults will be charged 20c and children 10c admittance. Saturday morning the celebration will be in full swing as at 10:30 there will be a band concert followed by a Ford parade tor which there will be eighteen events with a first and second prize tor each. There will also bo a Men's Barrel Race with Fords and a Ladies Slow Driving Race, each event limited to six entries each, first and second prizes will be given Henry Fauscb assisted by Chas. Smith and Qrant Turner will be in charge of the parade. In the afternoon the band will give a concert and the big foot ball game of the season will then cotnooiF, Formosa, Khb., Logion vs Roi Cloud Legion Ollvor Powell is coauhlng the team every night ami the boys will put tip the light of old. Thu Legion Show will open at noon and close at midntte and no doubt this will bo our biggest event in years to come. Tuesday evening tho c who urc in terested in the Community Giristmns Tree met at the Anld Library and after borne discussion, it was decided to have another program and tree this year, The following officers for year's event were selected: N. B. Bush, president. A. B. Gclwick, vice president Mrs. H. Tfoma, secretary. Isadorc Johnson, treasurer Chairman of Finance Committeemen. The dale has not been dee'ded up- .n and Mr. Bush stated that Man ager Linn of the Auditor'um had of fered the use of the Auditorium pio vided the program was over by 8:10. LetV all got busy rnd help mrike this event a gaod one. DISTRICT COURT PROCEEDINT.S this and aMi,inimBiipipniiiii A Financial Rainbow A V Make Water Inspection Trip Al Hufrtiinn, O. J Warren, D. Hdi-on, hupt Beard and A. M, bur, in com-any with Attorney V. K. Mauter, inadouvIMLl itbe Maurcr farm Wednesday afternoon at which time the latter gentleman explained to ut. where water no doubt can bo found in abundance. The apt lugs can be found northwest of thu Burllngtou'h tprings on the ninth banlt of the draw and if properly developed, no doubt enough water could bo secured for thu city's, use for yeais to como We alK visited the springs on Miss Jennie WintonV farm which are about a half milo north or tho hprings on the Maurer plaoe. As the water supply of this city is getting scarce, wo believe It would bo to the be6t interests of the city if the couucll would take some ac tion in regard to obtaining water from these bprings. Congregational Church Notes Sunday School 10 a. m. There will bo no preaching service next Sunday. Grace Church Notes Twentieth Sunday After Trinity Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Sendee at 11 a. in. Evening Sorvloe at 7:30 p. m. All Saints Day, Nov. 1st, Holy Com munlon at 0 a. m. English Lutheran Church Regular services every first and third Sunday in tbo month in the Adventist church, Coming Sunday, being the fifth Sun. day in the month, there will be no ser- District Judge Dilworth held a short1 term of Equity Court hcic TJucs day and Wednesday. The jury was directed not to report until Novem ber 28th, at wJL'ch time all the cases are expected to be disposed of. The following is a list of the mat ters disposed of: Stjte of Nebraska vsLynn Delph andfltalpu Chaplin, parole extended. State vb Charles Richardson, Dis missed on request cf County Attor ney. State vs Boy Kobb'ns. Dismissed. County of WcJster vs Hugh Gulli ford, sale confirmed William Hicks & Elmer Fogg vs Webster Cfeunty, Passed. Frank Starr vs C. B. & Q. Ry, Tass ed. In the matter of the Appl'catlon of Edgar McBride, Administrator for license to sell real estate. Continued. Oliver Hu 'son vs Jacob Mandel- baum, Pnsred. Nebraska Central Bldg & Loan As sociat'on vs L. R. Rust, Pnsscd. Charles Kalcy vs Willard B. Ste ward ct :;1, Case tried to court, taken under advisement. Wilma Hunt vs Harry Hunt, Di vorce for plninfff. Delia Ferguson vs Albert Ferguson, Partition ordered. Ro.o Butr s John Burr, Suit mon ey allowed plaintiff. Kalo Colo John Cole, Divorce for pla'ntiff and custody of cli'ld. Ernest Prnelt vs Helen Banelt Divorce for f,!"intiff. First Natimal Bank of Blue Hill vs Robert Srrultz, Foreclosure grant ed. F. E. Burr vs Reuben & Erwin Dunbar, Judgment of County Court aff'rniod. SAVING ACCOUNT is a most welcome rainbow to the financial storms of your life. After the clouds have rolled by and you find your Savings still there, the future will look ever so much brighter and cheerful. And you will be glad that you started an account, Why not get busy to-day? Take a few dollars and start art Account with this bank. And with a little added each week plus the interest wc contribute, you will soonliave a sum to allay all fears of any financial storm in the future. If not already a dooosltor ooon an account todav. THE WEBSTER COUNTY BANK I Edward Flotnncc, President Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Flornnce, Caihier Capital and Surplus $35,000.00 ntnntlt (liurtinttfitliuth Dtnnnltnrt (lmminlu 'unit nt Iht State of AVinutd fflnfflimraiMMM The Lnrrjest Butterfly. The lsirset known moth or butter tly In tie wot Id Is tho Great Atlns Moth of India. With wings out Ltrctehed It measures nearly a foot across from tip to tip. vices O, R. Heinltz, Pastor. Itev I W. Edson will preach at the Baptist churob next Sunday. Charity lodge A. V.& A. M Is to bold a bpecial 'communication Friday evening for work in the I&llow Craft degree. Visiting brethren will be wel come. Au old minister in a small Missouri town was said to be starving to death on donations of catfish, possum and a $500 salary. When ho conldu't stand it any longer he handed In his resigna tion with the following commont; Urctbron and Sisters, I don't think the Lord loves you people for you never die he doesn't seem to want you. I don't think you love eaoh other for I never marry any of yon', And I don't think you love mo for you don't pay me my salary and your donations are wormy fruits and mouldy apples. By thuir'frulta ye shall know them. Tbo Lord has called mo to a better place Pve been appointed chaplain of the peultentiary Where I go you cannot come; but 1 go to prepare a place for you.." Grand Island Independent. Staple Merchandise -AT- BARGAIN PRICES s 27-Inch Apron Checks, per yd - 18c 27-Inch Grey Outing, heavy quality, yd - 20c 27-Inch Light Outing, heavy quality, yd - 18c 32-Inch Light Outing, special value, yd - 20c 36-Inch Unbleached Muslin, yd 12 l-2c 36-Inch Standard Percales, yd 19c R.. P. WEESNER CO. Red Cloud, Nebraska bMBiaaaagCTCTinaSJIBITrtVtKii.TU'aCaaag.Xg'.UUa irra-Trr',-tiaar-fnirirrrTK3fTrmm ,,.,,,,.,., ,-r,rr-r i ,.1.-.--..,. . riM.T.TTTrrnTTWjraTr7T.,,-.ffrr.1t, nf t t W2SE PARENTS WILL HAVE THEIR CHILDREN'S EYES EXAMINED AND TESTED BEFORE SCHOOL BEGINS. BY SO DOING THEY KNOW THE CHILDREN BEGIN THE SCHOOL YEAR PROPERLY PREPARED TO MAKE THE BEST USE OP THEIR SCHOOL HOURS. BRING THE CHILDREN IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS. WE MAKE NO." CHARGE FOR EXAMINATION AND FIT NO GLASSES UNLESS NEEDED. -' FOUNTAIN PENS WITH CLIP $1.50 -"" BLOTTERS FREE ASK FOR THEM "RITE-RITE" MECHANICAL PENCILS 10c LEADS FOR AUTOPOINT, EVERSHARP AND OTHER 10c PER-DOZEN Pocket Ben Watches $1.50 Glo Ben Watches $2.50" ' Alarm Clocks $1.25 to $4.75 PENCILS CJf r KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEBR. f HE HffGrlES WAV ' Cleaners-Dyers-Tailors WE CLEAN HATS Dr.R. V. Nicholson DENTIST Cloud Red Nebraska. P t -I t.- f-i ' iS V '4 t " ,M 1? k , h 1 ' & --.-...