The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 19, 1922, Image 7

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Wie AmeftcanMan
'. vo,
9a. to
s li f!
Mr3. Viola French.
Danville, 111. "I think Dr. ricrce's
Golden Medical Discovery Is tho best
medicine I have over used or board of.
I learned of It through a friend when
I was In a weak and highly nervous
condition. I bad lost Interest In al
most everything Just dragged on In a
listless sort of way. A few doses of
the 'Discovery' gave me u brighter
view of life and I began to gain
Htrongth. No one but those who havo
used this helpful medicine are In a
position to speak fullv of Its merit."
Mrs. Viola French, 103 S. Hazel St.
What fiolden Medical Discovery has
done for thousands It will do for you.
Get it today from your nearest drug
gist, tablets or liquid. Write for free
medical advlco to Dr. Pierce's, Buffalo,
N. Y.
nro usually due to straining
when constipated.
Nujol being a lubricant
keeps the food waste soft
and thcreforo prevents
"training. Doctors prescribe
Nujol because it not only
Boothca tho fluttering of
piles but relieves the irrita
tion, brings comfort and
helps to remove them.
N u o i is a
lubricant not
n mrrlirlnn nr
KwiolH laxative so
cannot gripe.
Try it today.
in New York City alone from kid
ney trouble last year. Don't allow
yourself to become a victim by
neglecting pains and aches. Guard
against this trouble by taking
Tho world's standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles.
Holland's National Remedy since 1696.
All druggists, tbreo sizes.
Look for tho name Cold Medal on erery bos
and nccept no imitation
atorer. Safe to uao an water. Makes you look jounz
ai.-filD- At nil Rood ilrutrulbts, "5 cents, or direct
from HhbSIU LLLI3. C'liemlutb, Memphis, Teno-
Hcr Choice.
Inexperienced Young Hrblc "I
want siniic lard." Grocery Clerk
"Pall?" r.ride "I didn't know It came
In two shades I" Life.
III v y4mM
u ivIXk'yMsM?Kmr taH JUS
mmMmm w .Jap
J& liMunwL 3?fSaf 4ar
1ft. $x
Snowy linens nro the pride of every
housewife. Keep them In that condb
tlon by using Itcd Gross Hall Blue In
your laundry. At all grocers. Adver
tisement. Age brings wisdom, but the trouble
Is It doesn't leave us much time to
ufc It.
Sure Relief
'jjms C n.-t..WCv4
1 " mm
6 Bell-ans
.M' Hot water
-LPl Sure Relief
25t and 75$ Packages. Everywhere
"Vaseline" Petroleum Jelly bene
fits all bumps, sores, bruises, sua
bum, blisters, cuts and chafed sLiu.
Never be without a bottle of it in
the house. It's safe, always effec
tive and costs but a trille.
Suto Street (Coniolldiied) New Yolk
Keg. U.S. Pat. Off.
Petroleum Jelly
cadi (mhstr jsjIlflftfl(ss
&& S&kDWiB tbtj Jaffitjp
wcgcs)i?(iis w mm4ffi
CiU21f II9 U
n I mWLmWr w
J1 le -&JVZlUtf KHd la I irry
tn. tVks i 1M A -mmMrv tVUKi.i Sit I rv
. O "VclAMv-i-iWIlft 'A Cmta-'.! ." ''b-iKJI I A
111 II PsRStl M oyH5A. vfi w'!"'' 1 1K
, va p r x yvr ja
A--H r -X T ( 1 HAY in
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r a
So Fragrant
and Smoo tfi
Rciutlful women know the
vnluc of using rain water and
pure soap for their complex
Ions. Because of Us purity, ulrU
today favor
Cashmoro Bouquet Soap
The favorite perfumed soap
for three Kener.ttlons
Large sf;e, a y. Medium site, roe
Luxurious Lasting
HE American nt tho front in tho
World war won Imperishable re
known for his country and for him
self as a ftehtlnR mnn. Now hero
are tho cold-blooded facts nbout tho
American mnn of flRhtlnR nRQ as re
vealed by a study of tho record pa
pers of 1,000,000 men examined for
service. Tho study was mado by
MnJ. Oon. Mcrrltto V. Ireland, sur
coon Keneral of the United StutcB
army. A summarj by General Ireland of some of
the IntorestlnK facts disclosed by that study In
cludes the following:
"During tho war over 'J.000,000 men wero en
rolled In tho military service In tho army and
Bllshtly over 000.000 In the navy and marlno
corps," he said.
"After Dec. 15, 1017, tho basic classification of
all registrants was first as to their economic avail
ability for military service. All who wero found
to bo available nt onco wero classed aB Class 1.
Tho total number of these men of thu first nnd
second reglstrntlnns, and Including all who went to
camp, prior to Dec. lf, 1017, mm ,70 1,000. Of
this group over n half million, OHO.OOO, wero reject
ed by their locnl boards as physically unfit for all
military fiorvlce. Of those considered physically fit,
amounting to approximately 3,1200,000, over 2,700,
000 entrained for tho military camps.
"Tho physical examinations of theso CInss 1
men by the locnl nnd enmp examining bonrds
showed that 47 per cent of them hnd n military
defect of sufllclent lmportunco to note on tho re
port of tho examinations.
"Tho percentage of tho defectlvo men vnrlctl
materially according to tho section of tho Unltod
States from which thoy wero drnwn. Tho num
ber of defectlvo men varies by states from 04 per
cent In Ithodo Island to 5 per cent in Kansas.
Rhode Island, tho most urban of all states, whoso
population Is largely ongnged In manufacturing,
stood nt tho top, lnrgoly becauso of tho defectlvo
and non-resistant stock which has been drawn to
this state. Kansns, on tho other hand, Is largely
agricultural nnd nuch of Its population us la of
foreign origin 1b of tho moro robtiRt type. Tho
percentage of tho native born in Kansas is 03 per
cent and In Ithodo Island 20.4 per cent.
"Of all CInss 1 men 21 per cent wero found phys
Ically unfit for nil military service, or n llttlo moro
thnn ono In flvo wert physically unlit to perform
nny typo of military sen-Ice either nt homo or
abroad. Tho moro important causes of rejection
were :
"Organic disease of tho heart, 11.5 per cent of
tho total casca of rejections; tuberculosis, 0.3 per
cent; errors of refraction, 8.4 per cent; under
weight, 7.8 per cent; mentnl deficiency, 4.5 per
cent ; hernln, 4,3 per cent ; flnt foot, 3.0 per cent ;
defectlvo and deficient tooth, 3.2 per cent, nnd
defectlvo speech and bearing, 2.0 per cent. Of
tho Inrgo class of diseases tho defects of tho bones
and organs of locomotion ranked first, 17.2 per cent
of the total causes of rejections; diseases of tho
heart and blood vessels second, 15 per cent; dis
eases of tho eyo third, 12.0 per cent, and tuber
culosis fourth, 0.3 per cent.
"nbodo Island, which had tho largest number
nf defectlvo" nlso hnd tho lnrgest number of men
rejected. Torty-two per cent, or almost one-half
of nil between tho ages of 21 and 80, who wero ex
amined In thnt stnte, wore rejected. In Wyoming
only 18 per cent wero found to bo physically unfit.
"More men from tho cities wero rejected, 23 per
cent, than from the rural districts and smnll towns,
CO per cent, due not only to tho environmental
condition In tho Inrgo cities, but again nlso to the
character of the foreign population which bad con
gregated In them.
"A defoct of Homo character was noted In 80
per cent of all men from Rhode Island, whllo thoso
from Knnsas hnd only n llttlo over half this num
bor, 42 per cent. Tho physique of tho population
of tho vnrloua states varied even to as great nn
extent as the number of physical defects did.
Rhode Islnnd had tho largest relative number of
men who were below tho required mllltnry height,
tho largest percentage of thoso below the required
mllltnry weight for their height, and also the larg
est percentago of those who wero regarded as
obese. In other words, the population, which was
composed to n considerable extent of South Euro
peans and French-Canndlans, ran to the extreme.
Tho men from certnln of the other states, and
especially from the North Central and Northwest
ern states, were much bettor proportioned.
"It was a matter of surprise to many that th
actual gain In weight of tho men whllo In military
service was only about three und one-third pounds.
There were premature reports of average gains of
from 12 to 15 pounds. What actually happened,
however, wns that tho lean men became moro ro
bust, while those who wero overweight wero
trained down to their proper proportion.
"The average height or stature of 1,000,000 men
was 07.10. The shortest men enmo from Rhode
Islnnd, G0.4 Inches; tho tallest from Texas, 03.4
Inches. Considering the population groups, the
tallest men came from tho mountain nrca of North
Carolina. These men were of Scotch descent and
averaged 0S.07 Inches.
"Tho average weight for tho United States was
141.51 pounds. The hcnvlest men wero from South
Dukotn, 140.00 pounds, and tho lightest from Ithodo
Island, 130.44 pounds.
"In each 100 men from tho urban districts there
wero 01 defects noted, and from tho rural 53. Chi
cago, 02, and Huston, 00, wero above tho average
for tlie cities, while Philadelphia, 00, and New
York, (X), were both below the average.
"Of the Individual defects, that which was re
corded most frequently wns flat feet, 11.7 per cent
of the men exniulned. Nineteen nnd six-tenths per
cent of all defects noted wero for this one.
"The effect of race upon tho relative frequency
of this defect Is shown by the fact that tho sec
tions with 45 per cent of negroes hnd relatively
a much smaller number of cases, 7.5 per cent, than
thoso of the Scandinavians, 12.8 per cent, those of
the Germans and of Scandinavians, 11.8 per cent,
or of those of the Germans and Austrlans, 12.4
per cent. Consequently, tho states of the North
Central section nnd of tho Northwest bad a rela
tlvely high percentage of cases of this defect.
"Flat foot was noted only 77 per cent as fre
quently among the men from the rural districts as
among those from the urban.
"According to tho best Information available,
venerenl diseases were noted In 5.7 per cent of
tho selective service men who wero sent to tho
military camps. Flvo and eight-tenths per cent of
nil the diseases noted belonged to this class. The
relative- prevalence of this class of disease varied
from 10.4 per cent among the men from Florida
to 1.3 among thoso from Vermont.
"The third most frequent defect noted wns
hernln, tho result of Insufllclent muscular abdomin
al support, probably aggravated by excessively
heavy labor. Of each 100 men examined, four hud
an actual or potential hernia. Seven and one-tenth
per cent of nil tho defects noted wero of this char
acter. Tho relative number of cases was greatest
among tho men from Oregon, 11.8 per cent, and
lenst among thoso from Kentucky, 2.2 per cent.
"The refractive errors of tho eye stood fourth In
numerical frequency. Of each 100 men, 3.3 had de
fective vision, duo to some chnractor of refractive
error. Of all the defects noted 5.0 per cent be
longed to this class.
"Two and one-bnlf per cent of nil of Class 1 men
were rejected as unfit for military service on ac
count of tuberculosis, or of suspected tuberculosis.
Expressed In nbsolute numbers, 01,000 men out of
3,701,000 wero unfit for military servlco as the
result of this disease. It was relatively most fre
quent among tho men from certnln of tho states
of tho West and Southwest to which cither they
or Wielr ancestors had migrated on account of It.
Tho percentage of cases was greatest among thoso
from Arizona, 0.7 per cent, nnd lenst among thoso
from Wyoming, 1.2 per cent. Arizona was followed
by New Mexico, Colorado, California and then
Ithodo Island.
"A greater number of enses wore reported among
tho men from the cities, 2.4 per cent, than among
those from rural districts, 1.8 per cent. Tho rela
tive number of men rejected for this cnuso from
tho four largo cities was greatest among thoso
from Philadelphia, 2.4 per cent, followed by New
York, 2.3 per cent. Chicago, 2.2 per cent, and Bos
ton, 2.1 per cent.
"Ono and flvc-terfths per cent of nil of tho men
examined were rejected on account of mental ab-
normalities. The maximum of cases wus reported
among tho men from Vermont, 3.8 per cent, nnd
tho minimum among those from Nevada, 3 per cent.
Among the population groups, the highest percent
age was among tho mouutuln whites, 3 per cent,
nnd tho least among the Mexicans. 1.1 per cent.
"Tho llndlngs show that the health of the popu
lation of tho various sections of our country la
very materially Influenced by n number of fnctorB,
ono of tho most Important of which Is the char
acter of the population, both foreign nnd nntlvo
born. Environment Is nlso of great Importance,
such as surrounds people In densely populnted In
dustrial centers, or In sparsely settled districts ; In
a healthy plateau section, or In a semi-tropical one
with a constant exposure to the possibility of con
tracting chronic malarial and hookworm Infections.
"Occupation also plays an Important part; mill
work In the South, and lumber work In the North
together with employment on the railroads cause
thu loss of extremities; agriculture Is associated
with good eyes and straight limbs, and In the
South, but less In tho North, with freedom from
Hat foot and distorted toes; standing In shops and
walking on pavements In Improperly fitted and
Improperly shaped shoes, together with the moro
constant use of the shoes In early life, accounts
for many of the cases of Imperfect fret 'In the city
population ; and much school work and much cleri
cal work tends to produce myopia In those so dis
posed. In early life bad posture at school, especial
ly among undernourished and rickety children ac
counts for much of the curvature of the spine, and
this Is especially true In cities with their large
percentage of foreign population."
Average- American of Fighting Age by States.
uro actually deniiunlod year after
yearby more people tliunanyotlior
Hliou in lliu world
RFfAIISF' for at y I o.
Morkuifiiilili tliey uro un-
I'rolontlon agatniit unrr aron
attlo iirntllK la Kiinruliteol by
tin) price stumped on erery
Voarnot uttlufnctorjr mrvlco
h.ito kItoii tlioin cmitlitonco
In the tiuixu unit In tlie pro
tection aUiirilol liy luo w.Ij.
DuiikIimTiihIo Mark.
into nil of our 110 stnrot at
factory cost. Wn tin not nmko
one cent at protlt until tlie
line uro nold tu you. It la
worth doll lira for you to
romiMnhor thnt when you
buy elioci at our stores
(totter run supply you with
W l..l)ougliiii atiixw Tlieycopt
no more In Hun Francisco
than thoy do In NowKiikIhiuI
4&7V Pv' i Bftv
r4.ou .h nn.r.o
II'. L. Douglas tiamt
nml portrmt u tin
bnl ttioun thot
Trade Hark in Iht
kwM. HUandlJor
Ihf highul ilandara
Hf Quahlv ul the lev
nl pouttlt coll. Tlii
namr and tone IJ
plainly itampeU vn
tne tow.
POMPARP our (7 mid 38 If m fir tilth yirrbUt
iumrrc gll()(. witbany mm- (m tin uaut
110 or tl- shoes made,
d'alrr in vnur town handUt
.l.lougtit inoet, anlrto
dav for rxctuixrt riffnli to
handlr (ill ijuiek itllma.
tuic turn over line.
I'ririffenf v
V,I,.Vouuln ShotO.
10 Spark Strrrl
IlrooAlotl, Mm.
Mcun Mean Dcfcc-
State HclKht WclRlit Uvea
Jnclioa. PouiHlfl. Per 1,000
Alabama US.01 1-11.23 -127
Arizona 8.1.r 1-13.01 410
Arkansas 0S.20 1-11.28 38-1
California 07.07 113.08 fiS3
Colorado 0S.15 1-11.00 544
Connecticut 00.71 130.S2 507
Delaware 07.10 130.45 473
District of Columbia 07.03 1-10.53 453
Florida 07.58 130.32 511
Georgia 7.!)0 140.82 453
Idaho 0S.10 145.31 470
Illinois 07.10 141.71 471
lmllnna 07.75 141.01 410
Iowa 0S.04 144.72 425
Kansas 0S.20 143.72 351
Kentucky 08.02 140.00 382
Louisiana 07.00 130.02 428
Maine 07.28 141.03 503
Maryland 07.03 140.40 530
Massachusetts .... 00.70 138.40 535
Michigan 07.23 141.09 457
Minnesota 08.01 140.41 421
Mississippi 0S.27 143.23 420
Missouri 07.05 141.43 480
Montana 08.01 140.32 450
Nebraska 03.08 141.74 300
Novitdn 0".83 145.35 470
New Hampshire. .. 00.07 140.33 505
Now Jersey 00.77 138.81 452
New Mexico 07.50 138.47 458
New York 00.72 130.53 502
North Carolina .... 08.15 141.49 453
North Dakota 07.92 140.05 438
Ohio 07.38 141.33 421
Oklahoma 08.23 142.35 432
Oregon 08.09 140.38 570
Pennsylvania 00.72 130.72 500
Ithodo Island 00.40 130.41 040
South Carolina .... 07.04 140.49 423
South Dakota .... 08.05 140.00 373
Tennessee 08.27 140.10 442
Texas 08.40 142.22 402
Utah 07.85 143.13 505
Vermont 07.12 140.33 013
Virginia 07.80 140.31 00-1
Washington 07.00 145.44 540
West Virginia .... 07.87 141.53 507
Wisconsin 07.00 144.50 405
Wyoming 07.70 144.01 B14
Alaska (Territory) 08.15 150.49 547
I one extra process H
H which gives a H
1 delicious flavor H
WmM IlrVwxwl
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if Llll f
Suspenders and Garters fjVfl
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Wear One Vrar'a Uant MUliWLn I
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bucklm. Accept no tubatltutiii. -ifflW J
Nu-WaySlrechSuapenderCo. I? jt)
3DeptES310 Adrian, Mlcb. S.?vVjr
KK JMDealen
Shoe Polishes
Avcraco for U. 8, . . (&40
AKfitlH Wo Biiariintfio out hemstitch attach
ment to tin Konil vorl on till machines W rltij
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Novelty Co.. IJox II, Corpus Chrlstl. Texas
i Largest Seaweed,
The kind of seaweetl known ns kelp
Is saltl to be the largest, or at least the
longest, In the worlil, hometiiues at
taining a length or 1,500 feet.
Tho bouscwlfo smiles with satisfac
tion ns she looks at tho basket ot
clear, white clothea and thanks Red
Cross Hull Blue. At all grocers. Ad
vertisement. i:at your crusts or you'll lose your
WymitDIAP Night and Mornlntf.
"IflUWNE, Havm Strong. Healthy
Mi a!? Eye: If they Tire, Itch.
Ton riv-J Smart or Burn, if Sore,
..trtjeC Irritated, Inflamed or
YOUR tlLO Granulated, use Murine
often. Soothw. Refreshes. Safe for
Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Writefor
Freft Ky e Book. rWrfu Eji imtij C., CUctf.
1 1
4 "ii