The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 19, 1922, Image 6

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Recent Happenings in Nebraska
Given in Brief Items For
Busy Readers.
A colored women's democratic club
1ms been organized at Oimilin.
Hoininlngfnrd potato growers are
short on help anil arc clamoring for
Tbo Congregational church at Al
bion celebrated ItH lift let b anniversary
hist week.
Tin: American Legion of Columbus
will bold an "Armistice Day 1'alr"
November Dili to lltb.
"The Hustler No. 12" Is an annual
to be Issued by tbe senior class of
the I'.loomlleld blub school.
Tbe Superior Country club bus vot
ed to buy sixty acres on which to lay
out a now golf course next sprint;.
A contract has been let for the
building of Surprise's new 9115,000
school building. It will be llreproof.
The annual convention of the Statu
Federation of Women's clubs will bo
behl at North Platte October 21 to 110.
More than a hundred ministers of
Hie German Iteformed Church attended
the sessions of that body Just closed
at Sutton.
Kour business buildings were do
stroyed at Foster by a tiro of unknown
origin. The loss Is estimated at
about $:i0,000.
Harry Hutler, a farmer near York,
raised a seventy pound watermelon,
which be bus on exhibit In a local
zroeery window .
John Solt, a farmer residing near
Callaway, harvested OH bushels of
potatoes from one and three-quarters
bushels of seed.
The largest attendance In history
was present at the opening of tbo
Pawnee county fair. Exhibits were
the largest ever.
N. J. Anderson, pioneer citizen of
IJotlge county and said to bo tbe first
photographer to locate In Nebraska,
Is dead at Waboo.
Nebraska was pluced fourth In the
agricultural college stock Judging con
test at (lie national swine show at
Peoria, 111., last week.
Richard Itood, 0 sou of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert F. Itood, of Lincoln, was kill
ed when run down by an automobile
while on bis way to school.
Grand Island merchants held u suc
cessful "Dollar Day" a day set on
which to offer some previously an
nounced bargain for u dollar.
Itecords at the South Omaha Live
stock exchange show large numbers of
feeder cnttle going to the feed lots
in Nebraska, Iowa and Illinois.
Arthur W. Lane, a practicing at
torney of Nebraska for the last throe
decades, died at Lincoln of a stroke
believed to have been apoplexy.
John llartacek of Hooper Is In tbe
hospital with a fractured leg. tbe
price of politeness when he stepped
olT the sidewalk to allow two ladles
to pass.
Humboldt Is enjoying an era of un
usual activity In tbo building line, a
number of rather pretentious resi
liences and business houses being In
course of erection.
Henry Wise, 7, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Wise of Clay Center, was In
stantly crushed to death, when ho sat
on the drive belt of a dynamo at tbo
electric power plant.
Pence olllcers of Nebraska City and
Otoe county are at a loss to cope with
a gang of petty thieves that Is rob
bing' automobiles of tires ami farmers
of harness In that section.
Overcome with fumes while paint
ing the Interior of a water tower at
Mlnatare, George Schley and Don
Pottlgrow were rescued after two
hours effort by a number of workmen.
The twentieth annual sunset social
was held at tbe Methodist church in
York with 218 present. One woman
was more than 00, three more than
IK!, two more than 00 and twenty inoro
than 70.
Word has been received by relatives
In Nebraska of the death of James G.
Southowlck, at his homo In Wblttler,
Cal. On account of falling health he
left tbo state after a long residence
hero, and located In California In 1001!.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis cele
brated their With wedding anniversary
at North Loup. Mr. Davis Is a veter
an of tbe civil war and Invited a
number of old soldiers and their
wives to participate In the festivities.
A reward of $1,250 has been offered
or tbo arrest of two firebugs who
vre believed responsible for tbo burn
lug of the school house In district No.
0 in Sownrd county.
A Jail break was frustrated nt the
Dodge county Jail in Fremont when
Deputy Sheriff Hasson was struck
over the head with a piece of lead
pipe In the bauds of one of the prison
ers. Quick work by Hasson saved
the situation and kept the prisoners
behind tbo bars, when ho managed to
escape tbo grasp of tbo other prison
ers and slum the cell dour behind
John Livingston, (KI, pioneer rail
road man of Fremont, was fatally
Injured while switching enrs. Ho was
pinned between two boxcars.
Tbe half million dollar plant at St.
Elizabeth's hospital, Lincoln, has been
declared by the supremo court to bo
used exclusively for religious and
charitable purposes, and therefore Is
all exempt from taxation.
For the second and third times the
Nebraska supreme court has ruled
that because tbo supremo lodge of the
Knights of Pythias failed to comply
with tbe state law Its recent cbnngo
In rates is not binding on members,
An Innnenso number of the promi
nent members of the Nebraska, Iowa
and Kansas Lutheran Synods nttendod
the dedication of the new $150,000
building ut Fremont, recently acquired
by the Church.
While trying to remove a sand burr
from a glove with bis teeth, Kenneth
Downing of Arnold sucked It Into his
wind pipe. A physician was called,
but could not remove the burr. An
operation will be necessary.
The grand lodge of tbe Independent
Order of Odd Fellows of Nebraska,
composed of tbe subordinate encamp
ment, patriarch militant and Hobokah
bodies, will meet In Lincoln October
17, IS and 10 for its annual conven
tion. On account of corn husking coming
earlier than usual this year In some
sections of the state, farmers around
Cortland, David City, Fllley, Fremont,
Greenwood, Osceola, Prairie Home,
Walton and Wnvorly are sending out
S. O. S. calls for help.
A decrouM' of 1,000 cars In tbe
estimate of commercial potatoes In
western Nebraska, due to failure of
late planting to meet previous ex
pectations, Is announced by tbe ill
vision of crop and livestock estimates
and the Nebraska department of agrl.
Oscar Fauver, sixty-year-old farmer
living near Wymoro, met with an ac
cident when be was milking a cow,
and another of the herd became
frightened at a sheet of newspaper
which blew by, and bolted, kicking as
sho ran. striking Mr. Fauver in the
back and side. It was found that
several ribs were broken.
Discussing reports coming from
various sections of Nebraska, and tbo
southwest telling of a pronounced
shortage of stock cars, E. E. Grimes,
agent at the South Omaha Live
Stock Exchange, denied the rumors
and declared that the situation at
this time in respect to stock cars wa
no worse this fall than any time In
the past.
A drainage hoard has been organ
ized at Norfolk to work out plans to
eliminate annual Hoods from tbe Elk
horn and Northfork rivers. The lat
ter river has Innumerable bends In Its
course before emptying into the Elk
horn and contracts will bo let In n
few weeks to straighten tbe river
from the city through farming sec
tions to tbe Elkborn.
A peculiar accident occurred at
Grand Island when an overcharged
acetylene tank at a garage exploded,
and was thrown through the celling,
through a boarding house on the sec
ond Hour and on through the roof as
If all were papier mnche. Coming
down, it landed in u narrow passage
at tbe rear of the building, fortuna
tely without Injuring anyone.
George W. Hurllngame, of Central
City, post commander of tbe G. A It.,
department of California and Nevada,
who was taken 111 while on his way to
tbo encampment at Des Moines u
couple weeks ngo, died at a hospital
In that City. Mr. Hurllngame was
married on September 21 to Mrs.
Margaret Stoner. Their trip to De?
Moines was planned as a wedding trip
The sum of $1-1,700 cash out of u
total amount of $15,000 was the un
usual proceeds from 5H52 head of
Hereford cattle and 1100 pure bred
Duroc Jersey hogs, hold at public aue
Hon at tbe ranch of Charles Llston,
near Dickens. Mr. Llston, who hut
been engaged in tbe raising of pure
blooded live stock for many years,
says that the cash sales exceeded
any of the past records of his annual
Tbo better babies contest at the
Hod Willow county fair at McCook.
In which 111" babies were scored, re
sulted: I'lider year old, Walter Camp
bell's baby boy: second, Itoger Class'
baby. From IS months to 2 years,
Dr. II. J. Pratt's baby girl; C. C.
Garllck's baby, second. Eighteen
months to 21 months, Charles Clark's
baby; William Jimersou. A. Klalu and
C. E. Harris babies tied for second.
Twins, C. M. Loftin, llrst.
Since the stilngency of lust fall.
Nebraska banks have repaid to tbe
government $.r,0OI,87!t, according to
Fred Thomas, regional chairman of
the war finance corporation. "Tbe
farmers have been able to make these
payments through the banks by the
greater and orderly marketing of
grain, cattle and particularly hogs,"
be said. The amount of loans re
maining outstanding and unpaid now.
advanced to agriculture producers and
stock growers through tbo banks of
Nebraska, is $0,:KW,74.
Tbe first Indian council since the
battle of Wounded Knee, when .'l.'O
Indians were killed by foderal caval
ry, will be held In Clinton October 17,
by the chiefs of the Niobrara, Hose
bud and Pine IMdge reservations.
About MX) Indians will attend tbo
Darius M. Amsberry, secretary of
state the last two terms and defeated
candidate for the primary nomina
tion for congress In the Sixth dis
trict, has announced bis acceptance
of petitions filed on his behalf as In
dependent candidate for secretary of
state at tbe coming election.
Edith Engqulst, 22 enr old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. A, Engqulst,
living on a farm near Central city,
was fatally burned when Iter clothing
caught lire from an oil stove as she
was preparing supper.
Lieutenant Governor Pelhain Har
rows has filed a suit for $0:15.01 as
salary due him for services rendered
in performing tbo duties of governot
during tbo absence of the executive
from the state. It Is a lest case to
determine If the lieutenant governor
can draw the snlary for a period for
which Hie governor has already
J drawn.
Long Trip
In this picturesque craft, tbe Amory, a Chinese Junk, with a crow of seven hands, Captain George Waard, his
wife and son, bavo Just finished n thrilling trip of 01 days from Amory, In China, to Victoria. H. C. This odd ship of
2:1 tons was built entirely by hand. She measures 00 feet over all and 48 feet at tbe water line. During tbe trip sho
weathered u series of typhoons and when within sight of her port was almost run down by n Japanese steamer.
Burning of Smyrna; Spies Hanged by Nationalists
UA TOaBMMMMMafiF 8Bass8ai3SS mJKBsaaaiaasgiB LJ
Photographs Just arrived from Asia Minor showing, at the right, tbe city of Smyrnn In flames after the Turkish
occupation; and at the left, spies ordered hanged by Kenml Pasha with placards on their bodies telling of their
Ituth Evelyn Zlegler, whose poses as
"Autumn," "Mother," etc., have pleased
patrons of a well-l.nown circus, hns
just posed In court In a matrimonial
scene. When sho mnrrled her hus
band, she and he made their homo In
her mother-in-law's vocal studio In tbe
Metropolitan Opera house, New York.
Her testimony In seeking to dlvorco
William J. Zlegler, a critic, Is remi
niscent of the "Seven Keys to Hald
pate." "I couldn't sleep late In tbo
mornings becnuse tbo pupils would be
gin to arrive at seven or eight," she
declared. "AH told, seven individuals
bad keys to tbe studio. I bad no
privacy. I couldn't change clothes or
take a bath without fear of some one's
entering suddenly. I protested to my
husband, but be thought It was all
right. Ho read most of the time any
way. I had about as much prlvncy ns
a goldfish."
Death Duties Reveal Wealth.
The amount of wealth which exists
In tbo United Kingdom was Indlcntcd
by the death duties paid In tbo year
ending March 31, 1021. According to
a statement Just Issued, 07,000 people
died, leaving estates large enough to
pay death' duties. Tbo value of these
estates was about $2,100,000,000. There
wero Oils worth between $75,000 nnd
$100,000. l,4.r0 between $100,000 nnd
$200,000, S50 between $200,000 and,
$500,000, 220 between $.uu,uuu ami
$51,000,000, 71 between $1,000,000 and
$2,000,000. There wore 11 valued at
moro than $5,000,000, and two of thoso
vero worth moro than $10,000,000.
Perfectly Happy.
"How did you Interest Hint aristo
cratic old millionaire? Ho has always
been considered a most dllllcult man
to entertain."
"Oh, ho had tbo time of his life.
Wo got him busy pitching horse
shoes." Louisville Courier-Journal.
n .rZ- f
-4L -isgjsi
in Little Junk Is Completed
"Uncle" Shows Old
Nearly as spry no the time ho drove his llrst team of oxen, at two miles
an hour, from Indianapolis to Seattle seventy years ago, "Uncle Ezra" Meeker
reached Chicago to bo honored guest at the American Electric Hallway con
vention on the Municipal pier. Uncle Ezra, ninety-two, mounts r.talrsteps two
at a time and waxes wroth when dubbed "Grandpu" by the young. A shorj
time ago he rode In nn airplane across tbo State of Washington at eighty
miles per hour. "Thnt there's about my speed," ho approved.
He and his ox team were part of an exhibit Illustrating antiquated
methods of transportation.
U. S. S. Arkansas
Hemnrkahlo photograph made from a navy photographic piano showing
n piano passing over the U. S. S, Arknnsns nfter dropping a torpedo which
made a direct hit. The Arkansas was theoretically "sunk" as a result of the
maneuvers olT tbo Virginia Capes when a squadron of torpedo planes searched
out threo bblps of the Atlantic fleet, attacking them. Tbo photograph shows
clearly the wake of tbo torpedo.
Holland Is planning extensive elec
trification work.
Oklahoma continues to lead all oth
er states In tbo production of oil, with
California second and Texas third.
Time Travel Ways
Theoretically Sunk
New Zealand Is a heavy exporter of
Lanterns wero used by tho undents
In nugury.
Soundings taken In nil parts of the
nnvlgablo globe bavo established tbe
fact that tho average depth of tho sea
Is about two and u half miles.
Farmers of Western Canada Re
joice at Harvest.
Largest Crop In the History of th
Fartlle Provinces May Bo Con-
sidcrcJ Assured.
Iteports of Western Canada's wheat
crop, which may be considered fairly
nccurate, as they arc made at tho
end of tbe season, when the crop Is
fully harvested, would Indicate a
yield of between Itno.OOO.OOO and 070,'
000,000 bushels freni a total acreage
of 21,471,000. This Is the greatest
yield In the history of the provinces
of Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Al
berta. This Immense yield has only
been hnrvosted through the combined
energies of all public bodies rail
ways and governments. It required
the assistance, outside of that locally
employed, of upward of 40,000 men.
These wero brought Into the country
from tho East, Hie West nnd tho
South, by tralnloads, and rushed for
ward at express speed, to be placed In
tbe different districts, under the direc
tion of ofllclnls who were kept advised
dally, by wire, of the needs.
As a result of this combined effort
the lnrgest whent crop In tbe history
of the West was successfully harvest
ed. Tho threshing reports show that
almost unlversnlly, In every section
of the country, the grain graded high.
In very few places did rain Interfere
with stacking. The province of Mani
toba was tho first to complete thresh
ing, very few fields being left at tbo
time of writing.
Portions of Saskatchewan Hint had
Buffered from drought for the pnst
two or three years reaped a crop that
largely mndo up for past disappoint
ments. In Alberta there wns a strange con
dition. In the central district, nlways
noted for Its heavy yields, there was
considerable of a falling off. Instead
of the :i5 and 40 bushel yields tho
average ran from 10 to 12, while in
southern portions, where drought hnd
affected the country for some timo
past, there wero exceptionally high
Iteports of Individual yields in dif
ferent portions of the three provinces
lend to the Impression that when
threshing returns are in there will bo
found to bnve been n much better crop
than nt present seems possible. Some
of these returns give Individual farm
ers ns getting ns high as 45 bushels
others 35, and so on, while in somo
districts, where in enrly August not
more than 8 or 10 bushels might bo
looked for, 35 and 18 bushels are re
corded, the Improvement having been
brought nbout by rains Hint worked
marvels In tho appearance of tbo crop.
And then, too, Instend of the head
carrying four rows, most of them car
ried six rows, and filled to tho top,
which, to those who know, menns nt
least fifty per cent more.
The rye crop of all Western Can
ada Is exceptionally good; the oats
generally good and bnrlny fair.
The weather at tbe time of writing
Is threatening for a rainy spell, which
niny Interfere with threshing, and pro
long It somewbnt.
Most of tho newcomers from tbo
Stntes have excellent crops'. During
August, the trnlns to Western Cnnnda
carried hundreds of capitalists and
others Interested In Western Canada
land, going up to take care of tbo crop
that they had arranged to have put
In on the land they owned. Very few
of them will be disappointed. Adver
tisement. Offer Declined.
Caddie I got that ball we lost this
morning, sir got It from a small kid.
Golfer Good! I'll hand you what
you gave him for it.
Caddie No, thanks; I gave him n
punch In the eye. Boston Transcript.
Important to All Women
Readers of This Paper
Thousands upon thousands of women
have kidney or bladder trouble and never
BUHpCCt it.
Women's complaints often prove to bo
notliing else but kidney trouble, or tbo
result of kidney or bladder disease.
If the kidneys arc not in a healthy con
dition, they may cause tho other organa
to become discard.
You may suffer pain in the back, head'
ache and loss of ambition.
Poor health makes you nervous, irri
table and maybo despondent; it makes
any one so.
Hut hundreds of women claim that Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health
to tho kidneys, proved to bo just tho
remedy needed to overcome such condi
tions. Many send for a sample bottle to see
what Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver
nnd bladder medicine, will do for them. By
enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
llinghamton, N. Y., you may receive sam
ple size bottle by parrel post. You can
purchace medium and lnrge sizo bottles at
all drug stores. Advertisement.
Housefly Quick Thinker.
The housefly Is the cleverest of In
sects, Its intelligence surpassing that
of the ant and tbo bee. An authority;
asserts that It enn think 100 times
quicker than n man,
Cutlcura Comforts Baby's Skin
When red, rough and Itching, by hot
baths of Cutlcura Sonp and touches of
Cutlcura Ointment. Also mnko uso
now nnd then of thnt exquisitely scented
dusting powder, Cutlcurn Talcum, ono
of tho indlspensnblo Cutlcura Toilet
Trio. Advertisement.
Thti people who aro looking for
trouble deservo all Hint's coming to