RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 4 1 . . i.4- 1 18 " fiS TOLD TO US Cowley for State Senator. Adv. (e for Cowley for State Senator, 27 District. Adv. Kuinil Ondrak went to Omaha Mon day morning to spend a few days. Nov. S. llardman Siient Thut.sdny in ' Nelson. Wednesday, Henry Ford reduced the j price of h.s cars $50 each. Ralph Newhouse went to Omaha on Tuesday to spend a few days. A. D. Peirco was a passenger Hastings Wednesday morning. to Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wiggins wont to Superior Wednesday morning. I. D. Richardson was a passenger to Hastings Wednesday morning. Mesdamcs Dale Montgomery and C. A. Shccloy spent Tuesday in Hastings. Dan G arbor went to Lincoln Tues day morning to attend the 1. 0. 0. F. grand lodge. Tli Wnmsuis' Somety of tin; Congre. gitHntitil church will hold h Food Mario-tut Wcesnur'd Htoro Saturday, Oct 12 1st. Good, sound, winter apples. Wine saps and Ben Davis, at 1.00 per bu ohel at D. Hcffclbowcr's farm. Ind. Phono 4-28. Chas. Swartz returned to Bladen Tuesday morning after spending a few days hero with his daughter, Miss Y'Ola. o Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hutchison ar r'vod home Tuesday from a trip to Oklahoma where they had been visit ing relatives. J. H. Bailey went to Omaha Tues day morning to vin t his sons, Grant and Will and wife. Joseph 0. Peterson and Miss Lavada K. We.stcssen, both of Mindcn were granted a marriage license by Judge Ranncy, Wednesday. Chas. Brjan the noct governor of Nebraska is billed to spej.k here Fri day, October 27th. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F.gglcston of Bladen spent Sunday here with rela tives' and friends. Rev. J. M. Butes returned home Tuesday evening from Hastings where he spent a few days. Tickets for the Georgia Minstrels arc now on sale at the Johnson-Graham furniture store. W. G. Warren and E. II. Newhouso are attending the I. 0. O. F. grand lodge at Lincoln this week. R. B. Howell, republican candidate for U. S. senator, will speak here on Monday, October 23rd, at 2 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Mosc Oarmony of Mc Cook spent the weekend here at the home of her mother, Mrs. Cox. Mm. Gilbert Heed and Miss Clela Drain returned home Tuesday evening from Lincoln where they attended thn W. C. T. V. convention Carl Oglcvic Monday. was in Hasting on Bon McFnrland Studcbakcr car. is driving a new Mrs. A. C. Slaby Monday morning. went to Lincoln Mrs. Joe Topham went to Lincoln Thursday morning. John Bloom was a passenger to Hnst ings Friday morning. Miss Josephine Davis spent the week end with her parents at Superior. Cowley is Webster County born and bred. Vote for him for State Sena tor. Adv. Oliver Powell went to Ncligh Mon day to spend a few days with his parents. Mrs. Herb Ludlow spent Monday with her daughter, Mrs. Paul New hiuse at Guide Rock. Dr. Robt. Damorcll went to St. Fran cis, Kansas, Wednesday morning where he will spend a few days look ing after his realty holdings there. At the annual meeting of the Far mers' Independent Telephone Co., held Saturday afternoon, the present of ficers were re-elected for the ensuing year. Rev. Fred J. Newland, who was pastor of the baptist church here for the past year, has'acceptod the pas torate call of the Baptist church at Stella. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Bunn have re turned to their home at Brownville, Nebraska, after spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Wolfe. Raymond Koontz shipped four cars of cattle to Kansas City, Tuesday. He accompanied the shipment. G. R. Beck and Chas. Pichlor autocd to Hasting Wedncd iy uftcmoon to attend to h -e bin'nosj- otters. Court lv '' I In fin r:t in Mrs. A. Delph returned to her home at Edson, Kansas, Wednesday morn ing after spending a couple of weeks here at the home of her sons, Albert and Dave Delph. Attorney R. G. C.hh.eH Boit Daclu r and B. F Perry were in Bla den faturd.iy afternoon. Evciclt Hawkins arrived here Sun day evening to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morgan are the parents of a baby boy which arrived at their home last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Luke M. Bates and baby of Valentine, Nebraska, are vis iting his father, Rev. J. M. Bates. Art Nelson returned homo Thurs day afternoon from Hastings where he had been installing a lighting plant. J. W. Auld and daughter, Miss Vir ginia, returned home Sunday morning from Denver where they spent a few days. Mr. and Mr. Wycth Fogcl have been residing at Tacoma, Washington, the past year, b'it returned on Wednes day to isit hi i.'itle and aunt, Mr. nul Mrs. O. V. liu chisont T!'e f1 : (' r piicl.icl hrg s de cd t i!a.iiiv;s M nduy nrinr g niVr mds t'.iis a' or thh v.tck. Webster spending Suuiltf.-. hcie v ith U-- family. C.mnly Dune As-, n.. Smith Bros., of jSupcr'or ami the Nuckolls Countv Mrs. Henry Clauson returned home Monday evening from Omaha where she spent a few days visiting relatives. Mrs. J. W. Hauck departed Monday morning for Goffeyville, Kansas, where she will visit her parents and friends. Delaney Bros., shipped one carload of hogs to the Kansas City market and A. B. Crabill one carload of hogs to Kansas City. Eighty-three cars of stock comprised the run through here Sunday morning. They wore handled in two trains. Breeders Ass'n. Head these ads and write for catalog. At the slate convention of the W. C. T. U. held at Lincoln this week, Mrs. Tabor of Inavale was elected Superintendent of the Loyal Temper ance Legion and Mrs. Topham was elected alternate delegate. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Copley and his mother autoed to Culbertson, Sunday, whore they spent the day with rela tives. Mrs. Rich Lippencott and daughter, Lucille went to Inmnn, Nebraska, Sat urday morning where she will visit relative.-'. Special Sale Of BLANKETS Starting Friday, Oct. 13-Lasting 10 Days I HROUGH an error of the Factory in "' shipping, I received more blankets than I have room for and the Wholesale House made a special rate to me rather than have them shipped back so I am passing this on to my customers. These blankets should sell ?or $3,50 but to move them ia a hurry, will offer them for This blanket is a full sized blanket, 66x80. No more at this price when these are gone. During this sale will give a 10 Per Cent discount on all of the other blankets. THIS OFFER IS FOR CASH ONLY. Cowley for State Scnntor, 27 Dis trict. Adv. Mrs. Claude Henderson came down from Hastings Friday evening for a short visit here with her husband who is engineer on train 4 and 11. Mra. Clark Orow of Republican City a mo . in the e'ty f'tui'ln" Firming to .spfnd u f c daj i it'i 1 .v parent M1'! rrie-,.! . Mi.- h.iv. Boner .ent to Lincoln on Thursday morning to visit her broth er and sister who are attending the -tate university. Chas. Randall, aspirant for governor on the Republican ticket and Attorney-General Clarence A. Davis, were in the city Saturday afternoon and spoke on the issues of tho campaign, according to their belief. Both of these gentlemen were good speakers and held the attention of the voters. i WEBSTER COUNTY DUROC ASS'N. CONSIGNMENT SALE RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA Saturday, Oct. 28th, 1 P. H. IN THE SALE PAVILION 3 Aged Boars 20 Spring Boars 25 Gilts Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton relumed home Saturday evening from Omaha where they spent a week visiting rel atives and friends. Will Hunt arrived home Friday even ing from South Bend, Indiana, where he went after a Studcbakcr roadster, which he drove home. Mrs. I). G. Addloman went to Leaven worth, Kansas, Friday morning after spending a few days here visiting at tho home of her brother, N. B. Bush. SPECIAL SALE A Special Introductory Sale of Dr. Wests Tooth Brusl les Mrs. Dorothy Wilson ret lined Iio u. Sunday coning ft m 1 Jnc .In I'C'c fk lad bH'i! i.-.ltii " h-i i.'.ii, ISTi.-. ). I). S.inder..)n iv family Chrs. Rust returned to Gdletlr, Wyoming, Monday morning after spending a couple of weeks attending to business matters heie and visiting friends. Mrs. Chas. Brubaker returned home last Wednesday from Phoenix, Ari zona, where she spent several months visiting her daughter, The Chester High School foot ball team comes here tomorrow afternoon for a game and with all the local play ers back in the game. No doubt our team will win. will begin next Monday, October Jfi. and cpntinuc two weeks. The regular price of these brushttis arc 50c but during this introductory sale you can get one for 05 cents. This brush is approved by Dentisls throughout the country. We have all the popular Tooth Pastes and Powders. CIILOR-E-D1XO Paste is one of tho best for clcanina and preserving the teeth. CHAS. L. COTTING, The Druggi8t A game warden was here Sunday and he arrested several from here and Kansas for fishing without license, etc The gentlemen appeared before Judge Ranncy on Monday. Friday afternoon tho Harvard high school foot ball and the local team pUyed a game here. Tho visitors won bv a score of 7 to 0. Last, Friday the Harvard foot ball team defeated the local high school team by a score of 7 to 0 on the Hedge field. Several of the local players wore out of the game on account of injuries which caused the team to be defeated, Just received a shipment of fresh Holland grown bulbs consisting of Daffodils, Hyacinths, Frccsia, Crocus, Tulips, Narcissus und Sacred Lillics Romine's Cream Station. Mrs. Cora Kidd returned to her home at Sedalia, Mo., Thursday morning after spending a few days here visit ing her brother, Chas. Kaley and at-tc-Kling to some business mailers. fcholde Pure Bred Duroc Hoga Consigned By G. T. McMAHON REID DICKERSON WM. ARNDT 'V GEO, UElTLER t i i JOHNSON & AULD EtolL BLUMENTHAL JAY LOVEJOY tLOGAN OHMSTEDE ' J, H, KELLOGG, JR., Sales Mgr. 'rpOYLE BROS., Auctioneer , r J. H. KELLOGG, JR. f" WA Hh m&r JH Tho Rivcrton PJagross, a news paper published by Cluis. D'. Spcnce, made its debut last week. While Mr. Frank Lantz, a newspaper man of many years experience, came out with his name as editor of the Republican City Ranger. Col. Edson has enlarged the Argus to a seven column paper. Mrs. Dickson of St. James, Minneso ta, arrived hero Monday evening for an extended stay at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. V. Nicholson Her son, A. E.. Dickson, who accompanied her hero, left for Los Angeles, Cali fornia, Tuesday evening on train 17 where he will attend school through the winter. BARBARA PHARES STATE BANK, Clerk. t St o The annual meeting of the Web ster County Farmers' Union was held at the court house tho last of the week with a large number of members in attendance. Alva Stoner was elected president and Bert Grossman secre tary. The Garfield local won the prize for having tho largest number of paid up members. NEW FALL CLOTHES An important event f ' here because of the fine style and quality You get more than new clothes here; you get Hart Schaffner & Marx style and quality There is nothing better See the new Norfolks, sport suits; 2, 3 & 4 button sacks at $27. SO to &45.QO New Shoes, Fall Caps, Bradley Sweaters Stetson and Nlallory Hats W. G. Hamilton Clothing Co. Yes, Garber's Is The Place! E. G. Caldwell 1 til Democratic Candidate County Attorney This week members of the Flro Do riartmont circulated petitions among the,buslncs8 men bbUIdk the Council to; purchase motorized equipment for this, II A.. M.n ni-oonnt lilnlr I u lint fill ffl PJ Inn fnr nil i" nnpdfl WO linilB the COUDOlF I will take favorable aotjon op the earno 1 -ii .r, '1 Vff To Buy Wall Paper, Paints, AfcV$lectftcal Supplies. Th$rljest place for Picture rauqigfe Dr.W.H.McBride idimi.i ' ' OVER STATE BANK !i RcdCleed - kv Mi .n 4 4 h x 52S ll()ri4i tv3