y RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF ES3EESC1L. Vl ' fo AlsWvfme colors on your walls to harmon ize best with your rugs and dra peries artistic effecta always come out of the package with th e cross and circle printed in red. Instead ofKalsomine or Wall Paper It makes a girl angry If a man at tempts to kiss lief and doesn't succeed. DYED HER SKIRT, DRESS, SWEATER AND DRAPERIES WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Each t package of "Diamond Dyes" con tains direction eo dimple any womnn can dye or tint her worn, shabby dresses, "& waists, coritn, MncldngR, sweaters, coxerf.'g. draperies, hangings, everything, even if hhc has never dyed before, liny "Diamond Dyes" no other kind then perfect home dyeing is sure because Dia mond Dyes are guaranteed not to tpot, fade, streak, or run. Tell your dnnjgist ivhcther the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. Advertisement. As soon as the Impossible happens it Isn't. Disappointed. "I thought my cousin from Kay See ivns u pretty smart feller when he vis ited me here last summer," dlsgrunted ly said Hurt Blurt of Petunia, "hut when I was up to the city this week I found out he hain't got no souse at all. After I'd been there u spell he said he'd take me out and show me the benutjes of Kansas City. I got a slinw; and a shine, and so on, and then what d'ye think? Dad-blamed If he didn't take me to see Swope Park, the Pasco and a lot of rich fellers' residences. Beauties of Kansas City the devil "Kansas City Star. Keep out of crowds and you won't he likely to think that politeness Is waning. Whatever enlarges hope will also exalt courage. 860 f. o. b. Flint, Mich. m 2 I Kill p KfFri m iiiiiniJriilfilHMil 1923 SUPERIOR Chevrolet Sedan In 1922 wc led the world in sales of high grade closed cars, chiefly because of our Sedan. This new 1923 Sedan is completely eclipsing its predecessor because of still greater beauty and added equipment. The body is by Fisher, finely finished in black with gold striping, comfortably and artistically upholstered, and has dome light and rear window curtain. This wonderful, five-passenger, all-year, family car is offered at a price that defies all competition. The new model includes stream line design, high 'hood, drum-type headlights, dash light, windshield wiper, plate-glass windows operated by Ternstedt regulators, and cord tires. Buy no car until you see it. Prices F. O. B. Flint, Michigan SUPERIOR Two Passenger Roadster $510 SUPERIOR Five Passenger Touring 525 SUPERIOR Five Passenger Sedan 860 SUPERIOR Two Passenger Utility Coupe 680 SUPERIOR Four Passenger Scdanctte ...... 850 SUPERIOR Light Delivery ........ .- 510 Nothing Compares With Ji Economical Transportation Chevrolet Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan Division of General Motors Corporation World's Largest Manufacturer of Low-Priced QUALITY Automobiles. Thcrcarc 10,000 Chevrolet Dealers and Serv ice Stations Throughout the World. Dealers and Parts Depots Wanted in all territory not adequately covered. EST KEY O.fArolla ntlrl Wnrl? Pnnts nro tho most eco- L.dF nomicai worn garments you can buy. Made of tho finest materials bv skilled workmen , and modorn machinery. They'r i cut to fit. Buy a pair today. Wear them awhile. Your monoy back or a new pair tree it you are not Batlsfled. If your dealer does not cany KEY Overalls and Work Pants, or is out ofyourelze, write THE McKBY MFQ.CO. g-J w KanaClt7,Mo. rVfri 7.1 XtjtV tfCTWcrVTrfj!!! f.l ll aTO tYJ H J.l L "" mwMitTiiT-j WORK PANTS Some Dogs and : Some Folks $ By C. B. WHITFORD g (, 1922, Western Newspaper Union.) A big, llcree-looklng Dime with u bad cut on his hunt, limped Into thu doctor's ollleo niul asked If lie could have his wound dressed. "Sure, llx ou up right away," said the doctor. "Bud cut, that; about four stitches, guess," the doctor went on, as ho examined the wound. "Whut' that I Knur stitches I" "Say, IUi-nrck, you ain't afraid of the needle, are you? Why, a great big husky looking dug like you ought to bo able to huvo a leg sawed off with out batting an eye." "Afraid? Of course I ain't afraid of anything. Do I look an If I was afraid? Sny, Doc, my ancestors used to hunt the savage boar In old llennany. I guess it takes some nerve to tackle that kind of game and " "Yes, I know all about that. You're Just like sumo folks I know, nlwnyB talking about thu great things their an cestors did." "But, Doc, I wanted to tell you moro about my people. There's Ulsmarck, tho man I wns named after. I guess he could go some when it came to nerve Did you ever see his picture with n big dog on each side of him? Well, them's my kind of dog. Do you suppose old Iron Bismarck was hav ing his picture taken with a couple of whining curs? Not for Ulsmnrck. lie associated with dogs that were dogs. I ain't afraid of your needle, Doc." "I've heard lots of folks brag about the great people their relatives asso ciated with. No rellectlon on you, Bis ninrck ; but It's a fact. Of course you ain't afraid of the needle or" "Still, Doc, I was thinking that per haps It might be u goou plan to give me something Not that I'm afraid, but you see, I've got u' nasty temper, and I'm awful strong. I don't care und I'm awful strong." "I see. Some folks are that way. They are awfully afraid they will hurt someone. 'No rellectlon on you, Uls mnrck. To be sure that you'll hold still nnd won't hurt me, I'll give you the dope. But how did you get this?" "I Just went out like a good fellow to take n Httlo dog's part and in tho mix-up I got cut." "Funny you got It behind, BIsmnrck. I once' knew n fellow who got wound ed In n charge, and he was a bravo soldier. Marched right up In the face of the enemy's guns; I sewed him up. Strange, though, he got It In the back." "Doc, you don't mean anything by thnt, do you?" "Oh, no, It Just reminds me. That's nil. Dogs nro so much like folks that I always think of somo one I know when you dogs come In here with your troubles. Take your dope now nnd I'll fix you up." "Hello, Snap, said tho Doctor, as n llttlo bull terrier all covered with blood nnd mud limped Into tho office. "You hero again?" "That's all right, Doc, hut who's your big friend that Just left? Is that Ulsmnrck? I got so much dirt nnd blood In my eyes, I can't see very well." "Thnt's him. I Just put four stitches Into him. "My, he's n big stlfT. Looks like he could eat up a barnyard full of llttlo dogs like me. But say, Doc, ho can't fight a lick on earth. I gavo him thnt hole you sewed up, nnd If he hadn't been such a good sprinter I'd given him somo more. I suppose he told you he got It In n fierce battle with n flock of dogs." "That's about It, Snap. He gave It out that ho was really such n bad dog that I had better give him some dope for fear he might bite me when I put the needle In him." "The lying cur! Had to tnko dope, eh, for a little Job like thnt." "Did ho muss you up and give you all those cuts you've brought In here?" "I should sny not I Me nnd nnother dog was having n nice little scrap In tho nlley My, but that dog could go some I Ho gave mo the best fight I've had for months. Well, wewere Just having tho nicest kind of time when along comes Ulsmnrck, with his big, flerc growls, making a lot of buck Jumps ns though he was going to butt Jn an lick us both." "I've seen them kind of big saucy folks. They'd roar nnd dance around Just like they were nchlng for a fight, when they were renlly only trying to scare someone." "Anyway, I didn't like to have the big fellow butting In. It mnde mo so mad I let go of my dog and went for the big fellow. You should have seen him run and you ought to have heard tho poor llttlo yelps ho let out with every Jump. I nailed him once Just ns he wns turning tho corner, hut I couldn't get to him again. Sow me up, Doe, but no dope. I won't hurt you and you won't hurt me. To tell the truth, I Just like to get hurt once In a while. It makes me feel good." "Sny, Snap, why are you always looking for a scrap? What Is thcro in It?" "Oh, I don't know. I Just feel mean when thero Is nothing doing, but nfter I have a good fight I'm nil right for n while. There's folks Just like that, I suppose." "Yes, lots of them. They Just go nhoiit looking for trouhlo and It don't mako much difference how badly they get beat up they go out after It agnln." "Thnt'H nil right, Doc. I guess you'v.o got mo fixed up pretty good. I'll limp bnclc to tho bnrn and try to keep out of trouble for a few days. But say, Doc, I don't believe folks ore much different from dogs." a iNct Contents 15 Fluid Drachml m i II nil Children Cry For i ItTT!liriViill .ALGOHOL-0 PEK CENT. AYciSetAblcfrcparau'onfirAj-, !.!. -Ati.n,Vvi fivl7e rfuta-1 siniiiiiuiiv-" "" "' , t .i 11nrtllnStrtmAfIl!flntlUfiWiC-S011 jKUUOXU M TlicrcuyrromoUnftUiecsu rkn.iinncc nnri kpslujhuuw ncttherOplam,MorphlncnorJ Mineral. NotNawcotici jnafOUDrSiSmmR Anna fm s tUnMSufOT ft ,.ft.flD(.mPnVfbr Constipation nnd Diarrhoci and reverting" "- naulUnithcrcfrojnjn!11 rocimilcSijnnforcof InxCEWTABnCoWt. NEW TfUU-VL: Special Care of Baby. Jhnt Baby should have a bed of its own nil arc npreed. Yet it is more reasonable for nn infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use a man's medicine in nn attempt to regulate the delicato organism of that same infant. Either practice is to bo shunned. Neither would be tolcrnted by specialists in children's diseases. Your Physician will tell you that Baby's medicine must bo prepared with even greater care than Baby's food. A Baby's stomach when in good health is too often disarranged by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared for Infants and Children ? Don't be deceived. Make a mental note of this: It is important, Mothers, that you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that the desired results may be had from tho use of medicines primarily prepared for grown-ups. MOTHERS SHOUID READ THE DOOKIET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTUE OF fmCIIEIrS CASTOR! GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMK CKNTAUH COMPANY. NgW YOWK CITY. 10 Cents BRIGHTENS, REFRESHES, ADDS NEW DELIGHT TO OLD DRAPERIES PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish MALE SHOPPERS ARE "WISE" City Grocery Clerk Denies It Is Easier to Make Sales to Men Than to Women. "Whoever says Mint It Is easier to sell groceries to men than to womeu Is not acquainted wltli tho facts," said a grocery clerk tho other day. "I've seen cartoons In tho papers of hus bands bringing home cleansing powder Instead of rat poison and forgetting half of their wives' orders, but I'vo never seen It In real life. "Men arc hard customers. I think they rend more nbout I ho cost of foods, particularly advertising, than women. They seem to know tho different brands better, at any rate. I'vo often substituted brands for a housewife, only to be refused by her husband when I tried It ngnln. I'd rnther at tempt to talk a woman Into buying a new brand of canned peas, for exam ple, than to face her husband with the same sales talk. The mule shoppers know too much about food perhaps becnuso they do most of the cntlng." New York Sun. Kind Word In Season. An Amerlcnn, newly arrived, went Into a London tenshop, took his scat and waited. Presently a bright-eyed waitress approached him and nsked: "Can I take your order?" "Yes. Two boiled eggs and n kind word." Tho waitress brought tho eggs and wns moving on when the American said: "Say I What about tho kind word?" The waitress leaned over and whis pered, "Don't eat tho eggs." The Seine View. "Better conio out to the courts tennis is a great sport." "Yes, you're llnblo to get caught In the net." houses couumxor ubb Spohn's Distemper Compound to brenlc It up nml i:ct them back In condition. Thirty ycar uio hail nindo "SI'OHN'H" Imlliponaiblo In trrntlmr Cougha nnd Colda, Influenza nml Dlntrmpcr with their reaultlnr complica tions, anil nil 1Iimsph ot tho throat, noao nml lungs, Acts inarvelously as preventive; acta equally wall as euro. Bold la two vlica nt all drug atorr. 81'OIIX MEDICAL COMPANY GOSHEN. INDIANA Disordered Stomach Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills then take & or 6 ior a lew nights alter. You will relish your meals without fear of trouble to follow. Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness, Dizziness,Sick Headache, UpsetStomach and for Sallow, Pimply, Blotchy Skin. They end the mlttry cf ConsllpaUo.i. $S? S&r&ZZtC SmM Pill; Small Due; Small Price I CARTERS IVER PILLS The New Democracy. Samuel Qompcrs suld ut it banquet In Washington: "Tho millennium Is still n long wny off, of course, but thu worker Isn't tho slave ho used to be. Few of life's pleasures are denied to the worker to day. "A professional wns giving n now club member some pointers In lawn tennis. "'Hold your racquet loosely, sir,' ho said. 'Loosely, man, loosely I You hold It ns stiff ns If you were a hod currier.' " 'Hut,' said the now member mildly, 'I am n hod-carrier.'" Impertinent Question. Peggy Dick proposed four times before I accepted him. Tatty To whom, dear? It is better to be an also-ran thnn n left-at'tho-post. No man ever becomes too Bhlftless to give ndvlce. Certain Test. Two fishermen were angling In a river, when one suddenly dropped his rod. "Say I" ho ejaculated, "Did you sco that feller fall off Unit cliff over thero Into the river?" "Don't get excited, Hill," soothed tho other, "Mchho it was a movie actor niakln' pictures." "Hut, my stars! How kin wo tell?" "Well," counseled the Judicious one, "If he drowns, he ain't." Kpwortli Herald. Psycholony. That psychology Is everybody's science Is the assertion nindo by Rob ert Chenault fJlvler, author of n new book on that subject. He says in his Introduction: "Our important plans and projects, our business schemes nnd Interviews, our Investments of money and friendship, nro one and all examples of applied psychology." . Putting It on Ice won't nlways keep a secret. yffiS Mm 85 HI """" ""'" tr ijM,.-. -.J- Sy III m "nwiiai L 'i'iai'i'mmmmmmmtms&mimmimmmmaMmmmmm The one way to keep sound, perfect teeth THE only way to keep the priceless blessing of sound, perfect teeth is to cat the kind of food that supplies them not only with proper nourishment but gives them work to do. Grape-Nuts not only induces thorough masti cation, but also supplies the lime and other elements re quired for building firm tooth structure. , This wholesome, healthful cereal food is made from whole wheat flour and malted barley. All the nutriment of these splendid grains, including the vital mineral ele ments so often lacking in so-called "refined" foods, is retained. A delicious, appetizing dish, Grape-Nuts, with cream or good milk, provides complete nourishment for body, bone and nerves, in readily digestible form. Sold by Grocers Everywhere! "There's a Reason" GrapeMnts . -THE BODY BUILDER Mode by Pottum Cereal Co., Inc., Battle Crsck, Micb. rmmwrwmmwmcaMm .9 '