The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 12, 1922, Image 6

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Straits Must
('rent Itriinln, suppoitcd by her allies, Is determined Hint the ..Hulls between Iliirupt and Asia slmll lie Inter
nationalized, and until Hit League of Nations Is given "tooth" with which t(i keep tlu'iu open, l'litnlu will keep
control In hur own hands. Tho Illustration shows Tcncdos Island, dominating the entrance to the Dardanelles; I'rlt
Nil troops guarding one of the roads Into Constantinople; at the loft, Con. Sir Charles Hniington, commanding the
hind forces In that region; nl thu right, Via.' Admiral Sir Osmond I'roek, commanding tho ltrltlsh Mcdltcrrnneau
Horthy Rules With Royal Pomp
1 THTr1 gi i
Admiral Horthy, ri-jrcnt of Ilunpiry, rules with all the pomp of a monarch.
Appointing otllcers for the army lit'comes n repal ceremony with all tho trap
PIuk.s of the days none by. Here tho admiral Is appointing an otllccr by tap
ping him lightly on the shoulder with the tint of Ids sword.
Denby Helps Lay a Corner Stone
H FT ,Wk S " I s TBTl
i vs mtmmrr: r. - 4 i
B D jut n .Mt. AH? HT?4 V$fHB0 a I, . j " 1 M4tf3Bv I
5 5Sr4i
The cornerstone of the largest masonic temple In the world -was laid by
master masons of Michigan tho other day at Temple and Cass avenues,
Detroit. Secretary of the Xnvy Kdwln Ponhy, personal representative of
President Harding, assisted Grand Master McKenzIo in tho ancient ceremony,
which Is one of the few rites of operative masonry still practiced by tho
world's Inrgcst secret order.
Girls Wade in Boston's Frog Pond
i ffgTJSSgSgfMsXa wain U I
Can you Imagine girls going wading in Huston's public frog pond? They
did, the other day, hut It was a part of tho Initiation of co-eds of P.ostou
college Into sororities, and the candidates peeled oil their silken lio&o. and
waded .Into tho cold wutor without a murmur.
Remain Open, Says Great Britain
. s
KSagy.s5rf5i g
I'm Is tlrst decreed stocklngless legs,
sleeveless gowns, and other such fash
ion extremes, and now comes tho
gown without n bodice, or at least
with much less than usual. Our pho
tograph shows .Mile. Ilhahnn, tho
beautiful dancer who has created n
sensation In Paris with her new
frocks, composed mainly of volum
inous skirts and bodices of pearls and
Walter U. I.oudermllk, civil engi
neer and forestry expert, with hla
bride of n few weeks, photographed
at San Francisco Just before sailing
for China. Loudennllk will tackle tho
stupendous Job of reforesting China,
thus bringing back tho soil to r-roiluc-tlvlty,
preventing Hoods and famlno
and creating new Industries that will
employ millions of people. Ills wife
was formerly Miss Inez Marks of
I'usadena. Cal.. for five years n mis
sionary in tho Orient.
Mile. Paulo Dumont. daughter of
tho French military attache In Wash
ington, and Capt, Georges Thenault,
aeronautical attacho of tho French
embassy, whoso engagement ban been
3B VWfe .jfljitfe. B J
Recent Happenings in Nebraska
Given in Brief Items For
Busy Readers.
The third Nebraska district teach
ers' meeting will be held In Norfolk
October l'- l.'l and II. There are
J.000 teachers In the district.
Orgunlratlou of ihe 110th medical
regiment attached to the Nebra-na
national guatd, with Ir. II. Winnutt
Orr, of Lincoln, as colonel, H under
w ay.
Mrs. I'M ward S holier of Columbus
Is dead as the result of burns suffered
when her clothing caught tiro as she
attempted to lift a pan from the
Col. Theodoie Kiio-owlt, .lr paid
it visit to Omaha la-t week, arilvlng
by airplane, and delivered an nddrcM
to mi audience estimated at l.tXM)
people. ,
The S'10,000 storm M-wor honiN for
Falrbury were defeated by more than
it two to one majority. The heaviest
vote In tho history of the town was
Tho cornerstone of the new high
school building at Ainsuorth was laid
last week with appropriate cereniou
les under the auspices of the Masonic
grand lodge.
William McDougal was Injured on
a farm near Salem when ho fell
from a tractor and was run
by it disc which he was pulling
tho tractor.
York lodge No. II."., I. (). O. F., cele
brated its ilftletb anniversary Octob
er 'J. Fifty years ago there were
twenty-six charter members and today
the membership Is Kill.
The University of Nebraska alumni
association is making a systematic ef
fort to obtain the addresses of UO.OOO
non-graduates, according to Harold
F. HoltK, '17, secretary.
Tho tlrst bag of sugar manufactured
In Nebraska this year was sent from
Scottsbluff to the Alpha Chi Omega
sorority In Lincoln for the girls there
to use in making enndy.
Charles Elliott Cobbey, formerly
pastor of tho First Christian church
at Omaha, was Inaugurated president
of Cottier college at Hethany with
impressive ceremonies
F L Haller of Omaha, widely known
Nebraska!! and former chairman of
the board of regents of tho University
of Nebraska, died at the. home of bis
son-in-law, Fred Thomas, of heart
Colonel George Lyon, Jr., of Nelson,
7B years old, who graduated at Har
vard in the class of '81, and went west i
Immediately after leaving college has
returned to Hnrvard for graduate
Judge and Mrs. T. J. Norvell cele
brated their llfty-tlfth wedding mini
versary at their home in Norfolk last
week. Five daughters, twenty-three
grand children, and six great-grand
children assisted.
lliverslde pink, located on an island
In tho Platte river near Central City,
Is to lie made a refuge for biVds. An
allotment of Chinese pheasants se
cured from the state lias been taken
to the park and a number of other
rare species are already in evidence
on the grounds. No tliearins will be
permitted within the boundaries of
tho park at any time.
The manufacture of Nebraska's
annual output of sugar has been be
gun at the Grand Island plant of the
American Hoot Sugar company, with
beets naming slightly below the norm
al In tonnage, or about 10 to 112 tons
an acre. However, a full 100 to 110
day run of the factory Is assured.
Two hundred men are employed In
two shifts, the wheels of the factory
never stopping. The expected output
is between 112,000,000 and 14,000 000
Tho attorney general has given an
opinion to tho secretary of state hold,
lug that tho statute of 1021 which
specifically states that initiative, re
ferendum and constitutional amend
ments voted upon by tho electors of
tho state shall appear on a ballot sep
arate and apart from the general elec
tion ballot which contains tho names
of candidates for state, congressional,
legislative and county olllces, This
decision will be followed by the sec
retary of state. The result will be
three ballots at the general election.
The Grand Lodge, Nebrsaka Degree
of Honor, will meet In Omaha Oc
tober 10 to 12.
Plans for renewing efforts started
last winter to raise funds for the pur
chase of n granite monument to mark
the Oregon trail near Columbus, have
been formed by a committee of the
D. A. It.
Mrs. Corlnne ltuffam Ilurlolgh, wife
of the youngest American who snrved
us it soldier during the world wnr, was
granted a decree of divorce at Lincoln
by District Judge Morning after a
healing which lasted Just ulno
Charles Glese,
months old sou
Chrales CJIese of
chninplon boy at
Jr., twenty-plghf
of Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson, was the
the better babies
show of the Nuckolls county fair hold
at Nolnon last week. Ills score Is
1)0.7. There were oer sixty babies
George Krwin, aged nine, son of
Mr. and Mrs. James Krwln of Falls
City, In a musical wonder. He re
cenrly appeared before a large crowd
and gave several liiinjp and cornet
solos and was enthusiastically en.
com). Ills father Is leader of tho
1 boys' band of Falls City.
Hy Mr. Chnrka I. Kilty.
of Nciir.ixkit City.
Tl'i Mrirj siih tutored In the Onmh
lli-o con l lei for ititiuti'UrM by the Nt
hriiHka city Pi-chm, unit won (iluce,
1'iiri'iliiu ullh It a cash jirlze of $ too.
M neighbor has prospered. Ills
home Is the last word In modern
archlKcliiro and equipment. It Is his
hohl,. He loves cvciy hriard and
block and nail In It. lie surr(iiuds
It with grassy plots and shrubs and
llowciw. and adorns it Inside and out
according to his sense of artistic
grace and beaut.. Not only is his
home a source of pride and satisfac
tion to my neighbor, but by Its beauty
and grace and general attractiveness
It sheds distinction and adds to tho
Milne of the properly round about It.
Now, my home Is a modest affair,
it needs paint and the roof does not
cover it as well as the mortgage.
What W meant for a grassy plot
shows bare patches' like Ihe exposed
portions of a little hoy's tiousers.
And. Instead of graceful, (lowering
lnes, my bouse Is overrun by llttlu
rosy ramblers who dumber about
scraping off the paint and lealng
muddy streaks In their wake. There
are live of them, and all the hard
work, sacrlllce and care they mean
to me is as nothing compared to tho
pride I have In their clear eyes, clean
minds and sturdy bodies. To the hopo
I hold In their future the present
struggle to keep them clothed, housed
and fed Is a small affair. They repre
sent my famil, estate. To them I
hope to leave an Inheritance of
character and courage. And to tho
world I shall bequeath, not large sums
for charity, schools or hospitals, but
a family of men and women equipped
to take up the problems of life.
Hut when my neighbor begins to
talk about taxes I have an uneasy
feeling that, according to his way of
looking at It, I should hae drowned
these dimpled babes before their eyes
weie open. He has It llgiired out to
a penny how much It is costing him
to educate one of my children. Now,
I am paying taxes, too, but for nine
mouths of the year my children are
under the supervision of trained
teadiers, men and women of unques
tioned character and high Ideals. It
doesn't seem to mo that they are re
ceiving exorbitant wage, ltut my
neighbor has no children. To him
school is Just a building that cost
too much In the tlrst place. Is costing
too much in the upkeep and doesn't
give back a prolit to the town.
I believe my neighbor Is wrong.
My children have a monetary value
to the town. For their needs my
earnings are spent. I buy from him
such tilings as lie has to sell, thereby
adding to Ids ridies. I go farther.
I am not raising pigs for prolit, nor
rattle for the mart, but raw material
for the nation of tomorrow. They
are not mine' alone. They belong to
my neighbor as well. It Is to his in
terest as well as mine that they bo
como tit and useful citizens. As they
are trained, as they are educated,
they will develop. Tho community
has a part In that development. My
neighbor has no more right to sprend
propaganda for cheap schools, a nig
gardly system that will dwarf tho
future of my children, Hutu I have
to throw trash In his front yard.
District No. 2, State Teachers as
sociatlou, will be In session in Omaha
October 11 to V..
The International convention of
.Job's Daughter will be held at Omaha
October 12 to 1 1.
In one week dining tho hot spell
early In September the .Mirny station
al Omaha sold -MV.U tons of Ice.
Hastings will entertain tho third
annual convention of the Nebraska
league of women voters No ember
Its and 17.
Chester high school has two new
glee dubs, one composed of twenty
two boys, and the other of thirty
three girls.
Mrs. Kllen Oliver, who with her
husband, located In Nebraska In 1SG0,
Is .dead at her home near Shelton at
the age of Hit.
Chinese pheasants have been placed
on tho York Country club grounds In
the hope that several (locks will bo
raised for game purposes.
While playing on the roof of a
porch, Vernon Ileal. Ill, of Kenesaw,
fell to the ground. In alighting his
arm struck a post In such a way that
the llesh was lorn from tho body from
a point about live Inches below the
arm pit clear to the Joint and al
though none of the ligaments were
torn loose they were left exposed.
Joe Dietrich, eighteen years old. of
Fremont, suffered the loss to two
lingers and part of left hand, when a
shotgun which lie was unloading, was
uccldontally discharged.
Tho University of Nebraska's dairy
cattle Judging team was awarded
fourth place among the ten agricul
tural college teams competing In the
dairy cattle congress nt Waterloo. la
Knox county voters will get a
chance to vote on the proposition of
chaiigmg from tho supervisor system
to the commlscdon system of county
government, If present plans do not
go astray.
The second annual pure food show
will bo held In Alliance October 10,
20 and 21, under the auspices of tho
women of St. Matthew Episcopal
church, with Mrs. Elmer McManis,
malinger of laM j ear's bhow, In
Leslie F. Ttuwe, 20, son of Mr. nnd
Mrs. F. V. Rtiwo, a prominent Fre
mont family, accomplished what Is
considered little short of ihurvolous
In a brain speed contest at North
western university. Young Itnwe. a
student of tho University of Minneso
ta, answered UK) questions lu 15
minutes, 1)4 of which were correct.
One Good Merchant
in Every Town
can eitnblish a profitable nnd permanent
hoe business on limited capital through the
Men's, Voiuen'si Uoys' Shots
'lh now lilnii of illftrltnittnn
liii bncii iirriruil tor jour
bfiiollt, iiii.l lliroiili It
Profits Are Guaranteed
W. I,. Doiulm fliiwi nro tho
tvorlil'o tM-t-knmwi tr.iili-
... .!... I at..... III. al. j....,!...
Ill i ''3i rin.r. I iiii , mull , yvi V
liouixt worUin uiihlp rnik.ily,.J
with lnw prlcw" iiml lulelyWrT,
tyli-s iniko ony tiulm him. &.&A M.
quick timi-over if uiir Mtmll Iiiwi-linciit. I'rs
iill pKirii4iiiiilfrcls!lit. Ii) cchIk n't 1'ilr iilluw.
mii'iMtntt of tint Ml-l-lii. nnil linixli'il 21 lintir
ililiiliilti"rl0(i lieli liiert'.io jirctUii mid innkn
Iiirjo liivmtiiiniiU iiiinoppiKiiry. Wilte turn for
out t!o. mill full Inf'TiiKitlun. If Uicro I-, no
Uiiiiitl.Liilititnrln vmtr tmni ni iii'iylm uw railed
toll initio tliln uri'tt n 'it Inn ill I mhiTtl-od product.
AllJ'ilrtitorulininllK Mi os "iri iln'ruii'i1 li(i H0tlt8
liyuditliu W" I, l).iugla Mmi- to lilt line.
RPHIPMRPR "'it fl oon.d oiii te.Mifrr'nt In
lL.MlClUDLU ll(1v..rl -lnj W.l, lu.i-sI.mMme.,
Noolhcr flinet oiii wiiil W I, PimipIhh Imnilck
Film, hmtii i ! iili"-ill fur tiiiMii. 'Iliuli'illlnr
till 'i'lvirtilni: ni"1 f M'.irx nl liotici-t fliuimak
tut; mi"in e.ilf inn! irfitltn for vim.
Writ-!:. Il first ujmUi w!l 1. 'ml t.riiifnl..).
W.LDCUGLAS SHOE CO , 1(1 Sp?tk Street, Gfockton, Mijj.
Ask your Ilrulnr for AV.l..loiit; shoes.
Baby Can lagcs &Fumllur&
Ask Your Local Dealer
Write Now For
32 -Page Illustrated
Booklet SiK
The Llovd Manulacturinc Company
UltyweeJ.lVaktftU Co.)
Menominee, Mlchlcan (17)
f!( l I .W
j mii)
HI one extra process JM
Hj which goves a H
H delicious flavor MB
if LUvEftJr ill
Always in Style.
They were going through the furni
ture factory, and Mrs. Smith was
amazed at tho great proportion of
"Well, 1111111111," res-ponded the In
genious attendant, "you see. It's the
dull season, and most of our furniture
Is out of st.Ie, but settln' never really
goes out of fashion."
Rally's little dresses will Just simply
dazzle If Rod Cross I'all Rlue is used
In tho laundry. Try It and see for your
self. At all good groccrB. Advertise
ment. Apn'tlte is on the free list, brother
Sure Relief
1 ,!-
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
f2A Sure Relief
25t and 75$ Packages. Everywhere
Misused FiQure of Speech.
A young writer, not much given to
revision, lecently sent out a story
wherein tho following occurred:
"lie called his son n spendthrift,
and did not fall, oh he had
foie, to cast ills recently purchased
motorcar, a ICO-horsepower touring
machine, In his teeth." Kxchnnge.
A woman who laughs to bo pollto
does It better than a man.
took to Your Eyes
Beautiful Eyes, like fine
Teeth, tre the reiutt of Conitant
Care. The dilly uio of Mtirin
rr.alcei Ere Clear nnd lUdlinr.
Enlovable. lUrmleu. Sold and
Recommended by All Drmlitt.