The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 05, 1922, Image 3

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e t lyTKin.'
at are made
at Home
wjrr4rrr&A4r4r4?&4?4Fm jnKKBBBnmKmBKm
I Some Dogs and
: Some Folks g
ABuiJi' I ! ,, , ji ft Tt3 fsftAArfjsvfcwyi J$j . aaaaLLai
-Ji' WAiWA'nVAiWkVhvn nnA.iOArwA''' tt&fjt'lajHf Vn' Vat ww
AJ , K.VrtSV'v -V nnAwMmr ff
! saiSB4SJ!i.tiilAW-iS'-:
YT IS KettitiK to tlie pluco wlirru
I'vury iimliillous .viiuni; woman ns
Jilrus to im nsFortniPiit of sweaters,
nnd often she knits them for herself.
This nullity to mako them puts the ex
pensive, handmade garment within the
reaeli of even u very limited dress al
low anee, hesldes maUItu; the exerelse
of Individual tute possihle, In colors
and other things. The sweater pets
maarter all the time the element of
Ft If grows more and more Important
In It.
Veslees nnd collars, to lie worn with
Kweaters or eoats, are amonp the
dainty aeressorles that women make
for themselves elaborating them with
handwork. They add Just the right
note to the sweater and skirt eostume
and make a separate waist unneces
sary. Two collar and vestee sets, as
pictured, worn with sweaters and
fcklrts contribute so much of attrac
tiveness that they are real necessities
the good points of the sweater are
emphasized by them.
A str.ilght baud of net Is the founda
tion of both the collars, but In the set
nt the left It Is rounded at the ends.
Three frills of (luted val lace form Its
,d,v!rVM,r. JV.W,. X jL yi
i,ifUi:z.,jnr. aiuwavsrs v
change before the fashions will. Long
and trailing snshes and panels
sleeves that are inerel.v floating drap
ery, veils and long earrings are the
mode because they suit the mood ot
their wearers.
There is every reason to be satis
fied with things as tlu;y are in tho
world of fashion, for women liuvo
every opportunity to he beautifully as
well as fashionably dressed this sea
mii. The t.les are lovely and are,
also rellned a consummation de
voutly to be wished. After so much
"Jazzing" in the near past It Is re
freshing to study the new things.
Among them appears the delightful
afternoon costume, shown herewith
made of heavy brown crepe. It is n
simple affair with bodice hloused at
the low waistline and wide-draped
sleeves ending In points and confined
at the wrM. The popular trimming
of loose straps has been Ingeniously
mauaced on it, falling free from neck,
to girdle and caught up In tiers nbout
the, skirt. The skirt is ankle length
but thr '.."traps in the lowest tier fall
to the Instep.
"Ho girdle of self-nmterlnl Is cm
Delightful Afternoon Costume.
decoration. A panel of tucked net
down tho center of the vestee Is bor
dered by frills of vnl lacp nnd a very
full frill edges the top.
Straight lines 'and square corners
make the set at tho right n slmplo
matter to handle. Net, 'ace and em
broidered swIbs Insertion are set to
gether In strips for the vestee, the net
strips covered with frills of val edg
ing. There Is a plain fold of net at
the top und tho collar Is plain net,
edged with frills of val.
That early rumor, that tho silhou
ette would expand and tho waist
lino movo upward this fall, Is less
than u whisper now, for tho dis
plays do not hear It out. All the love
ly frocks for afternoon and evening
show that women are still devoted to
long lines and sllmnefs and that they
Insist on wearing 4,ft fabrics that
fall Into graceful draperies. What
they aro looking for la npparel that
glorifies tho human form divine by
clothing It with supple drnperles that
fall and float und betray Its graco
.nnd beauty. Their mood will lmve to
broldored with gradunted, overlnnj
ping disks, made of little knots, set
dose together, In colors. Tho small
lint Is n Napoleon shape of hntters
plush with rosettes of metallic lenvea
at the sides. It Is trimmed with a
long, fine lnce veil which falls over it
to the tip of tho no&o nt tho front
nnd to the shoulder-blades nt tho
uuv Dc
oorruoHT rr vtvutN hivvwu. union
Nice Hair Ornament.
A pretty barrettu for the llttlo mold
with either bobbed linlr or n demuro
braid Is of tortoise shell shaped Uku
-Tweeds for Autumn.
Parle tweeds nro promised great
popularity for fall. Imported plulda
and checks, too, arc being made lnt
ery snappy butts ami coats.
. r r n WUlTETkOn
fc. V 1. LMt 1TIII11 Aa --
fi " ,
(, 1922, Welorn Newspiipor Union,)
Itoce was a dog with a very high
opinion of himself, but somehow lie
was not much of a success In his
world and did not get along very well
with the people who provided him a
good home and plenty to cat. ,
In the wuy of choies about tho
placo that usually fall to the lot of
u good dog, he was a misllt. He did
not like to drive the cows to and
from the pastille; work that he thought
should be done by a tegular shepherd
dog. As for keeping awake at night
to protect the place from all manner
of marauders, that was the work of
a regular watch dog, and was a kind
of work that did not suit his tempera
ment. Nor did he feel that he was
born to chase the chickens out of tho
garden or catch mischievous wood
chucks. That was hard work that did
not yield sutllclent for the outlay of
energy. Hesldes, woodchucks have
sharp teeth and n mean way of using
them. No, woodchuek work was not
for him. ISather It was the proper
labor of a dog not fitted for some
thing better.
Almost all the dogs I'.oce knew had
some special work that they seemed
to enjoy, lie noticed that the setters,
pointers and hounds were always
happy when they were busy at their
special work, and he concluded ftc
would be equally contented If he could
only find out the special field that ho
was born to fill. There was nothing
he had ever done In the way of spe
cial work that had given him pleasure
or profit. He was certain, however,
that he was a dog of uncommon
ability, nnd It was only a question of
time when he would Hint the place for
which he was eminently fitted.
Meanwhile he would dreani on of
the delayed opportunity that wns cer
tain to come along some day and
put him In tho way of showing tho
world what he could do when he had
tlfe right kind of a chance.
Wlille he was waiting for something
favorable to turn up he thought It
might be well to spend a little time
with the dog doctor who was the friend
of nil dogs.
"I seem to he In hard luck, doc
tor," he said as lie walked Into the
olllce. "Somehow, most all the dogs I
know are having u good time, but I
can't find anything to do that is suit
able for u dog like me."
"1'ou ain't any worse off', I'.oce, than
a lot oY folks 1 know. They have lots
of time on their hands but they use
up very little of It hunting u Job.
Most of this class would take n Job
as superintendent of a big rallrond,
but they would turn down an offer of
a Job they could handle. I suspect
I you nre willing to take a big jolt you
know nothing about, but would not
work at anything you can really do.
My advice Is to go to work at tho
first Job you can find. After you have
learned how to do that well, you will
be fit for somcthfing liotter. But
don't waste your time looking for
something ensy. All work Is hard.
And the harder you work tho better
you will like your Job."
"I'll think It over," said Hoce, "but
I really feel that I could till ti Bwell
place 11 I could find one."
l!oco had a friend that used to
sneak ivround back of the place for a
visit. lie was as unpopular as 15oce
was aud for that reason never came by
the front way on his visits, and
itoce returned his visits in the same
Tlio good woman who saw lloco
sneaking about the rear of her place
knew very well thnt back-door com
pany, afraid to step boldly out in the
open, was not the kind of n visitor for
her dog. He was n good deal of a
discontented loafer himself, and nil
he needed to become u full-fledged
member of the alley dog class was the
couipnnlonshlp of another loafer like
himself. Shu tried In vnrlous ways
to break up tho association, but theso
pals would not he separated. They
continued their little visits nnd finally
got the hnblt of wandering nway to
gether. One day nfter Uoco had been on
one of his periodical trips with his
pnl ho called ut the doctor's ofllce,
with a frightened look In his coun
tenance, nnd n limp In one hind leg.
"I've been expecting you, Uoce," the
doctor said. "Where did you get It?"
Hoce was explaining how he and his
pal were having a good time when a
menu ninu came along und shot his
pal dead und then took u shot ut him,
Before ho had finished n man walked
Into the ofllce, stepped up to Hoce,
opened his mouth and pulled n long
piece of sheeps' wool out from be
tween his teeth; Then he found some
"I - thought I recognized you," he
snld, "when you limped In here, ns one
of tho dogs I saw killing sheep hnck
In the pasture. These shot marks on
jour legs nnd tho wool In your teeth
makes It certain. Como nlong with
me," ho said as ho fastened n chnln
to his collar.
"Ain't you going to let tho doctor
nx me up before I go?" Inquired Hoce.
"It Isn't necessary, you only have
a little way to go. Just a short rldo
out to tho field where your pal lies.
You'll bo with him In about ten
"Good-by, Hoce," snld tho doctor us
they loft. "It's tho snnio with dogs
na It Is with folks.
"Loafers nro certain to find ono an
other und make a sorry fliilah."
Some More Truths.
"X70UIiD you use a steam shovel to movo a pebble? Certainly not, Implements
aro built according to tho work they havo to do.
Would you use a grown-up's remedy for your baby's ills? Certainly not.)
Kemedies aro prepared according to tho work THEY havo to do.
All this is preliminary to reminding you that Fletcher's Castoria was sought
out, found and is prepared solely as a remedy for Infants and Children. And let
this bo a warning against Substitutes, Counterfeits and tho Just-as-good stuff that
may be all right for you in all your strength, but dangerous for tho littlo babe.
All tho mother-lovo that lies within your heart cries out to you: Bo true to
Baby. And being truo to Baby you will keep in tho house remedies specially
prepared for babies as you would a baby's food, hairbrush, toothbrush or sponge.
pMKotT.nntnntS lSPtuid Praolml
Children Cry For
i m wlmt ,m m w w
W flTTW ll.TA.l! I J JT'T 3 JT
hifW. IB'ii fjlg!!gSisTl
Cheerfulness andRcstContalffii
neither Opium, Morpiune n
MlneraL Not Anpo
iJanltJ Strf
NEW ityilSJ
Are You Prepared?
A doctor in tho house aU the time would be a good idea. Yet youi
afford to keep a doctor in the family to keep baby well or pre-'
vent sickness. Sut you can do almost tho same thing by having at
hand a bottle of Fletcher's Castoria. because it is a wonderful remedy
for indigestion, colic, feverishncss, frctfulncss and all the other dis
orders that result from common ailments that babies have.
Fletcher's Castoria is perfectly safe to use. It is a harmless sub
stitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Children
cry for Fletcher's Castoria, and mothers recommend it because they
have found it a comfort to children and a mother's friend.
If you love your baby, you know how sweet it is to be able to
help baby when trouble comes. You cannot always call upon a doctor.
But doctors have nothing but good to say of Fletcher's Castoria, be
cause they know that it can only do good that it can't do any barm
and they wouldn't want you to use for baby a remedy that you would
use for yourself.
Bears tho Signature of
i a
t11S(iH k7riwmmkTrTkWWW M
ftW-VZ': W"VWrTETTTllU-LhidaH Tfl !
Exact Copy of Wrapper. . TMB CKNTAUR COMPANVi Nw VOMK CITV.
10 Cents
Gives Charming Mew Color Tone to Old Sweaters
PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish
Melodious Irony.
"Why did the ttnrs come Into your
oyo8 when the hand played "Hall, the
Clang's All Here?"
"In view of the factional fights we've
been having," replied Senator Sor
ghum, "the tune sounded downright
S $nrxM:2.H
Men'i Garter, (lie) ant Iloubupportert (alKltn,
',?). No rubber to rot from heat or iwrut. I'ho
ihur Ilrorto KusUtii Hpringi gii tho tre.Uo.
ASK YOUR DEALER. If he can't aopply you, tend
direct. sWIng dealt r'a name. Accept no aubilltuta.
Get the ucnulne NuWay. !xok for guaranUa
and name on buckle- Write for itory of Nu-waj
Spring Utrctcb.
CrrfMf r. Maxu44lurtTt a A'- Wty 4 Em.II. lAmu
Dapt. C Adrian, Mich.
Ancient Costumes In Greenland.
Men's costumes of the Thirteenth
nnd Fourteenth centuries lmve been
found in Greenland. They nro In an
excellent stnte of preservation and re
Kcmhlc the clothes worn by Dante In
the published pictures of the Italian
poet. They nre not yet open to public
view, but may bo exhibited nt borne
future date.
Theso Interesting finds were made
by Dr. Noerlund, n Danish scientist,
whllo excavating In undent burial
grounds In the southwestern part of
Greenland. They are the only existing
specimens In the world of garments
worn by men In the Thirteenth nnd
Fourteenth centuries. Helng deposited
In tins frozen earth for about GOO years
has preserved them from destruction
by -1110111 and nge.
A threat of tar and feathers la
enough to make a man lly.
Cuticura Soap
For the Hands
Sotp 25c, Ointment 25 nd 50c, Talcnta 25c.
A mnn who probnbly knows says
there never was n meal so expensive
ns the free lunch.
Every genuine
package has
the cross and
circle printed
w red.
Make your
Old Walls
Redecorate with
little trouble, less
expense and greater
satisfaction. There
is one best way
to do it
Mm fmMW sr.'r-
-Save Money
Lonfr voar consiaorcu, ke,x uvcraus
nnd Work Pants nre tho clieapeit work gar
ments you con buy. Dcst quality materials
and workmanship tliroucliout. Cut for com
fort Satisfaction cuarantrcdor your money
back. If your dealer Is out of your tlxe.wrlto
,-nrnsjn THE McKEY MFQ. CO.
ZKamrZy&mV """"""i1!"
rdfeMV.k?sm. ,. -.
Cmm V M ssTsm Vlr' "Vit. "" I'TrPvTVjttf
h .I a 27 1 rfrarrwirai
1123 O Stre.t
Uncoil), Nob
Raiorea Color and
BaavDty to Gray and Fadsd Hair
age. aiiasi wai ituitct.u.
niaeni Chcra. Wsa. Patfhomic.p.T.
,HINDE(tCORNS RraioTes Onrns, Cat-
lonaea. et., stops alt pain, eniurna comfort to ths
fret, makes walklnr ear. ISa. by nail or at Drug
(lits. UlsooxCtaamleal Works, ratcboirasiM.Ti
Instead of Kalsomine or Wall Paper
Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills
then take 2 or 3 for a tew nights after. 1 hey
cleanse your system of all waste matter and
Regulate Your Bowels. Mild as easy to
take as SUgar. Gwmne bear tlgnalutt stfanZg&fC
Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price.
Creamery and Cream
Station Supplies
Milk Bottles and Dairy Supplies: Kg;
Cases and Chicken Coops; BOILERS
1 300 Jones St. 1 1 W. TUra St.
Wabash Pad
Cura Collar Sora while you
workthe horse. Ask your
dealer, or send us$l S3
lor sample, poitpaJu
Mlri., Lincoln, Nebr.
ECOLNS Room for $1.50
Lunch Room In Connection
AM) ii:imj rillOl
Splendid field, i-icullcnt imiillu Plans sent
eit. 10, KXCtn.smil SPltlNUH, MO.
'XSSiT KatW m
T vYC-iT
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 39-1922.