The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 28, 1922, Image 5

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Roy Rust spent Sunday in Superior.
Robt., Hoxsey spent Saturday, in
Grand Inland. . .. trjMvib i
) Marian "Mo'rcer went'-'id' Afpahoc
Monday mtfrnfns.' ' :i J' c f--
" i "I'i. ii Jin i- j-
Gus Fu))crhaa aeceptd a JMftition
ith Oglevic Bros. " $?? ' '
Joe Carr was avpasscngcr tKstr
ings Friday morning. 's
Eli Cox 'of Bladen was in the city
Wednesday afternoon.
G. R. McCrary was down from Ina
vale Wednesday aftcnoon. -".
The best of potatoes 75c per bushol.
Chas. Rasscr, phono 12 on 2.
Joe Crow was down from Republi
can city the first of the week.
Earl B. Gaddis of Omaha was visit
ing friends in the city Wednesday.
Claicncc Klzer went to Denver Sat
urday evening to spend a few days.
Alfred Phi lips went to Haywood
Monday morning to spend a few days.
I. B. Wagoner was a passenger to
Beatrice Wednesday morning on train
Omcr Wolfe, who is working at Mc
Cook, spent Sunday here with home
V. S. Hall and J. W. Watten were
down from Bladen Wednesday afternoon.
' Bert Anderson and Roy Garrison
returned home Saturday evening. from
n 1 INKS
Omaha. i I
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith werejpa;.
sengers to Hastings Tue'sday mornMig
on train 4.
The local ball team went to lllvcrton
this afternoon where they played the
Rtrcrton team.
I - - , , .- ' ' - i i ii m.i.L .iii.i ., i m
Tho Nuckolls County Breeders Assn.,
will hold n Boar 8alo at Fair grounds
at Nelson, Oct. 31. Watoh for add later.
, Chas. Raster ai(l6, Wyoming bp
rived here this nlauiinjc ,to attend to
some justness altoriM and. visit his
son Roy and friends.
F. I. Hooker ofGufdb Rock was in
tho 'cllv'Tuesdav. He" is an" nuctfon'-
eer of tec years experience nnd his
card appears in this paper.
Fred Slnhv who hm honn hronk-
j'ng for tho C. B. & Q., out of McCook
for the past few weeks, returned homo
Sunday he having been laid off.
Mrs. O. Wnlfo lfffc for Hmwnvillo.
Wednesday morning on train 14 where
she will spend a couple of weeks visit
ing with her mother and with frien-13.
Mrs. Maude Ronfro went to' Selden,
Kansas, Saturday morning where she
will snend a coun!o of weeks visitinc
her brother, Howard Simpson and
E. V. King, who has been woiking
third trick at the depot for the past
two weeks, went to Edison Saturday
evening whniv he will work for a few-days.
sen-ices at tho
church will be as follows:
Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Laban
Wagoner Superintendent. Lesson
subject, "The Place and Work of John
tho Baptist." i
Sormon. bv the nastor. iSdWect.'
S'Nnllmiiil Sflmiritv and ItaliirinuliMikL
ucatiofr' 11:00' a. m.
Study, 730 p. m.
Address by Miss Blanche McCart
ney, returned Missionary from lnaito
Subject, "India's Need of Christ."
She will speak from Jno. 3:16 and the
life of tho India people.
ISundav is tho bctrinnmg'of a new
Quarter of Sunday Schobl lessons. For
six months wo will studyJn the Adult
and Young peoples classes the Life
of Jesus accorchnc to Luke s Gospel.
The Primaries, Juniors, and Beginners
will begin the Graded Lessons, Inter
national Series.
The Community Chorus and orches
tra will meet each week for practice.
We meet this week on Friday evening
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. lra
Church going is a good thing! Let's
get the habit!
Red Cloud's Big Fair
11 ju
Commences Tuesday, October 3rd
arid Closes Friday, October
Make your plant to attend and see the best! Exhibit of live stock :
ana aii tunas i iann products ever snown in southern Nebraska
During the week. Plan to, make your Fall ai&'jVinter purchases
at that time as we are making special low PRICES this Fall on
all Men's and Boys wearables
Tho Red Clov.l High School Foot
lall team opened tho season at Xol
son last Friday afternoon. The Nel
son team won the game by -i score of
12 to 0.
Operator J. L. Harrington, who has
been working at the depot in place of
Mr. Thompson, went to Cowies Fri
day morning to spend the day with
his parents.
Mr. McCracken was a passtjjpff
to Ottumwa, Iowa, Thursday morn
ing on train 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Butler and
feon of Hastings spent Sunday here
with his pai'enls.
Miss Minnie Christian was a jm
scnger to St. Joseph Missouri, Thurs
day morning on train 16.
Samuel Dcakln, aged 75 years, 5
months and 19 days, passed away, at
his home in Cowlcs Saturday evening.
The funeral services were held Mon
day afternoon. , ', . ' '
1 -
Mrs. A. D. Swansoh returned tocher
home at Rawlins, Wyoming, Thurs
dav mornlnffT after sDendinc the nast
couple of weeks here visiting with rel
atives ariTrTrlends.
C. G. Saunders, who went to McCook
a couple of weeks ago .to go to work
ag fireman" for the Burlington, has
been assigned to the Red Cloud-Hastings
passenger run.
George Kailcy returned home Tues
day from Omaha where he spent a
few days at the Ak-Sar-Bcn.
Several from hero attended the
Guide Rock va Superior ball at the
latter city Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beck of SuqrJ-
speift Sunday here vyith his -fear
ente, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beck,
4 1 fc .. k
. '"'-iKw
Congregational Church Notes
Rov. Lmlwig Tlioms-'ii will preach
n.t Sunday morning.
English Lutheran Church
Regular ervios every first and thhd
Sunday In tlio month in tho Advontist
The public Is coidinll.v invited.
O. R. Helnltz, Pastor.
Grace Church Notes
Sixteenth Sunday After Trinity
Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Holy Communion at 11 a. m
Evening Service at 730 p m.
Please note change in time of Even
ing Service.
Kansas Pickups
Mrs. Jim Qraham is on the sick
t'iis week.
Freddie Lannlgan is down with
wAfobie Payne spent Sunday withE'
E. Spurrier. , ' ' ;
Miss Zola Ingram spent Sunday with
Mrs. Jas. Spurrier.
Mrs. Fay Upp spent Monday with
Mrs Andrew Upp.
Earl Abbott and family were Sundi $
visitors at Newol Mcrrltts. (
Fred Drown returned from Ottown,
Kansas the Inst of the week.
Miss Velma Carr spent Friday after
noon with her sister Melba Abbott.
Kenneth Abbott and Orvlllc Barm a
left Monday morning for Lincoln, Ne
braska, to work.
Op; is
Young Men's New Sport Models
$18.50 to $35.00
By far the neatest line of Men's and Young
Men's ever seen in Red Cloud.
New Belt Models
16.50, 18, 18.50, 20.00, 25 lo 35.00
Wonderful Bargains
See Our Cloth-Craft Serge
at $27.00
The Clothing Sensation of the Year
The Fall Hat and Cap Display will be
worth your while.
t s, ' J 1 " - O" i . J '
OorM Scott of the Scott darlrrvST
Co., was down from Riverton wed
nesday afternoon visiting friends
Afft MM I III I -:-- " ' '"
Messrs. ana mesaames jduh omu,
J. P. Cheek, G. W. Damon and FjQk
Peterson spent sunaay ai Aima.
yf li VW"
. An eight and one-half pound baby
jirl arrived at the home of Mi" and
Mrs. Reilly Hayes early Monday mom
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robinson of
Superior spent Sunday here with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Robinson.
Fred Roberts was a passencer to
Fairbury Wednesday morning where
he wi'l probably make his home in tho
future, his parents havinc moved to
Hint place several weeks ago.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Childrcssis Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Smith and Mrj.and
Mrs. Grant Turner were among those
wti'n rtfAVA tn Tlluft Will Vhilfcrlnv PVfiWfrTj
n:r:::r:L$r?i ::l t
rrt.. U!J. oV1 trfnnnfc ti-ill rn.
peat their musical comedMiss Chef4'00'rtVt fARNItHj
Vif ntrtooAm . h Auditorium -neirtrlnr' T-Ji,l':n'" tli'' - .
Tuesday evening. Don't fall to see
it as it pleased the peoplolast spring:
rr .
.- r
. f . -
i -- -M-' - .jtHaaW AM
Xih inA ta W. A. Sherwood re-
11141 M. ' j. - -- - -
turned home Monday evening on train
11 from Umajia wnero iney went uw
first of last week to spend a few days
visiting with relatives and attending
tho Ak-Sar-Ben.
Tho Burlington, effective Thurs
day evening discontinued feeding the
men in the mechanical depaitment at
this point, and aie making prepara
tion to move the equipment, which
consists of a dining car and pullman,
from here,
." .
fjpnV tarnUhjBf or duUtaf pt rti
rl bright' Surface of lifer Uvjfl
rtho action of air which contains JO
Dr. R. S. Martin returned home Sat
urday morning from Cincinnati, Ohio,
where he had been visiting his par
ents. - '
f "- .. . .. , , , . ....
f1nl n nf Norn nnHoUttCcs his"
Duroc Jersdy F'all sale will he held
October ith. Watch for ad in this
M-s. N. B. Buah went to McCook
Monday morning to spend a fow days
with her sister, Mrg John Marshall
and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heaton and baby
wont to Hastings Monday morning
after speding a few dnya here with
relatives and friends.
Monday evening the local Advisory
Itnnnl nf tlin Snlvntioil Armv-UcUl a
meeting and elected F J. Munday
chnirman and H. 8. Foo seorotary. A
drive will beheld in this county Octo
ber 3 lat to raise $850 as its quoto fcr
fhn Nnt.lnnnl Ortrnn'ritiou, , t.
Hnrrv Thompson rctunied to this
city Friday morning on train 15 from
Lima, Ohio, where he went a couple
of weeks ago to put his son, William,
in cMmnl. While crone he visited sev
eral eastern cities including Cleveland,
Chicago, Detroit, Kansas City and
Tulsa, Oklahoma.
nhnr even in 'm'lnutb Quantities.
action, which Is sonpjwjiat aniUoWSf,
to the rusting of Iron tho'ugh the
fatter Is due to the effect of water 6r
moisture forihs a coating of silver
sulphate over the bright surfaco of
the metal, In some cases turning It nn
unsightly brown. The film of sllver
fiulphato may ho removed by tho ap
plication of friction but, unless care
Is exercised, this Is likely to scratch
and mar the original surfaco of tho
metal. For this reason, all reUiiuio
preparations sold as "silver polishes"
are entirely free from gritty partlcjps
lUltJU UII"Ub" l llllinu ""' '"
lble to the nuked eye though tho en-
. ..11.1... I I.. Ilsnlf I
tiro process or iioiisiiuik i. " i
one of scratching away the film or re
moving It by some kind of friction.
The fnct that sulphur Is respond'
bio for tho tarnishing of sliver ex
plains why pieces of tableware in a
houso heated by a hot-air furnace
will tarnish more rapidly than those
in n honsfi where steam or not-waier
heat has been Installed. The sulphur
fume3 come up from the furnnco
through the registers and quickly film
the sliver, necessitating frequent
cleaning, while the condition natural
ly does not exist In houses where
radiators aro In place.
(Ctpyrlfht by the WheeUr Syndicate. Inc.)
Mrs. RVV. Nicholson returned home
Sunday from St. James, Minnesota,
where sho was called to attend the
funeral of her father.
Seeley, Famous in This Specialty
Called to Superior.
F. H. Seelcy,.of Chicago and Phi'a
delphia, the noted truss expert; will
personally be at the Union Hotel, and
will remain in Superior.Wednesday
-i.. rt.t,vkn a Mr xooiev- savs:
.,r, y '?".' -vy --.,.
;The Spermatic snieia win not ,),
re;ain any caso of 'rupture, perfectly
buV.jcontracta the' opening 'in lOdaytt
'U U "AvSaspa case: ' Bemsra vast
"f. .- ; .-, ,V.'.'iX.ia.AJ.i
advancement over an wmw wwo 1
j cxernpiuying iiMiiMivija ,.
Immediately anDTCciablo 'and wilh
I Standing any s'frain of position no
matter the size or location. Large
or difficult Eases,"or 'incissional rup
tuves (following operations) specially
snifritail. This instrument received
the only awaixi in England and in
Snaln. producing results without sur
gery, injections, medical treatments
or prescriptions. Warning All cases
should be cautioned against the use
of any clastic or web truss with un
der straps, as same rest where the
lump is and not where the opening
is, producing complications necessita
ting surgical operations. Mr. Sceley
lias 'documents from tho United btatcs
Government, Washington, D. O., lor
inspection. He will be glad to demon
strate without charge or fit tnem 11
desired. Business demands prevent
Btopping at any other place in this
t o Uvbto etntAment in this notice
has been verified before tho Federal
n,i stii flirts. F H. Seeley.
Home Office, 117N. Dearborn St., Chi
We have just received a large shipment of the Popu
i lar Copyright books which we are now selling for
75c Per Volume
." i Some of the popular titles are: "Big Town Round Up,'
'"Kindred of the Dust,", "Man, of the Forest" "The Rivers
EujI," "Tarzan of the Untamed " "Man to Man' and many
! We
"Polly and Her Friend Series'," "Marjorie Series,
J lLa Zm amII Ia imU.A.UJ M AAA MM ftlAV
aliu uuicis 1 uu win uc imcicaicu 111 ociu iuui
also have a large stock of Girls' and Boys books
idio Boys Series," "Pee Wee Harris Stories;-'
n T, rntt)nW rnfnmofl liomo Fri-
day evening from Omaha where ho
purchased goods for his store and also
attended the Ak-Snr-Bon.
Tho following shipped stock from
hero Sunday morning Tom Swart-.,
one ca-lnd of cittlo to SI. Jn Trick
pon and Y -t two cirload-i of cattlp
to St. Tjs and A. B. Crabill pne car
of hogs to Kansas City and Dolanoy
Bros., one car of hogs to Kansas City.
Fred Pharos waB a passenger to
Omaha Fiiday morning after visit
ing with his mother, Mrs. uaroaru
Pharos for the past few days. He in
tends spending a short time in Omaha
and then going to Minneapolis, Minne
sota, where he will probably work
through the winter.
Ar.nminpfimonts havo been received
w fi-icnds in this city of the wedding
of Miss Eltina Rickard and Thomas
Eugene Ryan which was solemnized
last Thursday nt Scottsbluff. The
young couple is well known in this city
as tho biidi was a loacher in tho High
School for several years, the groom
clerked in several of tho stores and
wsa roared to manhood here.
First American Piano.
FMdenre seems to prove that the
plnun was Invented by Unrtolomeo
Clirlstofoil, a hnrpsh-hord nmker oi
Padua In 1710. A half century later
riiniinn unro inniiurnntiired In Knghind
l,y (Itu-ninn nicchnnlcH. The first
Aincrlviiii piano was niiulo In Boston
In iSUli by a firm that hns continued
to inukc that Instrument' for a bun
dled .ears,
Romans First Pleasure Tourists.
Traveling for pleasure ennio Into
vogtio In tho penceful enra of the Uo
ninu emplio, snyu.the Helenllllc Amor.
Icnn. Historic' plnct-s and nntural
cur'oi'ltU'H were son 'lit out mid fa
moiiM Kiots ainl fri lit new lltetl. Tliu
Ilninnni Bei'iiir.l m liutu pieferred
tlieo Kditler us'ts f nutuio, and
hud little iipiircclatloji i towering
I heights and dIuiiuIiil' ennvons.
tied Cloud Nebraska
Dr.R. V. Nicholson
Cloud Red
An important event
here because of the
tine style and quality
You get more than
new clothes here; you
get Hart Schaffner &
Narx style and quality
There is nothing better
See the new Norfolks,
sport suits; 2, 3 & 4
button sacks at
$27. SO to $45.00
New Shoes, Fall Caps, Bradley Sweatees
Stetson and Mallory Hats
W. Go Hamilton Clothing Co