RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF H V a wwwirwvirB"rirwTrwTnnrTrTririrwTrirtrw Phpne Ind. 3 on 90, Bell 1 74. . Residence, Bell 241 1 Mrs, Ed Amacki -t r T Wi I u mWTWw & BQTHPH$j - y . EDCLQUD.NEB, I. T. AMACK-PHONE JfD. 32M ' WtfWWWSnMWWWIA i 11- Need GroceriesTo-Day? A LWAYS prepared and .waiting to fill r any Grocery order" is the motto under which our store is run. It means that no mat ter how small your order may be or what par ticular items you may want, wc arc ready to supply them. We never allow any of our lines of package, 'bottled or canned goods (o decrease to a "sold out" lcvelj Neither do we offer anything in the Vcgalable Qjr Fruit line, unless it is strictly fresh. And what's more, we arc sure our pri ces will please you, P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware (Quality A GOOD JOB WELL DONE S- h A A piece of printed matter with your name on it is your "Per sonal" representative wherever it may be found. Surely then, the best is none too good. That's the basis on which we guar-" anteo your 'satisfaction with our ' Frintipg, ( Quality is the watchword liere all the timewhether the" job. be big or little. 4 V.. .1 The Red Cloud Chief We Do Only The Highest Grade COMMERCIAL PRINTING Add Tone to your business by getting the best A SCHOOL PAUS A THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY TDUR8PAY 5 T-J- . entered in the PottofUcc at lied Cloud, Nftb ai Second ClaM Matter n - - ; WiPURCiir" A. B. MoARTQUE,' Editor and Owner "V if, ' f Adventsing Rats Foreign, per column Inch 15c Local, a " 10 A I2& LOCAL ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO. 1 (Friday, Sept. 30, 1802) Al MeCllntock, day operator at the depot Las returned homo. Kites Cora Kaley and- Dollle Sheph ardson of Franklin were In the city this week. Qcorgo Ncwhouso who has been ab sent for two years has returned home. Qoorgo has been very successful in learning tils trade. The Rlngling Iiros., cirous was the best over bold in Red Cloud. More thnu 8000 peoplo attended it. 0000 were in attendance in the afternoon ana more man zuuu at nignt. it was good and diew peoplo from .10 to 10 mllee distance Mr. Prod McKceby hns gone to St, LoiiIh to tube a further comae in mod. ieino. Kreil is a bright and enorgcliu young tiKin ami no mistake not. will be a shining light in his piofession before many yeais. Marshall Roby, who wo rciuctnber as one of lied Cloud's youngsters years ago, and who has been west, returned this week to visit his pnronts. Mar shall has out-grown himself and his friends. He now weighs 235 and is "clear out of sight." He is depot agent for the B. & M., at Atlanta, Neb., at present (Items of Twenty Years Ago.) Grant Turner was in the city over Sunday. . , .", llruce Frame is now at work, for Rife and Robinson. 'd. Piatt left Tuesday morning1 for pmab Jor a aborjt visit. ', Miss Stella Ducker was on tbe sick list the first of the week. George Coon has begun the erection otVaweUlng house on what' was the Fair grounds. Homir Sherwood and wife retain )d( Monday morning .from tnetr'trip to California and the Paciflo Coast Fred Temple and Hugh Beal went to Omaiip, Thursday morning to take in the sight of tho Ak9arbun, festivities. John Jesse n, the original oil man of this city but who is now with tho Economy Society of Pennsylvania, is visiting old friends in this city. John talks very entertainingly of the society and speaks In terms of praise of John Duss, who is at the head of the society, iP.d trho a,W was formerly a citizen. Of Ltbisldunty. Beyond lodkibg a little Older Mr, Jessen looks and acts like tbe am oiil John of former days. Hubert Ntutrbarg, the deKt restau rant'tnaa is rejoicing over the arrival of a fine large baby girl, which event occurred last Sunday morning. At the colt show, which was held at Charles MoKilghan's last Saarday, George Amack was awarded 1st on shire otP, Bert Tenant 1st on all purpose colt, and A. B. Wiggins 1st on mule colt. FARM BUREAU NOTES (Br County Agent, Henry R. Fnusch) NEBRASKA AT INTER STATE ' FAIR Tho Webster County Demonstration team composed of Lorimer Edson and Eugcno White representing Nebraska ajUho. Inter State Fair at Souix City, Iwri, won 3rd with a score' of 06 Iowa -Poultry Team won first, score 9SU Michigan Spraying Team won siebnd, score 97. VlVelvo middle west states competed in this contest. 280 boys and girls wcro.guesta of tho Inter State Fair, Tho Nebraska Clothing Team from Cass county ranked 6th, Kansas win ning first. Thof tNebraska Judging Team from Dawson (county ranked 8th North Dakota winnine first. 'In tho boy's health contest, Donald Funk of Illinois won 1st, Eugene White 2nd. In tho girl's health con test, Laura Bee of Iowa won first and Hazel Gustafson of Nebraska won 2nd. FARMERS' INSTITUTE Next week the Farmers' Institute now known as the Webster County Agricultural Socioty will hold forth. The Board of Directors have put forth every effort to make this one of the host fairs held. The business men of Red Cloud have put up more money than ever before. All committees have been woiking hind and every thing is in lcndincss for the big show Starting Tuesday evening with a proiri.un put on by the Red Cloud schools. Wednesday and Thur iij evening illustrated lectures on Poul try, Pair; ing and that scicntif c pic ture "Down The Niobrara," a'so Ex- Governor Schallenbcrger will lecture on "Agriculture." This program will be filled with good music by local people. High School Stock Judging Wcdncs day morning followed by judging in all departments. In tho Live Stock open reasons will bo given by judge for his placings. Three Demonstrations will be given Thursday afternoon. "Clothing," "Rfcmd Worm in Hosts" and "Calf? ,1iftg Live Stock parade at 1:30 p. m. in hrjraday, October 5th. jKhoo 661 and Civic narnrie nfc 1 ;30 n. m Friday, October 6th. i- III tie County Court of Web ster County, Nebraska Notice of Hearing. Pride and Vanity. I would much rather fight pride than vanity, because pride has a stand-up way of fighting. You know where it Is. It throws Us black shad ow on you, nnd'you nre not nt n loss whero to strike, nut .vanity Is that dcluslvo, that insectlvetous, that mul tiplied feellne: nnd.. men, that ..fight , vanity 'are like men that fight yvldges .and'hutt'erflfcrf. It Is' crisler Jlb cnaso .'thera 'than'to lilt 'th'efoHeriry' Ward Beecher. '" T Can Be No Compromise. It Is n truism, butane often prac tlcally forgotten, that there Is no mi dlum between truth and falscliood. Archbish6p,Wf;d!eley,,' Have an Nea. Adv. "Wtedp1 an ' experienced' do- signer to design latest designs for,car-lc.' )ets for carpet -factory." A- trifle . tague, bUt.rr thlnkwe undwtaaduw what'a wasted. Boston Traasctlpt. A niini 1 1 ft " Tj5ir J asseroe, the PYREX way Elasiest because it is transparent. Avoid the guesswork and uncertainty. Look through your PYREX and sec the food baking. PYREX the oil .anal transparent oven-ware 13 snnilnry and practical foi everyday use and is jtiur-' nntccd not to break in the oven. Durable and economical saver, time, fuel and dishes you bake in and serve from the same dish. Food actually tastes better when PYREXED the full flavor is retained because the baking i3 quick and thorough. Buy a casserole at 1 G. W. TRINE'S HARDWARE toWWMNWMNWJVWAWWffJYMJWWWWM' I & & Vteu-t of rfo. ItCTPM Tb THlsVj BtRt'S A COOO'N USTCH - BOHMt SM, -. . two FAKT. CaD w " ""i WJ .AJJ. amu Vfl. MCA.T, 0 C0Bft L .. .. C' fi" 6K,se WWII A brtNArSWftf seal Hetw coo j ws port CCOO, NW " ' r , -1 1U .1 ' v.'tl W: PS5S UTfewnW ?eavfoo ?&. Sr'.Ji . :-fr &i'-X '-ttf'V'&Z nnvrliitil ." $gh &: m WHAT WOOL TARIFF WILL COST THE FARMERS As the farmers of the United States buy half of tho products consumed they will . pay half of tho enormous bill imposed on the American people for the enrichment of the profiteer for whom it was primarily intended. H. E. Miles, chairman of the Fair Tar iff League, a protectionist organiza tion, in n statement to the Senate Finance Committee, said of the tariff which the Fordney McCumber bill has put on raw wool "to stimulate agri culture:" "At 33 cents per scoured pound duty (the rate in the Fordr.ey-McCum-ber bill), the cost to the public will bo $198,000,000, of which the wool growers would get $79,200,000, against which the farmers as a whole would pay $99,000,000 and the rest of the pub'ic an equal sum. "This estimate is extremely con servative. A widely experienced man ufacturer hr.s given you his estimate that this $00,000,000 of protection on wool (piotectcd by a duty of 25 cents a pound) would cost the consumer $250,000,000. Tersonally I think tho fanner would pay $100,000,000 to get ids $CO,000,000. "The farmer puts upon his own back as much wool as ho raises. He is therefore only.taxing himself. Ho also pays full wool duties on the 40 per cent of cotton and 30 per cent of shoddy adulteration in his winter c'othing nnothor, says, $25,000,000 loss." Rewards. Tl.o limn wlio burns tho midnight oil neuT fceeins to i.mko ns much money as the one who soils It. lloston Transcript, In Re Estate of Ohprl TV Hoi-itor ! Deceased? ) The, heirs at law, the creditors and all persons interested in the estate of Obed 15. Harvey deceased, will talco notice that DeHn W Harvey has filed his petition in said court, alleging tint Obed H. Harvey died intestate on Octo- ber-15, 1011 being a resident of Webstrr county, Nebraska; that he died seized Of the following described real esta'e in Webster county, Nebraska, ton it: Tbcjeaat half of tho north cast quart ef of section" twenty-eight township two mirth rihge twelve west ottha Sixth "principal, Meridian and tWrof Interest oCiaTd ttHWi?i In said real estate is. the ownership Jn fee simple of ' an undivided interest therein 7. Thfctno application hasvbeW:-made in the ttaie of Nebraska for the ap- pointmept'of an administrator of tte estate of said deceased and that more than two years have elapsed since the date of his death. Said petitioner prays for a decree barring all claims, a determination of tho time of the death of said Obed B. Harvey and a determination of the heirs of the fnld Obed II. Ilarvev. their degree of kinship, the right of debcent I of real property belonging to said do cased and for such other find further relief as may bo required in the pre mises. Said petition has bocn set for hear hi? beforo said court in the courtroom of said court, in tho court houso at Red Cloud, Webster County, Nebraska, at 0 o'clock, A M., October 24, 1922. Dated September 22, 1022. A. D.ttANNEY A True Copy. County Judge. Rinaker, Kldd & Oelehaut Attorneys for Petitioner. Place Your Coal Orders Now The Malone-Gellatly Co. uuvwwwvmwwwin 33 You doti t have to coax big and little folk? to eat JMhs CbmFlahes Notice of Final Report In tho County Court o f Webster County, Nebraska, IN THE MATTER" OF THE ESTATE OP Noah E. Cling, Deceased. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN SAID ESTATE, are hereby notified that tho Executors has tiled Herein a flaal accouut and report of their ad. ministration, and a petition for the fi nal settlement of suoh account and re port, and for n deoree of distribution of the residue of said estate, and for the assignment ot tho real estato bo- longing theroto, and n discharge from their trust, all of which said matters have bjen set for hearing bofore said court on tho Gth day of October, 1022, at tho hour of 10 0 clock, A. M WHEN ALL PERSONS INTERESTKD MAY APPEAR AND CONTEST THE SAME. Dated this 2lst day ot September, 1922, (SEAL) A. I), RANNEY, County Judge. J!TOW$.v Kclleg's you'll &ct?S& fa(lcd aPPcites & 'ftttfisfcoi t. sharp; you'll find " rt'rfil30..h f. VMW- ' i Gtvst'ie fr$. jftaasR? t ln ;.'" jit": ""Vrn SY&lcrJ zsmw y aV if. rsyW! 1 1 ' vtei ,.. UiiiitnliT lull m a hi if n hnv. Xr. Mother alwayt has Mtveral pach nges ol KtUoflg's 'cautt u mat 'tm V,prr.oft "w'ni tint." as you servo note fussy and getting mighty; big bowls being handed back for "just a few mora Kellogg's, mother theyrej wonderful!" , And, that'll make you glad, for? Kellogg's Corn Flakes are a great! speed-start for the day's doings They make for healtn and nappy digestions! Kellogg's are never; leathory or tough, but always joy ously crisp I Kellogg's the original Corri Flakes will bo a revelation to) your tasto if you have been eating imitations! For your own enjoy ment, do this: compare tho bigr sunny-brown Kellogg's CornC Flakes with other "corn flakes."' Eat some of Kellogg's thon tryy the imitations! You'll realizcj then why Kellogg's Corn Flakes are the largest and-fastest selling cereal in the whole world! Da more than ask for "corn flakes." Insist upon KELLOGG'& Corn Flakes in the RED a. GREEN package! My. buf it's worthwhile! B I t J 1 A. '.r'rv - j$M &M m T fttCl TO . ' MR fmftm - ,r tia f fi Jjfl pg 42tjrf 5aw $ mim yjiKm A. i a ? V I cXZ .". .wLLOCC'SCI?.' A 3 an ' rabltlTc(I sx. Aho miWr of KEILOGCS t1U::-1: '