The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 21, 1922, Image 7

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'TM1K dnlnty woman who lins ntwnys
x pinned Jicr faith to underclothes
mndu of tine cottons, soft and more or
less sheer, 1ms her good tnsto vindicat
ed this full. Pino cotton underwear,
usually mnde of batiste, has outdis
tanced its silk rivals in demand. It
Is decorated with embroidery Itf llttlo
llornl puttcrus; laco Insertions nro
ruther Bpnrlnsly used and narrow rib
bons make themselves Indispensable.
In slllc, wash sntln and crepe de
chine, the call Is for colors, and the
bcht liked are yellow, mauve, pink and
flesh ; but the range of color to bo
XZT- ryyy
found Includes other light tones. Un
tlsto follows tho lead of silks, with
light pink lending tho other colors by
n long way, and white most populnr of
nil. Styles in silk and cotton nro al
most Identlcnl. Many of the nntlsto
garments have . edges finished with
smnll scallops, while narrow luce pre-j
(loimiiuieH in inosc oi siik. 'aiic prcny
chemise pictured Is u good example of
the handling of batiste. There is n&
spnro fullness In this cleverly designed
garment and, with mnny women, this
Is n strong point in its favor. Across
tho front, nt the top, V-shnped pieces
nro cut out and two small slashes are
worked In tho spaces between them.
Similar slashes, placed about tho re
mainder of the top, allow baby ribbon
to bo threaded through them, adjusting
tho chemise to the bust. Eyelets
across the front carry baby ribbon also
find it Is tied at each sido In bows with
hanging loops and ends. Small con
ventional flower motifs nro placed be
tween tho nowB nnd thoro are ribbon
strops over tho shoulders.
Petticoats and bloomers of jersey or
radium silk plcuso tho woman who is
looking for tho least posslblo bulk In
her underthings. They are copied in
wu4 r t y vypMMHM
sateen and sold at a cheaper price.
nvcrjune will turn nround to look
nt this Interesting dross in which
new stylo points are ho adroitly man
aged, but its wearer has saved us
the trouble and has accommodatingly
turned her bnck on us. As In the
season's coats, the story of this gar
ment 1b not told until wo have seen tho
bnck as well no the front there aro
two sides to it.
The dress as pictured is mnde of
canton crepe In wood-brown and em
broidered In self color In silk. It is n
style that will develop with equal
WyAWWv UK iff.vwwwiy -WrwAMV wnrPWt
success in crepe-satin, other crepes,
sntln or light weight wool cloths.
Viewed from the front It Is a loose,
straight-lino dress, conllned nt tho
waistline by n narrow belt of the
material finished with a handsomo
ornnment. Its novel features nro the
wide sleeves, conllned by n wrist band
and the overlapping bodice with rever
that extends from the right shoulder
to the left side.
The back view discloses the sleeves
cut out and open from nrmscyo to el
bow, the edges finished with simple
needlework, like thnt on tho rover.
The loose strap trim relieves tho plnlpu
ncss of the frock nnd tho bodlco Is
Moused at the waistline. Tho straps
are wide nnd n llttlo longer than the
frock; they nro caught to tho bodlco
and part way down the skirt. A long
sequenco of flat buttons, plnced be
tween them, serves n doublo purpose
tho buttons fnsten tho gown and are
decorntlve. Tho work of n fine hand
Is apparent in such designing as this.
eomuoHT rr vhtun ntoIau umoh
Fairy Tale
"Well, llttlo I.eon," said Itilllc
Urownle, "nnd linv do you like the
'ji'ou'll find when you'vo lived in
It longer," Millie Hrownle continued,
"that whenever you go to a place for
the first time everyone will say:
'"Well, how do you like It here?
What do you think of the country
round these parts? I'retty fine, eh?'
So they will talk.
"And becnuse you'vo so recently
nrrived in the big world I ask you
right away what you think of It. Of
course I ask you before you hnvo a
chance to look nlxmt you much. Hut
that Is the way people do with new
arrivals in the country or In cities of
whom they nro asking this question.
"I'm not giving you much chance to
talk as yet, am I? Hut I will. I
only wnnt to tell you that I do. hope
you'll be good enough to tnlk to me.
Tou see, Mother Nature lets me un
derstand the language of her children,
the flowers nnd thu birds, and I asked
her If she wouldn't let me tinder
stnnd baby cries and baby sounds for
Just a little while.
"I had heard that a line little chap
a little hoy whose name sounded
much like a King Lion's name had
Just arrived, and I wanted to have a
talk with htm.
"So Mother Nature taught me tc
understand the baby language. Now,
If you will talk to me!"
Llttlo Leon ynwned nnd screwed up
Ids small face. Then ho blinked his
eyes and, moving his little lingers to
show what he meant by this and that,
ho began.
"Of course I can't tell you what I
think of tho world much now," ho
said, "becnuse I'm only one week old.
I hnvo never given an Interview be
fore or n talk and I don't believe I
ever will again.
"Not for a long time, nnywny. You
see, I don't wnnt to give up my bnby
hood, and my baby ways, and my bnby
talk, and the Joy of learning, and so
I'm going to forget all 1 know now.
"You know how they say babies
look like such wise llttlo creatures.
Well, they arc. And they're wise
enough, Illlllc Urownle, to see thnt
n little helplessness Is going to be very
"Babies have alwnys done this wny.
It's a regular baby custom nnd a flno
one It is, too.
"So it will bo only for n llttlo while
thnt I'll talk. I'll cry and I'll kick
"How Do You Like It?"
nnd I'll croon nnd I'll do a lot of
gurgling and chattering which no one
can understand, but I won't talk for
a long time.
"I don't know so much of the world,
ns I've said. Hut I do know about
"Yes, Illllie Krownie, I know them
welll Some visitors say such silly
things to me. Others treat me with
respect and ndmlration. I like tho
latter kind of visitors, though all vis
Itors ruther bore me.
"I'm held up, with blankets all
nbout me, and eery one laughs at
me or smiles nt me or pats me. It
all bores me. I'm not Interested In
them. They mean nothing to me. Hut
I put tip with It for the sake of my
"Her friends call her Molly. And
she Is n perfectly benutiful mother,
with spnrkllng, snnpplng eyes nnd
bright pink checks and dark wavy hair.
"I shall call her mother. I shall not
bo as familiar with her ns others are.
"I also put up with this tiresome
ndmirntlon for the sake of, my father.
I'm named after him. I hope to live
up to thnt fine name nnd I hope to be
come a flno man such ns ho Is.
"I can see thnt I've chosen my par
ents well. I saw that tho minute I
arrived. Yes, I'm satisfied. I dou't
wnnt any second choice.
"Now, the weight of n bnby Is al
ways most Important to know nbout,"
llttlo Leon continued, "so I shall tell
you mine.
"I don't quite know why It is so in
terestlng n bit of news but every one
likes to henr It. I weigh six nnd a
half pounds of manliness.
"For I'm u mnnly little chap, Blllle
Brownie. I've good, straight, manly
hair, too.
"You mny say It Isn't very mnnly
to cry. But I'll tell you n secret, Blllle
Brownie. They'd be disappointed If
I didn't cry. I wouldn't seem like n
baby. And then, too, I mako It so
exciting for them, us they never know
whether I'm going to cry or stuy quiet
when the' visitors come, nnd it makes
life very Interesting for my parents
I keep them always guessing i"
Whole System Is
Benefited by
Thousands of frnll, nervous peoplo
nnd convalescents everywhere- hnvo
testified to tho remarkable power of
Tanlnc in bringing bnck their health,
strength nnd working efficiency. It
Fcemg to quickly Invlgornto tho consti
tution, and is a powerful foo of weak
ness. Mrs. George O. Owen, of Snlcm,
Oregon, Pays:
"My nerves wero upset nnd tho llttlo
I ate wasn't enough to keep up my
strength, so I lost weight nnd beenmo
so weak It seemed I had no energy at
all. Tanlac restored my health com
pletely, nnd I gained, twelve pounds in
There is not n single portion of ho
body thnt is not benefited by tho holp
ful action of Tanlnc. It enables the
stomach to turn food Into healthy
blood, bono nnd muscle, purines the
system nnd helps you bnck to normnl
weight. Oct a bottlo today at any
good druggist. Advertisement
Must Do Well Dreased.
"She wunts n new gown."
"What for?"
"She's going to sing over the radio
next week and she couldn't think of
nppeniing for nil tlmio people In n
gown she bus already worn twice."
Detroit Free Press.
Tho Cutlcura Toilet Trio.
Ilavlng clenred your skin keep it clear
by making Cutlcurn your every-dny
toilet preparations. Tho Sonp to elennso
nnd purify, tho Ointment to nootho nnd
heal, tho Tnlcum to powder nnd per
fume. No toilet table Is complcto
without them. Advertisement
Cnrveth Wells, explorer, wiillo
tramping In Mnlay Jungles, found
that the nntlvcs had trained broks,
small monkeys, to run up trees nnd
pick coconuts for them.
Thnt Is Interesting because it Imp
pens fnr nwny.
But, fchucksl In our, country tho
monkeys descendunts ' hnvo been
trained to do "n heap sight" moro thnn
the broks.
You have noticed, In n circus men
agerie that the monkeys nro Just ns
interested in us us we nro In them.
This is one of the reasons.
For your daughter's Bake, uso Red
Cross Bull Bluo lu tho laundry. Slio
will then hnvo that dnlnty, well-groomed
nppenranco that girls admire. Ad
vertisement Who First Licked Stamps?
Dispute is being wnged us to the
earliest postage stamp llckcr. CInim
Is put forwnrd for James Chalmers of
Arbroath, Scotland, who submitted
specimens of adhesive postngo stamps
to a select committee of tho house of
commons in 1834. Rowinnd Hill is nlso
credited with the invention, having ex
perimented with glutinous washes In
1837. As Itowinnd Hill directed the
British postal arrangements, ho wns
probably the first mnn to lick a genu
ine post-office stump.
Fortune In Scrap Iron.
Chnrles Perrott hns Just appeared
before n Purls court churged with con
cenllng $180,000 war profits to escape
taxation. When war broke out ho
kept n small cafe at Saint Denis, his
wifo nttendlng to that while he ped
dled with a hnndenrt. He bought scrap
Iron nnd mndo so much money thut
ho paid $fi,-100,000 for tho war stock
of the Amerlcnn enmp nt Romornntille.
Wet Contents 15 Fluid Praori
at nnttnT.-fl PER GENT.
o.-mltni.-ndllicFond hvltoull-
Cheerfulness andRestConbtart
reahcr? Upldm, Morpuuio u
Mineral. Notkahcot
A kolnfnl Remedy for
Constipatlonand Diarrhoea
,nrf Viwrlshncss ana
Tnccnr Sleep
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
10 Cents
Balloon Steering.
Drifting for miles In a free balloon
might seem to offer little prospect for
n lauding again on your own doorstep.
But an accommodating air current and
n little bend work turned this trick for
Junius P. Smith, of the army air serv
ice, at l.angley field, Virginia. Ills
experience Is unique In llghter-than-alr-work.
Carried oft In one direction by
tho wind, the neronnut ascended until
ho struck n calm. Figuring that the
calm was cnuscd by two strong nlr
currents moving In opposite direc
tions, ho throw out bnllnst, roso obovo
tho calm, caught the current moving
swiftly In the direction opposite and
returned to his starting point.
Didn't Want to Talk.
In tho smoking room of nn east
bound car tho other evening there
wero two men one of them grouchy,
tho other receptive After smoking
two Indifferent clgnrs tho latter said
to the former:
"How fnr are you going?"
"Buffalo," acknowledged tho other,
taken off his guard.
"Is that so? Well, Buffalo in a great
town. I liavo a cousin living there
nnd I've been there myself scvernl
times. Kr whnt are you going to do
In Buffalo?"
"Change cars." Chicago Herald
and Examiner.
Sacrifice to the Fire Fiend.
Completely hemmed In by flames
whllo fighting n forest fire recently
near Penlleld, on thu Low Grade
branch, Jnxcph Oolla, section foreman,
who Is nged sixty-four, promptly or
ganized his gang to conquer the
flames. Leading his men with youth
ful vigor, he became separated from
them. Tho tiro suddenly encircled
him. To vnve his llfo he had to make
a blind dnsh through the wall of fire.
Ills beard, which had embellished his
chin for tho greater part of his forty
years of service, was wholly burned
off. Pennsylvania Newu
Womnn'8 Sphere.
Tho indies wish to have tho right
to vote. Has the rough hex ever de
prived them of this right? They had
this right since the creation of thu
worldIn funerals, disputes and In nil
that excites tho feelings of thu Inmates
of the harem. A woman or it girl Is
not made to mnko ua hour her sweet
voice In elections, but within the walls
of her house in fondling her chil
dren, in consoling her htibbnnd, In
singing. Al-Abrnm (Egyptlnu Mall).
Well Supplied.
Dr. Samuel McQuughey sends this
"We nro living 'hard by' Acton,
which hns several churches. Mary
Jane, our five-year-old daughter, Iiub
been In several kid entertainment: In
the various churches. The other day
one of our friends asked her to which
church 'she belonged. Her nnswer
wns, 'I mn linlf Presbyterlnn, half
Buptlst und linlf Cuthollc.' "Indian
apolis News.
What Ha Wanted.
A Frenchman nnd his "wife came to
England. She had relatives at
Manchester, so It wns arranged thnt
lie should tnko her there, returning
by himself to London, where he had
business. Ills request to thebooklug
office clerk was ns follows:
"Qlvo me, If you please, two tickets
to Manchastaire. One for me, to go
nnd to come buck. One for my wife,
to go but not to come bnck." London
Every mnn likes to hear a wise
woman talk because she always talks
to lilm nbout himself.
Special Care of Baby.
" That Baby should have a bed of Its own all arc agreed. Yet It
la more reasonable for an Infant to Bleep with grown-ups than to use
a man's medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of
that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would
be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases.
Your Physician will tell you that Baby's medicine must be
prepared with even greater care than Baby's food. r
A Baby's stomach when in good health Is too often disarranged
by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving
to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared
for Infants and Children ? Don't be deceived.
Make a mental note of this: It is important, Mothers, that
you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of
your Baby must receive special care. No Baby Is so abnormal that
the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily
prepared for grown-ups.
Bears the
e 7
Gives Cheery Haw Ooioir Tsne I M Oiarfains
PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish
VJV - VK32tnSvsa
Vntir .lmi ic tn
FracrrantnmlSmnnth 3,
- ;; . ww
Out-of-door Rirls today
asm Urnndmothcr s tunc
know n vnlunble rccinc:
"Care for your complex- fifrpi
Ion with rain water and (
a oure soon." 052
ainmora uauquoisoap '
The favorite perfumed
6onp of thrccgcncrations.
Large slit, 25c Mcdlumsizc, 10c
It'stoastod. This
onooxtra process
gives a dollghtful
quality that can
not be duplicated
netnOTrDuiarnff-fitninilrFaUlogl I
Rcttorea Color and
Booty to Cray and Fadtd Hat
toe. ana ! uaai iirucrarutM.
MlRfflX tnrm, yvuBtriiu'nojrni,1
Rnnorea Onroj. CkJ.
urn comfort to ua
mall or atUrtic
. Patcaoctw,
Territory Representative
Wa Want Salomman to Sail Oil
Direct to Conmumer
Hunt bo able to furnish own car. Most terri
tory open. Pick your own territory. Liberal
and permanent proposition for hUHtlcro. Writs
us about yourself ami oneloue references. All
rommunli'utlmis confident In). Ailrirens Bi 1117.
Boon 117. Flrtt NitiMtl Bank BaiUiif , Omtlii. Ncbiuk
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 37-1922.
Cry For
Signature of
Luxutloui Luting "oe vS"
wfs If
MM f.iii nn iliiTiSS
. t
It's toasted I
outta, t.. itopt air pla, m
UtU ankn wnlklnr fur. ISu
tltta. lllncoiCtiomlcalWoTa