The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 14, 1922, Image 4

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Phone Ind. 3 on 90, Bell 174.
Residence, Bell 241
Mrs. Ed Amack
Need Groceries To-Day?
" A LWAYS prepared and waiting to fill
any Grocery order" is the motto under
which our store is run. It means that no mat
ter how small your order may be or what par
ticular items you may want, we arc ready to
supply them.
Wo never allow any of our lines of package,
bottled or canned goods to decrease to a "sold
out" level; Neither do we offer anything in
the Vegatable or Fruit line, unless it is strictly
fresh. And what's more, we are sure our pri
ces will please you.
P. A. Wullbrandt
Groceries and Queensware
r"" '""'i
A piece of printed matter with
your name on it is your "Per
sonal" representative wherever
it may be found.
Surely then, the best is none too good.
That's the basis on which we guar
antee yoursatisfaction with our
Quality is the watchword here all
the time whether the job be big
or little. '" :!'
--" .
The Red Cloud Chief
We Do Only The Highest Grade
, Add Tone to your business by getting the best
A. V. King of Denver is here work
ing third trick at tho depot in the
)lacc of oporator Docrinp who is lay
ing off on account of a sprained
vrist and operator Harrington arriv
ed Thursday morning on train 14 to
work second trick in the place of H.
F. Thompson.
H. A. Rustow of Superior who has
beer. Revenue collector for this dis
trict for several years has been re
lieved of his position and E. A. Hayes
f that city has been appointed to fill
tkat position. The latter is well known
m this city and is a nephew of Mr.
nd Mrs. E. S. Garbr.
Liquid Air Explosive.
Wlii-n liquid air, containing from -10
to 00 per runt of oxygon, Is mixed with
powdered charcoal It forms an explo
sive which Is wild to he comparable In
power to dynamite, and can he ex
ploded by means of a detonator. This
explosive has been tested In coal
mines. The. liquid air evaporates sc
rapidly that the explosive cannot he
stored, but must he used within a few
minutes nftor It ' nronnrcd.
Keep TlQht Hold on Temper.
Tho man who loses his temper Is In
tho position of admitting to all who
witness bis exhibitions that he is not
master of himself, A loss of temper
means loss of celf .control. No man
can cn'iy (ho luxury of losing bis tctn
per rr r ninrly nnd enjoy long life.
Ncithir .aii such n man win Hie lov
ing lojjty of bin iigwn-inic8, Tom
Dreler In Forbes- Magazine.
rltmarkablo Carving.
San Franciscans are paying homnge
to one of the most remarkable wooden
statues ever received, says Popular
Mechanics Magazine. It Is tho work
of Ilamiuuma Masnldchl, greatest Jap
uuese artist In wood or Ivory, who
posed for hliiiM'lf by tho aid of ad
justable mirrors mid carved his own
life-sized Image from wood, Tho hair
on the ilguiv Is the artist's own. He
used tho clippings from his head nnd
beard, liming liny boles for the hairs
and set (In- them In place one by one.
The llgure is In every particular, oven
the most minute, an exact counter
part of the artist. The carving re
quired three years, even to so adroit
and masterly a workman as Masaklchl,
For French Children.
Child welfare agencies of Franco
have been combined Into ono looso or
ganization known as tho general child
wolfaro bureau. Tho work of tho or
ganization Is divided Into sections;
that on Bchool hygiene has studied
medical Inspection of school children
nnd the question of school nurses ; tho
section on asslstnnco has collected In
formation on nil agencies giving aid
to children; a section on publicity is
carrying on n general campaign of edu
cation through lectures, newspaper
articles and pamphlets In favor of child
Utile Room for Cutlcli.m.
There are so ninny Jn. ,-s
- iii.iii.v Jny drivers Hint it h.udlv !
o,.. iui.v driver to mil; ;ii.,nu i,, ,
i, tiki is, oi ntiy walker tu tuenilun J.ij
drivurtrKuatlliJ .I'ont.IntylllgonctT.
Red Cloud. Nebraaktv
Entered In tho l'oMomco nt Itcd Cloud, Nob
as Bocond CImh Matter!
A. D.MoARTHUR,' Editor nnd Owner
Advertising Rates
Foreign, per column Inch 15c
Local, " ' " 10 & 12J
Democratic legislatures gave yev
state taxes vnrying from $1.30 to $1.60
on every thousand dollars worth of
property you possessed, Tho present
state administration cost $3.30 per
thousand for 1022, levied In 1021. Home
difference, isn't there?
'Frank Kennedy, tho pteient slut.
labor commissioner, making 95,000 a
year ngalnst the $l,G00 he used to
make, defends tho code government,
yet ho knows that the best labor laws
of the statu were emasculated by the
code. Dy the way. ho hud $J4,000 to
spend In tvo years and tho depart
incut used to cost 812,000 every two
years under the democrats. Tho dlf.
fercuco is tnkou up lu a lot of useless;
o n ploy cs.
The record of congressional proceed
ings fchous that Senator Hitchcock not
only stood for every boiielleial bill that
the "farm bloc'' favored, but that bo
opposed the emergency tarlir which
the ''farm bloc" said would raiso farm
prices. Hut Senator Hitchcock was
right, and they were wrong. They
were voting for it only 'because they
weio republicans. Prices now paid for
farm products absolutely conform to
what Senator Hitchcock said in the
senate when this tariff bill was passed.
(Friday, Sept. 10, 1802)
$115,000 worth of transfers Is not so
bad for Red Cloud.
A public reception was held at tl.o
rcsldenco of 11. F. Mlzer on Tucsdny
evening in honor of Elder I'utman and
family. A very large turnout was the
Jeff Ward, If ho could have suflio
ient inducement, would put thostree
of Hid Cloud in fine condition. Wher
ever he has done work he has put the
streets in much better shape than any
of his predecessors.
The R. & M. railway'ls using 75,000
gallons of wnteVally from tho city
water works? One s'tandplpo and a
fourth a day. That is pretty good. It
would amount to about 81375 per an
num at that rate.
Sanford Noble was in tho city th's
week visiting old friends.
M. S. Marsh has gone to Broken Bow.
Henry Cook has sued the Red Cloud
National bank for $15,000 damages.
Ward Hlatt will remember the "Last
Days of Pompci." He was lookirgon at
one of their entertainments, when u
sky locket wentoiT accldently, or oth
(Z.vUo, and hit hlui in the mouth. He
got out papers against the company,
but they agreed to settlo it on a fair
basis. Oscnr l'atmor was hit by the
same rocket but it did not injure hlu
The Lincoln company should, have
been more care'ul with their sky rockets.
Not Then
i (Old Timer In Chicago Tribune)
"President Harding is expected to
veto the' bonus bill." News' from Wash
ington. I remember the dawn of that cold,
rainy day,
Our first time over the top,
How for hours wo crouched in the
mud of tho trench,
With our heaits going ilipplty (lop
And nt lHSt the woid came nnd ovei
wo wont, .
Where the bullets whistled nnd
And shrapnel screamed 'round like
demons of hell.
But no one put u veto on that.
I remember a night in u thick
marshy wood,
When tho boche gave a chlorine
gas ball;
We couldn't fight back; we were
, , held in reserve
Had to stay there and take it,
that's all.
And thloker and thicker the stinking
fames grew
While we lay there, sprawling out
Choking and cursing, but 'holding our
And no one put a veto on that.
I remember the night when, with
pick and with spado
We scooped shallow graves for our
No songs could bo sung there were
snipers around,
Not even a prnycr could be said.
Wo had to work fast, for with com
ing of day
Tho guns would start into chat;
Without coflius or blankets wc laid
them away,
But no one put a veto on that.
(Items of Twenty Years Ago )
.7, II. Hamilton of Guido Rock exhib
ited Mime o; bis line Poland-Chlnu bogs
at the state fair last week, and was
awarded several premiums. Ho was
awarded fifth on boar 1 year old,
fourth on boar G months old, fourth on
sow 0 months old, fifth on sow under G
Oscar Teel was attending to business
matters in Guide Rock Tuesday.
Ross Scllars, who was reported seri.
ousiy ill at Scotts Bluff, Nebraska, is
Dr. A. E. Crclghton received, Wed
nesday, the X-Ray machine, which he
ordered some time ago and it is now
installed In his office.
Jay Pope is reported seriously ill, at
his home in the north part of town,
little hope was entertained, the first of
week, for his recovery, but this morn
ing, tie is reported to be slightly im
proved. His trouble is bronchial fever'
C. D. Robinson, excounty tronsurcr
and family, returned, to this city, Sat
urday, from Le Grand, Oregon. Char
ley siijs that while he likes tho coun
try well enough to live in, he does not
like it to do business in. He says also
tbat it n quires a large amount of ohj -ital
to do business thoro as business s
principally on long time.
George Hutchison, of Cowles, was
transacting business lu this city, Sat
u day.
There were 72 tickets sold, yesterday
to people who went, to Hastings, on the
special train, to attend Ringllng Bros
Del and Fred Furnuro returned, the
first of the week, from Chicago, whore
they went to purchase their fall stock
of goods.
Thomas Swartz and sister Yola, of
Oquawka, Illinois, arrived in this city,
Tuesday. Mr. Swartz comes here with
the Intention of buying himself a home
and if successful his parents will follow
SIIEl'rAItD-ltO.VT.s WKDlllXCl
Last Sunday evening Miss Elizabeth
Sheppard and Win. Roats were united
In marriage by the Rev. Hambly of the
Congregational church of this city.
The young couple left, on the early
Monday morning traiu, for a wedding
tour through Colorado. Upon their
return tkey will make their homo in
the house recently purchased, by Mr.
Roats of E W. Ross.
Legal Fiction.
A fiction In Inw Is an nssimiptlon
made for the purpose of Justice though
the same fact could not be proved nnd
may be literally untrue, nnd It I n
rule that a fiction of Inw shnll work
no wrong. The fictitious characters
of John Doe nnd Richard Roe for the
purposes of various actions nre well
Musical Note.
A very deaf old lady, walking along
tho slieet. saw an Italian turning a
peanut ronslui. She slood looking nt
It awhile, shook her head nnd suld:
"No, I shan't give you any money for
such music as that. I can't hear aiiy of
the tunes, nnd besides It smells as If
(hero were something burning Inside I"
The Congregntloimr
f, iwiihiiijiiiiiiii'i' Ajt 'fvfwar'jBw'vw . n t, i
asseroJe, the PYREX way
Easiest because it is transparent. Avoid the
guesswork and uncertainty. Look through your
PYREX and see the food baking.
PYREX the original transparent oven-warc is
sanitary and practical for everyday use nnd is guar-'
antccd not to break in the oven.
Durable arid economical -savc3 time, fuel nnd
dishes you bake in and serve from the same dish.
Food actually lastcs better when PVREXED the
full flavor is retained because the baking is quick
and thorough.
Buy a casserole at
Place Your Coal
Orders Now
The Malone-Gellatly Co.
lioiOniM IVO l CYYCOt IOC Ml.kV
In the District Court
Of the United States
For The District of Nebraska
In tho Matter of )fe&iwij3r&B.Ki'4'
Edmund!., F.bSdd f gr&ra,"d J&! ce on
tfnuHrUnt. ) nl" '' -"cnaigo,
On this 8th day of September, A. D.
1022, on filing and rending the petition
of the above named bankrupt for his
discharge herein, it is
ORDERED, That the lGth day of
October, A. D 1022, be and the sumo is
horeby Uxed as tho dntc on or before
which all creditors of and all other
persons interested in said estate aud-in
tho matter of tho discharge in bank
ruptcy of tho said bankrupt shall, if
they desire to oppose the same, file in
my said office at Oofdrege, Nebraska,
In said district, their appcaranoo, in
writing, in opposition to the granting
of said discharge, and also, within ten
days thereafter, lllo in my Enid offico
Hpeclflcatlons of the grounds of suld
WITNESS inv lmnd hereto, nt my
olllco in Holdrege, Nebraska, tho day
and dntu heroin first nbovo written.
(?. xoiuir.itq,
Itofcrcc In Itnnkriiptcy.
ToinntooH for mlo, SI pir biibhui.
Clm. ltnsor, phong 12 on 2.
So extra delicious
With fresh fruits
No other food has such an appeal on a hot da? as KellogB'a
Corn Flakes J They win fickle appetites, they satisfy hungry
tolksl As an extra-summer taste thrill, cat Kellogg's with the
luscious fresh fruit now in season. Such a diet is not only ideal
irom a health standpoint, but it is refreshing I
fe SSfe
V? ,..., iiiih - -
You can cat Kellogg'a Corn Flakes
liberally at any meal because they digest
easily, let the children have all they want
Insist upon Kellogg'a Corn Flakes in
the RED and GREEN package that bears
the signature of W. K. Kellogg, orlgi
nator of Corn Flakes. None are genuine
without it I
Alto makers of
BRAN, cooked
and krumblod
Read &6Oste of Ours
t b
. 4