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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1922)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF - IBIlVUHliX1 WJ W r our 5km is so jffl fei o y c c x m f n.,air HOMAS A. EDISON Is getting to bo u regulnr sphinx the Greek kind, not the Egyptian. Nobody, It nppcars, 1ms yet discovered the- purpose of the Egyptian sphinx. Hut the sphinx of Thebes, In neotln, nccordlng to the legend, wns wont to propose u riddle to nil passers-by and to destroy them if they fulled to give the answer. Still, Mr. Edison Isn't Just like this Greek sphinx. To bo sure, he's been nsklng puzzling questions of nil who rend, but Instead of destroying anybody ho gives Jobs to thoso who un swer provided they arc- collego graduates. And Mr. Edison nnd tho sphinx are different In unothcr way ; tho sphinx nskod this ensy question : "What creature walks In tho morning upon four feet, at noon upon two and nt evening on three?" That's easy compared with somo of Mr. Edison's questions In his second questionnaire. Hero aro two questions, for example: "You have only $10 In tho world, nnd nro play ing poker with n man you have never seen before. On the first deal ho holds n pat hand. You hnvo Ureo eights after tho draw. There Is !50 cents In tho pot. Ho bets a qunrtor. Whlit uro you going to do, nnd why?" "What is splegelelsen?" "Now, It's easy to glvo an exnet answer to tho second, because tho substaneo mentioned Is white cast-Iron containing manganese Hut what's tho answer to tho first question? Is thero any answer that enn bo upheld as bettor than any other an swor? l'robably four pokor players would give as many answers. Tho New York Trlbuno answers tho poker ques tion nnd says tho reply "Is probably as good ns any to bo found nnywhere. It Is ono of tho fow questions to which expert knowledge was npplled. Tho answer represents tho refined Judgment of tho foremost poker players of tho Trlbuno'H staff. Ilero's the answer: "If wo had only $10 in tho world, Mr. Edison would never catch us In n poker gamo, oven with our own blood relatival. Assuming that tho ques tion Is not to bo nnswered this way, It seems obvi ous that no poker player In such a position should pay a quarter to cull a pat hand with only 50 cents In tho pot. Wo would remark casually 'I bellqvo you, brother,' and wait to see what the next deal would bring forth." Well, tho question now Is how much do tho foremost poker pluyers of tho Trlbuno's staff know About poker? Tho Tribune, however, appears to bo more sue cessful in answering questions thnt can bo nn swered. A good many Inquisitive persons, Includ ing a considerable part of its staff, devoted hours of valuable tlmo to answering tho ICO questions in tho second questionnaire, though it Is speclll - cally stated that no guarantee goes with tho nn swers. Hero nro somo of tho other questions, to gether with tho Trlbuno's Informutlvo and other wise interesting answers : I Q. Supposo a certain low form of animal brought forth n single offspring onco each Jjqur and that tho offspring reproduced at tho entiio rate its itho parent, starting as soon as It was one hour old, how long would It take to get four in tho .fourth generation I. e four great-grandchildren of tho parent? (Tito pnrent counts ns tho first generation nnd tho first offspring comes at tho end of tho first hour. All tho animals live.) 'A. Four hours. PujfO Mrs. Sanger. Q. Why should one masticate their food prop erly? A. Tho process of mnstlcntlon Is an aid to digestion, but it may be suggested to Mr. Edi son thnt If "one" attempts mastication of "their" food tho damage which is done to tho Hook of Elementary Grammar is even more serious thnn tho damage done to tho stomach when ono neg lects to mastlrttte his food properly. Q. How was the planet Neptune discovered nnd by whom? A. Neptune was discovered through Its action upon the planet Uranus, before It had been nctunlly observed. Sir William Her schel turned the trick. Q. Why did Mine. Curie lately come to Amer ica? A. To receivo n gift of $100,000 worth of radium from her American admirers. Q. Francs, mnrks, thalers are worth only n frnctlon of their former value In terms of United States money. Is this an advantage to this coun try? A. Yes and no. It's a great arrangement for Americans who lire buying things front Eu rope, but It hurts export trade. Q. "How como he ain't seen you wns not home?" Write this In correct English. A. How did It happen that he failed to seo that you were not homo? , Q. You are n salesman making every effort to get an order from n big manufacturer who Is mnr rlcd to an unusunlly Jealous wife. One evening you seo this prospective customer dining In a res tnurant with n chorus girl. Whut would you do? A. Nothing. Q. Nomo two of the prlnclpnl salt-producing localities of tho United Stntcs? A. New York, Michigan. ' Q. Do you know npproxlmntely what a mem bership In tho New York stock exchange costs? A. $100,000. Q. Who discovered the radium ray? A. The Curies, of Paris, In 1808. Professor Ilecquerel dls :ovcrcd the rays of uranium salts In 185)0, Q. Where Is the Alhanibra? A. Granada, Spain. Q. Who wrote the story "The Murders In the Iluo Morgue"? A.r Edgar Allan Poo. Q. In what mountains 000 mllca from New York nro there somo 2,000 Indians? A. Tho Artl rondncks, where tho Ave tribes of the Iroquois live. Q. What Is black Ink made of? A. Ferrous sulphato and uutgalls, combined with gum and water." Q. Nomo tho capital of Peru. A. Limn. (. Who built the first steamboat? A. John Fitch. Q. Where do wo get most of our asbestos? A. Quebec. Q. What materials nro used on tho sides of boxes containing sitfety mntclies, by means of which the mntches nro Ignited? A. Phosphorus nnd sand. The match heads contain chlorate of potash. Q. Namo tho elements of which our atmos phere la composed. A. Oxygen, nitrogen, nrgon, krypton, helium, neon, xenon, Q. Who Invented tho telescope? A. Hnns Llppersliey, a Dutch spectacle-maker, In 1003. Q. What breed of cow is the- greatest milk producer? A. Holsteln. Q. Whnt liquid Is used In flro extinguishers for putting out gnsollno fires? A. Carbon dloxld. Q. Namo two northern stntes that grow large quantities of tobacco. A. Wisconsin and Penn sylvania. ' Q. Who was Kit Cnrson? A. Hunter and guide. Served under Fremont. Q. Is tho president of the United States elected MARY GKAHASA BONNER. ANIMAL PARK "They think they're Important, nnd they think correctly," said tho Lion. "Yes," said tho Leopard, "that is right." "What aro you tnlltlng nbout now?" asked the Hyenn. "Well," said the Lion, "they hnve an announcement. An onnounccmfht Is like a notice, you know. And this one Is about ur. They're letting tho people know when we're fed so they can come and seo us. They're telling tho visitors that the Lions nnd tho Tigers and tho Leopards, and tho Hy enas, the Chimpanzees and soma of. tho rest of us are all fed in our house, the Lion House, named In honor of us, nt half-past ono each day. Thnt is our breakfast, dinner and supper com binedwhich means that It Is our breakfast, dinner and supper all In one. "THey also sny thnt the Tigers and ourselves are not fed on Sunday, for It Is good for our health not to bo fed each day, or rather to have ono day In the week when wo give or tho keepers give our tummies a rest. Tho other animals are fed hero at tho same tlmo on Sundays. "Then they say that the Hears nnd the Sea-Lions have breakfast at eight In the morning and dinner at three In by popular vote? A. No, ho Is chosen by tho electorul college. Q. Of what use Is n swimming blnddcr In fishes? A. Enables them to maintain equilib rium. Q. What is liquid nlr? How is It mado? A. Atmosphere reduced from Its natural gaseous stato to a liquid condition. It Is mado by forcing compressed nlr Into a triple copper coll and re ducing tho surrounding temperature to tho point of liquefaction. Q. Whnt Is n loadstone? A. Magnetic iron oro; mngnetlte. Q. What is the lowest form of life? A. Tho one-celled nmebn. Q. State briefly the necessary requirements for n manufacturing executive? A. A thorough knowledge of his product, n complete acquaintance with tho market for his product and for the rnw materials of which it is mado; ability to direct V. his employees to efficient effort, nnd to make rapid nnd accurate JudgmentMn emergency. Q. What Is an nutlscptlcr Name four com monly used. A. An ngency which destroys the microorganisms of disease; carbolic ncld, chlo ratcd lime, corrosive subllmnte, mercuric chlorld. Q. On whnt pnrt of the western hemisphere did Columbus land? A. San Salvndor, or Watllng Island, off tho const of Cuba. Q. What Is 212 degrees Fahrenheit on tho ccn tigrade scalo7 A. 100 degrees. Q. How did tho name America orlglnnte? A. From Amerlcus Vcspuclus, nn Italian explorer. Q. 'Who wroto tho following books: "Vnnlty Fair," "Pickwick Tapers," "Huckleberry Finn," "Tho Four Horsemen of tho Apocalypse"? A. William Makepeace Thackeray, Charles Dick ens, Mark Twain, VIconte Hlnsco Ihanez. Q.-7-Whnt threo letters occur most frequently In tho English language? A. E, t and n. Q. What is a Soviet? A. A labor organization holding political administrative powers. Q. Who arc tho Igorotes? A. According to tho Encyclopedia Hrltannlca the correct spelling, Mr. Edison, Is Igorots. They aro negroid inhabi tants of the Philippine Islands, who originally were 'immigrants from Malaysia. Q. What wns tho spark that started tho World war In 1014? A. Tho nssnsslnntlon of the Arch duke Ferdinand of Austria, nt Sarnjovo, Serbia. Q. Can you nnmo four localities where civiliza tion existed In .1000 B. C? A.-Chlna, Crete, Egypt and Mesopotamia. Q. What Is a shooting star? A. A small me teor, caused by n conglomeration of meteoric mat ter coming Into contact with tho earth's atmos phere. Q. Why is it necessnry to rotate crops? A. To avoid extracting fnom tho eoll tho elements neces sary to the growth of any single crop. Q. Who was Humboldt? A. A celebrated Ger man scientist, naturalist nnd author. Q. A man goes to a lako with n three-gallon nnd it ilve-gnllon measure. How could ho mensuro out exactly four gnllona (using no mnrks on tho can)? A. Fill tho three-gallon can. Empty tho three-gallon can Into the flve-gnllon cnn. Fill tho three-gallon can again. Fill the live-gallon cnn from the three-gallon cnn. Ono gallon Is left In tho three-gallon can. Empty the flve-gnllon can. Pour the contents of the three-gallon can Into tho five-gallon cnn. Fill tho threo-gullon can ngnln, and pour tho contents Into the live-gallon cnn. This gives you four gallons In tho flve-gnllon can. Q. Why Is It necessary for us to breathe? A. In order to supply oxygen to the blood. r ragrant ana zmooin Rnln water and pure 6onp Is a sensible combination for a lovely complexion. Because of its tare purity and fragrance, beautiful women for three genera tions have selected COLGATE'S ' CaihmoroDouquotSoap Large size Medium tde 3C tec Luxurious Lasting Refined - .v w&,:fT w-.- d'""cYe; ET- c-4v Bnr,A') iMMtTt ;r--l .--M3. L ICA vv lt-N "-',?- m v -v -- " Get Rid of Ants. If ants gel In an lee chest, put n can under each leg nearly tilled with water; move the chest away from wall and no more ants will bother you. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION RYT? rS foUl'M rvi mwu ui. Bfls BttVM US tHDlGESWNj J I 7" ,J"'T i - 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS 25$ and 754 Packages, Everywhere "Tho Children Have Pretty Stripes." the afternoon. It Is said that tho Monkeys have breakfast at nlno-thlrty, for they do not care to breakfast too early In the morning. They hnvo their dinner nt three In the afternoon, too. Tho Wolves hnve'one meal a day at quarter after one, which Is their dinner, while the IMrds are fed at hnlf past two In tho 'afternoon, though of course they get little odd menls nil the time. It Is true," tho Lion con tinued, "thnt most of us get those, too, and the Hlrds always have water to drink, nnd so It Is. "Ilut still people do not spenk of their little odd meals but only of their main meals, and so I hnvo done tho snme, and these main meals are tho ones they've Invited the visitors to come and see us eat. "Well, I think It Is pretty line. It shows thnt we're of great Importance." "No one goes to see. people eat. They couldn't gather a crowd about them. It Is the anlmnls thnt the people como to see. "Yes, It is our meal time they come to see. Ah, how Interesting that Is to think thnt tho people como to seo us eat, and yet they couldn't get us to go nnd see them eat even If we were free. "And they couldn't even get each other to view such a performance, I'm htire." So tho Lion talked. In another part of the Anlmnl Park Mrs. Hippopotamus wus Jalklng to her young bon. "You were n fine swimmer from tho moment you were born, and you're go ing to be generous with your portions as we all are. IJy that I mean that you, too, will have a great huge mouth and great, enormous feet, and n mighty body. There won't be anything small and mean about you. You'll bo gen erous In your size. And that Is tho proper spirit, the proper spirit, In deed." In yet nnothcr part of the Animal Park the African Elephant was talk ing to tho Indian Elephant. "It's mostly it matter of ears," tho African Elephnnt said. "My ears are much larger thnn yours and I am larger, too, but you're moro usual, lly that I mean to say that thero seem to be more of. you about In parks and circuses." "I'm glad of It," said tho Indian Ele phant, "for I am quite sociable by na ture." The Tapirs, too, were talking. They aro strange looking, but perhaps they look more like seals than any other creatures. "The children have pretty stripes when they're born, which they lose before they're grown-up Tapirs," they said. Hut then they talked no more, for there was beginning to be a slight rainstorm and they wanted to njoy tho fun of It. tm 'n'lr m Stop Laxatives Which Only Amravate Constipation Nujol Is a lubricant not a medicine or laxative bo cannot gripe When you are constipated, not enough of Nature's lubricating liquid is pro duced in the bowel to keep tho food waste soft and moving. Doctors prescribe Nujol because it acta like this natural lubricant and thus replaces It. Try it to- day. inn.jum A LUBRICANT-NOT A LAXATIVE i The Unlucky One. Hlx Oweiis tells me ho had a tough time during ills vacatlot.. Kays l.c had to borrow money to get home on. Dlx He was In better luck thnn I wus, for I was the mtio who had to l?nl It to him. KILL RATS TODAY By Using STEARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE It rJbo lilltn mtcB, Rophcm. prnlrle doe coyotes, woItps, cnckroncliP. water bu anil unti. A 36o box contains enough to kill 60 to 100 rats or mice, det It trow your ilruir or general etoio dealer today. READY FOR USE-BETTER THAN TRAPS Following Orders. Going Into his stable one day, a Nos ers Paik man found his little son, with u slato.and pencil In his hand, astride one of tho horses. "Why, Eddie," he exclaimed, "what In tho world are you doing?" "Writing a composition," replied Ut ile Eddie. "Well, why don't you write It in the library?" asked his father. "Uofause," answered Eddie, "the teacher told ,us to write a composition nn a horse." arettes 111 drf MMM0M, They are GOOD! 10 . Boy this Cigarette and Save Money Cuticura Soap The Velvet Tciich For the Skin ' Sosp 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. color yonr hair cattily, qukUly aud aalely by tains Q-uan llalr Color Re- YOU CAN Itorcr. Safe to use aa water, Makes you look young :ala. At all good druitKlati. V cents, or direct t am 11USS1U EIXIU, Clicmlsts, Memphis, Tcnp. VV. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 34-1022. n