RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, CHIEF ViJbm2? 111 J . PROVED EFFECTIVE BY A FIFTY YEARS The noil widely used remedy in tho World to overcomo the effect of catarrh. Catarrh tllcnt and loildloul la lit ravage, Invades nearly every houicboid ana hovcrillkcapuu- iv lence every- wbcxe. and oeo thousand ol At'fTION HAM', 213 ACHKH IIIUKIATM) ' J'.AM'll! Uvo k t. 14. He tli! WAi.Tun ro: estnek. niulpmcnt, furniture il fur free llluatrntcd circular OSTEIl, VAl.K, SO. DAKOTA Nebraska Directory yiN INCOLN'S Rooms for $1.50 EADING HOTEL THE LINCOLN lunch Ream In Connection Wabash Pad Cure Collar Sore white you worK the horse, ask your dealer, or send us$l SS (or sample, postpaid. HARPHAM BROS. CO. Mir.. Lincoln, Near. KODAKS Developing, Printing and Enlarging Lincoln Photo Supply Co. (Eastman Kodak Co.) Dept. K, 1217 O St. Lincoln, Neb. S. S. SHEAM OPTIOIAN 1123 O Street Lincoln, Neb Nebraska Chiropractic College Drs. Crabtree & Crabtree Chiropractic Specialists la nervous, chronic and female diseases in charge. Wite or call for literature. 1505 O St, Lincoln, Neb. 3W . VlJ I ms& v$kJ I -iOi- Strong Rear Axle Gears of the New Superior Jbr Economical One of the many reasons why the New Superior Chevrolet is outselling all other makes of stand ard automobiles is the high-grade equipment it offers in a low-priced car. A leading feature of this equipment is the spiral bevel rear axle gears. They represent the best modern automobile engineering practice. The gears are so designed that two teeth of the pinion gear are always engaged with the ring gear, greatly increasing the strength of the set, and eliminating the noise common to the old type of straight tooth gear. . The New Superior Model Chevrolet has so many superior features that we invite comparisons, because comparisons sell Chevrolets. Ask any dealer to tell you why. Chevrolet Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan Division of General Motors Corporation PRICES r. O. D. Touring, $525 Roadttcr, $5 10 5-Puienger Sedan, (860 FLINT, MICHIGAN $'?"!? Co"Pe! 840 Utility Coupe, $680 rtuxr - Light DeUvwy, $S 10 Commercial Chaw!, $425 World' large.! Manufacturer of There are 5,000 Chevrolet Dealer and S-ew-r-lced QUALITY Automobile Service Station Throughout the World Dealers and Parts Depots Wanted in all territory not adequately covered. Address Chevrolet Motor Company Grand Avenue and 19th Street, Kansas City, Mo. 10c Gives Old Putnam Fadeless TRIAL tttrnRUng it fob CATARRH WW CATARRHAL CONOITrOM II strike at tho root Of Ca tarrhal trouble by itlmutatla the dlgettlon. carichlac tho blood. tonlnz no the ntrvout CTitem and loolhlne tho raw and Inflamed mucous membranes. Po-rune aets every orean to working properly and elves ttrcngtb. vigor to the whote body. Try It, and like other, learn what It mcanttobevrelL SOLO EVERYWHERE TADLET8 OR LIQUID Western Canada Offers Health and Wtalfh and has brought contentment and happiness to thousands of home seekers and their fami lies who have started on herPKEE homesteads or bought land at attractive prices. They have established thelrown homes and secured pros perity and Independence, In the great grain ? rowing sections of the prairie provinces there s still to be had on easy terms Fertile Land at $15 to $30 an Aire land similar to that which through many years haa yielded from 20 to 45 bushels of wheat to the atre oata, barley and flax also in great abunCcnce, while railing horaeo, cattle, sheep and hogs is equally Profitable. Hundreds of farmers in Western annda have raised crops in a single season worth more than the whole cost of their land. Healthful climate, good neighbors, churches, schools, rural telephone, excellent markets and shipping facilities. The climate and soil offer Inducements for almost every branch of agriculture. The advantages for Dairying: Mixed Farming and Stock Raisins make a tremendous appeal to industrious settlers wishing to improve their circum stances. For certificate entitling you to reduced railway rates, illustrated literature, maps, description ot iarm opportunities in Manitoba, baa- Katcnewan. aioerta ana un tish Columbia, etc., write W. V. BENNETT 300 Peter's Trust Building Omaha, Nb. Oalkwtt asm. Dt at Inmlpal c.l..lmlo. O.Ml.ln .1 Cm Creamery and Cream Station Supplies Milk Bottles and Dairy Supplies: Bra Cases and Chicken Coops; BOILERS KENNEDY & PARSONS CO. 1 309 Jonaa St. 1 1 W. Third St. OMAHA SIOUX CITY A Bargain. Ail In Chicago paper I will trade my husband, aged twenty-eight years, for n good electric fan. Transportation Capes Glow of New Dyes dyes or tints as you wish 4t aaWillI T M IV.SBV BggMKr FEED AND CARE FOR PULLETS Most Common Mistake to Qlve Fowls Free Range and Compel Them to Hustle for Living- When should an April pullet begin laying? (Soiienilly the statement Is mailu tlnit Leghorn pullets should he gin when live to live and one-half, months old; Rhode Island Hods and Wyandotte pullet'H take a month long er and Plymouth Kecks stilt another month. An investigation niside hy Purdue university developed the fact that many Hocks are not doing as well us they could If the Voting 'pullets were properly fed and eared for. They nro often crowded In the coops at night for the little brood coop that Is lilft' enough in tin spring Is crowded hy late fall and the chicks sweat. The most common mistake 1b poor feeding. The pullets are nllowed free range over the farm and compelled BbbbbbbbbbbvIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! aaaW E' iflHiafll jflT aHaaaaV VaaaaaaaaaUSsalSBK viBaH aaaamJHlSVvisV LHaaaSft .kbbbbbbbbb! ssssssssssCawflsf .BBjajjBaBWh BalBBBBBBIj f flUfilflE SiWHaaaMsaaaTPaBa iLbbbbbvV fn Addition to Free Range Pulleta Should Be Given Plenty of Mash. to gather most of their living. They may grow, hut It is a slow growth. To hurry tills growth, plenty of mnsh should he kept before them at all times. A very simple mash for the older pullets can he made hy taking f0 pounds brim, CO pounds shofls, and .10 pounds of high-grade tankage. This should he placed dry in n self feeder, or trough, nnd the pullets In duced to eat all they will of It. Some grain should he fed In addition, thnt the pullets may he In good llosh when ready to start laying. KEEP YOUNG STOCK GROWING Succulent Green Feed, Variety of Grain, Fresh Water and Shade Are of Importance. So long as the young stock hnve plenty of succulent green food, a varl ety of grnln, fresh wnter, shade and exercise, together with well-ventilated sleeping quarters, they will grow like the proverbial weed, hut if hc growth Is stunted hy the lack of nayaone of these essentials, gain Is sldwer even when conditions become nortnnl than It would linvo boon. The poultry grower" gets tired; surely the 'ihickcns ought tii be nil right for on night nut thnt very night Is the night the, chickens take to pile up. Morning finds the half-grown stock gaunted; a day or so shows them with the dirty nostrils that como when the catarrhal discharge has filled with dust. A cold from crowding soon becomes n roupy cold unless prompt action heads It off, and one night's neglect has cost dearly. Keep them growing by giving more room through culling mnrket stock as fast as It develops, and by providing shade. MATURE CHICKENS ON RANGE Good Summer Ration for Hens Is Mix ture of Wheat, Oats and Corn, One Part Each. Encourage mature chickens to range by feeding them sparingly. A good summer ration for hens consists of 1 part wheat, 1 part oats, nnd 1 part corn, hy weight. More eggs arc ob tained where the birds nro fed a llttlo grnln than when forced to depend upon "picking" about the farm. BIS Cockerels to bo kept for breeding purposes should be handled In n simi lar manner to pullets. Yoflng stock will do better-If not compelled to pick their living with tho old. There will also he less trouble from lice. Misshapen eggs aro always penal ized by the market and bring an In ferior price to smooth, even, perfectly shaped eggs. Do not make the mistake of feeding too much in tho early days of the fat tening process. It should ever he kept In mind that tho appetite must ho pre served unimpaired, Shade Is one of tho most Important essentials during tl hot months. Get tho chicks Into the orchard and corn field. It is not too lute to plant sun flowers. , , FOR REAL In the Kitchen USE CALUMET The Economy BAKING POWDER ABig Time and Money Saver T MtOC a A tttUt mm V CDNTVKTStl 4 MAT BY TEAT Don't be led into taking Quantity for Quality Calumet proved best by test in millions of Bake-Day contests. Largest selling brand in the world. Contains only such ingredi ents as have been approved by U. S. Pure Food Authorities. The World's Greatest Baking Powder A silk lint will make any man seem llko somebody else. Important to Mother Bxnmlno carefully every bottlo of CASTOMA, that famous old remedy for Infanta and children, and see that It Bears tho Signature of In Use for Over SO Years, Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria EVIDENTLY HER UNLUCKY DAY Woman Probably Convinced That at That Moment Her "Jinx" Was Strictly on the Job. I was very busy upstairs with some necessary writing, and, glancing out the window', beheld Mrs. "Stay-Forever," a neighbor, coming up the walk. Calling my small daughter, I told her to tell tho visitor I vns not nt home. She descended the stairs to do my bid ding and I tipped softly to the top of tho stairs to henr tho conversation. "Mother home?" Inquired Mrs. Neigh bor. "No, ma'nm," said my faithful child. At this unfortunnto moment the heavy blue beads I woro around my neck broke nnd rattled down In tho hall llko a heavy hailstorm. My Email daughter glnnced at the dancing glass particles and, looking up In consterna tion, cried, "O, mother, you broke your pretty bluo beads I" Chicago Tribune. No One-Sided Prosperity. Lot him who expects one class of so ciety to prosper in tho highest degree, wlillo tho other Is in distress, try whether one side of his face can smile while tho other Is pinched. Fuller. Zzifa iw,5 Let's disarm the thermometer MEATS and starches for the body are like fuel for the furnace. Why not adopt for breakfast or lunch, Grape Nuts with cream or milk and a little fresh fruit -and turn off the internal heat? Here's com. plete nourishment, with cool comfort. 'M IMRH I Wkm JSaaVSEBHsaBBat. SaffKlsBaljTZri KWI 1 jSHUBBBMBBMSasBBBSKT? jBfBBHar' 3TS5F - 1 A ry.?graiataiy7jaaal . -.w nd.. " iXfcJIW. 'gggSa3t:USJJrrAIiH & WEIL- ECONOMY When you bake with Calumet you know there will be no loss or failures. That's why it is far less expensive than some other brands selling for less. Didn't Know Her Place. Mistress "Why did you lenvo your last place?" Appllcnnt "Tho missus was too Independent" The charm of a bathroom la Its spot lessness. By the use of Red Cross Ball Blue, all cloths and towels retain tholr whiteness until worn out Advertise ment. MADE NO SORT OF APPEAL Colored Messenger Couldn't See Where the "Sport" Came In In That Kind of Fishing. In a government office In Washing ton one day a Callfornlan was dis coursing on tho sport of fishing off tho Pacific coast. "Wo nil got out In small motor boats," said ho, "and fish with a long line baited with flying fish. Anything less than a hundred-pound tuna isn't considered good sport." A colored messenger had been lis tening with great interest to this con versation. "Excubo me, bosB," ho snld, wide-eyed,- as ho stepped up to the group, "but did I understand you to say thnt you' were flshln' for hundred-pound fish In a llttlo niotorboat?" "Yes," said the Callfornlan, "wo go out frequently." "But," urged the messenger, "ain't you nil afcared you might ketch one?" Pittsburgh Dispatch. Genius Explained. Genius has been explained by an Irish surgeon as tlie product of a germ which gets Into and around the human brnln. T.9rapu"N4UnS conta,,ns dl the nourishment of Whole wheat flour and malted barley, including the vital mineral elements and bran "roughage. and it is partially pre-dhjested in the long baking process by which it is made. There's a wonderful charm for the appetite m the crisp, sweet goodness of this ready-to-eat food, and fitness and lightness afterward, which meet summer's heat with a smile. Your grocer will supply you with Grafie-Nutst eeJ THAT WAS ASKING TOO MUCH Bishop Probably Had Read That "Much Shall Bo Forgiven," but Really, Professor Jonesl An English clergyman now visiting his country tells h story of nn end .lent Church of England ecclesiastic now dead, who on tho occasion of the? gathering of tho Jlrltlsh association,. Invited tho members to nn entertain' nient at his plnco. But ho sent no card to ono member of the association, who, thinking thnt he wns the vic tim of an oversight, mentioned the) matter to n mutual friend. "I will speak to the bishop and make that right," snld tho friend. "It was a mere accident." lie did speak to the bishop, to thla' effect : "By some mischance, Professo Jones has not been Invited to the en' tertnlnment. Of courso you mean him I to come?" "No, Indeed, I do not," said tha bishop. "Nothing enn Induce mo to ask under my roof n man who haa defended tho execution of SocrutesI" Philadelphia Lodger. - Just Dimly Remembered. I had not seen my friend and her small son for n yenr, so' when I saw htm plnylng In his grandmother's yard I Bald: "Artn't you Charles Smith?" "Yes, I nm," 6nld Charles. "My, how you've grown I" I said, "I was at your house the night tho Btork brought you to your mamma." "Oh, yes," ho nodded, gravely, "and you stayed all night. I can Just bare ly remembor It." Exchange. "There's a Reason1 for Grape-Nuts MJ br Co.. Iul UttJeCrck.Mllu i