The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 24, 1922, Image 1
4 J Klulu UUWlloul Horltty " Mnooiu gs&S3SPUraaS"aBg?rrr5?iMB!,i.v h - -.- f 'v. M,yww?yy-,y?T'ji"y"i"i)'f '" pyi"tit - -j szi ? 3111 '' iiiitiieiii tft ir-""fc H Djt " s'D SihhpHhHk $&wdfrff&F J Ki - rrr '"-f1" g " " lfejl H x kK B IEH "fir B b sgj'gr L,'T.,L?ffB 4 Newspaper That Glres The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For SI.50 VOLUME 50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. AUGUST 2i. 1922 NUMBER 3i. i0832 Av--Jfahj I f 2;, 3879 . Because of the Deltor now enclosed with your Butterick Pattern, the gowns you make nssiimp trf vprv" snirir of ,. w. v . w wfa. w i rans. Wv v You actually achieve the lines of the original creation. Butterick Patterns 'are the foremost styles of America. Pattern Peltoh Ii fruvliint V6r thii BUITEWCK. DESIGN. a THE R. PI WEESNER CO. School Begins Sept. 11th How are the children fixed for their school clothes 1 IHIHgiSSfl M rrfi 4!1 .7jyl U Here are a few bargain that will help you out on the girls clothes, vhis offer is for 2 weeks only Middies in all sizes at 1-5 off Girls dresses in sizes from (9 K t 6 to 14 at $.3U Some of these dresses were as high as $4.75 All children's underwear at 1-5 off BARBARA PHARES Agent; Warner Bros. Corsets- Home Journal Patterns GENERAL CONTRACTOR We do building from the excavating to the painting complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. We build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY County Fair Now Open The Webster County Fuh nt Ultuleu is now in full Mvlntf County Agent Fnuscli tiiloitiiL'il ni Tuetiluy ovculuK llittt tlio uutrii'b on live stock whs very lnrgc ami Hint some lint to tie turned away on account of not litivinp suillc lent quartets for tlieiu. There- Is a Inre number of horses there for the races. Dan Deadline's Bawl is furnish, lug the muslo and there is several good attractions. Friday afternoon, Rod Cloud plays Lawrence at the fair. Marriages The following couples were united in marriage by Judge Ranney on the dates mentioned: Edward Jones and MibS Lulu Shld lor, both of Guide Rook, August 19th Root. L. llcntott aud Miss Mabel Uond, both of Joes, Colorado, AugUBt l'Jth. Villiam II Brown and Miss Jessie Nies, Roth of Downs, Kmisas, August 2Htd. Decides in Favor of The City Thi9 morning District Judge, L. H. Blucldedge, tendered h decision io fa vor of tho city of Red Cloud In thooa'-, of John Sheets vs Red Cloud City. Tub suit was In regard to Ordinance No. 47, which compels those who wish to transport passengers or haul freight in the limits of this city to obtain a license, but the council' refused to grant him one, thus the legality of this ordinance was tried with, the above decision rendered, Red Cloud Defeated Again t Last Sunday afternoon the Red Cloud team went to Holstcin where they played 'the team at that place. Red Cloud was defeated by a score of 5 to 0, It being tho first game that they had been shut out this season. Gaston was on the mound for Uolstein and struck out six, while Slaby did the twirling for Red Cloud, striking out five. It seems as though luck was against us as every time the players hit tho ball there was some one there to catch It. Red Cloud is now in second place in tho Polly League. Come out and see the double header at 2 p. m., Sunday, Lawrenco vs Red Cloud. - Mr. and Mrs. Oswin Kcifcr of Bost wick wetc in the city Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Harris at tended the County Fair at Hastings Friday. W. G. Hamilton went to Omaha Mon day evening to attend to some busi ness matters. Fred Coibctt went to Kansas C'ty Sunday morning in charge of tho stock shipped from this point. Bernard McNeny went to Denver Thursday to attend to somo legal business and also enjoy an outing. Miss Minnie George went to Seldcn, Kansas, Thursday morning to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Amnck. Grover Carey, Rollie Lawrence and Ernest Moranvillo departed Saturday for Bird City, Kansas, where they will work. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oglcvie and chil dren returned homo Friday from Colo rado where they had been enjoying an outing. Miss Lcola Stewart of Wymore ar rived in the city Sunday evening to spend a few days at the homo of her uncle, W. L. Hines. According to tho weather reports for Sunday, Red Cloud and Oulhort- son were tho hottest places in tho state. Thn thermometer regN'orinp 101. FARM BUREAU NOTES (By County Agent, Henry R. Fausch) FAIR NEWS Webster county breeders and people support Adams County Fair. From CO to 100 Webster coun1" cars pass ed thiu the gates to sec Adams Coun ty Fair. F. C. Buschow and Sons of Blue Hill showed 14 head of their Red Toll ed cattle and won 15 firsts, 6 seconds, 1 third, 4 chnmpions and 2 Grand Champions. H. Weasels of Blue Hill showed 8 head of Angus cattle and won 7 firsts, 1 second, 4 champions and 2 Grand Champions. r Robert Kinley of Bladen showed 2 head of Horcfords and won one first, 1 fourth, 1 champion and 1 Grand Champion. Thos. McMahon of Blue Hill showed 2 head of Shorthorns. Won 1 first, 1 fourth and 1 Duroc Jersey won second. Henry Fnuoch, Guide Rock showed 7 head of I olnnd China hogs nnd won 5 firsts, 2 r,cc nds, 2 thirds t.nd 1 champion. Emil Blumenthnl of Blue Hill show ed 8 head of Duroc Jersey hogs and won 2 ifirsls, 3 seconds, 1 third, 1 fifth and 2 on his White Wyndotto chickens. Frank Starr of Red Cloud and Bert Collicott of Blndcn were heavy win nqrs on their race horses. NEBRASKA STATE FAIR Webster county will bo represented at the Nebraska State Fair with 3 demonstration teams as follows: Clothing team of the Red Cloud Sew ftig Club demonstration, "Making a Bungle Apron." Members of the team arc Goldic McConkcy nnd Dc- Ette Comer. Pig Club Team of the Pldasuro and Profit Sow and Litter Club, Demonstra tion "Hog Sanitation." Members of the team arc Cecil Means and Oscar Lea. Calf Club team of the Bovine Boost ers Calf Club. Demonstration "Fit ting and Showing a calf. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE TO CONVENE HERE NEXT WEEK County Superintendent Miss Stella Ducker announces that the Webs' ci County Teachers' Institute v. ill con vene at the Red Cloud High School, in this city on next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 28, 2!) and 30th. A. B. Gcwick, of this city, Mrs. Grace G. T imx, of Sioux Falls, G. M. Eastham, of Harvard, C. L. Wcst cott, of Blue Hill, 11. R. Fausch, of Guide Rock, Miss Blanche Goodrich, of Bladen and Miss Charlotte Denkin, of Cowles, are the instructois cpm prising this year's staff with Mcs dames Lloyd Mclntyic and Lois Cow den, of this city, as assistants. The following is the program: 8:30 to 9:05 Methods In Reading Mr. Gclwick 0:05 to 0:10 Methods In Language and Gram mar Mrs. Truax 9:40 to 10:15 Lectuic .. Mr. Eastham 10:15 to 10:25 Intermission 10:25 to 11:00 Methods In Spelling Mr. Gelwick 11:00 to 11:25 Lectures and Talks 11:25 to 12:00 Coordinate Busy Work Mrs. Traux 1:30 to 2:05 Methods In Arithmetic . Mr. Gelwick 2:05 to 2:40 Music, Rural and Grade ... Mrs. Traux 2:40 to 3:15 D pnrtment of Health Work 3:15 to 4:00 Round Table . Mr. Eastham Grace Church Notes Eleventh Sunday After Trinity Sunday School at 10 a. in. Morning Sorvlco at 11 a m. I'nlou evoulug scrvk'c ntS p, m. on Congregilounl church lawn. WISE PARENTS WILL HAVE THEIR CHILDREN'S EYES EXAMINED AND TESTED BEFORE SCHOOL BEGINS. BY SO DOING THEY KNOW THE CHILDREN BEGIN THE SCHOOL YEAR PROPERLY PREPARED TO MAKE THE BEST USE OF THEIR SCHOOL HOURS. BRING THE CHILDREN IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS. WE MAKE NO CHARGE FOR EXAMINATION AND FIT NO GLASSES UNLESS NEEDED. s.-' -. t "RITE-RITE" MECHANICAL PENCILS 10c 4. LEADS FOR AUTOPOINT, EYFRWAW AN OTHER PENCILS to? vm wm (.H.fliuju - Pocket Ben Watches $1.50 Glo Ben Watches $2.50 Alarm Clocks $1.25 to $4.75 w r f"i T" ' i"' KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEBR. A Few of Our Every Day Pricey Peanut Butter in Pails 1 5 and 25c Large can Pork and Beans, 2 lbs., 4 oz. - 25c Oil Sardines - 05c Mustard Sardines, 2 cans 25c Sardines in Tomato Sauce 1 5c 3 lbs. Steel Cut Coffee 1 .00 Large can Sweet Potatoes 1 5c Velvet 2 cans for - 25c Prince Albert 2 cans for 25c Camel Cigarettes - - 1 5c Swans Down Cake Flour 35c 2-2 5c cans Baking Powder 30c Toilet Soap - - 05c Come in and look at our Pails and Oil Cans THE FARMERS UNION BRASKA'S FIFTV-FOURTH " LI LINCOLN, HERE THE BEST IHA1UINE5 ARB " raWt 1 3flh rf THIIBfi rriTMT o itLia: I Webster County Fair at Bladen Aug. 23-24-25 .l t-rt 1 - iS Kv. r,l l