' KID . CLOUD, mClRAfKA, CHUl ml fc-fc3 , irewy f' SMSUferift 1.. J r$S I J KlpW3on90,BclM74, vvwvvvvlWJvvvvyvvwv : Residence, Bell 241 Ed A macK k BIG MERCHANT je AsePT &. lUUk v y-WE UNDERTAKING Xt .. - i l'Hi?I JONES , RED CLOUD, NER MBflkMMMHMMriMaHNMMMMM ihe 1 dephone is one of the modern conveniences which has assum ed a place oE first importance in the community. The trouble, inconvenience, danger and loss of time that would result if all the telephone lines were silent for a single day would be appalling. Such a condition must not be permitted to exist, and the faithful and conscientious vork of loyal employes is your assur ance of continuous service. Telephone development proceeds apace with the development of the community, and without the tele phone the community progress would be greatly hampered. A telephone in your home and place of business is an essential to your convenience, comfort and. pr.o- , tection, and oiice established, you-w.ill find. such'&'drg vice indispensable. . WSJ& Information. relative to rates arift.e'rvice-1' may be obtained fronv the 'Local Manager. ":r.ffi'.c '." ' '; .. "-J.1" ' ING F. ;.-ORT M, KEEN AS Ma. "JAYC 8HIP'-'NP .- ' -: IN W ID ,.iif ;l ".. I crops sold abroad lnrgely sots tlio prlco of those commodities in this country." Farmer Vitally Concerned. AI F" ,if,l ;r M I at : pei i crnt. of n . uhe.t i '.I .'0 mm rout 1 1 'i. r co"'"i is ex; -"J 17 IN ACTUR- et f.ov; as Jo .G.7i.IR?.38, Ti C.wf ('. '.y th'. coat of M'l .ral ci r:oe l uimaed ' ' .. i nve t' I)'.b! tt t on -i'.'0 "t'nl .ii . ' r t i i' i' ii" i: ureir '-ld ..iii". a ?rf-' tho ct, and, Moi.nt to an1 f cent ii " , a bale to- I. "The' i"ui; a-. im! ..re 'OMt , R f ''iff, 1 our .en , ol UH H. ' ' of a "rk fo' T !n i- t o. urt.r.a oa tip . Mulne b the I'aaiun.u of t.e B t nn Board. 5 Wfteoln;. telephone & TreliTapb;dI:. J GOOD MOJPJING! 4 VIM BnlAiVBkH kviSjai m iiiBnLiW The poultry liuhiHtry is one of the biggest agricultural industries In tho world. Few persons ap preciate Its importance until fig ures are presented showing that Us products sell for hundreds of millions of dollars annually. In many parts of America tho poultry Industry Is of more valuo than tho horse, cattle, swine or sheep business. For several years a 1Ik campaign has been conducted to Interest the children in poultry raising. .Many thousands of hoya and girls aro being instructed in Hock Impingement and the caro and marketing of egps. In onler to assist in popularizing poultry raising, liberal i.rhces for poul try are- being offered by tho No Bra ska State Fair, l.lucolu, Sept. 3-S. Annct.2 6. Modem civilization la en ecoaoiulc one. Tho basis of all economic civ ilization tians-portatlon. Coal and oil may be only momentarily basic fuels; it Is r.osslble soma other fuel may bi discovered. Furt In oho form or another will always be basic to trail" cv'i.ttlon. and transportation In one f.ir.n c,r anothor is basic to exchange of goods. In my first artlc'.a I undertook to demon Vj Ui how, up to the time of tae . " ... Anu...ti, had dvelop od a strong merchant niarlno, and to j-UiMch t u conditions yuiroumling our prnnical tllsappparanco from tho sea between the Cmo of the Civil V.ir and the World War. Daring this latter period wo were a self-sulllclcut and self-contained nation, having' nee.l of world trade only In small meafro for the dispo sition of surpluses ..ml to pay with thorn the moneys borrowed for our development. Our creditors were largely the leading narltlnio nations of tho world, and they sent their ships to receive th ' good In pay-. iKont of v.-liul wb iiw nil tbtim America's Position Altered. In the last decades, though. Amer lea hai changed '10111 a solf-con-' tr. n.'d an 1 tplf-sumcicnt nation ' to one that now must look across thel waters for rimy of Its needs., Our munjifuclurnri must look across tho, sea both fJr lariets niid raw nTar .t6rjals; .pur agricultural sections iinnst1 sell their sdrp'lus' to othor htt-1 Itjjil ' - V ' 'V Vn nrn fr. lfA:,Wfl'9tt 1ni1lll)'iM i WUIA" i , -.". ;5:jjr,t.. ... . .-. ...i I '.,, ,jrn ' i , K 'tin'. ' ' lay th irr. .toMewi. " '.l;i s,!il)B' i '.Uftlj n- for U' m." ' v.s., ' '''f from 'hr -n i!nt tl-.-i tho i ' 't WH Vav rfnrrluFOf, vi li, If V ': tranr,;oi'Xni' a abroad 'i ' ne'i i: will back up ou him to t s . : !on of hi', i rice; . or wh ;h-r ultimately ho w!!l hao no 8".r-e and i.Jlog on the .rospprlly of the America n workers In other eAllinga, ihe establishment of a tuor Pliant marina has bocome of prlmo importance. In the ilexl and concluding article of this series I shall undertake to dl-icv ? how the Oovonr.v 'Tit pro posts 0 Inauro the needed !ea nr- i i rj 1 1 ESMBUMmzaBsamtMS: :,j:uaam. 'I I .r, M 10 i lv or-.-.ii .in ; ,i '', I Ii . i ! KC. I I I ' II: t ' JL- :a-5-' izarmmamr V t K- r, Moorlch Infiucnce on Spain. In thi' Klghtb century the whole of Spain, evcept Asturias, was coniiuered by the Moors, and their voeabulnry, phrases' and proverbs made u lasting effect on the Custlltan tongue. . . . Many of the words concerned with war, agriculture. Irrigation, gardening, and the udmlnlst ration of Justice are derived from Arabic; they are, Indeed, the Arable words themselves taken over with the dcllnltc article prefixed to them. Hut If the Moorish Inlluence on the outward fonn.s of Spanish life was great. Its Inilueiici' on Spanish thought was comparatively "mail. . . . A. J. 15. Tr.nd. In "A 1'lcturo of. Modern Spain." d And ' It t'ount Lui&ip i9i t3 V M We sell for cash that's why we sell cheaper. P"5I 6. F ARMERS ELEVATOR c Fly Nets Now is the time to buy fly n els and'.covers of all kinds at pre-war prices. Come in and see midline before buying. LEE WALKER Succcor to J. O. Itutler In the Fall They Virc.Lcs3. Willie Ma. lender "nld.the wires on the telegraph poles arc cilucated. Ma She couldn't bae -alii that. What did she mean? Willie- Well, she alil the wires .expand m summer and get saggy( Svflflli' In winter they contract and bei-oiilO talit ! Science anil Invention., Requires each. Often a man falls to embrace an op portimlty because I n "y " P.oston Tra"M'rli ' The Margin of Safety Is represented by the amount of insurance you carry. Don't lull youiself Into u fancied security. Because fire has never touched you it dooEii't follow that you're Immune Tomorrow no today, if you have tiste--niil you better find time como to tho ofllco nml we'll wrlto n policy on your hoiuo, furniture, stqro or morchandUe. LATKH MAY 1B TOO LATK- O. C.JEE L R.ciltxblc Insursxnce It is said that our government specialists have enrolled ovor a million girls In cunning work In this country. The canning of fruits and vegetables Is being em phasized, not only to teach tho girls how to can, but to popular Ire home canning as a means of preventing food waste. Tho can ning of alt this food will save mil lions of dollars' worth of food that would otherwise decay. Ihuigotlc effort Is being made to Interest the girls ai id Loj.. i-i his territory and their pannts. In the runre, thut we may lead In this work. To help this iiioveiiu nt liberal prima aro being offered for canning by the Nebnthka State Fiir, Lincoln, Sept. 3-S. going, wo must maKe sure or a'sieauy By pf tVoso"' mWfirffilkfiUsV-'W ItgeJQnd jfauBt'ftsaVflto-ift antf ous nquycrjrormanuracrurew wh mm Q?,:il RrtfT -i -. -, r-.H. - ' Itir --f y v mv,i.. 4 ri"i , m-,'the 'cJajtiiilni conditions America fl'ndV itwff. thl in' ttii -.rtlmtthl At a Loss. 'r"Do you suppose Charley Saplflgh ibr'Kftd'Wn Ulrtaln.his life?" , ;,., ; "nj'ay hKvfe had-one, ut; so;im Un dY'tire?." suld Mlsa jl'eaclwfc Sbu.,! douBVvbfy ijeriounly Jtf .hevknjftVYiit to do'f,'irh?5lt"--BtrmIoihn4p Ag Herald. vV. (t W.n to Nat ndy ta Dia. Notice To Creditors In the County Court of Webster Conn. ty, Nebraska In the Matter of the Kstate of Kd waid Heaton, Deceased. Creditors of Said Itate will take No. tlee, that tho time limited for present ation and llllng of claims against suld estato io November 'Jlth, 1U22, and for the payment of debts Is January 'J2nd. 1S2J, that 1 will sit at the county court room In bald county on tho 23th day of August, 1022, to examine, hear and al low claims duly filed which aro a first or .second lion upon said estate, and on the 2."ith day of November, 1022, to ex nmine, hear, allow and adjust all olalms and objections of general creditors duly filed. Dited tlU2Sth day of ,lulv, A. D., 1022 (deal).. ,x A. D. UANN'BY,. County Judgo. Trr life Vy"b'dpihatdt''oa tha' axlatanca "of anAmatteaa narkaat' marine. No lea intaraat haa tha, farmar. Hla ioteraat la tha merchant, marine la erldanced by tha err ot the alxteen great agricultural state,1 ranging from our central Yallejra to te Pacific, with a population of orer forty million people, for the derelop meat of the Great Lakea St. Law rence waterway the Lake to the Qulf waterway, and tho widening and deepening ot our rlverss Including the Mississippi, Intended to bring the seacoast a thousand miles nearer to the valleys of production. Thus the farmer admits tho very essential necessity to his prosperity of water carriage abroad. Bvon the most ardent proponent at our Inland waterway development can no longer feel there is any possibility of suc cess to the venture unless we have assurance of ships under our own flag. Subsidy Comparable To Tariff. The world has completely changed in consequence of tho late war; and, no nation's needs have changed more than America's. Therefore, tho old arguments that existed against the necessity of a merchant niarlno, no longer hold. Hut unfortunately mil lions, .including the farmer, have not had time or opportunity to develop tho facts as to tho changed condi tions and changed needs. It is often asked by tho.se who aro living in the shadows of other days, why tho farmer should bo icqulrod to contribute, to a subsidy foi :,Ulps, wlira tlio uodtict of the f'nii re mains umml'hidtzcd. ruii, i-.' t.iiu'so, is far from tho fact; berau- !n tho protection given by the tariff, the farmer, UKo tho manufacturer and all of us, is subsidized, and very propoily, to tho oxtont of our n'eeds. Subsidy for ships is tho identical thing that tariff protection Is to homo production. At the hearings hold by the joint Committee of the Senate and House In relation to the proposed subsidy legislation, Mr. J. 11. Howard, Prosi dont of tho American Fnrm Hureau Federation, testified that while lfls nhsorlatlou was opposed to subsidies in principle, and certainly to sub files save for a limited period (which is tho view of tho Harding' Administration), a caroful study by oxports appointed by tho Federation had lod him to testify in behalf of and to urge the enactment of tho legislation proposed for tho mor-' chnnt marine. "Merchant niarlno rates," said Mr. Howard, "aro Just as Important as railroad rates to tho farmer. Tho farmer may not nlways realio this fact, bocauso ho Is ablo' to iaiiall.o lac i. 1 ti t.i , crt.itioii and dies not frequently coma In contact with ocean traffic. It U n i.Utlnei factor, hCWftT"1'. ill tllO lli'lco of '"I "A booK'ialeamauyati.aayy'r -ti . 1 "tTe'doeaa't kaow the; paxchalogy, of aale'smanahlp. tie'4 try 'to soil a cem etery, lot to a man who bad been poor all .his life aad had "just Inherited a mUllou." Birmingham rAge-Herali: Chocelate Properly Appreciated. Qowm as beverage wus first used by . Leonardo Cortez, to whom the ancient Mexican natives taught the use of It. In the aboriginal Mexican language, this concoction was called "chocolate," which means cocoa and water. Although from the moment thut this explorer and his followers brought it to Kuropc, just four cen turies ago, "chocolate" found its en thusiastic devotees, yet, at the same time, It met with bitter opposition on the part of ninny persons. Fortunutely, saner opinions, In respect of this harm less product .now p&evnll, and, al though cocoa differs somewhat from tho chocolate of Cortez' times, the change does not lie with the cocoa beans, which are practically the same now as they were then. 1 ifinrTTTTT iKIlfefeSt iiEYSTr 1H' - 2a7:9iUUL-Ui-i jme' to our store andiet ussiwwivou the most onomical fence for t'ypu'jto .bufth'e.?.:ence7 tljat is woveti lErom even, hevilv ealvahmw onen hearth wire. 'Hiewavy strand wires expand aitd-contractwitlT. the ; lieFana 'cord and ALWAYSCTAtf -tight, ..The stay wires are held firmly in place ,wftir,ttoe famous SQUARE DEAL LOGKr,that positively prevents slipping these , are' only a few of the superior featiites of Square Deal Fence You will make no mistake in buying SQUARE DEAL FENCE it lasts longest, costs less for repairs and requires fewer posts. We have this popular fence in a variety or 1 styles a fence to meet your every requirement. Come in I and see us when you need fencing. (s J G. W. TRINE'S HARDWARE " Fish Killed by Sewage. The other day, Just as the tide In the Thames was turning from ebb to low nnd the flsh were coming up the river ngaln, a very henvy rain, follow ing several days drought, suddenly flushed the sewers of London, add the rusb of foul water killed the fishes by the million, so that the ilead bodies covered the banks for miles. mtUtn, yon Utl,you CO on air play and don't hthr m wry much 'til I ft all dona oating thlt Kollogg'i Corn FlahtB for lunch t Say, I bat your mouth tDattr uhtn yon match ma aatinf thf bit month- tola tt KcUogg'a good' tor' MICKIE SAYS UOU.EP. MHVi Nk GOT VA PRIMTUV "CO DO 'N CU-CONNG. RUMWVY VOE PWUT AUM OLE ItvwuG VvifAUT cox ue GO'f 1MK 'M tMPE 'W PAPER 'W : rm ,?raaJ M fi TTffl IT'cffe s'V?. tm - -i t " - KVT. l r ?oaW T'-tr -Jam -WW ZVA. SPotiV J jnr- f wUa r The perfect child-food w w, iNs 5 t & MMriV77'.I' fJ Vr M MOS?'' 9 17 m tor summer- serve vmi CORN FLAK I TP A 'ft, G let the little folks cat as often as they like and a3 much as they like of Kelloggs Corn Flakes wonder- iul summer food for every member of the family! Just what little and big stomachs need to thrive on best during the hot days; an ideal food to tako the place of the heavy meals which upset health, make you sluggish and take the joy out of life! Kcllogg's are so extra delightful in summer with fresh fruits for breakfast, for lunch, for "snacks." Try Kcllogg's Corn Flakes as a dinner dessert with fresh fruit and cream! Insist upon Kellogg 'o Corn Flakes in tho KED and GREEN package that bears tho Dignature of .W. K. KcIIokb, originator of Corn Flakes. Hone arc genuine .without itl I sg TVm -ft '.B'riAKRc wt & & C0BM WLAKM IS Alio n&kcri of KELLOGG'S KRUMBLnS and GUOGG'S BRAN, conked and Iaiuabled i - -- i ki a. ,. a