The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 17, 1922, Image 7

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gfc Pint
P 1
Mrs. Sherman Helped by
Lydia E. PinkhamWeg-
etable Compound
Lalto.MicWpan. "Aboutoneycnraso
I Buffered with irregularities anda weak
ness ana at times was
obliged tostay off my
feet. 1 doctored with
our family physician
and tie finally earn no
could not understand
ray case, so I decided
totryLydinE. Pink
hanva Vccctablo
Compound. After I
had taken the first
bottle I could so a
that I was cottinc
better. I toolc several
)ottlcsof tho Vcgctablo Compound and
U3ed Lydia E. Pinkham'a Sanative Wash
and I am entirely cured of my ailments.
You may publish this letter if you
wish. "Mrs. Mary Sherman, Route 2,
Lake, Mich.
There is one fact women should con
eider and thatis this. Women suffer from
irregularities and vnrious forms of weak
ness. They try this and that doctor, aa
well as different medicines. Finally they
take Lydia E. Pinkham'a Compound,
and Mrs. Sherman's experience is simply
another case showing tho merit of this
well-known medicine.
If your family physician fails to help
vou and the samo old troubles neraist.
why isn 't it reasonable to try Lydia E,
Pinkham'a Vcgetablo Compound?
He Goes Eack.
Old Ponce do Leon got on u street
rnr niui started In quest of tlie foun
tain of eternal youtli. And ns lie
went along lie read the advertise
mints. New teeth for old.
Monkey glands inuku you young.
Kllvir of I'op.
".Stop the car, conductor." yelled
Ponce de Leon. "I'm going In the
wrong direction." Louisville Courier
Depends on the Result.
"Don't you admire determination In
n mini's chnnu'ter?"
"That depends. If It brings success
I pralM1 It ns n splendid perseverance,
if failure, I denounce It as confounded
Makes Hard Work Harder
A bnd back makes a day's work
twice as linrd. llacknche usually comeu
from weak kidneys, and if headaches,
dizziness or uiinary disorders are added,
don't wait get help before the kidney
disease takes a Rrip before dropsy,
gravel or Iiright's disease sets in.
Doan't Kidney Pills have brought
new life and new strength to thousand
of working men and women. Used
and recommended the world over.
Aafi your neighbor!
A Nebraska Case
Alfred Ncnow, car
penter, 415 R. 3rd St.,
Norfolk, Xiibr,, snys:
"I had lumbago ami
my kidneys wero In
a disordered condi
tion. I liad sliarp
pains In my back
and kldneya that felt
mi though I had been
struck with some
thing sharp. I could
hardly stand up
straight. A friend
told mn of Doan'H
Kidney Tills and they drove tho lum
baKo away and left my back strong
Get Doan'i at Any Store. 60c a Bos
TTSEFUL for all the
H w little nilmentH
bumps, bruises, sores,
sunburn and chafing.
Keep a bottle in the
house. It's safe and
pure. Itcostsverylittle,
State Street New York
IKvorhT eojjSJjj
are usually duo to straining
when constipated.
Nujol being a lubricant
keeps the food waste soft
and therefore prevents
straining. Doctors prescribo
Nujol because it not only
soothes the suffering of
piles but relieves the irrita
tion, brings comfort and
helps to remove them.
Nujol is a
lubricant not
a medicine or
Try it today.
rVK prrjrriftiTg
Success With Crop Depends
Largely on Proper Care Dur
ing Harvesting Period.
Proper Time for Harvesting la When
Fiber Is Deep Green From Tip to
Knuckle Avoid Immature
and Ovtrripc Brush.
(Prepared by th United Btate Department
of Agriculture,)
Success In hnndllng either of tho two
vnilotleH of broom corn produced In
tho United States Standard and
Dwarf depends to n largo extent on
proper care during the but-vesting pe
riod. Even with the most elllclent sys
tems of distribution It Is Impossible to
overcome the handicap of an Inferior
product, nays the United States De
partment of Agriculture In n new pub
lication, Department Bulletin 1010,
Marketing Broom Corn, prepared by
U. B. Algulre, assistant In marketing
hay and broom corn.
Selection of Heads.
The selection of properly matured
heads Is n matter l'or first attention.
Broom corn Is In the proper stage for
harvest when the fiber Is deep green
Broom Corn Must Be Well Baled to
Bring Best Price.
from tip to knuckle, n stage that may
bo reached when the head Is In bloom
or not until the seed Is In the dough
stage. Imniuturo. fiber lacks elasticity,
shrivels perceptibly on curing, und pre
sents an uninviting iippenrnnce whpn
baled. Overripe brush Is equally un
desirable. Preventable waste nmong manufac
turers can be traced In many Instances
to the first steps In harvesting. In
general, anything unlit for use In the
manufacture of brooms should, so far
ns practicable, be left In the fields. To
command the best price, broom corn
must be free from seed and well
Methods of Handling.
Tho bulletin discusses the vnrious
methods of hnndllng broom corn on
the farm and In the process of distri
bution, Including marketing, practices
employed by various classes of deal
ers, methods of sampling, storage fa
cilities, and co-operative mnrketlng.
Copies of it may be had free upon ap
plication to the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.
Best Strains Have Been Developed by
Cutting Up Runners From Thrifty.
Looking Spots.
Many good turf grasses that repro
duce by runners have lost the habit
of producing seed, and for this reason
the United States Department of Agri
culture has been experimenting with
the vegetotlvo propagation of some of
the most satisfactory strains of bent
grasses. Better strains have been de
veloped by finding spots In lawns and
on golf courses where the turf was
particularly good, cutting up the run
ners and planting these cuttings In In
crease plots. Moat of this work has
been dono In northern states, although
some good strains of Bermuda grass
have been selected which give promise
of value In the South.
A number of commercial growers
have been working on these Improved
grasses and now have cuttings for sale.
However, It Is possible for a person
to Improve his own lawn or for n
golf club to Improve the turf on the
course by solcctlng spots whero the
grass is particularly good and growing
tho cut runners In rows in n garden or
field. When tho good strain lifts been
Increased sufllclently In this way the
old lawn or turf may be plowed ilp
and the new strain established.
8trnw Filled With Droppings Is One
of Most Valuable Fertilizers
for Gardens.
Toultry litter, particularly straw
filled with droppings, is ono of tho
most valuable fertilizers for gardens
and small fruits. It is particularly
worth while where clay soils are to
bo worked, because In a fow seasons
tho nddltlon of this litter will com
pletely chnnge tho character of the
soil and give ono a rich, friable and
enslly worked soil cnpnblo of produc
ing almost any garden crop, whether
.vegetables or flowers.
r - '
Useful to Determino County's Big
Farm Problems,
In Ons Instance,, It Was piocovered
That 61 Per Cent of Land Was
Farmed by Tenants Federal
Farm Loan Unknown.
(Prepared by tho United Statei pepartment
of Agrloulture.)
In making county and community
programs of demonstrations uud otlier
extension activities for tho year, ex
tension agents In Oklnhoma report to
the United States Department of Ag
riculture that the use of county census
and assessor's figures as n basis for
determining the county's major agri
cultural problems Is proving very suc
cessful. A meeting of the men and
women from each community Is called
each year by the county agricultural
ngont l'or tho purpose of making n
program for the yeur's extension work.
in these meetings It hns been found
that these figures are of great Hcrvlco
In showing agricultural conditions of
the county In a concise and compre
hensive wny. In one Instance It was
found that about CI per cent of the
county's agricultural land was farmed
by tenants. Discussion brought out
the fact that the federal farm lonn
was practically unknown In the county
and plans were made to conduct a
campaign to bring the bcnellts of tho
lonn to the attention of tho communi
ties as u possible means of securing
a grenter percentage of farm owner
ship. Figures showing that more ncres In
the county wero being planted to wheat
than any other crop started n discus
sion which Indicated there was differ
ence of opinion ns to tho best variety
for the locality; it was therefore de
cided that demonstration plats of the
best-liked varieties of this crop be
grown In eight sections of the county.
In a similar way all the figures cover-
' Ing the agricultural activities of tho
i county nre studied In theso program
' making meetings, and as n result n
! program is made which Is based on
what statistics have hliown to be tho
most urgent needs of the communities
and in which general interest through
out the county Is felt.
Sixteen-Foot Runners, Rounded at Each
End, Make It Easy to Haul to
Any Desired Spot.
A portable feed rack for hogs Is n
mighty convenient device for nnjfurm.
It can easily be moved from one spot
to another. The 2x12 10 foot runners
Portable Food Rack. 1
nro rounded nt each end. Three 2x0
12's nailed between the runners mako
a solid foundation. Tho uprights ore
2x4's and tho slats are lxO's. The
space between the runners and the bot
tom of tho "V" shaped rack Is floored
and a 1x12 board running oil around tho
rnck just above the runners completes
the manger.
Pests Are Cause of Much Discomfort
to Live Stock and Financial
Loss to Owner.
Stable flies nre tho cause of much
discomfort and annoyance to live stock
and of flnunclal loss to the owner.
Keep the stables, poultry houses, pig
pens, etc., cleun and avoid the, ac
cumulation of manure or filth. Provide
screens for doors and windows. Spray
tho unlmuls lightly each morning with
a mixture of tho following proportion :
Flvo gallons kerosene, ono pint either
oil of mlrbane, oil of tor or cresyllc
If a Little Overripe Loss of Heads
May Be Reduced by Cutting Early
in the Morning.
Under normal conditions clover
should be cut when the heads hnve
turned a dark brown. If tho clover
Is a little overripe, the loss of the
heads may bo materially reduced by
cutting enrly In tho morning or In
tho evening when there Is dew. Tho
clover should be cut aft high as pos
sible; this enables threshing to bo
speeded up, ns there will be less straw
to bundle,
Important That Work Be Dono Dur
ing Warm Months to Keop Out
Insect Pests.
, Thoroughly clean and spray chicken
house, especially nests and roosting
qunrters, with coal oil, fuel oil, crude
oil thinned with coal oil, or the oil
drained from an nuto. Repeat this
spray monthly during warm months to
keep free from red mites.
Your Money
Should Not Tempt You
That's What Millions of Housewives Do
I X . jj" K" OYA TW
X Hwm
"rc in --
The World's Greatest Baking Powder
Bird Flew From Africa to Germany
With a Message From Exile to
the Fatherland.
The population of Llsknu, Germany,
noticed one day recently thut nnu of
tho many storks which annually re
turn to Hie neighborhood from distant
southern zones to rebuild their nests
was carrying something about Its
neck which only human hands could
have fastened there.
Repeated efforts to approach the
bird hud failed, hut one of the vil
lagers finally lured the stork Into his
barn and then and there learned Hint
tho bird carried a little leather case
In which a noto was Inclosed. The
note revenlcd that the stork bad come
nil the wny from East Africa, where
a Germnn colonist, Willi Nucha, Ims
his little farm near Victoria lake.
Bucha must have nntlclpnted that
the bird spent his annual mention In
his beloved fatherland, so no wrote:
"Just n greeting to the fatherland,"
and used the stork to convey his
She Said It.
My small duughter had a habit of
asking every ono to stay for tho next
meal, no mntter who It was.
Ono day I was tired, and as one of
my friends was coming over I told
Jcnnnette that I would spank her If
sho asked this woman to stay for sup
per. In due tlmo my guest nrrlvcd nnd
ns soon as she was seated Jcnnnette
snid: "Can you stny for supper7
Mummn said If I asked you sho would
spank me." Exchange.
No heat
Lots for
They know that Good
Baking Powder can't be
sold for less; that "More
for the Money" means
bake -day failures, waste
of time and money; that
Calumet is pure and sure
Harassed Citizens of American Cities
Should Welcome Idea That Comes
From Buenos Aires.
In these days of lawlessness, when
the honest citizen cannot take n walk
around the block with any certainty
thut he will not he held up by n
bandit, the novel Idea of Antonio Mon
aco, a citizen of Iluenos Aires, ought
to be of value.
He suggests suspenders with pock
ets attached to them two pockets,
that Is to say, each of them being
fastened with u buckle to the loop of
the "gallus" at the front. The lower
end of each pocket has two button
holes, which button onto the ordinary
buttons of tho waistband of tho trous
ers, thus making the pocket tlatly se
cure against the body of tho wearer.
To prevent escape of Its contents, each
pocket Is provided with a buttoned
Few bandits would think of looking
for loot benenth a man's waistcoat,
and so tho suspender pocket should
ufford excellent hiding places fur
money. Against pickpockets they
ought to furnish n perfect protection.
Milwaukee Sentinel.
Conversational Standbys.
"Supposo wo could cocitnunlcnte
with the Mnrtluns?"
"They might tnlk of something wo
never lienrd about."
"That wouldn't make any difference.
We could reply, 'Quito so.' 'Yes, In
deed.' 'You don't say' and 'Really,'
just as we always do In a caso like
that." Ulrmlughum Age-Herald.
this summer meal
A DISH of crisp, delicious Grape-Nuts, with cream
or milk (some berries or fresh fruit, too, if you
like) is cooling to serve, cooling to eat and cooling
to digest with a charm of flavor and goodness that
rouses appetite enthusiasm. No preparation, no
cooking no heating of the body afterward, as heavy,
starchy meals do but well-rounded nourishment
for every bodily need.
There's a noticeable feeling of lightness and com
fort after such a meal.
Try this way out of the heat, bother and uncertainty
that usually goes with the midsummer food problem.
Order Gtape-'NutS Irom your grocer today.
"There's a Reason"
by I'ostum Cereal Company, Ino,
flattie Creek, Michigan
Quite Satisfied That Auntie's Appear
ance Must Have Undergone Con
siderable .Change.
I am rather proud of my looks nnd
always tnke pains to appear my best
for company.
One morning I wns Just finishing
the sweeping when my brother anil
his family, whom I had not seen for
a couple of years, drove In the ynrd.
Willi them were a couple of well
dressed womei), and I was naturally
embarrassed to have them find mo
with hair disheveled and dust
streaked face. However, I welcomed
them graciously and wo sat down to
I noticed that Hobby, my small
nephew, wns studying me Intently,
and during a lull In the conversation
ho snid : "Auntie, you must have been
good looking when you were young."
"Yes," I beamed, with my pleasant
est smile, scenting a compliment,
"whnt makes you think so, dear?''
"Ik'cuuse," answered Hobby, "uncla
would never marry you the way yoo
look now." Chicago Tribune.
"Old Rip Itndges, that's been wnT
lcrln' In his sins for forty years, was
converted nt tho revival last night,"
said Gap Johnson of Rumpus Rldgo,
Ark. "That there evangelist Is a power
ful preacher."
"IIo shore is I" returned an acquaint
ance. "I live half n mile nway, and
right when ho got to the top of bis
liollcrln' nt Satin last night, b'dogged
If the clock at nw houso didn't stopP
Konsns City Srar.
Ian. bar