' .im'mi$wwMmnmm ' - BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF rHE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. GENERAL CONTRACTOR m i ... - . . ,..-- m.i i- i - - i. . We do building from the excavating to the painting complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. "VVc do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. We build screen doors and window screens and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us have your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANTCHRISTY Webster County Fair Association PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY entered In the I'ontofllco nt Hcd Cloud, Neb as Second Class Matter N. A. D. McARTHUR.'.Edltor and Owner BLADEN, NEBRASKA & Advertising Rates Foreign, per column Inch 15c Local, " " . " 10 & 12H LOCAL ITEMS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO. Bimininn ' )..-; I "t ,. Need Groceries To-Day? 1 C A kWAYS prepared and waiting to fill rV any Grocery order" is the motto under which our store is run. It means that no mat ter how small your order may be or what par ticular items you may want, we aie ready to supply them. We never allow any of our lines of package, bottled or canned goods to decrease to a "sold out" level; Neither do we otter anything in the Vcgalable or Fruit line, unless it is strictly fresh. And wliat's more, wo are sure our pri ces will please you, P0 A, Wullbrandt Groceries and Quccnswarc J B'HTrmmniiH jujuhj' fr irffi.Tenttjmg.Ti '"" uniajiur.gn.mmij. 1e j w y A GOOD JOB WELL DONE a. . ivci, tSMj ' i'J r ' ,,.. A piece of printed matter with your name on it is your "Per sonal" representative wherever it mav be found. Surely then, the best is none too flood. , That's the basis on which we tfuar-, 4j , . . 4; antee your satisfaction with" bur J' ''' u "v Printing. " , . , " or little..5 " . , i" .: t-v J 'hf .?. vl! iyij ';. ;(. The Red Cloud We Do Only The Highest Grade COMMERCIAL PRINTING " Add Tone to y$ur business by getting the best (Filday, August 10, ISM.) 1 V. Taylor and V. Thornburg will go to Kansas City next week to attend the K. P. conclave. Joe Piivlicok'b wheat Is yeildlng at tlio rate of (II pounds to the bushol. Miss Mary Miner loft this week for I'.ie east wlieie she will bo gone a year to complete her education. Joseph Can was lu Llladeu this week. Local Items of Twenty Y.ears ago. Frank Cowdcn returned from his tilp to tlio eastern markets, Wednesday morning. .1 U. llutler and family of Cowles passed thru here L'uusday enrouto to Dresden, Kas , to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moranvllle and Miss Marie Moranvllle departed Thurs day evening for Suit Lake City. lion MoFarlund left Tuesday morn lug for Lincoln. Jim Cotlter has takeu hisplaco in the store while ho is gone Mrs Prank Cowden wont to Super ior Tuesday morning. U E. Speucoof llladeu was in the city Tuesday. 11 J. Overlng Jr., was in Henlcleman the Hrst of tho week. Three Big Days, Aug. 23-24-25 Live Stock Exhibit, Agricultural Display, Dandy Horse Races, Free Attractions These Agricultural Competitive Displays are a Large Factor in Encouraging Better Farming and Stock Raising. Democratic and Republican Platforms. D an D 1 ' ines esau C olorea oan Of Omaha, will give Daily and Evening Conceits Good 3 Good Singing '- i The domnoiatie state plalfoim in luipf pUil'es the paity to the follow ing piiiiLipUs- Hfduelion of governmental c.poiiFo in state and nation. Auieiulnient of the Esch-Cummins law. Opposition to tho MeUumber-Ford-ney tariff. Iiifht-hour day and collccUvo bar- gaining. Immediate passage of adjusted com pensation net aiid improvement of hos pital facilities for disabled ex-service men. Repeal of the code bill and the 1021 revenue net. (Development of irrigation In weBt t rn Nebraska. State development of water power. 1 Opposition to the- four lams held up i the referendum. -. J Repeal pf the indeterminate sent- oo law. t ijegiejauon to improve marketing ondltjons. . " KruiuoAN" pLATroaii : After boat ratulailng the national and aUte republican administrations for What good deeds they may have done the republican state platform pledged the party to the following principles: Restoration of competlon in railroad rates and return to the state "commis sions of control over intra-state rates. Prompt refunding of European debts. Maintenance, strengthening and en forcement of'prohibltory Inws. Immediate passage of the Amoiican Legion plan of adjusted compensation and better treatment for disabled sold-ierb. Immediate reiuru of all troops from tho Rhino Development of St. Lawrence water ways. National legislation to prevcntbtriUes Continued developmcutof state i oadn. Amendment of code bill as suggested by weaknesses developed in its opera tion. Development of water power resour ces by districts. Repeal of the indeterminate sent ence law. Forest conservation, Irrigation development in stato. SEE IT. ALL FOR 50 CENT: Children Under 1 2 Years Free Over 12 Years 25 Cents V jRniiiiwwMssn Note )... U5 these New Prices on Congregational Church Notes Sunday School 10 A. M Senium by Rev. Thomson. 11 A. M. Union Evening Sorvlco outside Con gregational church at 8. Lutheran Church . t ft M N July 29? 192 2rthlowwt. Bear in mind that thefte prktta . pnecs ever qvtowa on U. 3 ,ppiy CO ute mote complete Passenger Car Tires went into' Une of quality tires in the n effect Royal Cords included. These new prices should give confidence to dealers and car owners that no lower basis of quality tire prices will prevail. ut "- world. Remember, too as you read the follow ing table that U. S. quality has been posi tively maintained. SIZES 30x3 CI 30 x 3i " 31x4 " 30x3V4SS 32 x 3V4 " 31x4 " 32x4 " 33x4 " 34x4 " 32x414 " 33x414 " 34x4'4 " 35x4V4 " 36x414 " 33xS " 35x5 " 37x5 " Royal Cord $14.(15 14.65 22.95 26.45 29.15 30.05 30.85 37.70 3B.55 39.50 40.70 41.55 46.95 49.30 51.85 Nobbv TAUniC Chain Uico Plain $12.55 15.60 23.00 20.45 24.35 25.55 26.05 31.95 33.00 34.00 35.65 36.15 43.20 45.75 $11.40 13.00 21 35 16.90 39.30 41.70 $9.75 10.65 1(3.65 15.70 20.85 21.95 22.40 $9.25 Federal Exrie Tax on ihe above hat been dbwtica by the inanwjucwrcr The dealer with a full line of U. S. Tire at these new prlcei can aervc vou better than you have ever been icrveil before In the his tory of the automobile. If there ever wai any fan clcd advantage In ihopplns around for tires It disap. pcarcdonjuly29ii9ZZ. Regular sorvloos ovory first and third Sunday in tho month In tho Advontlst churoh at 11 a. in. . Kvoryuody wel come 0. Uolnlt, Fastor. In the promotion of bettor Ne braska citizenship through edu cational exhibits and wholesome rtcreullou. Lincoln, Sept. 3-8, Seek to Bribe Ghosts. A firm belief In ghosts prevails among tho Inhabitants of Central Afrlvn. If it native believes that ho Is possessed of a ghoht ho goes to his local medicine man and nsk8 him to expel It. Ono method tho medicine man Ihih of doing this Is to prepare a meal, hoping tliut tho food will tempt tho ghost to leavo the body of the man. r Copyright y U.S. lie. On. r r f r r I af-' 30x3 USCO FABRIC 1065 303VzClincKef and Straight Side Royal Cord 14S? United States Tires United States Rubber Company iaKrJm rMMAJ ttMfc:feih;Wb!fcwtM.fefcl!vlW .1 . u m ' r ' f 4 i . , X A A A f A J.5. Tires 'UU W M . A m MkWmsiJItkW JBkA milk m MiM&t - mwiml W Plisll to pllall I' V '30x3 iiill 11 tUlaS 181 f MlvM, i Where Yon oioy Ivcrson. Bladen, Nob. Blue Hill Tire CoBluo IIill.Neb., Can Buy Brick Garago.Campbell.Ncb. Cowles Garagc.Cowlos, Neb. Rose U S Trcs- mont Garae Rosomont, Neb.. Flathcrs & Lane, Riverton, Neb. - )' i i. vr; Sal FR 4 4 4 urasca dm fAM