The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 17, 1922, Image 2

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Finds Bats to
Be Malaria Cure
Erection of "Roosts" Around San
Antonio Made the Lowlands
Dr. Charles A. R. Campbell's Dlscov-
erles and Scientific Work With
Bats Intereota Naturalists
All Over World.
Los Angeles. Mnlnrln, the disease
that compotes vrlth tuberculosis nml
cancer In Its heavy toll of life, has
fouud its Nemesis since science pro
'tects nnd shelters thu bat as the nat
ural enemy of the nmlarlal mosquito.
Tho result of Dr. Charles A. It.
'Campbell's discoveries nnd scientific
work with bats nnd mosquitoes hnu In
terested naturalists all over the world.
The- first bat roost was built In San
.Antonio for tlio purpose- of ridding
the city of the pestilential malarial
For years Dr. Campbell experiment
ed on bats to discover why they were
Immune from the disease that wrought
uch havoc with human beings.
Bats Abhor Jazz.
It took n great many years for Dr.
.Campbell to be sure of the cuuso for
the difference In tho susceptibility of
tho bat and that of other mammals.
"W. D. Hornaday writes In tho Los An
geles Times. Tho great dirferenco In
the nnntomy of tho bat was found to
bo lu Us relatively much larger spleen.
lit is to tins organ that Dr. Campbell
'attributes tho ability of the bat to
.thrive on tho mosquito nnd consume
largo numbers of them without being
In his experiments with bnts Dr.
Campbell has come across several pe
culiar characteristics of tho animal.
jiFor Instance, bats abhor Jazz. A
'phonograph, a Jazz record and a small
boy stationed on the top of a hunting
lodge infested with bats so startled
tho animals In tho early morning hours
ub they returned to roost that they
illew somo two miles awny, entered an
other lodge and never returned to tho
one In which they had been living for
two years. The explanation of this is
tlmt tho ear of the bat is so delicate
that discordant or strident noises are
to them tho most Irritating of all sen
sations. Tho rcmarkablo value of bats as n
health service was demonstrated In
San Antonio when tho malaria Infected
Bwnmp region nround Lake Mitchell
where thero was abundant grazing for
cnttlo was experimented on. It lias
been said that formerly It was Im
possible to build fences around this
lnnd bordering tho lake strong enough
to hold tho cattle.
Tho myriads of mosquitoes were not
only dangerous on account of their
geniKiirrylng propensities, but their
bite was too painful even for beasts
having shoe-leather hides to endure.
Dr. Campbell erected n bat roost on
a rise In the neighborhood of the Inko
and in n year the placo was cleared of
mosquitoes nnd thousands of bats had
taken their places. Tho grazing land
Is now covered with fine, healthy cat
tle and tho farm land Is Irrigated from
(the wntcrs of the lnke. Mnlnrln Is nl
most unknown among tho people dwell
Ing in that locality.
It requires ten to fourteen dnyo for
'the miliaria parasito to develop In
Mining Gold Close to Washington
i:i,,.K-''jm9mJm": imwm&ssz lssv
Gold, real honest-to-goodiless gold, Is being mined within ten miles from
the White House, Washington. In tho deep ravine of Hull Neck n ,'",
of the old Jackson place, In .ho heart of old Virginia, John (J. Uodlne le ns
over his pan nnd slowly washes precious yellow metal from the black- sands
The property is all privately owned and In tho vicinity is land which has been
worked for tli.rty.flvo years for gold. It Is said that Senator King nnd former
Senator Lewis of Utnh are interested in this project. "u.r
tho blood of the mosquito nfter the
insect has been infected. With a myri
ad of bats Hying about each night In
search of mosquitoes ns food thero Is
little chance of a mosquito living ten
days after It Is old enough to fly
abroad nt night.
Many Bat Roosts In San Antonio.
After the success of this campaign
against mulnrln bat roosts were estab
lished In tho southwest outskirts of
San Antonio. TIiIb wub so successful
In ridding that portion of tho city of
mosquitoes that tho state erected an
olher at the Southwestern Insane
asylum In San Antonio. Another was
erected at the West Texas Military
academy In Alamo Heights. Summer
homes and farms tire now taking up
the Idea.
Some of tho bat roosts erected
under Dr. CumpbolPs supervision nre
of mammoth size. Often they rise to a
height of thirty to fifty feet and nro
fifteen to twenty feet squure. The
largest of them accommodate from
5,000,000 to 8,000,000 bats, it is esti
mated. In tho early evening as they
take their departure for the mosquito
bunting grounds they have tho up
ifoarance of n dark cloud. Huts do not
U. S. Film-Shows
Dangers to Elk
Campaign to Save Majestic Mem
ber of Deer Family From Fate
of the Buffalo.
Adequate Winter Grazing Grounds Are
Hn Absolute Necessity Winter
Snows Drive Herds Into Forests
Where Poachers Get Them.
Washington. Tlio question of
whether the elk a noble American
animal and the most majestic of the
deer family Is to follow the buffalo
Into near-extinction Is asked In film
form In n new United States Depart
ment of Agriculture motion picture,
"When Elk Come Down."
Up in the highlands of Yellowstone
National park dwell tho remaining
big herds of this animal. In the park
Where they are well protected thero
Is nn abundance of feed In tho summer
time. Hut In the winter, when the big
snows sweep down on tlio Rockies,
the elk are forced from tho mountains
nnd out of tho park, to tho lower
lovels where thero Is less snow. In
this nnnlial migration many of the elk
puss into the national forests which
entirely surround tho park. Thus
they become n sourco of concern to
tho forest service, which, In co-operation
with tho Montana stato gnmo
department, Is responsible for the now
To Protect the Elk.
The film story opens when n big
snow Is due. From n ranger station,
forest rnngers and a state ganio ward
en start out to protect the elk from
"tooth hunters." Up In tho mountains
"fclx Prong," n great bull elk, sniffs
uOWAJOA' V.ivfcwrf. ..,,.,. .,
range over n wide territory In their
foraging expeditions, It U nB8rted,
Ordlnnrlly they cannot be counted oa
to cover n radius of more than thrca
miles and often they conflno tholr
(lights to a mile or less from their
roosting place.
Maniac, Alone on Ship,
Comes From "Nowhere"
New Hcdford, Miibs. A 80
foot schooner, buttered nnd
mastlcss, was discovered ushoro
on West Island, In the outer har
bor here recently. On board
the hulk was Osmund Erlekson,
who said his address was tho
sea. When found ho was cnt
Ing a handful of grass.
Erlckson, who was suffering
from starvation, was unable to
tell where tlio vessel came from.
According to police his memory
was Impaired by tho privations
he had undergone.
The schooner, tho name of
which could not bo determined,
carried n crudely arranged mnBt
to rcplnce two thut had appar
ently been carried nwny by n
storm. This mast was about six
feet high and pieces of old
clothing had been used for sails.
The hull had been mended In
several places with bits of zinc
nnd tin.
the coming snow and starts to lead his
chin to the lower country. Snm nil
ler, n notorious poacher, also senses
tho coming of "elk weather," nnd he
and n companion leave their cabin for
the open ranges, knowing thnt the elk
will bo easy to trail nnd kill when
they are handicapped by snow and
hunger. The adventures of the thrco
elements In the triangle nro 'then
shown, up to the trailing nnd killing
of nn elk by IJlIIor and Killer's arrest
by the rangers. The story ends with
the statement that tho elk can bo
protected from poachers, but that star
vation, the animals' other dangerous
foe. can be permanently thwarted
only by the provision of ndequnto
winter grazing grounds.
The available winter range In the
national forests Is far too limited
In area to support the great bands that
migrate from the Yellowstone pnrk.
The greater part cf the winter feeding
grounds Is, nlso, not within tho nation
al forests but under private owner
ship. The solution of tho elk prob
lem, It Is said lies In the purchase
of these private lands either by tho
government or by popular sulrecrip.
Cold Photography.
"When Elk Come Down," was pho
togrnphed last February in tlio Ab
snrokn natlonnl forest, Montana. Tho
camera work was dtmo with tho ther
mometer twenty nnd thirty degrees
below zero. Thero nre mnny scenes
In which tho elk appear on tho snow
covered mountains. Good "close-ups"
of the animals were obtained by tho
use of telephoto lenses.
Tho picture, two reels In length, will
bo distributed nnd exhibited largely
through the co-operntlon of organiza
tions Interested In perpetuntlng the
elk nnd other gnmo nnlmnls. Prints
may be borrowed from tho department,
or mny be bought ot tho nionufnctur.'
ing cost y authorized Institutions.
Specimens Discovered In Arizona
Throw Light on American Llfo
In Pliocene Age.
Washington. Animal fossils throw
Ing n new light on the little-known
nnlmiii life of America in tho Pliocene
age, have been added to tho collection
of the Smithsonian Institution by the
Held explorations conducted in Arizona
In tlio pnst year, and described In a
report by tho Institution. Among tho
most Interesting specimens discovered,
the report said, aro n new species of
mastodon, a largo and small species
of camel nnd two or three species of
horses. J. W. GIdley, member of tho
Smithsonian staff, who conducted the
explorations, says the collection of fos
sils "represents practically a new fauna
of tho Pliocene age, containing nbout
GO vertebrnto species."
Dealing with the ustrophysicnl field
work of the institution, the report said
the observations of the sun now being
made at Its station on Mount .Monte
zuma, Chile, nro being tolegrnphed dal
ly to Uuenos Aires nnd "employed reg
ularly by tho Argentine weather bu
reau for weather foreenstin;; purposes."
"While the Smithsonian Institution "
tho report snld, "Is not yet In n posi
tion to champion tho use of statistics
of solar variation for weather fore
casts, tho great Interest which its
studies of solar- variability havo
aroused hero and uhrpiul seems clearly
to warrant tho continued mnlntonnnco
of Its two stations until n satisfactory
basis for a test of tho solar variability
as a weather forecasting element has
been laid."
She Parachutes 1,600 Feet.
Homo. Slgnnra Geraldlno Grey i.of
fredo iiBcended In nn airplane at the
Centocello nillltnry Hying grounds, nnd
descended over 1,000 feet In n para
chute. Sho Is tho first woman to lmvn
nchleved such n perilous rent In Ituly.
Recent Happenings in Nebraska
Given in Brief Items For
Busy Readers.
Work has begun on the new $.r00,000
high school building ut Scottsbluft.
The state editorial association will
hold Its meetings at Omaha August 31
to September 1!.
Omnlia Elks are laying plans to
erect a million dollar homo uml club
house ut that place.
A new LnFrance fire truck costing
.SlUJoO has been received by the
Kearney tiro department.
The state convention of the Ameri
can Legion auxiliary will be held ut
York September 18 to 20.
Charles Dtirlund of Norfolk was
elected president of the Northeast
Nebraska Tennis association.
Mrs. Ed Pyles of lllalr was serious
ly burned when a can of purullln
Ignited and set lire to her clothing.
The farm bureau survey shows
twice as many hogs in Custer county
us in any other county of the state.
Arrangements are being made to
welcome 1,'JCO guests at the tournament
of the Omaha gun club September
!t and -1.
York's appropriation bill for this
year has provided for .f.r.(M) for adver
tising the city and i?l,000 for music
and entertainments.
Nearly i?r0,000 was cut off Gage
county taxes by the board of supervis
ors which adopted n levy one-half mill
below that of last year.
Lindsay Is facing n winter without
coal. None of the coal dealers there
has u pound of coal in their bins and
no prospect of getting any.
Edward Woosley was spearing fish
in a lake near Omaha, and by ms
take run a three lined fork into his
foot. It hud to bo cut out.
The first crop of peaches In Pawnee
county for several years Is now being
marketed. The crop this year Is
abundant and of good quality.
The boiler house at the state Indus
trial school for glrlD at Geneva burn
ed, the origin probably being from
spontutieoui combuhtlon of coal.
Tho election held at Arapahoe for
the .'in-pose of voting bonds for jJCO.OOO
with which to build a new high school,
carried by a vote of .'(00 to US.
Teachers have been secured for
nearly all rural rchools of Gage coun
ty. The teachers of the majority of
the i:i8 schools will bo Inexperienced.
A rvllln .Tumi o......... ..i., .i.,,.,i.,,,.. .
Mr. and Mrs. Ed'nolllngskond of Com-
stock, drank a quantity of kerosene
from a bottle and died three lumrs-
Traces of oil iri a gravel pit near
Kearney have nroused the curiosity
of citizens of that place, and talk of
development Is being strongly In
dulged In.
Frank McManus, a prominent farmer
nenr Palmyra, was badly injured when
lie becamo entangled in the belt of a
gasoline engine wh'ch was being used
In furni work.
A car confiscated at York by Chief
of Police Olson and Patrolman John
Pollard was found to contain GO qunrts
of bottled In bond Canadian whisky
and Gordon gin.
Oliver Hohnholdt, a 13 year old
nioomlleld lad, was seriously hurt
when he foil from the running hoard
of nn nutomoblle upon which he had
"hopped" for a ride.
A carnival held by the happy har
vester class of the Blgsprings Metho
dist Sunday school netted .$200 for
windows of the new $30,000 church
nenrlng completion.
The proposal to issue school bonds
to the amount of 75,000 for the pur
pose of erecting a new building at
Hooper carried nt n special election
by a vote of 2:15 to 131.
George W. Spiegel, Beatrice business
mnn nnd fine horse fnncler, announces
the sale of Lady Midnight and Sylvln,
two magnificent saddle mares, to Pro
fessor Ilcdlnl, for six years riding
mnster to the King of Italy.
Mrs. Helen Linderman, nominated
on tho republican ticket for state
representative from tho Flfty-nloth
district, has announced she will be
unable to accept the nomination.
Word has been received nt Table
Rock of tho death of Charles A. Mc
Geo at his home In Kalamazoo, Mich.,
who for sixteen years was a resident
of Pawnee nnd Johnson counties.
Farmers lu Knox county nro try
ing to locate two smooth crooks who
sold them a hog "remedy" which
caused their hogs to die. The men,
they say, represented themselves to
bo working with the stnto department
of agriculture.
Fremont police clnlm thnt many
recent raids on chicken houses, lu
somo of which ns mnny as 200 chick
ens have been taken nt once, are
attributable to Omaha "professional
chicken thieves" who drive out In
trucks nt night, rob the roosts nnd
market tholr product early the next
A shotgun nccldentally discharged
as he snatched It from nn auto to
shoot a rabbit, caused Frank, I), sou
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ganger, of Strat
ton to loso his left nil.
The nnnual convention and camp
mooting of tho Nebraska conference
of tho Seventh-day Adventlsts will bo
held In Epworth park, near Lincoln,
August 17 to 27. It will bring dele
gates from Omaha, Hastings, Beatrice,
College View, Nebraska City, McCook,
Kearney, Grand Island, Falrbury, Red
Cloud, Valentine, Seward, North Platte,
Norfolk, Falls City, Columbus, and
my otlier places In the state.
The 3-yenr-old son of George IIu
waldt, a farmer living near Randolph,
was severely bitten by a dog with
which he was playing, one of the ca
nine's teeth punching through the bid's
An Inheritance tax of $12,100 was
assessed against the estate of the late
John Andrews of Fremont by County
Judge Wlntersteen. This Is one of
the largest of such taxes collected in
Dodge county.
The Nebraska state bund has been
signed by the state fair board as the
official band for the 11(22 fair at Lin
coln. For the Sunday concert tho
bund will have between forty and
fifty members.
r J. M. Crablll of near Mlnntare,
claims the wheat record for Nebraska.
He hns Just threshed twentv-five
mensured acres, the 'otal yield being
1,210 bushels or better than sixty
bushels nn ncro.
Some one raided the drug room of
the Senn hospital nt Omaha and car
ried orr fifty gallons of nlcohol. At
the price paid for the bootleg nrticle
the goods will bring the thelf nearly
a thousand dollars.
The first track and field meet of the
newly formed Midwestern association
of the amateur athletic union will be
held ut Omaha Saturday. Senteinber
2, under the auspices of the athletic
club nt that place.
Janet Mcl'herson of the Suullower
rural community was adjudged the
"best" baby of Scottsbluff county nt
the annual picnic at the state experi
ment farm In that county. Fifteen
babies wore entered.
Nearly 1,000 Nebraska guardsmen
will start on August 10 for a two
week's encampment at Plattsmoutli,
where ample necomiuodntloiiK for
target practice, bayonet training and
field maneuvers are provided.
A daughter weighing nearly seven
teen pounds was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Gilbert of Stella. The babe has
u wealth of dark hair, and Is
in every way. The parents are
normal size and not overly Inrge.
nie elaborate pageant "Coronado in
Qulvera" will be presented with u
wealth of costumes and accessories,
at Ak-Sar-lien field In Omaha, Sep
tember IS and 15). six hundred school
children will take part in the program.
Leonard Green, of Albion, was n.
most instantly killed during a baseball
game at P.radish, when a pitched ball
struck him near the heart. Young
Green crumpled to the ground nnd
died a few moments after being struck.
Many farmers in Saline county nre
marketing tholr 1021 crop of corn so
fast that the buyers are linvlng diffi
culty In handling It. All the t leva
tors nro full and cms are not boltif
!Hvwl fl,St mm to ' rM
J. F. Krueger, president of Midland
college nt Fremont, who is touring
Germany, writes to friends that he
Is astonished at the low prices pre
vailing there. Good room and board,
lie says, mny be obtained at -JO cents
a day.
Otto Krnemer, Norfolk High school
student, was drowned In a lake at
Asl.ton, Idaho, according to word re
ceived by bis parents. Krnemer's
boat upset and, after rescuing n com
panion who could not swim, he wns
taken with cramps.
Fire, the worst In the history of
Pierce, burned over a half block and
caused damage which early estimates
place at uhoutSlOO.OOO. Cause' of the
tire has not been determined. Somo
Insurance was carried but the exact
amount could not be determined.
The report of Stato Treasurer Dnn
H. Cropsey for July shows $mvi02
in the permanent school fund nnd
$70,400 lu other trust funds uninvest
ed. Most of this will be Invested in
bonds when the boar.d of educational
lands and funds finds securities for
Superintendent A. J. Stoddnrd, bend
of the Reurlce school system for five
years and past president of the Ne
braska Trnchers' association, hns re
signed to accept the superlntondcncy
of tho schools ut Bronxvllle, N. Y.,
In the New York city metropolitan
Mrs. Mary Skinner, nged 8.", living
near Lincoln, Is said to be the oldest
womnn in tlio United States actively
engaged In farming. She innnnges a
truck farm and delivers her produce
to market herself, with a horse and
wagon. Sho Is the mother of twelve
children, over forty grandchildren, and
more than forty great grandchildren,
innklng more than ninety-one descend
ants within three generations.
The corner stone of the present
stnto house Is to bo removed nnd
placed In tho wall of the new capitol
by the side of the new stone. The old
stone was lnld In 18S1. The names
of tho builders of the old building
aro carved thereon but the names of
the capitol commission will nppear
only upon ( n bronze tablet plnced
within tho new building.
Randolph's second annunl Roundup
and Frontier days' exhibition will be
staged August IS nnd II), under tlio
auspices of the Community club. Tho
riders will be brought In from South
Charles Ilonian, an Omnlia news
boy, found a ?20 bill on the streef,
and started out on a hunt for tho
owner. Ho found him n prominent
merchant of that place and was re
warded with a fine new boy scout
outfit and n five dollar bill.
Jiidson II. Smith, 03, formerly of
Fulls City, who seven years ago In
herited $.10,000 from his brother's es
tate, has been Identified ns n man who
died nt West Pnlm Beach, Florida,
a'pparently fmiu starvation. In Ills
clothing when taken to thq hospital,
iittondants found ?y,000 In cash and
Weight Incroased 39 Pounds and Nlnt
Years' Trouble Ended.
"I hardly see how I endured such
nwful suffering, nnd If It hadn't been
for Tnnlac I don't believe I would bo
here today," ,salil Mrs. Molllo Abbey,
of Jennings Lodge, Ore.
"For nine years everything I nto
caused gas to form so that It almost
drove me distracted. I didn't dare eat
nny fruit nnd for four years If I even
drank a glass of cold water I would
suffer dreadfully. No one who didn't
ceo mo can imagine the nwful condi
tion I was in.
"But Tanlnc changed nil this and
now I'm simply feeling fine: My ap
petite Is splendid. I cnt nnythlng I
want, have actually gained tlilrty-nino
pounds and have so much strength
nnd energy I easily do all my house
work. Tanlnc Is n wonderful iucdl
Tanlnc Is Fold by nil good druggists.
Young America.
"Do you remember when you were
ten nnd steered your mother to tho
toy department?"
"Yes. My little dnughter of tho
same ago now steers mo to the dia
mond depurtnient."
Important to Mothers
Exnmine carefully every bottle of
UAhTuuiA, tnut famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see that It
Rears the
Signature of
In Use for Over 'M Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Cnstoria
The Expert Accountant.
The Pride I'm In nn awful mess
here, mother. I simply can't get my
expense account to balance.
Mother It's quite simple, my denr.
Deduct the Items you can remember
from the amount you had to begin with
and call tho difference sundries. Life.
Shave With Cutlcura Soap
And double your razor efficiency ns
well ns promote skin purity, skJn com
fort nnd skin health. No mug, no
slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no Irri
tation even when shaved twice daily.
One soap for all uses shaving bathing;
and shampooing. Advertisement.
Cut the Kic3lng Short.
Hub (sampling wife's purchase)
"These oranges nre sour.
Wife That's strange! Tho grocer
told me tney were sunklssed oranges
from California.
Hub I guess- the movie censors
must hnve limited the length of tho
kiss. Roston Evening Transcript.
No "Kb", grimy streaks on tho
clothes when Red Cross Ball Rlue Is
used. Good bluing gets good results.
All grocers carry It. Advertisement.
Some Lawyers Do.
"You didn't take that divorce case?"
"No. When I asked my fair visitor
what grounds she had for seeking n
divorce from her husband she said
she'd mot nnother mnn who was a
'perfect dear. "
."Umpli !"
"I Hatter myself that I'm a pretty
fair lawyer, but I didn't see how I
could go Into court and argue a caso
like that!"
Neatly Put.
A famous Russian dancer in this
country, who Is himself n good musi
cian, was once a guest at a reception,
where, without wincing, he listened to
a pianoforte performance, moro
vigorous thnn skillful, on the part of
the daughter of the house.
"And how do you like the young
lady's playing?" somo one asked the
"Ah, madam," replied he, very tact
fully, "I think the young lndy has a
very firm trend." Exchange.
It Did.
First lawyer "Did his address to
the Jury carry conviction?" Second
ditto "It did. Ills client got five
Sure Relief
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
25$ and 75$ Packages. Everywhere
Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid
troubles are most dangerous be
cause of their insidious attacks.
Heed the first warning they give
that they need attention by taking
Tho world's standard remedy for theso
disorders will often ward off these dis
eases and strengthen the body against
further attacks. Thre6 sizes, oil druggists.
Look for the nima Gold Medal on every box
au4 accapt no Imitation
wtx AaZsJiyM.
1 rJffirfiyBUVK
&A Saell IHdlGESTIOHj)