k. -t It .i?m mi 1 ? I WW Av lute tilltorloal Hoolely v iilotolo Ziib&rxjXiLiiSg. . i.;.'-.";"--.; .T-ffi?-t'ftyKte.sX' . .-. .3a33T :J . t, iW . V- ft ?:;.. fl Hn fits ..-.... mili j:1";;;; 'TsrrcU,.fcft ?;.'.. :-J if ...-4..' ' rX -TX TSOKHHBHHligr'ik: HBiaiWW .JK. WtCW- mm l,.f J--V .;.v.i. .stpii .V-- '"-. '.-Ml 7 r ViL? ifi 3K f?T x Newspancr Hint Gives die News Flfty-tHo Weck3 Each Year For 51,50 VOLUME 00 V W RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. AUGUST 17, 1922 ww ELMrajBfHtmifgaBianimawnmLuniijtaniaMtiwi NUMBER 33. wTfaTnejgasgKuasgagtiTBa'ss'tacaaana I-'Aini Hl'llKAl' KOTKS (l!y County Afcnl, Henry 15. rausch) Holstein Defeats Red Cloud r '"-i-y r Because of the Deitor now enclosed with your Buttcrick ."Pattern, the gowns you make assume the very spirit of Paris. You actually achieve the lines of the original creation. Butterick Patterns are the foremost styles of America. Pattern &'Peltor ! provided f.ir this BUTTEHICK. DESIGN.) 1. i THE R. P. WEESNER CO. i i t.. i !:. Wcl. .i.' v.'. iii . iii will 1)3 lieul at Hliulen, AuUht 'i-- to 25th. j S...:ic of the rpc-cii. foiUurw nro Des- I'uios Colored band of Or.-.a'ia and n m;. o ni:r.-.etto will firrlMi music e,:ry day and night. Goixlan's Fire Works, Wednesday and Thursday niRhts. Ball kics every d.ty. Live Stock Judging We Inesday and Thursday. The judges are George Davis, St. Paul and K. C. Touts, West Point. They will give cprn reasons for thei plac'ngs junking it instruc tive. The IIom- Economics r.nd Educa tional exhibits wiil ho judrrod by Jnss Norma l-.u.ch. The WYbMfi" Co-ty Hereford Brced-er-i' Ar-oelathn nnd t'-o Amerlcnn II. rofo d Brrdc.s' Associut;on eo-op-e-atintr with -he Fair Asc'ation are offering SinO.OO in s))ecia' prizes on Hereford cattle. This ought to make a real Hereford show. Live Stock parade Fridiy. Admis sion to Fair is lowered to 50 cents. Children under 12 years year, over 25 cents. Pl&n to see the Fair. fj Urn . m- lt - TL' Salejof MMAMianclise i.tii' HARVEST TIME'Ts always a busy time for tke;:' housewife and one does--not -get ti.me to wash1' when needed have gone through "j the stock and' noted a few of the articles most needed. TOWELING Linen colored crash, good grade tOe White cotton crash, good grade 10c All linen crash 30c Ready-made bath towels. 18x38 26c Large size, 21x42 hemmed ends, good weight 30c Come in and let us show you these and you will sure buy. All summer weight dress goods in Voile, Dimity, Batiste, Tissues, Silk Tissues, Organdies, al 20 Per Cent Off Regular Price to clean them up. BARBARA PHARES AGENTS "Ladies Home Journal Patterns" Warner Brothers' Corsets, COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES (By County Superintendent) Wi UAftiVViV.V.V.V.V.V.VV.VV.V.V.VV.V.V-V.V.V.V.V1JVV For Those New Floors it ruce brand JrsS 3- Teachers' Institute this year wfll be August $U, 30. We anLltfpttc j- - to nave a verv oracicaiiaeun H .:f lrrt'J iriib mf ftUi letgupfrintftdeTit Oelwiik-was at apmmmer school -this yeathe found mmc.veiy apicouiu mvrK uziiik funi by a Miss Earna'rt and' advised, getting; her to give sqmething of the s&mo order here,. Iwas unable to do this but I have prevailed upon Mr. Golwick to bring as much of this to us as he can within three short days. He will come back from summer school full of his subject and anxious to share his advantages with us. Mr. Eastham of Harvard Consoli dated Schools will give a series of lectures and round table conferences that will be very, helpful. Mrs. Greves Truax of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, b one of the best in structors in the country along the line of methods, courses of study and so forth. We have had to speak two years ahead to get her and sho is well worth the extra trouble. There will bo other good things, as many as wo can pack within the short time allotcd to Teachers' Institute, such as talks, lectures from the De partment of Health and so forth. Pro grams will he sent out soon. The Bladen papers lost by the ex press company were found by the rail road. I advised that these cxamina t;ons bo taken over at the very next examination for fear that they mis'-.t not lo found. Xow that the oxami-v. tions have been taken over, the num bo s have been used up so that some of the teaclu'rs will have to buy new numbe.s if they wish thece lost grades In case thoy do not want them It is all right. The eighth grade promotion certifi cates and the high school admission certificates arc being sent out this week. Thoy are being tent out late on account of sending them to Grand Island to have tho names wiittcn in, then too, if they arc sent early many of the students misplace their high school certificates and I cannot dup licate them without extra expense. By sending both at the same time tho i Sunday afternoon tho bu!,u bull funs ; of tbis community witnessed the best g:inie of tho soivbon on tlm lociil di:i. moud at which time Ilolstetu played the homo teiun. The game wont uloven innings and was won by tho visitors by n score of 7 to 5 The visitors were ablu lo hit tho ball at critical times and thus won the game. I Cot.li tenuis pluyed an excellent gutno. The striko outs for both sides were even, ten each. Sluby, Collins mid l'iuhlor wero the battery for lied Cloud while Gaston and Hagemaini wore the battery for tho visitors. Bed Cloud and Holstein are tied for llrst plaeo in tho league, Farmers Institute Committees The Board of Directors, of the Farm ers Institute held a meeting last Tliur. lny at wliieh time the following sup. erintendi-nts of the various depart ments wero appointed: Horses Ualph Hunter, of Iimvale. Uftttlo C. B. Steward. Hogs George Amuck and Clarence Johnston. Poultry Dan'l Garber. Farm Products Qeo. HciYelbowcr. A committee consisting of the presi dent, treasurer and secretary wore ap pointed to select members of the other committees. Another meeting will be held Monday, August '28th; -at which time the committee ara to report.- ist!-f: A Few of Our 0 W Sdtltr Laid t r !?', 'J Wthe old. - .. .. .. -.. r .'-John H. Kellogjfr orie'dt the old, set .(lac of this .community, "paWed. away at his hqme porthwest of thitf ttli last Friday morning; after an illqesa ojt two years duration. The deceased1 was born in Ohio on May 23, 1854, came to "Nebraska In 1870, and settled in this community where he has resided ever tince. A wife, three children, J. H. Jr., and Miss Florence, of this city, Charles E. of Athens, Georgia, and a brother, Ed, of this city, are left to mourn his de mise. The funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon, Rev. Thompsen of Franklin, in charge. The I. O. O. F. lodge, of which he was a member, conduotcd the la9t serrlces at the grave. Two Killed in Auto Accident Every i ijj'ir jp rices Peanut Butter in Pails 1 5 and 25c Large can Pork and Beans, 2 lbs., 4 oz. - 25c Oil Sardines - 05c Mustard Sardines, 2 cans 25c Sardines in Tomato Sauce 1 5c 3 lbs. Steel Cut Coffee 1 .00 Large can Sweet Potatoes 1 5 c Velvet 2 cans for - 25c Prince Albert 2 cans for 25c Camel Cigarettes - - 1 5c Swans Down Cake Flour 35c 2-2 5c cans Baking Powder 30c Toilet Soap - - 05c sjr' , T,rry in aid look at our P and jQiLCans '! t.-Vrt . "?' S B THE F bSaiiwi v ""'r"T.,. 4 DAJCDC iUUTI&IU) i .-. i- mm THE MALONE-GELLATLY CO. ASK US 5 ,V.V1 poitago !s half of what it would be otherwise. Because certificates when they nin out requiro college hours to renew thorn and because it cancels all of tho numbers after a certificate is made out so that thoy arc no longer available, I shall not make out any certificates before I am asked to. If you have not obtained a position you should net have you- cartlficatq made out. . ' The people of this city were surprised and shooked when word came early Wednesday morning that an automo. bile accident had occurred near the county line, one mile north of Blue Hill, in which two young women, Miss Anna Hotchkhs and her sister, Mrs. Adeline Perkins, of this place were killed, and Hubert Spcnco of Hastings is in a hospital seriously injured, and Lawrenco Thiodo of Prossor, Ruby Tovorlmugh and Ernest Wlokors of Hustings, wero suffering from slight ontH mid In i. it-ps. The tragedy occurred after an evening spent at thf Adams county fair by the party of six. i'ho auto was driven by Krnest Wlekeis, of Hastings, and plun ged over an embankment on a sudden turn in tho N'obraska Federal road a bhort distance north of Blue Hill. The rond at this point makes a jog to tho west for about twenty rods and then continues n rth. This zigzag is at the bottom of a hill and is not notice able until one is near tho turn. The bodies of the unfortunate young women wero taken to the undertaking parlor in Blue Bill whero they woro prepared for burial and will bo brought here whero. funeral services will le held, The tondeiest of sympathy from the peoplo of this community goes out to tho mother and other relative in this, their doubly hour of sorrow. Grace Church Notes Tenth Sunday After Trinity Sunday School at 10 a. in. Morning Sorvlco with sermon by Hot. J. M. Bates at 11 a. m. Union eronlng service on QongreRa tloinl church lawn. i. SPECIALS A GENUINE COW HIDE LEATHER BELT WITH SILVER NICKEL INITIAL BUCKEL AT $1.00 OTHER BELTS AND BUCKLES UP TO $7.50. WASHABLE WHITE LEATHER BELTS $1.00. A FULL LINE OF "KUM-A-PART" CUFF BUTTONS, (A SNAP TO BUTTON 50c $1.00 AND $1.50. RITE-RITE THE NEW MECHANICAL PENCIL, EACH 10c. EXTRA LEADS 15c PER DOZEN. LEADS FIT PAL, EVERSHARP, AUTO. POINT, ETC. HOL-TITE SOFT COLLAR FASTENERS 50c. KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEBR. j ..FfPTV" FOURTH .Qmf lHZUlHl7tHinE THE BEST o '' ftPilPl vt lyawBWWmi,,.i... T.'l irv T f T ? 1 r r ' ' " igBnTOnHTMr iML Webster County Fair at Bladen Aug. 23-24-25