jRittt lllilorlaftl tfoolt; 32L Msflolft 6 Lfc '2.1.- b '"BISHaHBSBDKfEBLjSBlBLA BbVa .sVBBVBVBVSBaL MiJJfctlt. i- a "t . wMBMBMBBLJflBBMBMBMiBBMBMBMBBBlBfcBiCJA 2? XbbbBMBMb B Hb " Bat 3E-ybVB BbVbB BaVBCBEk. x v'ErBBiSSSKaVaVaW' VbVbVbVbVbI bbVbVbVbVbH fKVa9BBBK3CSBBBVBVaVBlB- tPfMvavaB -bbka.? MVMVHCkr TMVfl3BMBBVMVVsVlBVflBBVfe"VB bVMVs bvIgtMbbh bVMVM frBWMWMWMWMrBLBWiJBBBWMWT-r'"j" iTi . TT.- ' iBWMWMWMMBWMWMBWMWMWMWMWB&.IrBLTT'JBPBBWy avaa bVMI bwMVM TavavavHvavavar vMW x VMK.MvtvMvaEBaBvvMvr wMWMTM bVMVMVMVMV rBBESBVBBSBVMVMVMVMvfe MIPrHff mllB rami I ii lihMWBBW'liMM 111 1 1 tfri'Ml WyLtfefJJEMBBBBBBBM BVaBfe!&SBEnBBY3iBVBBBBBBBBBBBBHBEBBBC3BBE3F'"' bJ jL. "CT EffZa?jBUlBBaMBW&ii. B'mBBvJBBBVMlBVMVMVMVMHVB3BBWBVMVMVMVMVMVMVMVBVBBVKVMVMVMVMVMHS laFlaBalBBBBBBHBBBBHaBBBBBBBBHBBBSBBBaaBlBL .fllvflrVZW aHfKaBfiBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBaHBIHBirBBBHflr'atfBMB B BBBBlBfcBBBMWBBBBai3wMWIm aaaBaBaBaiBHaHaBaBaBVRB2ir!i9BBB'BSBVBWBlUBBiBaaBa ; v BUaaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBHaBaBaBaBaB aBBBBBBBB!S3iS PlJSS-T' -jPSB"BMBffcgCaBBS!wBBBfBkaBBMBBBBBBBM 2"""""" HHHjBJIHHP " ' " - jgBBBiHBSwSaBTt ,''SSPR5sSgj BBBBBHHHpJaplJ! ! W Ii ft. . &v n - X ; rkwsuer Tkat ai?ea Tke (lews fifty-tut Weeks tack Tear Br It.St M4 VOLUME 50 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. AUGUST 10. 1922 NUMBER 32. 'Defeats Blue Hill Once More s outhern Elberta PEACHES $ FOR CANNING 2.35 Per Bu Luit iiiil.v iii i eiiioH the local ball team item lu Blue llill where they p'ixyed the team nt that place. The pMne wji-' mitrrud by the untitimidua crabbing of the Bin- Hill nttery and theie ttis noi nine i 111V ojowh. Red Ciond won by n score of f . 4 which keeps them in flist mce t.i the Polly League. Collin., biuby i.u.l Pichler were the battery for Red Cloud while Jeukiiisun anil Eggleston were tho battery for Blue Hill, il-ill' HRititi proved to bo tho star on ti e' diamond. uoistem comes liere buiii.iy auu no doubt they will put a goon nunc so go out and see it. Western Peaches May Be a Little Cheaper Later On, But They, Do Not Compare In Quality With Southern Peaches. rt i he c mvoiitloii whs can I to order We Will Have Only a Limited Amount Of TheR!iyv. l Wt,,.,er after .Much v. s. . r l o r! i Z&' r 1 M H ; Ilu!l wub elecu-d e.i itrmun md Edgar bouthern reaches, bo rhoneiour Urder INow a Mcuride secretary, i w. kiou was Democrats Hold County Convention Tue-dav turniug at 10 o'ulock the Democratic dulcKittud a&eiut.ed ut the court house for the purple i f holding n county coiivetjtiou. The c iiivuutiou was call I to order THE R, P. WEESjMER CO. Sale of Needed Merchandise HARVEST TIME is always a busy time for the housewife and one does not get time to wash when needed have gone through the stock and noted a few of the articles most needed. TOWELING Linen colored crash, good grade IOC White cotton crash, good grdde 10c All linen crash 30c Ready-made bath towels, 18x38 25c Large size, 21x42 hemmed ends, good weight 30c Come in and let us. show you these and you will sure buy. Jllf-l'llt .itlii ...! 1 'Mill .rt l. "lnt?f i.iii,; wou- eieci d delegates to utiuiiu ue tiiaio cuiiteuilon: Mi-. W. A. Sherwood, EJgar Mcliride, K!i Cox, V. L, Weesucr, Cd Getiach, V. S. Hall. Ed'Klng and Mrs. F. 7T. Hopka. Alternate delegtUeS Mrs. Alf McCall, Mrs. J II. Bailey, Mrs. Geo. Pope, Mis Geo. McCall, Mrs. V. J. Merteo, P. C. liuschow, Peter erten Sr., Mr. John son. V. S. Hall was chosen as chair nmn for do legates to the state convention. THE REPUBLICANS ASSEMBLE IN COUNTY CONVENTION All summer weight dress goods in Voile, Dimity, Batiste, Tissues, Silk Tissues, Organdies, al 20 Per Cent Off Regular Price to clean them up. BARBARA PHARES AGENTS "Ladies Home Journal Patterns" Warner Brothers' Corsets, UyWVWWrWUlMV.V.VA For, Those New Floors Hi Bruce Brand . OAK - it The republican county convention met at the court house Tuesday. Delegates were in attendance from all parts of the county, included in which were nbout a dozen ladies. J. II. Crary of Guide Rock was chosen chairman and G. J. Warren, secretary. Congressman Andrews was present and gave the convention an interest ing address. Senator Rickard of Guide Rock, Dan'l Garbcr, of this city, nom inee for state representative and others gave brjef addresses which were well received. Miss Keeney, of Cowles entertained the delegates with a recitation, "What A Woman Will Do," which proved a pleasant diversion in the convention routine. The following were selected as dele gates to tho State Convention, which meets at Lincoln, August 15th: Eman uel Peters; Stanley Long; George Hoit; Charles Hunter; J. S. Gilham; George Cathor; Mrs. Frank Britten; Miss Jessio Kellogg; Ruben Douthit; R. B. Thompson and E. L. Moore. A motion instructing the County Central Committee to call tho next county convention prior to tho date for holding the next primary election was voted down. Before adjourning the following re solutions were passed: "Resolved, That we heartily en dorse the administration of President Harding and the action of congress in their work to restore the nation and tho world to a safe and "prosperous condition and pledge our best efforts to secure the election of all the repub lican candidates for office. "Resolved, That we are not in favor of tho Code bill as it exists at pres ent and insist that there bo a reduc tion of the employees about tho state house to tho lowest number consistent with duo efficiency in tho manage ment of tho interests of the state and that there bo no duplication of offi cers." Commercial Advertiser. Board of Equalization Met Tuesday The county board of equalization met Wednesday at nine o'clock; all members piesent. A certificate was on file from tho stale tax commissioner certifying that the state levy for Webster county fov 1922 is 2.3 mills. The following levies were made on actutd value of real and personal property for school and bond purposes: Dist. 1 Gen 12S. Bond 2i: Dist 2 uen. 7; Dist 55; Dist. C Gen 0, Bond 2; Dist 3 Gen. C; Dist 4 Gen 7; Dist 5 Gen 5; Dist 6 Gen 10, Bond 2; Dist 8 Gen 7; Dist 9 Gen 3; Dist 10 Gen 10; Dist 11 Gen 7; Dist 12 Gen 4; Dist 13 Gen 7; Dist 14 Gen 7; Dist 15 no levy needed; Dist 1G Gen 3; Dist 17 Gen 7; Dist 18 Gen 7; Dist 20 Gen 5; Dist 22 Gen 5; Dist 23 Gen 6; Dist 25 Gen 4; Dist 2G Gen 7; Dist 27 Gen 7; Dist 29 Gen 4; Dist 30 Gen 4; Dist 31 Gen 11; Dist 32 Gen 4; Dist 33 Gen 5; Dist 34 Gen 7; Dist 30 Gen 5; Dist 3G Gen 20 Bond 1; Dist 37 Gen G; Dist 38 Gen 4; Dist 39 Gen 7; Dist 40 Gen D; Dist 41 Gen 15, Special Building 2; Dist 42 Gen 4; Dist 43 Gen 7; Dist 45 Gen 4; Dist 40 Gen G; Dist 47 Gen 7, Spncial Building 2; Dist 48 Gen 5; Dist 49 Gen 7; Dist 50 Gen 4; Dist 51 Gen 2; Dist 52 Gen 4; Dist 53 Gen. 2; Dist 51 Gen 5; Dist 55 Gon 5; Dist 58 Gen 1; Dist 59 Gen 5 Dist GO Gen 7, Bond 2; Dist 01 Gen 5; Dist G2 Gen 5; Dist G3 Gen 3; Dist 04 Ge'cni;DistC5 Gen 4; Dist GG Gen 4; Dist G8 no levy needed; Dist 09 Gen G; Dist 70 Gen G; Dist 71 Gen 7; Dist 72 Gen 4; Dist K Gen 12, Bond 15; Dist 74 Gon 7; Dist 75 Gen 9; Dist 77 Gen 2; Dist 78 Gen 6; Dist 80 Gen 7; Dist 81 Gen 4; Dist 83 Gen 5; Dist 84 Gen 4; Dist 85 Gen G; Dist 87 Gen 7; Dist 90 Gen 7, Bond 1. Tho following county levies were made: Mills General fund including Mothers Pension 1.2 Bridge fund 1.2 Road fund 1.0 Aid to Co Arrvi. societies 0.1 SPECIALS A GENUINE COW HIDE LEATHER BELT WITH SILVfSR NICKEL INITIAL liUCKEL AT ?1.00 OTHER BELTS AND BUCKLES UP TO $7.50. WASHABLE WHITE LEATHER BELTS $1.00. A FULL LINE OF "KUM-A-PART" CUFF BUTTONS, (A SNAP TO BUTTON 50c $1.00 AND $1.50. 4 RITE-RITE THE NEW MECHANICAL PENCIL, EACH 10c. LEADS 15c PER DOZEN. LEADS FIT PAL, EVERSHARP. POINT, ETC. EXTRA AUTO HOL-TITE SOFT COLLAR FASTENERS 50c. KODAK DEALER E. H. Newhouse RED CLOUD NEDR. Total lew 3.5 Tho lew is based on a valuation of $25,800,245 as shown by 1922 ab stract. Board of equalization adjourned sine die. Commissioners Proceedings Following the session of the board of equalization, the board of county commissioners met, all members pres ent. , Tho following claims wore allowed: GENERAL FUND Judges and clerks primary election I. .. .$780.25 H. A. Stumpenhorst 39.70 T. J. Chaplin 52.75 H. H. Crowell 85.00 Grant' Shldler 120.00 C. A. Waldo 105.50 Co. Treasurer 138.82 A. O. U.,W. Bldg Assn, Cowles 5.00 Dr. R. Damorell 8.00 P. E. Maurer 3.00 Mrs. Sophie Wayman 1.00 Victor Colburn f... LOO Farmers Union 123.00 Mrs. Ed Amack G0.00 Standard Oil Co 17.54 Clara McMillan 104.86 Joo Hewitt IGb.OO 1 . FIFTY-FOURTH " J LINCOLN, SEPT.3 4-S-i BEST jN ALL LINES ARE SSEMBLED rvV miJiEFfit'ti rsai W&fl " rrT?rtVr 4. --JJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPWWBBBpiBBBB Dr. Robt. Dnmerell F. E. Maurer Dr. Robt. Ma-t'n .. A. II. Hoffman Dr. H. S. Reed Dr. J. B. Dierkcr .. E. W. Stevens Mrs. Ed. Amack . C. L. Cotting E. J. Emerton - Fly Nets Now is the time to buy fly n ets and covers of all kinds at pre-war, prices. Come in and see my line before buying. LEE WALKER Successor to J. O. Butler I THE MALONE-GELLATLY CO. : ASK US I Grace Church Notes Ninth Sunday After Trinity Sunday School at 10 n. pi. Morning Sorvlce at II a. m. Union evening service on Congrega ItiouHl church lnwn. American Disinfecting Co. C. F. Cather O. C. Tool W. H. Lutsch E. K. Simons C. H. Rudd Dr. E. D. Leiby Mrs. Mnbel Albright . Smith & McKimmoy Red Cloud Chief Celesta Eggleston . Seth Green --. . E. McBrldo 25.00 3.00 1.10 1.10 13.00 98.00 47.30 10.00 1.00 50.00 72.90 9.00 1G.00 9.00 90 00 85.1G 37.50 320.00 183.00 303.00 191.00 2.50 3.75 C. E. Vaughan Thos. A. Friend Mrs. John Williamson'" F. W. Endorf A. F. Bratton Honry R. Fausch Anna Stumpenhorst - C. A. Waldo Pope Bros University Pub Co. ... Omoha Printing Co. State Journal Co. KIopp Printing Co. K. B. Printing Co Milburn & Scott Hammond & Stephens BRIDGE FUND Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. 3.00 1.75 .25 .25 .25 210.00 G0.00 21.71 85.27 15.72 89.79 433.18 1G.90 1480.35 129.G2 182.19 Geo. Trino 34.10 J. A. Silvey Lbr Co. 554.60 Mid-State Construction Co 2174.72 P. A. Good Lbr. Co . 178.85 Bladen Lbr. Co. 106715 L. R. Columbia 32.00 Chicago Lbr. C. Rosencont j 109.00 Chicago Lbr. Co. Blue Hill 130.23 Farmers Union Elov, Co. Lawrence 21.00 669.41 1187.12 Commissioner Dist No. 3. White Hdw. Co. Wm. Sawyer Geo. Schneller . Guide Rock Hdw. Co. Commissioner Dist. No. 2 Commissioner Dist No. 2 . Commissioner Dist. No. 1 Commissioner Dist. No. 4 Road Dragging Fund Road Dragging Fund Dis.t No. 3 Dist MtNMlMHMI 291.53 22.90 18.52 32.00 17.00 35.70 500.00 559.60 677.00 1151.97 492.40 578.03 Proudfit Lbr. Co. Nebraska Culvert Co. SOLDIERS RELIEF FUND Webster County Treasurer .-... 15.60 No further business appearing tho Board adjourned to meet Sept. 12, 1922. B. F." PERRY, V x County Clerk. Exterminate the House Fly. Among tho 180 different kinds oj bacteria and other organisms taken from the bodies of house Hies by HC ferent Investigators uro lnfuntllo diar rhoea, typhoid fever, anthrax", food poisoning, amoebic dysentory, abcesses, leprosy, tapeworms, hookworms, bu bonic plague, conjunctivitis, Hum mer complaint, tuberculosis, enteritis, trochumu, eryslplens, gas gangrene, stomach worms, plinvorms and oplv thalmla.