The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 03, 1922, Image 5

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dttntfcri'peDt Sa'turday'!lttjW,
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Fred: Slaby Was in Hastings Friday
evening., .
Mrs. Frank Peterson spent Friday
in Hastings.
Jas. McBridc of Cowles was in the
city Tuesday.
Sam Thompson of Rivcrton was in
the city Monday.
Miss Mary Peterson
day in Hastings.
spent Thurs-
Cuitis Friday of Holdrege was in
the city Tuesday. i
Donald Funk was a passenger to
Guide Rock Monday morning.
J. V. Linn and Art Gilbert were
in Hastings Monday afternoon.
Roy Cramer of Republican City
spent Sunday with friends here.
W. H. Roberts of Fairbury spent
the week end here with' his family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cheek are the
parents of a baby boy bom Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eastwood are the
parents of n baby boy born Satuuday.
Mr. and Mu. E. W. Stevens were
passengers to Omaha Sauirdny morn
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Burden of
Wilcox spent Sunday here with his
Mrs. Call Jenkins of Lincoln is vis
iting her brother I. V. Cummings and
Mr. and Mrs.
Crete Tuesday
few days.
H. C. Lctson went to
morning to spend a
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gillard and daught
er of Denver nie visiting Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Gilham.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Hughes and
children spent Sunday with his par
ents vat Clay Center.
FOR SALE Oats, delivered from
the machine. Inquire of ( H. K. Bru
baker or Annie B. Spanogle.
Cbos. Lindley returned home Sat
urday morning from Wheeler, Kn
bos -where be had been working. J
Gene Bush returned to Orleans Sun-
day evening after spending the day
.,.. here with ibis parents sad friendB.
Miss Christine Caldwell spent Wed
nesday with her sister, Mrs. Chas.
Phares and family at Guide Rock.
The American Legion Post at
Smith Center, Kansaswill hold a fine
celebration commencing August 7th.
Miss Anne Ranney went to Hol
stein Tuesday morning to visit her
sister, Mrs. Harry Gilham and fam-.
y- -.,... fr"
ii "
Delaney Bros, shipped one car of
hogs and A. B. Crabill two cars of
hogs to Kansas City Sunday morn
ing. ! '
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ethcrton and
children of Grand Island are visit
inc hi smotticr and other relatives
here. jsri. -.-
v'MissGoldic McConkey returned
home Saturday evening from Blue
Hill Wheie she had been visiting
Mrs. Elizabeth Foo returned homo
from Cowles Saturday evening where
she had been visiting relatives and
friends. '"
r. - i r
Mrs. W. L. Koon was taken to Mavy
Lanning hospital at Hasltn&s last
Thursday where she will uTidergo an
operation. .. . ' ."
Miss Attifa Johnson returned homo
Saturday Evening from Kearney
whero 'slio has been nttoniling Bum
mer 'school.
Miss Blanche Popo voturtiod homo
last Wednesday after spending a few
weeks with friends 'titHlvansas City
hnd Lincoln,
Read the Adams County Fair ad
vortisment vhh& appears' ' Ih 'this
paper and make 'plans to attend ono(
day, Tho officers claim they are'
going to have one of the best fairs
In the state this tse'asoin.
Mr. and Mrs. Alt TurHefare toe
parents ol 'baby, boy-bornthis mprn.
In. '" ' '- ' 4 I
Nil" I M
M 1 1 f lft
"" ' '" ' '
James Tatiqaatv retained to I his
Jk ltl . It .It
L f n .i . i ii ' I
work at Republican City. Saturday ev-
ith bis1 family. s l
"jJ'jTlrce., trains of stock consisting of
ofte hundred and fifteen cars tmssed
thru" here Sunday enroute to St. Joe
and' Kansas City.
A .H. Carpenter has discontinued his
real estate office over Turnures
store and has removed the office furn-
itue to his home.
Miss Minnie Trmit rcturnel to Mc
Cook Sunday evening after spending
the day here with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Phil Tiaut.
Zottic A. Brouillctte, of Jewell
county, Kansas, and Anise A. Zeiglcr
of Guide Rock were granted a marr
iage license Angus 1st.
Ray Nash who had been working
at the depol during the absence of
W. L. Hincs went to Cowles Thurs
day to visit his brother.
Mrs. C. B.'Crono returned to her
home at York after spending a few
days heie at the homo of her daught
er, Mrs. Frank Peterson.
The Misses Edyth and Grace Beez-
Ipy returned home Friday evening
from Kearney where they had been
attending summer school.
Mrs. J. V. Hauck returned homo
Sunday morning from Akron, Colo
rado where she had been visiting Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Mitchell.
George Simpson and Tom Kirchncr
ictuincd home Tuesday evening from
Sclden, Kansas, where they had been
working for several weeks.
Mr. and M"S. V. R. Lippencott
drove to Ilas'ings Tuesday morning
where the latter will spend a few
days receiving medical treatment.
Sam Wright arrived in .the ci,y
Wednesday morning he being called
here by account of his mother, Mrs.
Emily Wittwcr, being very low.
The Democratic State Convention
will be held at Omaha August 15th.
Attorney H. S. Dungan of Hastings
will preside as temporary chairman.
Dr, Warrick, the specialist, will meet
eye, ear, nose and throat patients and
those needing glasses fitted at Dr. Dam-
rill's Tuesday, Aug. 8. Hoara( 8 to Q.
Mr', 'and Mrs. Frank Smitji de
parted Monday via auto foe pqints
in Illinois where they will visit) rela
tives. ,M. A Albright. is in 'charge
of the 'shoe' store 'during' their ab-
a-jaa-aa I' U
Miss Ebba Gregersen, the dperator.
at the Commercial Advertise?' ofxjce
is Bbe'ndirie thk .weeki wftih kor nati
ents at Minden. Wade Hibbsot Leb,
.! ! 1..AA J..L?M Lam
anoo is lUKing ner piucc uufuig, iiv-i
James Tanquary spont Tuesday
here loading his household effects 6Ut
for Republican City where he is work
ing for the Burlington. His family
will leave for that place where they
will reside. . . .
. Camel
For Ink!
Goes a Months
" Without a Drink
STICK the end of the mar
velous Dunn-Pon into the
ink pump it full in a jiffy
with the Little Red Pump
Handle and forget about
it for a month I
Good-hyp to tho
r Rubber Sac!"
Tt bllnn-Pen holds several
times as much ink as any
other self-filling pen
because the Dunn-Pen has
no space-consuming rubber
sac to rot or to leak.
The rotwjufo Pen wftftfto
title Xtd PunP'tteMt
-Isat leak. cloftor nood
Yind automatlca'ly cleans
itself while yo. are fillinn
it. (Guaranteed to satisfy
ana piease aapremely.
4 Simple tarts
4 Srftttdard Styles
4 Prttalar Pen-Points
vlloHars Everywhere
fin llf. II. 8.) fi
y For Sale by
aW. V
ryxK a ' rj ."', ---
ion -eaion:-oepaneabWBuayT v-
.truife wjth; a. lpac;6f JJrand Mt
Same Beaton's household, goods. for
Denyer where they, wilTmake their
home. , i . ' ,; . ' '
' v"' j ' .. . -! ' '. ,.x
Grant .Turner 'took a' load of Mr.
and Mrs. W H Roberts household
goods to Fairbury Wednesday, where
they expect to .make their future
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schultz and chil
dren returned home Inst Wednesday
evening via auto from Beaver City
where they spent a few days with her
Editor W. D. Edson returned home
the first of the week from Omaha.
His wife who underwent an operation
at n hospital there is getting along
Mrs. W. J. Linn and daughter re
turned home Monday afternoon from
Hot Springs, South Dakota where
fhey had been visiting relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shcrer of Lin
coln arrived in. this city Monday to
visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Trace
Sheier, and her mother, Mrs. Geor
gia walker.
Mrs. W. Moyer, who had been vis
iting her daughter, Mrs. Paul Mc
Dowell went to Ayr Tuesday to spend
a few days before returning to her
home at Wctmore, Kansas.
Mrs. J. A. Burden and Mis. D. B.
Burden departed Tuesday morning
for St. Joe and Kansas City where
they will purchase fall and winter
goods for their millinery store.
Mrs. M. D. Zimmo -man, of Chicago,
it representative of the Com Products
Refining Co., i? oonduc ling a free
cooking school at the Johnson and
Graham Furnitir.e Stoic thip week.
Mis IJelon Rainrs nr-ivctl here
Friday evening for a few days visit
at the home of Mr. rnd Mrs. C. J.
Pope. She is enroulo from Chicago
to her home in San Diego, California.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hincs and chil
dren returned home last Wednesday
evening from Ardmore, South Dakota
where they had been visiting her
parents Jr. and Mrs. W. E. White.
Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Quigley of,
Denver, former reisdents of this city,
are the proud parents of a baby boy
bom July 29th. The young man has
been named Michael Donald Quigley.
''totfetrtf.M t'..i
Wb& oiie conttaBUt that W$ n
tMrgy U exerted t the emi ti tott
ing the water out, of e.abip, llJoew
uhu aitonitlflns Jact that ttert
la 1 necefBrt7.a,reat:t4 ki, walati
trit-U tt bull ol .,--. A
m Untr feu la
ay MB
Em&k -tawcl. " & drlbkiu twS
trf ibi Wof'LaMMBMri Uftfcftti Mlch-ut-naii far Mxt.-ear mn th- hnil.
tXA,Mi-tHtf lMiabotft MO kM-
teatwaternfemg BtexFfor baUast. Tfct
six bollers contain, SCO tons. Tnt
tanks are situated between the donbll
bolls of the vessel, utn,,, '
A Howlsr From India.
A glimmer of light Is shown on tht
mystery of the simultaneous use of the
bathroom for local and hydropathic es
erclses by tho following, wrltfefi ibyo
student in India : "Climate has a great
difference on character. We always o
servo that If a person oTiterB h, Kof bath
room he Is always compelled to sing
and chant. Tho reason Is that heat
causes the expansion of tho human
soul as well as other bodies." Boston
Lutheran Church
r-Maa--i aaaai
N fioivlces until furtber notice
I'ftstor will be absent for three or four
Congregational Church Notes
Sanday ScRool 10 A !I
Sermon by facv. tnomson. 11 A. M.
Union fiveniriff "Service outsiile Con
Rrcg'jitlonal c'huroh at 8.
jfc'tice To Creditors
faHlto County Court, of Webstef Cfoun-
ty, Nebraska
In tho Matter of tho tista'tfc xi Ed.
ward Heaton, Deceased.
Creditors of Said Estate WiVl take No
tice, that the tlmo ltin'itc& for present
ation and niintr'o'f'clalbs acalnst said
estate in NoVeWber rfltb, 1022, and for
the paytarctafo'f'ddbto is January 22nd.
1923, lit 1 wiirsltat the county court
room ix 'Biild County on tho 25th day of
August, 1922,'to' examine, hoar and t.t
low claims duly filed which aro a first
or second 6h upon said estate, and'on
tho 23th day of November, 1922, to-cx-afnine.
liea'r. allow and adjust all claims
and objections orfgeneral creditors
Dated thifl 28th day of July, i. D.,
(Seal) A. D. RANNEY,
County Judge.
lfew Equrpmeiif For - .,
fc' ' '- ttkfeni-fl-ti.ii
i 14
-TMe Pnllm&n Cotnnany is deliver Jng
to tbe Burlington aVchicago, 42 or
U.6tcel coaches riioh represent Jhe
last word.of the car builders' artf ,
These new coaches are extra long 70
fectr-scat 84. passengers, embody jail
approved, easyrldlng features, arejes
pecially well insulated against both
cold and noise, equipped with brass
window sash (this arrangement mate
rially increasing tho vision of pasBen
gers), and have seperate wash rooms
and toilets.
A Splendid Chautauqua
Program For Red Cloud
The CliuutaiHiUtt closed their cucngc-
inont hero with a pageant given bv
tho children of Hod Cloud, followed by
the Southern Minstrels Tuesday nlcht.
Tho pngeant was given undor thodiroc-
tlou of Mrs. Don C. Rogers, nud both
she nnd tho children, descrvo much
credit for its rendition. The Southern
Minstrels gave an hours' entertain
ment that was highly appreciated as
well as tho drawings by tho "Chalk.
Talk" artist. A fairly good attend
ance was out, but not as largo as hoped
ior. AltliouRh tho attendance during
the seven days was not as Inrge as they
anticipated, tho company seemed to be
satisfied and pleased with the co-oper-atiou
and boosting spirit Bhown by tho
good pcoplo of Red Cloud and vicinity.
Tho Ernest Troy Artist Trio gave a
very pleasing entertainment on Thurs
day afternoon and a prelude in tho eve
ning, followed by Mr. and Mrs C.
Mucker Adams on "Advnuccd Ideals"
Health Demonstrations. Their work
was fascinating and easily understood
tmd proved very benellelal to tlioso
who followed their demonstrations.
Friday wnt ono of the big days of
the Chautauqua, having with ua the
Mistier Players in a miscellaneous
piograni, or slu'tch, in the afternoon,
uni In the evening pre!.entlnir "Peg
')' My Ileait' which contained many
-ityutions of inirli provoking in
'ortst nud pathos. This indeed was
i ery pleasing number.
The John Ross Heed Co., gave a very
pleasing enteitiiinmcnt Saturday, at.
ternoon and evening, consisting of both
vocal and instrumental selections,
They are indeed artists in their pro
fcsslon and each selection was greatly
enjoyed by all,
Sunday tho Harris Orchestra gave n
concert prelude In the afternoon, fol
lowed in the evening with nn entire
musical program suitable for the day,
that was a real treat and much en
joyed by a goodly number.
At Monday's session tbe Copely Op.
ratio Co.. opened the afternoon pro
gram with- a Very pleasing tuQBlcal pre
.Alude-ind-l'$bej.eBft)g gave an ex.
oellent rendition of ''Chimes ot Nor
maoda." Thla company is second to
none, and showed marked ability In
each of their song numbers. Although
it rained; and the tent leaked, those
present were so 'grossly interested in
the play they did bot mind tbe drop
of rein. u ? ;: u
Bad Cloud i assured' of a fire day
11hbm men Mil oittz-nn nf nnr tnwn1' and
community have already signed' u
guarantors. Every town should be
proud that they have a Chautauqua
sach year, thus giving its citizens good,
clean and wholesome entertainment
which otherwise they would be de
prived of,
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of Webster Coun
ty, Nebraska
In the Matter of the Estate of John
son 1). Wlsecarvcr Deceased,
Creditors of Said Estate WM take
Notice, that the timq limited for pre-
Scntatiou and ftltttfc of claims ugalnst
said estate l November 10th, 1922, and
for the fls.yment of debts is December
20, 1.MJ, that I will sit at tho county
court room in said oounty on tho llth
day of August 1022, to examine, hear
and allow all claims duly Ulcd which
are a first or secoud lien upon said
estate, and on the ll'h day of Novcuv
ber 1022, to examine, hear, allow and
adjust all claims and objections of
general Creditors duly filed.
Dated this lfltlv day of July, 1922.
County Judgo.
The Msff&In o? Safety
Is repressed by the amount of
lnsurancb you carry.
Don't 'lull yourself into a fancied
teaeause firo has never touched you
it dooBn't follow that you're immune
tomorrow -no today, if you have
time and you better And time
como to the ofiloo and we'll wrlto
a policy on your house, furniture,
store or merchandise.
Reliable Insure.rvce
Summer Suits at Very Low Prices
Palm Beach's, Gaberdine's Mohair 312 to $25.00
Children's Wash Suits 33 1-3 per cent off
Extra Special in Men's QRa Per
White Oxfords, qub Pair
Boys' Sport Waists, age from 6 to 12 years, 75c
Men's Summer Pants 20 per cent discount
Men's Dress Straw Hats ' Price
Men's Union Underwear, 65c to $1.50
White Shoe Dressing, 10c per bottle
Men's Oxfords, 20 per cent off
We ask you to conic in and take advant
age of these Bargains
W. G. Hamilton Clothing Co.
Hastings, Nebraska 3i
August IS, 16, 17, 18 J
Day and Night Show
Mew Grounds-New Biaiidings
Complete Race
Agricultural and Live Stock Exhibit
Educational Program
'' 4 .r a.
Phonclnd. 3 0,11 174.
Mis. Ed Amack
" t
THIS MAXIM from the mind of one of America's
greatest thinkers should strike home with the young
men of Red Cloud and vicinity. Our .most successful
TiUfllnnsR meivhave heeded it in their youth and are happy
for having done so. They practiced thrift without personal
inconvenience ana tne aouars inuy mua oavuu iuytu mu
foundation for their succsss.
If not already a depositor open an account today.
Edward Flounce, Pfeiident Red Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florance,
Cubital and Surplus $15,000.00
DtpoMt Quaranttid by the Depoiltort
Yes, Garber's
Is The Place!
To Buy Wall Paper, Paints,
And Electrical Supplies.
The best place for Picture
Program Daily
' Residence, Bdl 241
IND. 32M
"Save young man and become respect
able and respected. It's the surest
guaranty fund of tht State of.Vriraila
Dr.R. V. Nicholson
Red Cloud
I Red Cloud-
"V'. . -v itvtyu' , ,