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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1922)
w BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i w .i 4& :j V & AS TOLD TO US ' Harry Deidrich spent Tuesday in Hastings. ' ' j1 Frank Gaston was downirom Hast ing SMftsd -u Superior, will have',' A Pageant on Aufcust 23. and 24 th.'7' " I .. , - Chester Sheeley' spent Sunday with relatives at Hastings. Chas. Roddon was down from Blue Hill Tuesday morning. B. H, Shaw was a passenger to Su perior Monday morning. Clnyton Rannoy of Blue Hill in the city Monday evening. Attorney A. M. Walters of Hill was in tho city Tuesday. was Blue What has become of this camping ground for tourists? city's G. H. Cave has taken the third trick operator position at the depot. Will trade Case tractors 10-18 for good team. WORTH SHIP JI AN. Irving Harpham returned home the last of the week from Kansas where he had been working during the harvest. Mrs. Anna Holpomb returned to Denver Wednesday cporning after, spending a ,few .weeks, "with friends here. . ' '"' ' Mr. and Mrs. Wn Aultz and child ren of Riverdale spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Peterson and other relatives. Mrs. Earnest Newhouse returned home Tuesday evening from Guide Rock where she had been visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oglevie and chil dren departed Tuesday via automo bile for Colorado where they will en joy an outing. W. S. Deal relumed to his home at Alliance Monday moning after spending a few days hero attending to business matters. Mss. Hcib Ludlow went to Guide Rock Monday morning to spend the day with her daughter, Mrs. Paul Newhouse and family. Mrs. Adaline Perkins was a passen ger to Hastings Monday morning. Miss Julia Warren was a passen ger to Hastings Saturday morning. Engineer Fred Nelson of Oxford spent Sunday with his family here. Mrs. Nellie Barton was a passen ger to Beaver City Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pope of Hast ings spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Bye Shepherdson were down from Riverton Thursday even ing. Lebanon will hold their anniver sary (ceJebratiorikon August 24, 25 and 26th.'" "" " , ' '' Rev. and Mrs. T. R. Green departed Thursday morning for Galena, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Schultz of Kenesaw spent SSunday with relatives here. " ' "' Miss Gertrude Wiggins went to Nelson Friday morning to visit relatives. Miss My.ra Cook is in the city visit ing her father, Dr. Henry Cook, and friends. Miss, Margaret Piatt of Hastings has been spending the past few days visiting at the C. J. and Ed Piatt homes and with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schultz and chil dren left Sunday morning via auto for Beaver City where they will spend a few days with his sister. A sample line of the new filet crochet sweaters or slip overs on dis play for one week only from 3.75 to 7.50. Barbara Phares. 26-2t Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hewitt spent Wed nBsdny in Hustings. Attorney llert Miller, of Franklin, was in the city Wednesday Bruce Robinson, of Superior, was the city Wednesday erening. In Mrs. Zella Breaky and "'daughter Leona of Red Cloud, Nebr., are visit ing at the Ellsworth Adams and Mrs. Buchanan home. Lebanon Times. Mrs. Adaline Perkins and the Miss es Ruth'Ovcring and .Goldie Parker returned home Thursday evening from Grand Island whee they spent a few days with friends. I Mr. and Ms. C. M. Sherwood and childi en returned homo Monday even ing from Applcton Wisconsin, where they had been vistiing her sister, Mr.-. It. S. Mitchell and family. Mrs. Allen Blacklcdge, who had been visiting her parent , Mr. and Mr'. A. D.'Ranney, and friends, de parted Tue-day morning for Dor chester to visit relatives and friends. Leo McArthuv wmt to Oberlin, Kansas, Friday morning where he has accepted a position with the Unit ed Telephone Co. Owing to sickness lie returned home Wednesday morning. Mrs. Sid Longton and children dc paitod Thursday morning for Kansas City where they will spend a couple of weeks with relatives before i-c-turning to their homo at Great Falls, Montana. Judge Blackledge and son, Hobert, returned home the last of the weelt from "Wyoming where they had been enjoying a fishing expedition. The" Misses Neva and Esther 'Baker wnt tcf'tluide Rock Tuesday morning to soend the day with their sister, Mrs. Paul Newhouse and family. i ,tt n' ' ' S. F. Grant departed Sunday 'morn ing for Cheyenne where he will at tend the Frontier Days celebration and spend a few weeks visiting: The Misses Edith Beckwith and Mary Christian returned home Sat urday evening from Hastings where they spent a few days with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Montgomery and Mrs. Chet .Sheeley spent Sunday at Crystal lake. i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holstein sp nt Sunday parents hen Gilham of with their -"V..,.il... Mrs. Lee ohnson went to Beatrice Monday mor ling to spend a few days with relative j. , i. . ' Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Butler spent Sunday wtih their son Meredith and wife at Hastings. f Mrs. W. Moyer and daughter, Nellie, Lnmborn of Wetmore, Kansas, arriv ed in the city Saturday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. Paul McDowell. Tho remains of Mrs. Armstrong, who died at Peats, Colorado, were brought to this city Tuesday morning and were taken to Bladen by Under taker Merten, where funeral services were held. o C. A. McCloud, chairman of; the Republican" State Central committee has issued a' call for a state conven tion to be held at Lincoln, AuguBt 15th. Webster county is entitled to eleven; delegates. , . v... r The"' following shipped stocks from here Sunday morning, Yosti &iRob- insorf one car of cattle to Kansas. City; A. B. Crabll one fcar Of hogs b St. Joe. .and .Delaney'1 Bros., one' car" of hogs' to Kansas City, 7 J ' ." Father Flanagan's Boys of OmrihH',' who are touring 'the state "giving shows for the benefit of this home, were in the city Sunday and pu$ on a program that evening at the Audi torium. The boys did very good and a large, crowd was present. Unexpec aWewUSCO- Better,Heavier,Lon0er' 30x3'-$IO30 NoTax added on SaleMw 'Wearing SCO set the .high value mark for 30 x 3V2 tires when it originated the $10.90 price last Fall. USCO today betters that mark with a new and greater USCO an USCO improved in many important ways. For instance, a thicker tread with a surer hold on the road thicker side walls; adding strength and lite to the tire. And the price is $10.90 with the tax absorbed by the manufacturer. Men have always looked to USCO for the biggest tire money's worth on the market. i They always get a bigger tire money's worth than they expect. The Hew& , Better USCO 1092 2M taas 5 I WM RSI CopTrltliC 1911 U.S.TIrcCo. m iL Qxi JK -- , Akt, WtfSHv :cm35. ml nrasir&a rcrc cVo United States Tires United States Rubber Company m?t!X2L'ttr SSSZi tear '. Where You Can Buy ,17, 5. Tires: Oleyllverson, Bladen, Neb. Blue Hill Tire CoBlue Hill.Neb., Brick Garage.Campbell.Neb. Cowles Garage.Cowles, Neb. Rose mon't Garage, Rogemont, Neb., Flathers &Lane, Riverton, Neb. .u'. !. ;.-V-ic -;l rrpn ' ! 'ii' ih si Mr. and Mrs, John Edwards and family who have been residing at Rivertqn for, several months, have moved, into the Len Aultz property. One hundred and eight cars of stock including that loaded at this point; w.?nt out fi nere Sunday morn ing'enroute to the Missouri river mar kets.. 4m-..j..iiii:JU1i.jIM""-1 Gollmar Bros. Circus was here last Thursday and a large crowd attend ed both performances. The circus was very good and the people were all pleased. -----ll-,,,.1. The I. 0. 0. F. lodge has put up a new electric light sign in front of their lodge room. Rev. & Hardman went to Bloom ington Saturday evening where he held services Sunday. Ernest Newhouse spent Sunday with his brother, Paul Newhouse and family at Guide Rock. - - - -f . Wednesday afternoon the Franklin and Red Clpud ball teams played agood game at the Starke diamond, .at which time the visitors won by a score of 4 to 2. , Hou'ts aad Frazier wcr the battery for Franklin, while Slaby and Picbler were the battery for the home team. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Pasco and baby departed Tuesday for Stockton, Cali fornia, where he has accepted a posi tion as operator for the Southern, Pacific railroad, . - . . ,t&' " Deputy State Sheriff, O. D. Hedge antf Marshal' Doyle arrested Frank O'fJeil' and "Clarence Dillon for being intoxicated 'Thursday evening. The former wis fined $110 for being drunk and having liquor in his pos session, while the latter was assessed $10 for being drunk, both paying their fine. , , S- :i 4. tl A dance- y bo given for tho bene fit of the local strikers at the pavil ion next Tuesday evening. FOR SAtE Oats, delivered from tho machine. Inquire of II. K. Bru balrcr or Annie B. Spanoglo. Mrs. Dovothy Wilson went .o Lin coin Wednesday morning to v'ait her- sister, Mrs. D. D. Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vaughan i.ntl childi en of Guide Roqk attended- the circus here Thursday evening. C. A. Bouino spent Sunday with his family at Hastings, returning to his work here Monday morning. Mr. nnd Mv,s. Nato Piatt returned to Hastings Monday morning after spending Sunday with relatives here. Bernard Roubal departed Monday evening for Mitchell where ho will yisit.his sister,' Mrs." Goos iwti family. " N.J. Scldefc,1Kjuu, feadlbWrl PhillipsMreturned home from f iFMWyl?e Hnr durWff- igtftt' karvJt! WANTED By The C. B. & Q. R. R. Mechanics and Helpers for permanent positions Machinists, boilermakcr, bla cksmiths, sheet metal and elec trical workets, 70c per hour; Helpers for these crafts, 47c per hour; Passenger car repairers and inspectors, 70c per hour; Freight car repairers and in spctors, G3c per hour: To replace men on strike against decision of the United States Railroad Labor Board. Special attention, given to training young men with or without experience in mechan ical work. The trouble in. America Is that we are too apt lr look at flro prevention nnd die protection from tho standpoint of another arui not from our own Indi vidual hazard Too often many of us think that our home, business or prop erty is lire safe that tiro will visit the other fellow but not usj when in fact we arc maintaining and allowing to exist dally just as great, if not greater than tho man who experiences tho flre, which practice wijl sooner or later, bring trouble. Let's all waUo tip and tnlcean inventory of our conditions and remove 'those Hlcely to cause fire. Transportation, lodging, free. - Calhor,; ' - t board1- and 'I"?0". MASTER MECHANIC. mi m. Notice to Creditors FARMERS' UNION Annual Picnic Cowles, Nebraska Friday, Aug. 4, 1922 HEAR 0 MR. BARRETT NATIONAL PRESIDENT FARMERS' UNION J.C. OSBORN - STATE PRESIDENT FARMERS' UNION GOOD PROGRAM CONSISTING OF MUSIC - READINGS - SPORTS Iu the County Court of Webster Coun ty, Nebraska In tho Mutter of tho listatu of ,Mui. son 15. WUecarvcr DBOoHsed. Creditors of Satd Kstata will take. Notice. tliHt tho tlma limited for p -' seututlon and illlnif of claims ug- 4, sum osHiie is xsovomuer lUth, Is) rorilie payment ot douts h D 20, 1022, that I will bit at t) court room In said coutfty duy of August 1022, to and allow nil claims d nro a lirst or seuon estate, nnd on tho ' . - I ft.t -,.. adjusl all da' "6- licM nu.ow n,'a cu """ .,n,,oMi r,it JIB antt -objections. 0n Dated th 'JB'""ly lod si:al Wfti day of July, 1022. '"a, n. ranev, " County Judge M- COME IN THE MORNING-BRING jli LB. WAGONER . Fres. JOHN M. mnZ!T?-?--- "" "" "" i KYAW, Secy. A nnd rtemher e county 'A tho 11th "(iminc. hoar jTy Uled which A lion Bpon said bor l')22. to Pvnrr ''" "aV ul u." irl0.rfBNicWsi5 DENTIST Yes, Garfoer's Is The Place! I i i -ill Nebraska To Buy Wall Paper. Paints, And Electrical Supplies. The betfl place for Picture Framir.g. ATrtitiiil Church Notes Dr.WMMcBride oKNTimr nj. r f JT "WPP ! r 1i a. M' . 1 l Vi:i'i&i2LLtWl i3 ' ! I " 'OVER 8TATB BAW. ,W'. ; .i.'o?WW.ww;, iv,. .-irti V t...,' ,'i . i - t'.-..-Ti -i.1. I tmitt liiiiicc ulnvl I HIE JlUU(lEu nnii I Cleaners-Dyert-Tailort II mwmmwm W r & I T A S I taffem'it JollllSi'll ILll-Ulll ff'l' till ll'- 'i.mkki ,mt( pent mm ji'H". ....... 1. i'a ntll wrltiujih he ri't'olypq Kirinll mnuunts. pOUMOJJOU BU.U UOIUJXOD 03UI4.TUBT aip ononis jo spnop puu suJBdsJ Su .&) jo ;tiouiunduioDou oin oj puu 'poa un lpantp on oauoj uu wivm. in oju ou jo oju imn POJJUj??? PI4(1 0All oadsoja otn 'poiumip Sunnoil 'aojUAi qjjAi BDnmo ou, 3ui3ai'op uoraoag jo imau uuais n puti pzuiqu aujpunq pq pmioj iotn uwniia oin B POAJUH fyflU iBpiaq tn traaju. 'PUBiSng xr WtyH lawM o Baoiq iiqqoW( tomia ui miuvcd q n iiv 9on3iim ni 1 r mm'' 9 5 PmTmKamA:U,rtmVhm4' " ncrw. a