The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 13, 1922, Image 5

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iiiuwaatt nt.gjiCTi!iYiiaMwaiWMUituiiJ)iii'''w''"''laiiM'J'awjiMuwiMiii
jMiiwiiiii iiiiiriMTMj'iurmijiijijjiiiwwia-rM'iJuJf'BJXiiJtu;jMrxticria.,c.T
'I If
j m js k m a? x x x x a x ss Tw0 sod PIaccs t0 cat(
K M I and Towell's Cafe.
1 J l. ft lJ La U . U H lV ---,
. ,
tit homo
I. W. IM on epent Friday In
Mrs. Jas Cathr pnt Friday
MIm tella Pstker pnb-' Friday
in Guide Rock.
Next Thuraday' will be eirmi3 W
in Re! ClO'N
M J. E. Morj of Rivevton was
in f .- '-.'v ThurmL-.
o. t:
Us -y returnee ' 01110 TV
1 m f -om St. Jf
ricCiay wa dc v f om Ina-
'nr-day afteroojn.
?lt . Goo'j," S11.0' ci' went to Ei
e.-ton Tuosi iu 'cenlntf to xisl. her
dauffhte", M' F.ed Talor and t.m-
Don Fulton, who ia a mail clerk
out of Lincoln, has been visiting hia
ajsttr, Mi Earl Hall th past few
Mrs. John Marshall and daugh'or;
of McCook arrived here Tuesday
morning; to visit Mr. and Mis. N. B.
Bash. '
( . IiJsniV vas ft pr larger to
McCf 1; V c'nesday mor.ang.
, f ,i jvrJc was a passenger to
G'll': "''c Friday morning.
J!n. J. L. Po bo ad era,
Glad tend Mario of Otnnha nrri-ed
in tho city Mondy evminir to visit
W. IT. Norr'. returned lio"ie Fn-
daj rooming Kansas Cn Vh "
ho had been attending to. s- me lu i-
ness matter',
C Clerk B. F. re ty vas
Blue uU Wcdncdny afternoon
A. B. Ciablll lcUirned homo Tues
day morning from Kansas City.
T. W. Crary and soiv of. Guide Rock
were in the city Fr'day afternoon.
Mi'b. John Hokomb of Denvr is
here visitlnj? for a few days with
friend and attending to some fcus'-
n matters.
Mi?. Sid Longion and children of
Grfat Falls Montana, have been hero
the past few days visiting hei moth
er Mrs. Earner, ,
Fred Ilcndcr&on returned home
from Topcka the lat of the week.
Judge Blacklcdgo and son, Hobort,
arc enjoying an outing in Wyoming.
Mrs. Ernest Newhousc was a pas
senger to Superior Friday morning.
Mrs. Mose Carmony and children of
McCook spent Tuesday with Mrs. C.
C. Cox.
Russell Summers returned to Hast
ings Wednesday morning after ppend-
mg a few days hero with h mo'.iicr,
Mrs. May Summers.
czr '
J. W. Graves, an experienced
printer, of Auburn arrived in the city
Sunday evening and has accepted a
position in this office.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Nolan have moved
into the Ross property on North Web
ster street.
Next Tuesday is primary election
Don't forget to vote for your favorite
Mr. and Mrs. Monroo Meinte went
to Blue Hill Saturday afternoon to
spend Sunday there with his father
and with other relatives.
Glen Fry, who has been working
at Table Rock, arrived in the city
Monday evening to visit his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fry.
Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards of Riv
crton spent Sunday afternoon with'
friends in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bailey went to
Superior Monday morning for a short
visit 'with relatives.
Lester Yost went to McCook last,
Thursday where he intends to go to
work as fireman for the Burlington
working out of that place.
Fred Gund went to Cowles Satur
day morning after spending a short
time visiting with relatives and at
tending to business matters.
Mrs. Robert Pope and baby of
Denver are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Js.y
Pope and other relatives.
Rev. J. M. Bates and Rev. S. Hard
man were passengers to Hastings
Monday morning on train 4.
Roy Rust returned home Sunday
morning on train 1G from Denver,
Colorado, where he has been for the
past week visiting with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bailey of Omaha
who had been visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bailey, went to
Superior Monday to visit relatives
D. C. Henderson returned home the
first of the week after spending a
month's outing in the west.
Miss Grace Davis went to Cowles
Monday morning on train 4 for a few
days visit there with friends.
Ray Sutton reijurncd to Akron, Colo
ratio. Friday morning after spending
a few days here with his family.
Tho Misses Helen Robinson and
Virginia Auld returned home Mon-
day evening from Blue Hill where
they spent a few days with friends.
1 -i
Local circus apjiO itcs which lurfll
been whetted to a concert ritch, Will
be mo 0 thru yu ha lhuriday,
July 2), .iien tha O.ltma Bros, (tit
cus 8t?ams into tov.n on its' tw-lttUe
train and bvild its grrat city of
Briefly summed up, h-iv are lac
important feature of probably the
greatest organization in tne woim to
far as amusement arc concerned: A
gleat parade, newly-built and over
flowing with the world') .strongest
attractions, to bo given at 11 o'clock
in tho foicnoon; a complete zoologi
cal garden; a new spectacle to begin
tho program and a Eupropean bill of
entirely new acts. '
Some of the more important artists
who have not been seen in America
aro the Howard sisters, who do an
acrobatic act while balancing on roll
ing globes; Gilmoro Fry, who exhib
its a troupe of wonderfully trained
ponies, dogs, and monkeys; tho Mat
lock troupe of acrobats, famous in
EuroDe: the threo Fishers and their
trained dogs and monkeys; the De-
Mott's, who perform a remarKaDie
nembatic act on the backs of horses;
Frank Kelso, with trained bears, d.ogs
and anteater; Watson sisters, who are
rnouned in Europe; Les Jardys and
the Pacheco family of acrobats; ,the
Minales family of trapcz performers;
and the celebrated and famous, Mor
ales Family in most wonderful feats
on the wire and in the air.
There 'is creat variety to the, per
formance. The various acts havcecn
picked from the great arenas of tho
old world with a view to giving- tno
American public the greatest of the
recent foreign novelties. With an en
tirclv new enuipment, the circus will
present more than its former brilliant
All show day a branch ticket sale
will bo in progress at the Palace B, ak-
ery where reserved seats and admis
sions will be sold at the same prices
charged on tho show grounds.
Mrs. G. Hummel and Miss Stella
Ducker were passengers to Blue Hill
Saturday morning on train No. 4 '
Nominate and elect Hoff
melster of Imperial to Con-
dress and vou know you will
be represented there, a dv
Miss May Huffcr depaitcd Thurs
day evening for Loveland, Colorado,
where she will spend a few weeks at
tho homo of her brother, Earl Huffcr.
D. L. Williams of Oklahoma City,
who had been visiting friends here,
went to Wymore Tuesday morning.
Report of the Condition
Bank of Ina vale
of InaValc Charter No. 79& In the State
0? Nebraska at tne Close 01 Business
June 30, 1922.
Loans mid Discounts 8110,41.01
Overdrafts 2,147.80
Uonds, sccurltlcs.Judgmcnts, claims
etc., Including all government
bonds M".29
Hanking house, iurnlturo & llsturcs 3,021.00
3 ' ''
A. B. Crabill and O. E. Ramey
went to Kansas City Sunday in charge
of the stock shipped from this point.
' To the Public: I have been a work
er on The Lincoln Journal 35 of its 65
years and have been an owner during
25 years. Having now acquired a
controlling interest in the paper, I am
if possibler more than ever anxious to
have it reach several thousand new
homes. Tho Journar has been build
ing an enviable reputation tot Inde
pendence, truthfulness and thorough
ness' during these many years. I
have it figured out that the quickest
way to get The Journal into your mail
box is to make a cut price, and have
'decided to slash the rate to only ONE
DOLLAR to Jan. 1. 1923, or with the
big Sunday Journal to only ?1.25. You
may have your choice of morning or
evening, cither one giving you a com
plete Z4 hour service. Of course on
most rural routes and in many towns
toe lionUntrltfaper will give you later
sewsv, Tim.-; Sunday Journal prints
One hundred and twenty-two cars
including that loaded here went
through Sunday enroute to the Mis
souri river markets. They were hand
led in three trains.
Current expenses, taxes and Inter
est tiaid-...... -
Duo from national and stato
banks 528,088.81
Curroncy 1,000.00
Gold coin .-- "0.00
Silver, nickels and cents 703.12 30,423.93
... 9 1G2,U41.02
True Republican!
To t ft" . -
Capital stock paid In 1 10,000.00
Surplus fund w,
Undivided proOts o,tw.
Individual deposits subject
In phnnk U3.77S.74
Tlrao certificates of deposit 07,307.83 130,961 JM
Dills payable .-. :...... bfxoxo
Depositor'! guaranty tund.. .. 1.1BQ.82
. . r . .
'. 1 f-F. Bryan's trwe caixfe-ano Benea 01 ,-
articles oy w wn-i uib-ib j-
J' 1. . A-Vtl.. Mii
Tkw.. - n tun notevenjnmea wat t ji
--...,... .. -r--wTVKr.-fifvSiifl1i w,.i . W. .a lCUPT
mm ,4ju (a mhmsjsajJi:. 'v wMMjm
-. . - ifiJMLirii'wjWfyin.i "-TTSKr-",i iftfifi
ALBERT tWrrf .
rountv of Wabster " "
I, O. R. McCrary Cashier ot tho above nam
ed bank do hereby swear that the above
statement is a correct and true copy 01, tne
report mado to the State Banking .Board.
. Cashier.
Attest: "
Charles Hunter, Director.
Alfred McCall, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
UthTday of July 1922.
Fred Maurer
(Seal); Notary Publio.
Ohas. Llndler. who want to Wilson.
vllle, Kas., last week writes that wage
.are 900a ana ne is getting 94 per day.
Mnf.tL F. Enestrum. aired 7ft vamr.
2 months! indll.davB. nansxl awAWiafc
lefthfnenJa('c!rty, Sunday nr
"8 wr au,)juwi'caq,iVJ- Bovpnn, wm
r. Farmer, Laborer, Busines Men
And Ex-Service Men
Zoro Hour Has Arrived
Vote For
Progressive--DomGcratic Candidate for Congress
at the Primary,
Will you give your 3upport to him? Xou1 light
will be his
Mammae w-jit: srtswjwiroiiitiacaiaa... . .,
1A- k-li. t. t. ",
rgrsgfSBWpSKri t
rti . . - . ., . .
m j! 00gtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmtmmmfamamm rajiiawi mrmmmmmmmmmmmimmmBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm0emmmmmmm
iaa aaa a SB-arv m- aa aar nnw a Kjsmmvtt
My 26, to August 1,
T 1 r .
A Foretaste of the Program
JHaaaaannL M!.! '
"The L qc.
re S7KS TH flCCU
ULrap 7ft c nes op
John Ro3s Reed
Grand Oporu Huritono w
"Swcot Singer of iBraol"
Asaistod by Paulino Mooro
Rood, Contralto
Milo Neuenscbwnndcr
Swiss Fianlat
Hon. W. I. Nolan
Speaker or tho Minnesota
Houao ol Representatives
'Wo, tho I'ooplo"
Southern Minstrels
Malo Octette Combined Pro
gram. A big "Joy day"
Dr. H. B. Hulbert
Envoy Extraordinary
of the Emperor ot Korea
Hear tho troth about ,Korea
Howard QmirjUtt
OokA Her4. Dlraater
aformerty wlOt at. Pal Sym
v&oay Oiitfc tia. Qital x-
onsic mors)
Tvy A TtW
Battfc SMaimA bmI,
ByaeUl teifum tm&4mmmatw
Hk. ttllm C; iiik lajsia
IkH yaVSSin
" HHtliii-iH
For the Balance of the Program See Next Week's Issue of this Paper
i -.,)7vfrl1 Sv-W -Jf -, -
duration. She is survived-hv lien.
rMFChiifc F. . Bomtmai ,, and.; Jan J
rm ' r r wt -
:tti W)l
""adttim w- .M
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In i1iaiwjr K&vlV
:,i.?i ,tt. 'ni
--' iaMaiitfrtH M.aM'T.'.a ... .. i,
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Whjm vm i
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"TTWC tMi'-p
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