Ji RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF (WtWMUHUW Will H l. I H I ' "'' ' ""' MRWM3723TlFTffKlOTCnWt tatg?pCTrviJifut'M.-jrgari?xgraHguiwiartrei!tt oagmmMHM iwh i- i ra4 r, r m-- tUc i1w,l. .fell' 'A uujiu,i.ji.-iijii" '"I ' ii iiriiiirn iiiniiriiinrmnrTTmrii rn """''" "' GENERAL CONTRACTOR Wc do building from the excavating to the painting complete. We will figure your jobs to furnish all mater ials, or otherwise, to suit our customers. We do FRAME BRICK and STUCCO work, Let us show you the differ ence between good and inferior stucco. We build screen doors and window gcreeiM and do carpenter work of all kinds. Let us havo your order for screen doors and window screens now. GRANT CHRISTY b Mi'liMW'iWWlHWWMWlWMWWMMWMWMM''WW R TV"' Greater Than Riches A good healthy bofly is more to he desired than ; all the wealth' vt the world. Good health assures a cloar mind, inspires energy, am bit on and working efficiency. ' , , . ' The Food We Eat Is Important The careful housewife will secure only the Highest grade groceriesand foodstuffs' to safeguard w the health of the family. v, Our Goods Are The Highest Quality l .' Selected to give our. patrons the best goods obtainable a.t prices as low as it is possible to . make them. : This Store Will Help You '- In the practice of consistent economy and givo you full value for over dollar you spend here. P. A. Wullbrandt Groceries and Queensware t&A r If it's worth printing at all it's worth printing well! Nothing gives a business concern a "Cheap John" appearance as quickly as the use of poorly done printing. A concern is judged by the appearance of their place of business and by the class of correspondence and the kind of advertising matter used. Since the success of any business institution depends upon the impression made upon the public the necessity of using only the very best printing is obvious. It costs as much to do a job poorly as to do it right We are prepared to handle high grade commercial printing of all kinds and enjoy doing work for those who are particular about their printing and want it right. The Red Cloud Chief FHE RED: CLOUD CHIEF Had ClaOtl, N'obrnskK v i'UBLISBKD KVr.RV THtfrfBDAl lH'llllil III ill II ! hi HI IIWIWW Sntured In tho PoFtofl rv. at tu.O Ctovjl.Keb At nocond CImi Matter - -' in A. B,WcARTHUJt,.JMitor and Owner Advertsing Rates . Foreign, pr column Inch 15c Local, " : " OSlX '. ... I -s; 6mfort, j&conomy Efficiency WM ; y Political Announcements - For Sheriff .' '. ' l hereby atmuonce roy-lf h oaai- date, for Hie nomination fur Sharif! of T clutter County, otfth Primary,: 'July 1 3982, stit.Jcot to tlio will of Q& Re pubHoati voter 61 VYebtr county. ' J hereby annomta myself Ma?frntU" date? for thejiomimitiou tor 'i$MMflfof Webstar Couaty subject to the-Will of the voters cf the DumocraLio PHy at the Primary election, July 18, 1W." , XAWREXCB OHUl I hereby announce myself as eiciand dote lot tfcetiomiOAtlon for Sheriff t WetoMeOoUnty, ot the Primary, 'jjuly 18, 1023, subject to tho will of the' Re publican 0tcrs of Webster jCoulity, n. r. PHiiLirs. Mr. nnd, M:t. J. B. $llt.on v.'orc paah$.xW! 'to Guide Erfck Punchy merninjr to . spond the flay with i frloncla,' 'w tirnlng.t.cme at eveiiiiHf on .&, 17. ,.;. ' I I Mi liM - Walter Pops teturftetf hom Jaet Wednesday venlnfe fvon Wcntnfin, Kansas, 'where he underwent art opera tloA for appeftdicitis and tf nr.ich im ip:xvcd jnrheftitii. I hereby annoonuu myself as aMntll date for re-election to the ofllco of County Slieriff of Websier county, sub ject to the will of the llcmberatio vot er, at the primary election, July 1H, 1SI22. FRANK IUfPFISIi. I hereby unuounce mysolf nsa candi date for tho nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to tho will of tho Republican voters at tho Primary, July 18, 1922. FRED HEDGE. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subjeot to tho will of the Democratic voters of Wobstor coun ty at the Primary, July 18th. E. A. (BERT)'KING. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to the"will of the Republican voters ot Webster coun ty at the Primary, July 18. ; ' OMER CROWELL, Guide Bock. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination for Sheriff of Webster County subject to the 'will of the Repnblican voters of Webster county at the Primary, July 18th. ROY RUST. For County Clerk I hereby announce myself as a candi date, for tho nomination for County Cleric of Webster County, at tho pri mary, July 18, 1022, subject to tho will of .tho voters of the Democrat party. II. F. PERKY. I hereby announce myself as a candi date, for the nomination for County Clerk of Webster County, at tho pri mary, July 18, 1922, subject to tho will of the voters of the Republican party. ELMER K. SIMONS. :-en that beautiful "Hand Loom" writing' pnpor Ht Cutting-''. I I . Mf. and Mrs. Lw Holltnsee of Wr. raorta.revlsitluK.Mr, sftrl Mrs. J. R, Beta and. other friends, ' 4nTQTZ3C7TSXXSm9?CntA3IIrWmKBfl KKSJUlSMlWfXXllThSSB, Grant Turnsr and Darrel Btirdcu weui to Kansas City Wlneday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Oarbar of Kelloftg, Idaho are vlsltiox bU brother Dan tiarber and family. - mi - - -lir 1 1 I 111 111 Mr.' and Mrs. Frtr-fc Hughes and children natcd to Ha lings Si.tnday rnomirf to spor.d th .d.y wirh har parent, Mr. and M.3 ir.Uey and wrth friend. Mr and Mrs. -H. !. Gell6tly and children returned hom Friday momr 2ng on train 15 from IndiftnaRolis, Indiana, where they have . bcenN for the past two weaka visiting with h'a parents. Mrs. J. W. Linn and daujrhle", Miss Nan, and Mrs. E. J. Johnson went to Hot Sprigs, South Dakota, Tuesday morning to spend a few weeks with relatives and friends. W. D. Edson returned home Friday evening on train 11 from Omaha where he went about a week ago with Mrs. Edson, tho latter going' there for medical treatment in one of the hospitals in that city. Mr. .and Mrs. Allen Oummings and baby returned to their home at Hast ings Saturday morning after spend ing the past few days here visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Cummings. Engineer Pettis arrived here Friday morning to take the Hastings-Red Cloud passenger run. Engineer Harry ' Grubb'" who has been on this run for the past several months takes the Red Cloud-Oxford turn. One carload of mixed hogs and cat tle, one carload of cattle both for the St. Joe market and three rars of cat tle and four cars of hogs for Kansas City made up the stock shipments from here Sunday morning. J u L I uF H LliLi .m HMIMSJBBgSMaBB'WEMJSSBWtlSBMSWSa ' ' I A r '-,.' I, . '''. Wilson Bros,, , .& Geo. P. Ides Silk and Fibre Dress Shirts v $2.75 to. $3.75 , Kttppenhefeer, Bloch's and Cloth, Craft Suits at 20, 25, 33 Per Cent Discount '.... ; . Fur and Bress Straw Hats at Big Discount Palm Beach Suits $8, $10, , 11,85, ,$14,85 $16.85- The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co, ALWAYS RELIABLE For County Treasurer I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the nomination for County Treasurer of Webster County subject to tho will of tho voters of tho Repub lican party at tho Primary election, July 18, 1022. MRS. HAZEL POWELL. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for tho nomination of County Treasurer of Wobster County subject to the voters of the Democratic ticket at tho Primary olection, July 18th. ' BERT DUCKER. Service Rendered by Bees. While the bees of this country gath er something llko $75,000,000 worth of honey In a single year, they do a larger scrvlco for munkind in that they enable the fruit-grower to pro duce from live to ten tlinesfttlmt value in more and better fruit. In order to raise young bees the older bees gather what is known as pollen from tho flowers. In the net Qf gathering It they scatter the pollen from one flower to another, thus bringing about what Is known ns polllnlzatlon, so nec essary to perfect fruitage. While the bee, of course, has no regard for its human owner, yet in tho very act of serving Itself when It carries pollen Into tho hive to feed its young, it makes more and better fruit. Weesner's flawest Specials Gallon Peaches, full pack, standard quality 65c " Brook-Dale, very fine 75c " Punch Brand, the best packed LOO Apricots, Oak Glen, standard quality 75c " Punch Brand, nice large halves, very solid, not mushy, fine for pie or sauce 1.00 Pears, Nancy Hanks, whole spiced 95c Cherries, Royal Annes, very fine 1.35 Blackberries, Puyallup brand, solid pack, very little water, the best you can buy 1.00 Pineapple, F. F. 0. G. Sliced, extra fine 1.25 " Bakers grated, nice for pies 1.00 Apples, Puyallup brand, Western pack 80c Buy Gallon Goods at these Prices its Economy The . P. Weesne Gompany RED CLOUD, NEBR. U it M tt M tt tt tt 'HSK"- . J Ot ' II i i ft .1H -)5IKJEaHBiEaLI If if nOMFORTfor it meahsa' cool kitchenrtT j , ayuwMjr u t wnaica nu iuci.w IOU DUrn). ierosebe oil only "whVoycJii.hMd itil Efficiency-! -x fc,f lorenc fijl ;Stove is easy fd'rqnickJ5lf.j4c 'TlfTK3t& operaUpn and evacy,Jiitpt heat isciicen&td "f 4$w vMmikejQQoms Conve in mxAUi tttrwdcmcn ...,. , l u. I - a -; - fdUSfMMir I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the)nominatton for County Treasurer of Webster County subject to the will of the voters of the Repub lican ticket at the Primary election July 18th. " MRS. CLARA B. WALKER. I hereby announce myself as a candi date' for the nomination for County Treasurer of Webster County subject to tbe will of the voters of the Repub lican party at' the Primary, July 18. CHAS.C. BENNETT, Cowles, Nebr. I bereby announce myself as a candi date for the ofllce of County Treasurer of Webster County, subject to the will or tne Kepuonoan rotera at tne pri mary election, July 18, 1032. P. & PRITTON, Bine Hill, Nebr. I bereby announce mvself as a candi date for County Treasurer subject to the will of tbe voters of the Democrat ticket at tbe Primary July 18, 1022. MABEL DAY ALBRIGHT. - 'thereby announce myself as a candi. date, fori the nomination for County Treasurer of Webster' County, at tbe primary, July 18th, subject to the will of the voters pf the Democrat party. C. a RAKESTRAW. Bladen, Neb. UWWWSWAV.VV.VVV.V.V.V.V.V.".V.V.V.VAV.V.V For Those New Floors h Patrol System for Roads. The federal government requires the several states to maintain federal aid roads after ,they havo been built, writes Charles l'ierce Burton in Har per's' Magazine. This is leading in evitably to a general adoption by tho states of the patrol system of main tenance, which has been brought to great pttfection in France. The patrol system Is Intensified maintenance. A section" of from five to tea miles la allotted to one roan, Who constantly watcbee for defect and repairs a break at once, Instead' of waiting (or the entire roeriltoVto to nieces before doing UDyu wiUch vj until recently, was tbe AnMoa;piari.:M eternal vigilance is the price of other things besides liberty. Why Wrtt7 At recent meeting of A Loudon tttcrary club an author gave. an adV dreaa on the subject, 'Why Writer Lest anyone should' accuse1 him . ot adopting any pose of, literary Phari saism, be frankly treated' us Umcd antoblegrapblcaUy and f or this purpoie ejt out arithmetically, his motives (a) when be drat began to write, and (b) at tbe present day. -Jo the first case the total was made ud of 60 per cent ambition, 2S per cent vanltytv20 per Qffit tbe urge to anr'lrllving and QV per cent eomeining to say. in.uw g Bruce Brand -, OAK - i THE MALONE GELL ATLY CO. i ASK US : Fly Nets Now, is the time to buy fly n etsnnd covers of all inds at pre-war prices. Come in and see my line before buying. XEE WALKER 'K-'V cj.w Successor to J. 0.vButler ri'trli vt M;i vW foil Q. W. Trines Hardware Fir CtHty;t8iMrlitcaieat hi' hereby asjounci layself as icandl a4t4 foir'n(Hnfcatidn6r Ctranty Bup- erinUndent otilScifoolr on fk Mote PflimstitlcU.tVteVPrimiVyelectton iti imaav v 4 Jay l8th- wi bugmxr. u Mf.m ,j ) m iinn.i ?yta: a . WM WW 'nr Ibt WTMIca olOounW BonaiiB. Undent ot Seboohi.-tt WebAUr'eoniF on we noB.rouuoM tienet, suuectto tkewiUotttMToUr at tke Priarir July 18,1 W. MUlrJlH OHWSTIAp ncond case ambldoo bad'euaappeared anfl tbe' proDconibia eMMgedta 5Q e cent wrnl: SlvduT 25r . '. '" .- 7', WjfJBWji eersB iaiesi,S5-ps'l -aUed tfeii Kr MM , IHMHti . fijmtwm wSS BWJ jUki JsattSswT aBsaSJOel t pm a wBOm MM! ! I. W. EDSON Democratic Candidate for State . Representative. '- OistricT:. "".tr&itor.. EoiSiy's Suff .d Loiilt3i,M:' To lK.d I MWW SttlBo.. a c'wf'eWiu ol thote retaiaed; 'LtA091 mullkyIimi0mmilPfrlmt yfarujtpotit tv& Kalmmry & f if ) " f3 v i . "i T V X! J '!