RED CLOUD.- NEBRASKA. OHIEF V 1 ' I Bureau Big Aid to Ex-Soldiers IGovernment Is Finding Places for Disabled Men Who Havo Been in School. JILL VOCATIONS REPRESENTED (Moro Than 100,000 Aro In Tralnlnfl Now, nnd Ultimately 318,000 Will Havo Been Rehabilitated Find Job to Fit Man. Washington, D. O. A new kind of employment uffency la being opened toy the government. Alost ofllces of the port start out In business with u list (of ullurlng positions and Invite Jobless men to apply far them. Th govern ment is beginning ut tbo other end. It ,1ms a group of wall trained men on Its Binnds nnd Its employment igency will 'try to fit them Into tho Jobs which lire no doubt avalluble About the coun try, but which nru just nw singularly elusive. Tho now agency Is In the veterans' bureau, nnd 1U efforts are to be put forth In behalf of the disabled war veterans who nro being .rehabilitated under tho direction of tho bureau. Although It Is moro than three years slnco the war ended, the pealc of rehabilitation has not been reached, largely because, so many of the vet erans hnvo been taking three and four yehr courses. , To date 10.-185 men havo completed their training and aro employed. Moro than 100,000 are In training now, and ultimately U18.000 will havo been re habilitated. Many of the disabled men have not bsgun training. They nro not yet physically able, their cases ,aro pending, or for aomu other reason training has been deferred. Tho new agency, which calls Itself by the mouth-filling tltlo of the Trnlnce-Eiiiployment Section of the Jtehnbllltntlon division of tho Vet erans' bureau, has just begun Its task. Jt hns men of practically every voca tion on Its hands, from dentists nnd (farmers to stenographers and shoe makers. i Tho employment section has begun to establish contracts with organiza tions that nro In touch with all angles 'of tho Job market. Where Men Are Needed. Employment experts of tho Veterans' bureau nro making n study of tho pro fessions nnd trades to determine which nro crowded. A partial survey Indi cates that training hns been provided in tho past In some vocations which nro badly overcrowded, while other lines In which trained personnel Is needed have been overlooked. In fu turo tho bureau will consider supply 'and demand In starting Its dllsnbled ,mcn on new work. A number of doctors arc on tho list of rehabilitated men, and these, at least, should havo no dllllcuUy In es tablishing connections, slnco smnll .towns nil over the country have been calling for doctors. Considering tho need for fanners, It Is nlso encouruglng to learn that .15,000 veterans are Btudylng somo ;phasc of agriculture. Some of them havo already found positions which they will enter on graduation. A num ber nro going to teach agricultural sub jects In high kschools and colleges. One man Is going to South America as salesman of agricultural Implements. The students of farming uro being urged to buy land and start In busi ness fof themselves, nnd many ore planning to do so. Tho men who havo een studying trades uro placed In union shops for practical experience. When they nro nblo. to do a full duy's work they ,nro considered rehabilitated and given po sitions. A mnn learning a trade or business Is rehabilitated when ho has n posi tion, nnd the government's responsi bility townrd him ends. It is moro difficult to say when an artist Is re habilitated. Is he n full-fledged artist when ho pnlnts his first promising pic .turo or when ho makes his first sale? France Honors Captain Guynemer President Polncaro speaking nt tho recent unveiling In tho Pantheon, Paris, of a memorial plaquq to Cnptnin Guynemer, famous aviation hero of luiti.wur. . Hf- All of the men whom the government has undertaken to havo trained were unable to return to their old positions on a competlttvo basis with other men. Right Men for tho Jobo. Tho bureau is trying to Impress on tho public tho fact that It need not hesitate to employ tho rehabilitated men. The government Is not sending out any one-legged purl: gardeners. A man who was so hadly Injured about the face that ho is at u disadvantage In meeting people Is not trained to ho n traveling salesman. On (ho other hand, the loss of n leg does not af fect the work of n draftsman and a disfigured face Is not a handicap to u stock breeder. The employment section Is distinctly proud of tho fact that so many of tho bureau's trainees havo n greater earn ing capacity now than they luid In their pre-wnr occupations. A typical case is that of a man who had been u landscape gardener on n largo es tate, lie lost ono nrm, nnd la now an auditor In tho government servlco at $l,i200 more a year thnn he was earning before tho wnr. Tho Veterans' bureau soys thnt it Is starting Its employment services with men of flno caliber. A report hns Just como from tho University of Floridu stating that the nvcrago scholarship In Its law department Is 8.ri.ft per cent for trainees of tho Veterans' bureau, while other students nveruged 79 per cent. -Frederick J, Haskin In Chicago Dally News. Bowlder Keeps Old Feud Alive Burial Lot in Durham, N. H., Has the Only Spite Monument in Existence. DISPUTE OVER WILL IS CAUSE Brother and Slater Disagree Over What Constitutes a "Suitable Mon ument" Courts Finally Called Upon to Settle Matter. , Durham, N. II. Splto fences nro not unusual, and there Is tho tradition of cutting off the noso to spite tho face, but what Is probably tho only spite monument in existence stands In tho llttlo burial lot of the Joy family nt Packer's Falls In tills town. Tho out como of years of family disagree ments and controversies, a rough stone, bearing u quotation from the will of Sarah E. (Joy) Griffiths and erected us a reproach to her memory by her brother, Samuel Joy, still stands today In tho little burial lot which has been owned by the Joy fam ily slnco 17S0, and the reusonfor Its existence Is almost forgotten. A hand chiseled on tho rough stone, which Is of nutlvo New Hampshire granite nnd about 4 by 5 In dimensions, points to tho handsome marble mouu ment' towering 15 feet above tho ground and hearing tho namo of David F. and Sarah 13. Griffiths. Beside tho hand is tho Inscription In largo capi tals: "A Suitable Monument and Fit Up tho Lot." It was tho manner In which this provision In the will of his sister, Sarah, was carried out that angered Samuel and caused him to take such n novel means of perpetu ating tho memory of u fancied In justice. ' Left Strange Will. Tho story begins with tho marriage of Sarah 13. Joy to David F. Griffiths on February 11, 1840. There wero two children from the marriage, both of whom died In In fancy, und David nlso died at tho ago of thirty-six years and was burled In ':2jpSttdnUMmMMCKttllHIK .rjaWwJ., . yiJrzKt3Mn ... ... ., . -".:; VICTIM OF CHILD LABOR Tills llttlo girl is kept at her task of stringing labels, pay for which Is ono cent nn hour. A thorough investiga tion of tho child labor conditions In Ithodo Island has resulted In startling disclosures of tho hardships, long hours nnd small pay that moro thnn flvo thousand children havo been sub jected, to by manufacturers of cheap Jewelry, small wares, hosiery mid un derwear. - tho lot of tho Griffiths family In Dur ham. It Is net clear whether there was any Ill-feeling between Saruh und her husband, tut nfter his death sho moved to Manchester, and In her will sho requested thnt she bo burled In tho Joy family lot and not with her husband. Snrnh survived her husband by 32 years, dying In 1887. She left nn es tate of about 5-1,000 nnd n will. Ilor Immediate belrs wero Nancy S. Fesler, her slBter, nnd Samuel, her brother. Apparently Nancy was not avaricious, but tho $4,000 would have been of moro gratification to Samuel had It not been for tho will. Tho stumbling block In tho will was tho provision thnt a suitable monument ho erected to tho memory of Snrah and tho burial lot fitted up. Nancy nnd Samuel, the administrators, differed ns to how tills provision should be con strued; Nancy insisting that nn Im posing monument he erected, whllo Samuel held that a "suttnhlo monu ment" meant merely n simpjo head stone such as hnd been erected nt the graves of other members of the Joy family burled In tho lot. Nancy, however, wns firm for the "suitable monument," nnd Insisted thnt her sister deserved a moro Imposing commemoration than u mere head stone. After this controversy over the suit nbloncss of the monument lind gone on for somo time, Snmuel beenmo bitter. Deciding It wns time to let the world know the folly of his sister, Snrah, In leaving such n will, ho erected about her grave, which was still without a stone, n board fence on which ho pnlntcd the words, "A ?:i,000 Grave." Taken Into Court Up to .this point the nephews of Dn vld F. Griffiths, Kdward and Arloch, hnd taken no part in the quarrel, feel ing that tho affairs of their uncle's wifo did not concern them. Iiut nt this overt net, Arloch decided that It was time for him to tako a hand In tho proceedings, and ono dark night ho removed the fence with Its sarcastic legend nnd 1011; the grave onco moro bare. Samuel was not to bo thwarted In his purpose, however, and his next move was to put up a small stono hear ing tho words, "I Am n Socialist." What became of tho stono remains a mystery, llowuver, the boh of Nancy Fesler had taken sides with his mother nnd with the Griffiths brothers and Its disappearance is credited to him. Three or four years had now passed since Sarah's death and the terms of her will hud not yet been carried out. It wns u hopeless deadlock, and after many fruitless conferences between Nancy and Samuel, the case was tlnal ly taken to court. George W. Sanborn of Kingston was appointed to execute the will, which he did without delay. Ills action must havo given grut Men tion to Nancy, for ho caused to ho erected a huge monument costing ?:i, fiOO, and spent tho remainder of tho money on fence to surround tho lot. Samuel, defeated on nil sides, was still determined on rovengc. Deprived of any participation lu tho estate of his sister nnd seeing his opponents victorious lu the end, he hired a stono cutter to ciirvo the hand nnd tho words from tho will on tho block of graulto mid set It up In tho burial lot about 20 feet from tho murblo shaft over which thero hud been such bitter feel lug. Cardboard. If tho wind rattles bedroom win dows at night, small bits of cardboard' stuck Into tho sides will stop tho noise. 0 T7v BBSS SIKRtMFart'xtJJMffd XZiWAiM NEWS OF STATE TERSELY TOLD ftecont Happenings in Nebraska Given in Brief Items For Busy Readers. Work has begun on Grand Island's big sewer system Improvement. One hundred and tlfty women arc members of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce. II. T. Hansen linn mnrketed 1,000 quarts of strawberries from u quartor aero tract near Fremont. The Trniis-Mlsslsslppi Golf Associa tion will hold Its tournament at Omaha during the week of July 10. Packing houses ut Omaha are work ing over time In order to keep up with tho Increased demand for meats. Ira Wells of AIvo wns lined $100 and costs 'for slaying a robin red breast, contrary to the game law. Chinch bugs have appeared in many Gage county corn fields, nccordlng to reports to tho county agricultural agent. An over-supply of nlcohol In patent medicines being sold recently led to the arrest of George Smith, a druggist of Shelton. Farmers of the Rlnlr neighborhood liave Joined forces to light grass, hoppers which aro doing damage in some grain fields. Fifteen hundred carrier pigeons le longing to 24 homing clubs wero re leased nt Norfolk Saturday morning for a noo-mlle race to Chicago. Fire damaged tho lunch counter, dining room nnd kitchen In tho Union Pacific depot at North Platte. Loss is estimated at 50,000, covered by In surance. The proposition of voting $10,000 to build nddltionnl school room for the overcrowded condition of schools at Superior, was carried by a majority of nine votes. Heat records for tho past twenty years were broken at Norfolk Friday, when the mercury rose to 1011. The heat wns so terrlllc that farmers stop ped plowing corn. The city council nt Plnttsmouth hns passed 1 mill levy for an amusement fund to be used In financing n Kerlcs of open-nlr concerts to be given by tho local' Elks band. The state legislature will be peti tioned at Its next session to change the state boxing nnd wrestling law to nllow amateur boxers mid wrestlers to compete for n championship. Among tho 500 college men attcinl-. lng tho Reserve Officer's Training camp nt Fort SnollIng, Minn., nro fifty-four from the University of Ne braska and sixteen from Crclghton university. While excavotlng for n new bridge near Blair, a workman found n pair of antlers twenty-two feet under ground. A section of vertebrae which indicated the deer did not belong to nny present-day species, also was found. Dorothy Grlffln, 10 year Nebraska City, girl, was badly scalded about the shoulders and one side when she went to place some kindling In the kitchen rango nnd knocked a kettle of boiling water off tho top of the stove over her body. Premature ripening of winter wheat caused by high temperatures nnd drouth has shrunkSn part of tho Ne braska winter wheat crop, nccordlng to A. 13. Anderson, who hns Just re turned from nn Inspection trip through out tho wheat Uplt. Tho number of litters of spring pigs In Nebraska ls20.5 per cent grentcr and the number of pigs saved 21 per cent greater thnn last t-prlng nccord lng to the results of the pig survey nnnounced by A. E. Anderson, Ne braska agriculture statistician. Ninety-eight boys nnd girls, repre sentatives of 15 Pig clubs In Custer county, held their first conference last week. There are 10 clubs In the county. Prof. L. R. Frlshce of tho State Agricultural college, who has chnrgo of all the club work In the state, gnve a tulk. Washington county goes on record as an area In Nebraska which is prac tically free from tuberculosis nmong cattle. This was brought about ns the result of a definite Intensive cam. palgn of tuberculin testing nil tho cattle of the county, thereby locating the Infected herds and the diseased cnttlo. Mrs. Anna Knrre, sixty-seven, was found dead under peculiar circum stances In the basement of her home nt Hastings. Dentil wns caused by burn ing and 'liar clothing was almost en tirely destroyed. Sho had been can ning cherries In the kitchen above but no traco of flro was found ex cept whoro she lay. The state and federal employment burenu has Issued a call for 500 harv est hands. Mannger flecker says that work for that number can be found Immediately. The bureau serves a territory within a radius of 75 mllos of Lincoln. PIckeroll will hold a npoplnl elect ion for the purpose of 'voting on a $10,000 bond proposition to cover the cost of constructing an electric light Hue. Norfolk business men donated their time nnd work and constructed n new outdoor swimming pool ut the country club nt that place. The Community club at Strntton has leased a small grove ut the edge of town nnd equipped it for tourist camp. ' Mrs. A. McCnnn of Falls City re ceived n fractured hip when sho fell while getting out of an auto. The Kndlcott Stnte bunk, recently purchased from the College View bunk, hns closed Its doors by request of its hoard of directors. Kben K. Long, .", oldest Nebraska Mason nnd one of thu early settlors of Omaha, is dead at the Nebraska Mnsonlc home nt Plnttsmouth. County commissioners of Douglas mumy have let contracts for paving nearly 38 miles of county roads lead ing out of Omnia. Tho cost will be $1,087,088. Frank Itlffer, Ulnlr poultrynmn, gathered an average of twenty-threo eggs from ench of his hens during May and cleared $700 on them In the mouth. Arbor 1idge, the large estate near Nebraska City of the late .1. Sterling Morton, founder of Arbor day, may b offered to Nebraska fo state pcrlc purposes. Ernest Ilumm of Pawneo City, a graduate of Tarklo college of Tarklo, Mo., has been elected nthletle coach nt Plllsbury Military academy at Owu tonna, Minn. Terrific rain and hall storm, snld to have been the most violent ever experienced In that vicinity, caused a heavy damage to crops and property around Holdrege last week. Fines aggregating approximately $75,000 have been assessed fur smug glers of Sheridan rounty who pleaded guilty before County Judge D. R. Dorr at Rushvlllo during the past threa weeks. A county-wide holiday July 27, the date of the big Madison county farm bureau picnic which more than 00,000 people are expected to attend, Is be ing planned by the people nt Battle Creek. One und one-half Inches of rain, ac companied by high winds and de structive hall created considerable damage In the neighborhood of Fre mdnt. Grain nnd" fruits were badly wrecked. Domlnick Manoll, a 10 year old student of Omtihn, attained the high est scholarship standard during tho IiiBt school year, having taken six subjects and getting perfect records In all of them. Goldle Joy Zimmerman, n graduato of the Bridgeport high school this yetir, Is to be awarded a medal for perfect attendance during her entlro student career of thirteen years in the schools at Bridgeport. One man was killed and nine per sons were injured when u motor bus, said to have contained fourteen peo ple, skidded off the road and rolled down nn embankment nbout twenty five feet high near Lincoln. , Fred Schncfer, employed on the De Conley farm near ScottsblufT, was in stantly killed when struck by a holt of lightning. Ho had started from the field where he wns working to the farm house when the bolt fell. Mrs. .7. Tcnney wns fatally burned and her three children, nil small, ere In n serious condition at a hospital at North Platte as a result of burnings suffered, when gasoline exploded in the tent In which they were living. The cornerstone of Lincoln county's new $200,000 court house was laid last week at North Platte with Im pressive ceremony under direction of the local Odd Fellows lodge. All bus iness houses closed for the occasion. The state supremo court has Issued n writ of mandamus commnndlng State Auditor Marsh to register $50,000 worth of refunding bonds Issued by the town of Teknmnh, which he had refused because not convinced of their legality.. .A large bam on the state Industrial school grounds nt Kearney was struck by lightning nnd completely destroyed, with contents, by the flro which fol lowed. Much grain nnd buy. was stored in the building, but no live stock wns housed thero at the time. Life on tho Nebraska ranges fifty years ago will be reproduced at tho Platte rlvor round-up at Sutherland In August, when pioneers of Lincoln county nnd all this section will have their first reunion. Forty Indians of the old warrior type will take part in the show, staging a realistic attack on nn old stage coach, tho first ono operated by Weils-Fargo. July 1 has been set npnrt os national membership day for tho vVmerlenn Legion, and ex-service men ellglblo for membership are urged in n state ment Issued by Wlllinm Ritchie, Jr.,' commander for Nebrnskn, to Join. Two thousand persons attended tho dedication exercises for Platte conn, ty's new $.150,000 court house last Sunday. Governor S..R. McKolvie was the principal speaker. Fifty children took pnrt In tho gnmes when Miss Fay Hlnks, director, gnve the first supervised play ground program at Falls City. Enveloped In flames when gnollno overflowed from the tank over his over heated motorcycle whllo It was being filled, Georgo Dolnlnger of St. Paul saved himself from possiblu fatul In Jury by rolling in the grass nearby. A drop in taxes of approximately $1.50 per for Lancaster county was announced Monday morning by the board of county commissioners for the next levy. Tho reduct'on will a mount, In total, to nt least $1,250,000. A strip of country forty miles long and four miles wlilo from Star to Copenhagen Is practically desolate fol lowing tho record-breaking hall storm which prevailed In that neighborhood last week. Thousands of chickens are dead, fruit orchards damaged, and crops hnmmercd Into tho ground, ne cessitating a lot of roplantlng. The Rev. John Pulublckl, pastor of St. Peter's church nt Stanton, who won tho popular numu of "Father John" during tho world war, has an nounced his appointment nnd accept ance by Archbishop Harty as director of St. James qrphauuge ,at Benson, SUCCEEDS WHERE FAIL Lydia E. Pinkham'o Vegetable Com pound Often Docs That. Read Mrs. Miner's Testimony Churubu3co, N. Y. "I was under tho doctor'o caro for over flvo years for backacho and had no relief from Ins medi cine Ono day a neighbor told mo about your Vegeta ble Compound and I took it. It helped mo so mur.h that I wish to adviso nil women to try LydiaE. Pink hanra Vocotablo Compound for fc malo troubles and backache. It is a Wnu I rtvnr rnmn fn thin nninf nr-ilr. i - want to bo without tho Vegetablo Com pound. I givo you permission to publish this letter oo that all women can take my advice." Mrs. Fred Miner. Box 102, Churubuseo, N. Y. It'a tho samo Btory over again. Women Buffer from ailments for years. They try doctoro and different medi cines, but feel no hotter. Finally they takoLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable) Compound and you can eeo its value ia tho caso of Mrs. Miner. That'3 tho truth of thomatter. If yoa nro suffering from any of tho troubles women have, you ought to try this med icine. It can bo taken in safety by young or old, as it contains no harmful drugs. Women Made Young Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body full of youth and health may bo yours if you will keep your system in order by regularly taking COLD MEDAL Tho world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles, tho enemies of lifo and looks. In use sine 1696. All druggists, three sizes. Look for the nima Gold Modal on erery bos and accept no imitation An Interruption. "Iln's that fellow gone?" asked tho editor of tho Chlggersvllle Clarion, as ho poked his bend through the back door of his sanctum. "Yes, sir," replied the ofllce boy. "De hung nround n while, knocked over u couple of paste pots and then left." "It's n good thing I saw him coming in time to get out. I fenr he mount violence. I'll now finish writing that editorial I was working on, declnrlng thnt whnt this country needs Is a mllitnnt press with tho courage of Its convictions." The Superlative. "Drought 1" exclaimed tho old timer, "You folks don't know 1iat drought is. Why, In the early '70s my corn mado 18 acres to the bushel I" New York Sun. Tho common friend of an engr.ged couple has a hnrd row to line. Weak and Miserable? Aro you dull, tired nnd nchy-both-ered with a bad back? Do you lack ambition; suffer headaches and dizzi nessfeel "all worn out"? Likely your kidneys nro to blame. Lameness, sharp, stabbing pains, backache and annoying urinary disorders nro all symptoms of weakened kidneys. Don't wait for more serious trouble. Get back your health and keep it! Use Doan'8 Kidney Pillt. Thousands of folks tell their merit. Ask your neighbor I A Nebraska Case Mrs. E. O'Connor, Valley St, Lexing ton, N e b r says: -aiy iuunoys were in I terrlbln rnnrlltlnn T 1 suffered from nnln In my back and across my kidneys. I had to hold my hnnds on my back. The doe tor Ravo me sovoral medicines but I got worse. A friend ad vised Doan's Kidney Pills so I used thorn. Tknnn'a n..nll..ll.. ifto cured me." """". 4'""1 '""" Get Doan' at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN'S "pTAV FOSTER.MILDURN CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y. Skiii Eruptions Arc Usualty Duo to Constipation When you are constipat ed, there is not enough lubricant produced by your system to keep tho food wnsto soft. Doctors prescribe Nujol because its action is so close to this natural lubricant. Nujol is a lubricant not a medicino or laxative so cannot gripe. Try it today. DOCTOR I I llllllllllllllllll BOSSES ill. & i lllnK'T" A i I groat help In carrying a child, as I havo noticed a difference when I didn't takfl it- I thnnlf ttnll fnr iliia miitMnn nvA f9 SK Yftt-aFC jfvtc9K9 T U 4 i - , A